Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Decimal
2008 Megafauna / Dinosaur Imperforate Miniature Sheet. Certificate of authenticity from Australia Post included. Numbered 48 of only 500. Fine MUH.…
Sold $120
2008 Olympic Gold Medal Winners sets of 14 Digital printed stamps on 14 FDC's pmkd National Philatelic Centre x 2 sets. Exc cond. Retail at $180 pe…
2008 Working Dogs S/A booklet ovptd "Eureka Stamp Fair Ballarat 12th October 2008" in black & numbered 36. Exc cond.
Sold $20
2009 Stargazing imperforate M/S ovptd "VOYAGER I First Spacecraft to Leave the Solar System Sept 12th 2013" in silver & numbered "3". MUH.
Sold $45
2010 Kokoda Joint issue with PNG M/S overprinted "ANZAC DAY 2014 "Lest We Forget" 100th Anniversary of WWI" in silver & numbered "2". MUH
Sold $20
2010 Railway Journeys prestige booklet ovpts "Centenary of Kangaroo Stamps" with exhib logo in black. No 221 of 500. Exc cond. Pfeffer & Crum PB193…
Sold $45
2011 $5 Colonial Heritage M/S ovptd "Metalfoil Magic Congratulates The Philatelic Society of Australia for 100 Years Service 1911-2011" in silver &…
Sold $35
2011 Qld Premier's Flood Relief Appeal S/A sheetlets of 10 x 6 MUH plus 2 CTO FDI for Brisbane. Retail at $25 each. (8)
Sold $90
2013 $10 kangaroo & map stamp on PNC cover pmkd FDI Melbourne but without coin x 10. Useful for F/U re-sale. (10)
Sold $30
2013 Kangaroo & Map stamp & Perth Mint coin set from the Colonial Heritage series. Cost $90 from AP. Exc cond.
2014 (65c) Concession Miniature sheets from the 2014 Yearbook x 30 MUH. Retail $900 (30)
2014 Bush Ballards Banjo Paterson Prestige booklet with imperforate booklet panes ovptd "2014 National Exhibitions" with Stampex & Canberra Exhib l…
Sold $40
2015 Anzac Aust/NZ joint issue M/S ovptd in gold "Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria Inc 9th Annual Bourse 9 May 2015". MUH No. 43 of only 100.
Sold $30
2015 Lighthouse Booklets x 3 ovptd "Queensland Stampshow 2015" & numbered 4, 22 & 24. Pfeffer PB228(1) Cat. $150 (3)
Sold $65
2015 Singapore Exhibition joint issue Miniature Sheets set of 6 different from the exhibition with the daily Exhibition postmark plus a MUH set of …
Sold $75
2016 (4th Jan) Aust Post Priority Mail S/A used next to $1 stamp commercially cancelled 6pm 04JAN16 on first day of implementation of this new serv…
Sold $30
2016 "In Come the Dollars" Prestige Booklet ovptd "Canberra Stamp Show 18th-20th March 2016" in gold & numbered 58 of 125. All panes are imperforate.
Sold $70
2016 WWI Centenary set of 5 in illustrated gutter strips of 10. MUH FV $50
Sold $50
2016 50th Anniv of Decimal Currency imperforate "Special Collectors Release" Aust Post M/S. One MUH & one CTO. (2)
Sold $20
2016 50th Anniv of Decimal Currency Sheetlet of 10 ovptd "CANBERRA STAMP SHOW 18th-20th March 2016" in gold with logo. No. 56 of 250 plus official …
Sold $50
2016 Butterflies M/S set of 6 days with New York ovpts & diff design features. MUH. Selling on Ebay at $150+
Sold $75
2016 Butterflies M/S set of 8 days with New York ovpts & diff design features. This is one of the CTO with exhibition postmarks sets limited to onl…
Sold $620
2016 Rio Olympic Games Gold Medallists sheetlets of 10. Set of 7 with each numbered. MUH. FV $70 (7)
Sold $50
2016 "The Holden Story" 160th Anniv presentation folder with 48 x $1 tabbed stamps showing different models of the car over the years with the stor…
Sold $50
Australia: First Day Cover
1929 (28th Sept) 1½d WA Cent on plain env addressed to Fremantle but with stunning Fremantle 28 SEP 29 9AM USE THE AIR MAIL roller cancel across t…
Sold $65
1932 (19th Mar) 2d & 3d Sydney Harbour Bridge Mitchell illust cover cancelled "Sydney Harbour Bridge - Posted on Bridge During Opening Celebrations…
Sold $55
1937 (10th May) 1d. QM & 2 x 2d KGVI on Official FDC Regd Perth GPO with R6 label & 3 matching pmks. Typed address to Scotland. Good cond.
1937 (1st Oct) NSW Sesqui set of 3 on Waratah Registered FDC addressed to "His Majesty King George VI, Buckingham Palace, London, England" with War…
Sold $40
1941 (10th Dec) 3d purple-brown KGVI on plain hand addressed cover to Balgowlah with bold Sydney cds. Fine cond & purchased from Ace Stamp Auctions…
Sold $120
1942 (1st Dec) 1½d green QM right marginal pair with Fordon NSW cds on plain cover. Good cond with hand written address. These wartime FDC's were …
Sold $140
1945 (19th Feb) Gloucester set of 3 in blocks of 4 on long hand addressed Pagewood Reg FDC with "First day Cover Feb 19th 1945 Commemorating the Ap…
Sold $40
1946 (18th Feb) Peace set of 3 on plain Challis Perth GPO Registered cover characteristically pmkd GPO R.S Perth 3 WA with FDC typed in full at top…
Sold $40
1947 (8th Sep) Newcastle Sesqui set of 3 on Challis cover with "Newcastle's 150th Anniversary Philatelic Exhibition, N.S.W." provisional regd label…
Sold $35
1948 (4th Feb) 1d Princess Elizabeth block of 4 on plain cover with Air Mail vignette addressed to B2/66F Saunders, M.K., AACS (HQ), B.C.O.F. Kure,…
Sold $10
1948 (12th July) 2½d Farrer pair on Mitchell FDC with typed address & pmkd GPO Perth RS index 3. Exc cond.
Sold $20
1950 (14th Aug) 8½d Aboriginal on plain cover Registered Kalamunda with bold cds & R6 Regd label. Northam b/s. Neat typed address. Good cond.
1951 (23rd May) 2½d KGVI pair on Mitchell illust cover neatly hand addressed & pmkd GPO Perth. Good cond.
Sold $30
1953 (2nd June) QEII Coronation Air Mail Challis FDC. Set plus additional 2/- with "Australia - Great Britain" cachet in mauve. London 6 JNE 1953 "…
Sold $30
1953 (3rd Sept) 3½d Young Farmers corner block of 4 on Boan's Christmas Tree illust FDC. Pmkd Fremantle with additional strike next to typed addre…
Sold $30
1954 (23rd June) 2½d QEII blue block of 4 on Boan's Kangaroo Paw illust FDC. Neat typed address & pmkd Fremantle. Fine
Sold $30
1954 (23rd June) 6½d QEII orange on Boan's Christmas Tree illust FDC. Pmkd Fremantle. Slight corner crease not affecting stamp otherwise fine with…
Sold $30
1954 (2nd Aug) 3½d WA Stamp Cent strip of 3 on Kew Regd & pmkd FDC in combination with 2/6d Aboriginal for Airmail rate to South Africa. Addressed…
Sold $10
1954 (13th Sept) 3½d Railway block of 4, 1954 Telegraph pair, 1955 Rotary, 1955 3½d USA Memorial strip of 3, 1957 SA Govt & Christmas pair all on…
1954/69 Wildflowers with 3/- Waratah block of 4, 2/3d Wattle in combination with 1/- platypus, 2/0 Flannel Flower corner block of 4, 1/6d Christmas…
Sold $30
1955 (23rd Jan) 3½d ANARE block of 4 on Wesley illust cover registered Heard Island with neat typed address to USA & Heard Is R6 Regd label & NY b…
Sold $20
1955 (9th March) 1'0½d QEII blue marginal pair on Boan's "Banksia Prionotes (Serrated)" illust FDC. Pmkd North Fremantle. Exc cond with typed addr…
Sold $30
1956 (13th April) 4d & 1/7d QEII, 1956 (26th Sept) 3½d Self Govt block of 4, 1957 (6th Mar) 10d QEII pair & 1957 (27th Mar) 2/- AAT WCS FDC's all …
1959 (18th March) 3½d QEII green block of 4 on Boan's Christmas Tree illust FDC. Pmkd North Fremantle & in good cond.
Sold $30
1962 (5th Sept) 5d Inland Mission Royal illust FDC pmkd Alice Springs & signed by Jean Flynn, wife of Rev John Flynn who began the missions. Very g…
1963 (9th Oct) 5d QEII pair, 1967 (29th Sept) 5c QEII Coil (4), 5c on 4c QEII & 5c all on separate "Parade Covers" FDC's with the characteristic ma…
Sold $20


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