Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
KGV Varieties well written up in SG Devon album. Noted "RA joined" on all three 1d colours, "NY joined" on 1d green x 2, "wattle line", "ferns", "s…
Sold $130
KGV & Pre-decimals Mixed selection of items incl 1d black brown KGV letter card uprated with 1d red bisect tied by Cronulla Beach cds of 27 NO 18, …
Sold $160
KGV to 1989 on approx. 50 Hagners with value on first page noting 1½d KGV with perfectly struck 1925 Palgarup Mill (WA) cds, a few MUH/MLH incl 1/…
Sold $80
KGVI group of commems & defins all with ACSC listed varieties annotated on a Hagner. Noted 4d koala F/U with "colour spot below right border" varie…
1891-1965 A covers & cards random range which incls Qld 1½d wrapper x 3 used, P/C to Germany, 1d mauve PSE & 1d wrapper (2), 1d "South Brisbane & …
Sold $310
1913 1d KGV engraved specialist collection on 2 annotated pages & 3 Hagner sheets incl 3x blocks of 10, block of 9, block of 8, 11 x blocks of 6, 4…
Sold $1000
1913-1949 Mainly used on stockcards with a duplicated range of kangaroos to 5/- (Sm. Mult wmk) & KGV to 1/4d (2) plus 1930's commems incl Silver Ju…
Sold $120
1913-1958 retired dealer's accumulation of Hagners & old album pages with mainly pre-decimal MUH/MLH & used incl 1930's plate blocks, imprint pairs…
Sold $1250
1913-1965 "balance of collection" remnants on various types of album leaves with emphasis on kangaroos & KGV used. Similar on Hagners & covers/card…
Sold $270
1913-1965 & AAT to 1980 in Seven Seas Hingeless leaves album. Noted 1913 5/- (parcel cancel), attractive 4d cds cancel & 5d MLH (gum disturbed) wit…
Sold $490
1913-1965 duplicated used on Hagners in AP padded binder. Majority good to fine used but nothing major present. Finishes with AAT & States with lig…
Sold $85
1913-1965 MLH & used on leaves in "Senator" binder. Starts with modest range of kangaroos to 2/- & KGV to 1/4d average used with commems in mixed c…
Sold $35
1913-1965 MLH & used on Seven Seas standard leaves noting 1913 5/- CTO with other kangaroos to 2/- (perf "OS") in mixed cond plus £1 & £2 "Specim…
Sold $210
1913-1965 MUH, MLH & used collection in Seven Seas Hingeless album with 1st wmk kangaroos to 9d (excl 6d) incl ½d & 3d CTO (ACSS 1wb cat. $30 & 12…
Sold $200
1913-1965 MUH/MLH collection on Seven Seas Hingeless pages noting 1st wmk kangaroos to 1/- with toning on 4d & both 5d & 9d are heavily hinged but …
Sold $450
1913-1965 MUH/MLH in large quality Prinz stockbook. Noted "Specimen" kangaroo set of 3 (CofA) with other kangaroos from ½d to 9d (no 4d), 1/- smal…
Sold $410
1913-1965 Used range on Hagners plus c70 Australian States. Generally only average used cond but some are better incl 5/- kangaroo, KGV 4d & 1/4d, …
Sold $55
1913-1965 Used with 1913 kangaroos 4d & 5d good used, 6d, 9d & 2/- average, 1914/15 2½d & 6d, 5/- telegraph puncture, 1915/28 to 5/- simplified, 1…
Sold $220
1913-1966 "balance of consignment" on leaves & Hagners in folder. The leaves are strong in used kangaroos to 2/- & KGV to 1/4d incl 3d "OS". MUH/ML…
Sold $90
1913-1971 Used range in SG standard printed album. Average cond but useful pickings incl 5d kangaroo perfined small "OS", KGV range to 1/4d, "OS" o…
Sold $240
1913-1972 MUH, MLH & used in Seven Seas Hingeless album starting with First wmk to 1/- used (1d Die I MUH), 2nd to 1/-, 3rd to 5/- (ex 2/- brown), …
Sold $410
1913-1975 Seven Seas Hingeless pages hardback & professionally bound with basic pre-decimal (no Kangaroos or KGV). Decimal MUH & complete with Chri…
Sold $75
1913-1980 accumulation of largely used common but does incl 6d "OS" CofA wmk kangaroo MUH & a few KGV MLH with gum faults incl 1/4d CofA with some …
Sold $60
1913-1985 in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Average used kangaroos (23) to 2/- with good to fine used KGV (60) incl 4d lemon. Commems missing 5/- SHB,…
Sold $110
1913-1986 Schaubek hingeless album with patchy used collection in mainly only average cond (e.g. 1914 6d kookaburra blunt corner, 1931/36 CofA 10/-…
Sold $230
1914-2004 assorted mixed on Hagners incl KGV 1d reds x 88 incl 15 perfined "OS" & 5 other perfins all annotated with a good range of shades, invert…
Sold $95
1915-1978 mixed lot comprising 3rd wmk kangaroo marginal block of 14 (2 x 7 rows) perfined "OS" (10 with creasing), 1936 Cable plate blocks 2d (pla…
Sold $620
1915-1980 plus a few States & AAT. Used ex-European dealer stock with small range of kangaroos incl 5d, 2/- brown & a piece with 3d tied by oval S.…
Sold $100
1919-1965 Covers incl Papua/New Guinea noting 1918 NWPI Reg'd cover Rabaul to Melbourne bearing 10 kangaroo/KGV adhesives to 1/-, WWII censored cov…
Sold $220
1927-1960 heavily duplicated used accumulation with odd MLH incl 5/- cattle in one large stockbook & 2 small. Huge quantity with time needed to ext…
Sold $30
1927-1964 used in about 20% of SG quality Devon album with the other pages fine. The stamps incl KGV simplified to 1/4d incl 2 shades of 4d orange …
Sold $65
1927-1965 MUH/MLH accumulation with patchy coverage & missing all major items however incls 2/- commems, coil pairs, multiple commem blocks, basic …
Sold $55
1927-1965 MUH/MLH in Seven Seas hingeless album. Many 1930's missing but does incl 1931 Kingsford Smith 6d brown & ovptd "OS", 1932 6d Kookaburra &…
Sold $130
1927-1978 used collection on Seven Seas standard leaves with 1927 1½d Canberra CTO perfined "OS", ditto 1929 1½d swan, 3d Airmail (type B) & 1928…
Sold $260
1928-1984 Seven Seas Hingeless album with MUH missing only 1928 M/S, 1931 Kingsford Smith "OS" ovpts, 5/- SHB & OS ovpts otherwise complete as per …
Sold $800
1929-2008 mainly used accumulation on 50+ Hagners with only a couple of kangaroos & KGV heads. Better later with 1927 1½d Canberra & 1929 3d Air p…
Sold $120
1930-1959 range of outgoing covers incl some first flight with cachets. Destinations incl Papua/New Guinea, USA, England, New Zealand, Germany, Swi…
Sold $200
1930-1965 MUH oddments & multiples with best items being 6d kangaroo "OS" CofA wmk pair, blocks of 4 of Cobb pair, Anzac set of 3, 2/3d cable, 2/3d…
Sold $80
1931-1965 Lighthouse Mint Sheet Folder with full & part sheets plus large multiples. Incls 1931 Kingsford Smith with 3d part sheet of 40 & block of…
Sold $440
1932-1935 MUH/MLH in black-leaved stockbook noting 1932 1/- lyrebird single MLH, 2d & 3d SHB imprint blocks & 6d large koala imprint block (toned).…
Sold $130
1932-1935 used off paper & loose noting 2d SHB, 1935 2d ANZAC & 2d KGV Jubilee. Possible pmk potential. (100s)
Sold $20
1934-1961 range of covers starting with 1934 Aust to NZ flight covers with 2 return, 1937 1d/2d FDC's x 2, 1938 Philatelic Exhib with 2d KGVI & lab…
Sold $95
1935-1956 range of MUH/MLH blocks, coil strips & multiples incl 2d Anzac plate blocks No.1 (LL), 2 (UR & LR), 3 (UR), a few imprints incl 2d NSW, 1…
Sold $120
1935-1997 covers with mixed FDC's & commercial noting airmails of 1930's incl Hobart to Canberra, 1955 Qantas Cocos Is to Perth (2), 1946 Mitchell …
Sold $100
1937-1965 MUH in Seven Seas Hingeless album with slipcase. No robes, Arms or better KGVI/zoologicals with Navigators to 10/-. Some items are toned,…
Sold $25
1937-1966 on Hagners with a few KGVI imprint blocks (1½d maroon Ash x 3) incl 1d green Die I QM x 4 gutter Ash imprint blocks of 8 & some 1945/49 …
Sold $40
1945-1994 selection of vendors remaining smaller lots incl 1945 Gloucester set of 3 in MUH sheets of 60 plus 3½d & 5½d Newcastle large blocks. 19…
Sold $60
1955-1960 Range of addressed & unaddressed FDC's x 43 with mainly WCS but also 4 "Royal" & a few others plain. Vals to 2/5d with few 1955-1958 regi…
Sold $100
Pre-decimal 1953-1964 Commercial mail with 3d to 5d rates on various company advertising window/plain envs. With a selection of slogan cancels. Not…
Sold $60
Pre-decimals & States MUH, MLH & used lot in large KABE stockbook with States low vals MLH & used, mainly post-1890. Australia 1940's-1960's with M…
Sold $250


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