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Lot No Description Est.
States and Territories: Western Australia
1857/59 6d grey black Hillman litho. 2 used examples cut square with at least 2 clear margins on each. SG 19 Cat. £550 each (2)
Sold $150
1860 2d pale orange. Mint & F/U examples. 4 margins some close. 15 bar 16 of York on used. Both copies superb with rich colour. SG 24 Cat. £190 (2)
Sold $100
1860 2d orange-vermilion swan with 4 close margins. Watermark sideways left & reversed. Not recorded in SG, Juhl or WA Study Group Journals. Unattr…
Sold $50
1860 2d orange-vermilion. Superb mint 4 margin copy plus a good used 3 margin example. SG 25 Cat. £190 (2)
Sold $90
1860 2d deep vermillion 4 margin mint & F/U with 15 bar 8 of Fremantle. Lovely pair. SG 25b
Sold $160
1860 4d blue, wmk upright. 4 margin mint example with large part left selvedge. Pristine. SG 26 Cat. £275+
Sold $200
1860 4d deep blue with sideways wmk. Mint without gum. 3½ clear margins, touching at top right. Lovely colour. SG 26a Cat. £650
Sold $100
1860 4d deep blue. Attractive 4 margin mint copy with strong colour. SG 27 Cat. £275
Sold $160
1860 6d sage green. Good used with 15 bar 18 of Bunbury. 2 clear margins & 2 touching. SG 28 Cat. £400
Sold $90
1860 6d deep sage green. Good to F/U with 15 bar 1 of Perth. 4 close to touching margins. SG 28a Cat. £550
Sold $80
1861 1d rose perf. 14. F/U with wmk sideways, right & reversed. SG 38var.
Sold $50
1861 1d rose perf. 14. Good used with watermark sideways, left reversed. Not listed by SG or Juhl but listed in The Black Swan Vol. 12 No 12 for th…
1861 1d rose, perf. 14, Somerset House. Mint no gum & used (shaved perfs) plus 2d blue with left selvedge, mint no gum. Also the 4d vermilion mint …
Sold $170
1861 1d rose, very rough perf. 14-16. Mint no gum & F/U plus 1/- green VFU, centred left. SG 44 & 46 £700+ (3)
Sold $100
1861 1d rose-carmine perf. 14-16 (very rough) with wmk sideways & right reversed. Unlisted. F/U SG 44var.
Sold $50
1861 1d, 2d, 6d, 1/- F/U & 2d mint. Intermediate perf. 14-16. Superb selection. SG 33/34 & 36/37 Cat. £700+ (5)
Sold $150
1861 2d blue perf. 14-16 F/U with wmk sideways, right & reversed. Unlisted by SG or Juhl but listed as "to be confirmed" in the Black Swan Vol. 12…
Sold $110
1861 2d blue, 6d purple & 1/- yellow green. Clean cut perf. 14-16. F/U set, well centred with light cancels. SG 41/43 Cat. £150+ (3)
Sold $80
1861 2d blue perf. 14-16. F/U with wmk sideways, left & reversed. Unlisted by SG or Juhl but listed as "to be confirmed" in the Black Swan Vol. 12 …
1861 2d blue, 6d purple & 1/- green, clean cut perf. 14-16 mint set of 3. All hinged with sparse gum but fresh & clean. SG 41/43 Cat. £1200 (3)
Sold $250
1861 4d vermilion, intermediate perfs 14-16. Centred down. Mint with strong colour. Juhl estimate only about 40 unused examples exist. A much under…
Sold $500
1861 6d purple-brown perf. 14-16 F/U. Watermark, sideways, right & reversed. Not listed by SG or Juhl but listed in The Black Swan Vol. 12 No 12 fo…
Sold $50
1861 6d purple-brown. Clean cut perf 14-16 with blunt lower left corner. Mint SG 42 Cat. £425
Sold $120
1861 1/- green, clean cut 14-16. Mint large part original gum. Centred up. Fresh. SG 43 Cat. £650
Sold $150
1863 1d carmine rose, mint & used, 1d lake mint & used, 6d deep lilac, mint no gum (trimmed perfs at left) & 6d dull violet F/U. All no wmk, perf. …
Sold $60
1865 4d carmine perf. 12½, horizontal pair. One with corner crease. MLH & fresh looking. SG 56 Cat. £200 + premium for pair
Sold $150
1864 1/- green with SPECIMEN overprint. MLH. SG 61s Cat. £200
Sold $100
1864 DLR with mint & good to F/U for each value. Extra 2d chrome-yellow used & 2 used 6d. No mint 6d lilac or 6d indigo violets. Odd fault but an a…
Sold $200
1864 ONE PENNY on 2d yellow. VFU. SG 67 Cat. £55
Sold $50
1871/73 3d pale brown & cinnamon mint & used plus SPECIMEN handstamp mint example but missing corner. SG 63,63a & 63s (5)
Sold $55
1876 DLR set of wmk Crown/CC perf. 14. Mint & used for each bar mint 2d wmk upright & 4d carmine. Incls. upright wmk issues. Above average cond. SG…
Sold $200
1882 6d lilac, wmk Crown CA, perf. 14 with SPECIMEN overprint. Mint full gum. SG 80s Cat. £140
Sold $90
1882/84 DLR 1d to 6d with both 6d. Wmk Crown CA, perf. 14. Mint & F/U for each. SG 76/80 Cat. £450+ (10)
Sold $135
1883 1d yellow-ochre, wmk Crown CA, perf. 12x14. F/U example. SG 81 Cat. £150
Sold $45
1883 1d, 2d, 4d & 6d DLR, wmk Crown CA, perf. 12. 1d & 2d mint & F/U for the others. Strong colours. SG 82/85 Cat. £300+ (6)
Sold $75
1885/93 DLR set, wmk Crown CA, perf. 14 incl shades. MLH & F/U range. Superb. SG 94/102 Cat. £250+ (24)
Sold $100
1888 1d carmine pink swans. Mint, reinforced block of 6, two stamps with a foxed perf, otherwise fine. SG 103 Cat. £26 x 6 + premium for multiple
1888 1d carmine pink swan with "double tail" variety. Lightly used with variety clear. SG 103var.
Sold $45
1888 set 1d carmine pink, 2d grey & 4dred-brown set with 1d & 2d MUH & used & 4d MLH & F/U. SG 103/105 Cat. £200+ (6)
Sold $60
1888-1907 1d carmine, 2d bright yellow & 1/- olive green swans with "W Crown A" wmks all inverted. All F/U. SG. 112w, 113w & 116w Cat. £220 (3)
Sold $20
1892/95 3d brown & 1895 1d overprints study plus ½d on 1d yellow-ochre in both perf 14 & perf 12. Mint & good to F/U for each. Good cond & annota…
Sold $75
1893/95 ½d & 1d overprint study on 3d brown shades. Mint & used for each with horiz pairs for 1d on 3d pale brown. Incls. double overprint in red …
Sold $250
1896 cover Northam to Camden, New Jersey, bearing ½d, 1d x 2 & 2½d (total 5d) franking tied by NORTHAM P.O. duplex strikes of JU 19 1896. Reverse…
Sold $50
1898 (14th Sept) Registered, unclaimed & returned OHMS cover with Land Titles Office Frank stamp to local Perth address. Numerous handstamps & back…
1898/1907 DLR set, wmk W Crown A, perf. 14. MLH & good to F/U for each value. SG 112/116 Cat. £120+ (10)
Sold $40
1902 1d to 8d set, V/Crown wmk, perf. 12 x 12½ with MLH & F/U for each. Sideways & upwards wmks on 1d red & 2d yellow. A neat & complete collectio…
1900c Frank Stamps. W265.4 Lands & Surveys on part front plus cut outs, W145.1 Royal Celebration, W435.3, Railway Dept, W260.1 Land Titles, W540.4 …
Sold $20
1902 2/- brownish red/yellow with sideways & upright wmks. Mint & used of each. SG 124/a Cat. £380 (4)
Sold $120
1902 2/- brownish red/yellow with V/crown wmks, perf. 11. MLH x 2 & good used example. ACSC Cat. $1000 (3)
Sold $250
1902 2/6d deep blue/rose. Upright wmk. Mint & used, indistinct cancel. SG 125 Cat. £70
Sold $40


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