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Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign |
 Europe 1914 "Travel" Postcard amazingly posted 8 times with eight different addresses on one side & stamps with dated cds's for Malta, Netherlands,… $40 Sold $45 |
 Falkland Islands 1935 (7th May) Silver Jubilee set on Registered FDC to London. Crisp PORT STANLEY cds on each stamp. Typed address with slight ton… $200 Sold $150 |
 Falkland Islands 1938 KGVI pictorials basic set of 16 to £1 plus 1d vermilion shade. Missing 3d goose & 6d black issued later) All fine used. SG … $90 Sold $70 |
 Falkland Islands 1946 (2nd Aug) KGVI pictorials basic set of 15 to £1 on large FDC (no 3d goose or 6d black) tied by crisp PORT STANLEY cds. Add… $60 Sold $60 |
 Falkland Islands 1952 KGVI defins set of 14 to £1. Fine MUH. SG 172/85 Cat. £180 $90 Archived |
 Falkland Islands 1960 Birds set of 15 to £1 MUH. Very fresh. SG 193/207 Cat. £170 $100 Archived |
 Falkland Island Deps 1944 KGVI ovpts sets of 8 for South Orkneys, South Shetlands, Graham Is & South Georgia. Fresh MUH, some marginal. SG A1/8, B1… $50 Sold $50 |
 Falkland Island Deps 1948 6d black & orange "Thin Maps" showing "dot in "T" variety. MLH. SG 14a Cat. £55 as MUH $20 Archived |
 Falkland Island Deps 1954/62 Ships set to £1 incl extra shade for ½d, 1d & 1½d vals. MLH. SG G26/40 & "a" nos. Cat. £260 as MUH $60 Sold $60 |
 Falkland Is Deps - South Georgia 1963/69 QEII pictorials set of 16 to both £1's. Fine MUH. SG 1/16 Cat. £200 $120 Sold $90 |
 Fiji 1959/63 QEII script & 1962/67 block wmk defins complete to £1 incl 4/- shades. All MUH, some marginal & all fresh. SG 298/310 & 311/25 Cat. … $50 Sold $50 |
 Finland 1860 10k rose MLH. One stained perf at top & 3 short perfs at left, but original gum. Mi 4A Cat. €1000 $90 Archived |
 Finland 1963 Military Field Post (N.V.I.) violet MUH. SG M688 Cat. £120 $50 Archived |
 France 1868/69 Newspaper Stamps in blue, grey & lilac. All imperf & F/U. Lovely examples each with diff type of cancellation. Cat. £550+ (3) $80 Archived |
 France 1876/85 4¢ green Peace & Commerce Type I. MLH but small adherence top right. SG 214 Cat. £225 $25 Archived |
 France 1876/85 15¢ grey lilac Peace & Commerce Type I. MLH (sweated?). SG 218 Cat. £1300 (MLH) $60 Archived |
 France 1922 War Orphans surcharges to "+5c on 35 + 25" & top 3 values. MLH SG 392/95 Cat. £250 $90 Archived |
 France 1928 Sinking Fund set of 3. MLH with tiny hinge thin on 1f50 + 50. SG 466/68 Cat. £100 $20 Archived |
 French New Hebrides1938 40c olive canoe Bradbury Wilkinson imprint block of 6. MUH/MLH. SG F59 $20 Archived |
 French Somali Coast 1894/1904 5f blue & rose with "socked on the nose" 1902 cds in blue. SG 103 Cat. £130 $50 Sold $20 |
 French Somali Coast 1894/1902 25f blue & rose MLH (SG 104 Cat. £900) with small blue "S" h/s at base indicating "Specimen". $100 Sold $50 |
 French Somali Coast 1902 "0,05" (comma between figures) & "0.10" surcharges. Both F/U except for top right corner stain on latter. SG 108a Cat. £8… $40 Sold $20 |
 French Somali Coast 1902 "0.40" surcharge on 2f rose & grey brown MLH, original streaky gum. SG 110 Cat. £500 $150 Sold $70 |
 French Somali Coast 1902 5 & 10 CENTIMES surcharges on 25f & 50f triangulars, Very F/U. SG 112/13 Cat. £145 $60 Archived |
 French Somali Coast 1902/03 Pictorial set of 16 MLH but one stained perf at base of 1f but top value (5f) is MUH. SG121/36 Cat £275 $80 Sold $40 |
 French Somali Coast 1903 Pictorials with black centres set of 15. MLH incl both 5f shades (one with stained perf). 1¢ & 2¢ gum toning, but others… $80 Sold $40 |
 French Somali Coast 1909 Pictorials to 5f. MLH with 2f stained but others fine. An attractive & fresh-looking set. SG 151/66 Cat. £225 $60 Sold $30 |
 French Somali Coast 1942 "France Libre" ovpts. MUH complete (excl. 80¢, the cheapest in set). SG 302/42 Cat. £275 +premium MUH $130 Sold $130 |
 French Territory of the Afars and the Issas 1892 (Obock) "Tablet" key type to 1f (ex 20c) MLH. 30c is thinned & 25c is used. Extra 4c incl. (13) $70 Sold $30 |
 French Territory of the Afars and the Issas 1892 (Obock) curved ovpts on 1¢, 2¢ & 10¢. Fine mint. SG 1, 2 & 5 Cat. £195 $50 Sold $25 |
 French Territory of the Afars and the Issas 1892 (Obock) straight ovpts on 4, 5, 10, 15, 25¢ & 40¢. MLH plus 15¢ & 20¢ F/U. SG 12/19 Cat. £245 $70 Sold $30 |
 French Territory of the Afars and the Issas 1892 (Obock) surcharges 1 on 25¢ used, 2 on 15¢, 4 on 15¢, 4 on 25¢, 5 on 25¢, 20 on 10¢ & 35 on … $90 Sold $40 |
 French Territory of the Afars and the Issas 1893 (Obock) 2f & 5f monocolour triangulars MLH, the 2f with adherences & 5f quadrille not showing clea… $50 Sold $25 |
 French Territory of the Afars and the Issas 1894/1903 (Obock) 2f orange & lilac & 10f lake & red MLH, latter with dry spot on gum. SG 78 & 80 Cat. … $80 Sold $40 |
 French Territory of the Afars and the Issas 1894/1903 (Obock) set to 1f used (4,15,25,40c values mint) SG 65/77 Cat. £50+ $20 Sold $10 |
 French Territory of the Afars and the Issas 1894/1903 bisects on piece cancelled 1901 (on 20c), 1902 (on 25c & 30c) & 1903 (25c). Huge cat. for the… $50 Sold $25 |
 French Territory of the Afars and the Issas Birds 1972 Birds airmail set of 4 MUH. SG 574/77 Cat. £65 $30 Sold $30 |
 FSAT 1963 Int Year of the Quiet Sun. MLH pair but very small hinge thin on 20f not apparent from front. SG 36/37 Cat. £145 as MUH $30 Sold $30 |
 Gabon 1975 Fish set of 4 proofs on gummed 127mm x 103mm paper. MUH SG 553/56 $25 Archived |
 Gambia 1938/46 KGVI elephant defins set of 16 to 10/-. Fine MUH. SG 150/61 Cat. £140 $80 Sold $80 |
 Gambia 1953/59 QEII pictorials set of 15 to £1 incl extra shades of ½d, 1d & 1/3d (2 extra of ea). Some nibbled perfs top of 4/- otherwise fine M… $70 Sold $70 |
 Gambia 1963 Birds complete set of 13 to £1. Fine MUH. SG 193/205 Cat. £80 $50 Sold $40 |
 Germany 1872 2k orange "Large Shield". Fine MLH. SG 24 Cat. £650 $120 Sold $95 |
 Germany 1900 5mk "REICHSPOST" Type II. MLH but small black spot on gum. SG 65c Cat. £475 $100 Archived |
 Germany 1902 2mk blue, gothic script. F/U. Light tone spot. SG 78A Cat. £140 $40 Archived |
 Germany 1902 3mk "Deutsches Reich" no wmk. 26 x 17 perf holes centred up & to left. MLH. Mi. 80A Cat. €300, SG £325 $50 Archived |
 Germany 1918 WWI stampless b/w postcard with London machine cancel in red & boxed P.O.W. camp signed cachet 5 Feb 1918 in violet & German "Gepruft"… $20 Archived |
 Germany 1929 (16th May) Zeppelin First Flight cover to USA bearing 4RM Zeppelin tied by Luftschiff Graf Zeppelin cds plus pictorial blue cachet of … $100 Sold $130 |
 Germany 1933 Wagner Operas set of 9 MLH lightly hinged perf. 14x13. Feint foxing on couple of perfs on 25pf & on one perf each on 8pf & 20pf. Other… $100 Archived |
Germany 1933-1944 MLH & used collection on leaves incl 1934 Airs F/U, 1936 M/S MLH, 1937 perfd M/S MLH, 1938 5th Anniv pair on cover with cachet 2 … $100 Sold $160 |