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Australia: Decimal |
 2008 Megafauna / Dinosaur Imperforate Miniature Sheet. Certificate of authenticity from Australia Post included. Numbered 48 of only 500. Fine MUH.… $150 Sold $120 |
2008 Olympic Gold Medal Winners sets of 14 Digital printed stamps on 14 FDC's pmkd National Philatelic Centre x 2 sets. Exc cond. Retail at $180 pe… $50 Archived |
 2008 Working Dogs S/A booklet ovptd "Eureka Stamp Fair Ballarat 12th October 2008" in black & numbered 36. Exc cond. $20 Sold $20 |
 2009 Stargazing imperforate M/S ovptd "VOYAGER I First Spacecraft to Leave the Solar System Sept 12th 2013" in silver & numbered "3". MUH. $25 Sold $45 |
 2010 Kokoda Joint issue with PNG M/S overprinted "ANZAC DAY 2014 "Lest We Forget" 100th Anniversary of WWI" in silver & numbered "2". MUH $20 Sold $20 |
 2010 Railway Journeys prestige booklet ovpts "Centenary of Kangaroo Stamps" with exhib logo in black. No 221 of 500. Exc cond. Pfeffer & Crum PB193… $30 Sold $45 |
 2011 $5 Colonial Heritage M/S ovptd "Metalfoil Magic Congratulates The Philatelic Society of Australia for 100 Years Service 1911-2011" in silver &… $25 Sold $35 |
 2011 Qld Premier's Flood Relief Appeal S/A sheetlets of 10 x 6 MUH plus 2 CTO FDI for Brisbane. Retail at $25 each. (8) $90 Sold $90 |
 2013 $10 kangaroo & map stamp on PNC cover pmkd FDI Melbourne but without coin x 10. Useful for F/U re-sale. (10) $20 Sold $30 |
2013 Kangaroo & Map stamp & Perth Mint coin set from the Colonial Heritage series. Cost $90 from AP. Exc cond. $50 Archived |
 2014 (65c) Concession Miniature sheets from the 2014 Yearbook x 30 MUH. Retail $900 (30) $120 Archived |
 2014 Bush Ballards Banjo Paterson Prestige booklet with imperforate booklet panes ovptd "2014 National Exhibitions" with Stampex & Canberra Exhib l… $40 Sold $40 |
 2015 Anzac Aust/NZ joint issue M/S ovptd in gold "Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria Inc 9th Annual Bourse 9 May 2015". MUH No. 43 of only 100. $30 Sold $30 |
 2015 Lighthouse Booklets x 3 ovptd "Queensland Stampshow 2015" & numbered 4, 22 & 24. Pfeffer PB228(1) Cat. $150 (3) $50 Sold $65 |
 2015 Singapore Exhibition joint issue Miniature Sheets set of 6 different from the exhibition with the daily Exhibition postmark plus a MUH set of … $75 Sold $75 |
 2016 (4th Jan) Aust Post Priority Mail S/A used next to $1 stamp commercially cancelled 6pm 04JAN16 on first day of implementation of this new serv… $30 Sold $30 |
 2016 "In Come the Dollars" Prestige Booklet ovptd "Canberra Stamp Show 18th-20th March 2016" in gold & numbered 58 of 125. All panes are imperforate. $70 Sold $70 |
 2016 WWI Centenary set of 5 in illustrated gutter strips of 10. MUH FV $50 $50 Sold $50 |
 2016 50th Anniv of Decimal Currency imperforate "Special Collectors Release" Aust Post M/S. One MUH & one CTO. (2) $20 Sold $20 |
 2016 50th Anniv of Decimal Currency Sheetlet of 10 ovptd "CANBERRA STAMP SHOW 18th-20th March 2016" in gold with logo. No. 56 of 250 plus official … $50 Sold $50 |
 2016 Butterflies M/S set of 6 days with New York ovpts & diff design features. MUH. Selling on Ebay at $150+ $75 Sold $75 |
 2016 Butterflies M/S set of 8 days with New York ovpts & diff design features. This is one of the CTO with exhibition postmarks sets limited to onl… $500 Sold $620 |
 2016 Rio Olympic Games Gold Medallists sheetlets of 10. Set of 7 with each numbered. MUH. FV $70 (7) $60 Sold $50 |
 2016 "The Holden Story" 160th Anniv presentation folder with 48 x $1 tabbed stamps showing different models of the car over the years with the stor… $50 Sold $50 |
Australia: First Day Cover |
 1929 (28th Sept) 1½d WA Cent on plain env addressed to Fremantle but with stunning Fremantle 28 SEP 29 9AM USE THE AIR MAIL roller cancel across t… $30 Sold $65 |
 1932 (19th Mar) 2d & 3d Sydney Harbour Bridge Mitchell illust cover cancelled "Sydney Harbour Bridge - Posted on Bridge During Opening Celebrations… $50 Sold $55 |
 1937 (10th May) 1d. QM & 2 x 2d KGVI on Official FDC Regd Perth GPO with R6 label & 3 matching pmks. Typed address to Scotland. Good cond. $20 Archived |
 1937 (1st Oct) NSW Sesqui set of 3 on Waratah Registered FDC addressed to "His Majesty King George VI, Buckingham Palace, London, England" with War… $40 Sold $40 |
 1941 (10th Dec) 3d purple-brown KGVI on plain hand addressed cover to Balgowlah with bold Sydney cds. Fine cond & purchased from Ace Stamp Auctions… $120 Sold $120 |
 1942 (1st Dec) 1½d green QM right marginal pair with Fordon NSW cds on plain cover. Good cond with hand written address. These wartime FDC's were … $200 Sold $140 |
 1945 (19th Feb) Gloucester set of 3 in blocks of 4 on long hand addressed Pagewood Reg FDC with "First day Cover Feb 19th 1945 Commemorating the Ap… $50 Sold $40 |
 1946 (18th Feb) Peace set of 3 on plain Challis Perth GPO Registered cover characteristically pmkd GPO R.S Perth 3 WA with FDC typed in full at top… $40 Sold $40 |
 1947 (8th Sep) Newcastle Sesqui set of 3 on Challis cover with "Newcastle's 150th Anniversary Philatelic Exhibition, N.S.W." provisional regd label… $25 Sold $35 |
 1948 (4th Feb) 1d Princess Elizabeth block of 4 on plain cover with Air Mail vignette addressed to B2/66F Saunders, M.K., AACS (HQ), B.C.O.F. Kure,… $20 Sold $10 |
 1948 (12th July) 2½d Farrer pair on Mitchell FDC with typed address & pmkd GPO Perth RS index 3. Exc cond. $20 Sold $20 |
 1950 (14th Aug) 8½d Aboriginal on plain cover Registered Kalamunda with bold cds & R6 Regd label. Northam b/s. Neat typed address. Good cond. $50 Archived |
 1951 (23rd May) 2½d KGVI pair on Mitchell illust cover neatly hand addressed & pmkd GPO Perth. Good cond. $20 Sold $30 |
 1953 (2nd June) QEII Coronation Air Mail Challis FDC. Set plus additional 2/- with "Australia - Great Britain" cachet in mauve. London 6 JNE 1953 "… $30 Sold $30 |
 1953 (3rd Sept) 3½d Young Farmers corner block of 4 on Boan's Christmas Tree illust FDC. Pmkd Fremantle with additional strike next to typed addre… $40 Sold $30 |
 1954 (23rd June) 2½d QEII blue block of 4 on Boan's Kangaroo Paw illust FDC. Neat typed address & pmkd Fremantle. Fine $40 Sold $30 |
 1954 (23rd June) 6½d QEII orange on Boan's Christmas Tree illust FDC. Pmkd Fremantle. Slight corner crease not affecting stamp otherwise fine with… $40 Sold $30 |
 1954 (2nd Aug) 3½d WA Stamp Cent strip of 3 on Kew Regd & pmkd FDC in combination with 2/6d Aboriginal for Airmail rate to South Africa. Addressed… $20 Sold $10 |
 1954 (13th Sept) 3½d Railway block of 4, 1954 Telegraph pair, 1955 Rotary, 1955 3½d USA Memorial strip of 3, 1957 SA Govt & Christmas pair all on… $50 Archived |
 1954/69 Wildflowers with 3/- Waratah block of 4, 2/3d Wattle in combination with 1/- platypus, 2/0 Flannel Flower corner block of 4, 1/6d Christmas… $40 Sold $30 |
 1955 (23rd Jan) 3½d ANARE block of 4 on Wesley illust cover registered Heard Island with neat typed address to USA & Heard Is R6 Regd label & NY b… $20 Sold $20 |
 1955 (9th March) 1'0½d QEII blue marginal pair on Boan's "Banksia Prionotes (Serrated)" illust FDC. Pmkd North Fremantle. Exc cond with typed addr… $40 Sold $30 |
 1956 (13th April) 4d & 1/7d QEII, 1956 (26th Sept) 3½d Self Govt block of 4, 1957 (6th Mar) 10d QEII pair & 1957 (27th Mar) 2/- AAT WCS FDC's all … $30 Archived |
 1959 (18th March) 3½d QEII green block of 4 on Boan's Christmas Tree illust FDC. Pmkd North Fremantle & in good cond. $40 Sold $30 |
 1962 (5th Sept) 5d Inland Mission Royal illust FDC pmkd Alice Springs & signed by Jean Flynn, wife of Rev John Flynn who began the missions. Very g… $20 Archived |
 1963 (9th Oct) 5d QEII pair, 1967 (29th Sept) 5c QEII Coil (4), 5c on 4c QEII & 5c all on separate "Parade Covers" FDC's with the characteristic ma… $20 Sold $20 |