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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Great Britain 1967-1970 comprehensive commems all MUH with corner blocks of 6 +plus a single of each in black-leaved "Fil-i-Safe" stockbook with a …
Sold $30
Great Britain 1967-1977 high values on Hagners with 1967/68 Castles, 1969 Machins & 1970 decimal set with paper varieties incl 20p x 4, 50p x 8 & Â…
Sold $50
Great Britain 1968-1994 ex-dealer's stock of FDC's (approx. 400+) with minor duplication. Mostly fine to very fine & useful for re-sale on Ebay etc…
Sold $180
Great Britain 1968-2004 retired dealers stock used in 3 large Lindner black-leaved stockbooks plus album of unopened PO packs (41). Mixture of cds …
Sold $130
Great Britain 1969 commems in complete sheets, once folded, in Lighthouse mint sheet folder. Incls Prince of Wales, Gandhi, Architecture, 4d "Engla…
Sold $30
Great Britain 1980's-1990's Benham silk FDC's & commem covers with majority in sets. Useful duplication with a huge original retail cost. Many them…
Sold $900
Great Britain 1980-2005 Royal Mail & Royal Mint coin/medal FDC's. Incls 1980 QM, 1994 Bank of England, 1994 Prince Wales Anniv, 1995 Wyon, 1995 VE …
Sold $200
Great Britain 1980-2011 Prestige booklets complete. Exc cond. FV £490 ($860+) & a retail of £1450+ ($2500+). Reserve is below the FV hence an ide…
Sold $400
Great Britain 1984-2006 Royal Mail Year Albums complete. Exc cond. FV £430+ (A$750+) & a retail of £1700+ ($3000). Reserve is below face value. (23)
Sold $600
Great Britain 1985-1996 range of MUH sets with some x 2. Mainly commems. (70+ sets)
Sold $70
Great Britain 1990's-2000's Royal Mail presentation packs x 228 all different. FV of £650+ ($1150) & a cat. value of £2200+. Reserve below FV & a…
Sold $850
Great Britain 2000-2006 good to fine used ex-dealer's stock in VST quality 64 page stockbook. Mostly in sets with cat numbers & selling prices on "…
Sold $160
Great Britain Machins on Hagners both mint & used with careful viewing possibly rewarding the specialist. Arranged in ascending face value order wi…
Sold $70
Great Britain Priced retired dealers stock in 2 large Lighthouse stockbooks with a few QV & KEVII but stronger KGV becoming progressively more dupl…
Sold $80
Great Britain QV to QEII in quality 64 page Lighthouse stockbook with some pencil notations but otherwise fine. Noted QV 1d "stars" (c200 incl few …
Sold $85
Great Britain QEII decimal used accumulation sorted in two "as new" 64 page Prinz stockbooks. One volume of Machins to £5, the other with commems …
Sold $85
Great Britain Strike Mail An interesting collection comprising 1964 "Freedom Group Delivery Service" rouletted set of 7 to 10/- MLH, notes on the 1…
Sold $65
Great Britain & Canada plus a few others with a basic range of mixed MUH & used. Mostly KEVII to 1970. Nothing scarce but noted Battle of Britain b…
Sold $30
Great Britain & Channel Is 1968-2011 FDC's noting 2011 Cent of First Airmail M/S, sets & M/S's of Channel Is with butterflies, flowers, Christmas, …
Sold $75
Great Britain-Channel Islands 1971-1978 mainly used in illust SG album. Approx. 90% complete for period incl PD's but missing high vals. Good start…
Hong Kong 2008-2013 Chinese New Year M/S's in pres packs all ovptd "SPECIMEN". Incls Year of the Ox, Rat, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon x2, Horse & Snake p…
Sold $50
Hungary 1940-1960 selection of MLH M/S's comprising 1940 Flood relief plus a CTO example, 1945 Roosevelt postage & air (4 diff vals each M/S), 1955…
India QV to KGVI range of issues used abroad incl strips, blocks both on/off piece noting Bahrain, Bushire, Muscat, Busrah (Basra), Penang, Zanziba…
Sold $140
India 1854-1948 MUH, MLH & used on Hagners in quality binder. Cond varies but the following are fine; 1854 2a green F/U (Cat. £40), 1874 9pi pale …
Sold $400
India 1936-1938 KGV 7½a on 8a airmail Pre-Stamped Env group to WA addressee two of which are taxed (correct airmail rate was 11½a) plus another t…
Sold $40
India Telegraphs & revenues from QV period plus a few later. Noted 1869/78 1a, 1890/91 1a & 2a mint (Cat. £68), 34 used halves, 1868/72 Court Fee …
Sold $100
India-China Expeditionary Force Range with 1900 QV to 1R MLH (Cat. £75) plus ½a with FPO No. 4 cds, 1905-1911 KEVII used on pieces (Cat. £100), …
Sold $85
Indian States Various pickings amongst the common on Hagners in padded binder. Noted 1931 Charkhari MLH blocks to 8a incl block 1a imperf between h…
Sold $80
Ireland 1970-1998 booklets arranged in display book on Hagners. Light duplication with 40 different types out of 84 incl Prestige with useful thema…
Israel 1949-1981 MUH & MLH collection in Davo Hingeless album. Earlier sparse but incl 1948 20m used with long tab, 1950 100p Uni MUH full tab, UPU…
Sold $170
Italy, States & Colonies MUH, MLH & used in 2 peg albums & 3 stockbooks. Noted WWI Italian Currency ovpt on Austrian Fieldpost to 4h & PD's to 50h …
Sold $160
Japan 1890's-1980's in 2 vols with 1950's-1970's used "packet material" in mixed cond but improves in 1960's to 1970's with MUH incl se-tenant stri…
Sold $75
Japan 1942-1944 POW Mail Selection of Japanese Prisoner of War stampless covers with a variety of Censor seals in both English & Japanese & Censor …
Sold $250
Kenya & East African Federation 1964-1990 commems nearly complete MLH incl M/S's in SG "Simplex" binder. A clean lot with typed details & a strong …
Sold $100
Kenya & Uganda MLH & used with duplication in old "Abria" stockbook. KEVII & KGV in mixed cond with fiscally cancelled 3R, 5R, 5/- & 10/- vals. Lat…
Sold $30
KUT 1953-1975 complete (excl 1973 2/50 Interpol SG 342 & 1975 Airways) incls defin sets & both sets of officials with 1959 set incl both 10/- ovpt …
Sold $110
Kuwait 1962-1970 MLH with commems appearing complete plus blocks & oddments duplicating some issues of this period. Definitive short sets also incl…
Sold $90
Kuwait KGV ovpts incl 1923/24 vals to 4a & 1929/37 1a & 3a plus a range of inverted & double overprints, the latter incl ½a 2 pairs & 2 singles. A…
Sold $100
Kuwait & Muscat Selection of covers plus 2R KGVI block of 10 MUH of Kuwait & aerogrammes incl registered & one censored. Aerogrammes are QEII ovpts…
Sold $160
Malaya 1937-1963 range of 135 addressed FDC's mounted by photo corners in old album. Some are registered incl the 1952 additional vals to the 1949 …
Sold $240
Malaya 1952-1968 range of FDC's with majority Regd Kuala Lumpur noting 5c, 8c, 12c 20c & 35c Perlis on plain cover with typed address (Cat. £28 as…
Sold $30
Malay States Mixed group on leaves incl Negri Sembilan values to $5 used (fiscal), Perak 1928 vals to 50¢ (excl 15¢) used, Trengganu first type t…
Sold $40
Malaysia MLH & used oddments annotated on Hagners comprising Labuan 1885 2¢ rose-red used with wmk reversed, 1902 1¢, 2¢, 3¢, 5¢, 50¢ & $1 ML…
Manchuria MLH & used on old printed leaves incl 1932 3f & 16f used & 1934/36 13f unused plus Enthronement set (1½f MLH, others used, Cat. £50), 1…
Sold $95
Mauritius QV group plus a KGV 10R MLH incl 1858/62 red brown on bluish & blue "no value" prepared for use but not issued, 1859/61 6d dull purple sl…
Sold $75
Muscat & Bahrain MLH & F/U collections on leaves in "Ring 22" binder with 1944 Al-Busaid to 2R MLH & cut-outs with all vals to 12a tied by 8 DEC 46…
Sold $260
Netherlands 1879-1972 postcards all used x 8 of which 5 are pre-stamped plus 1940-1986 covers (11) with various slogan cancels. All local usages. (19)
Netherlands 1920's-1970's commems in mixed MUH & MLH (some stains in 1940s/50s) with a few blocks & strips. Also GB PD set of 12 to £5 MUH & Iraq …
Sold $50
Netherlands 1958-1981 MUH with over 400 stamps & 22 M/S's plus some earlier defins at back noting 1953-1971 Gulden values (Cat. £45) & 1969 set of…
Sold $80
Netherlands 1960-1986 covers with NVPH numbered FDC's ranging from E43-E237 (150) plus "Philatelic" covers with booklet panes or special cachets (9…
Sold $60


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