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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1905 (26th Dec) Sydney to Cuballing inward cover with Yornaning transit oval rubber stamp dated 2 Jan 1906 (1). Scarce.
1906 (21st Sept) 1d blue swan Post Card (ACSC PC2) tied by 2 crisp Coolgardie cds's with clear Brown Hill 3b in 2 (1) b/s. Good cond.
Sold $200
1906 (21st Nov) "Botanic Gardens, Brisbane, Queensland" (Art series) postcards from Albany with duplex cancel DxPO-1c (1-2) to Fremantle. VG cond.
1907 (1st Oct) Burtville to Tasmania with 2d yellow swan tied by Burtville 3b (1-2). Laverton transit & Hobart b/s's. Usual spike holes.
Sold $20
1908 (3rd June) 1d swan tied by Boulder A25 cds on Florence Baines - "The Girl Who Set London Laughing" b&w postcard. Used to Donnybrook with handw…
Sold $20
1908 (24th Sept) S.S.Istran Ship's Master declaration before Public Notary relating to "featuring damage from stress of weather" on this cargo of "…
Sold $40
1908 (7th Dec) 1d blue swan Post Card (ACSC PC2) tied by crisp Katanning cds. Addr to Malvern, Sth Aust. Good cond.
Sold $40
1908 Visit of the American Fleet "Australians Welcome Americans" mint postcard with imprint of 2d blue swan & pre-stamped with rectangular red stri…
Sold $130
1910 OHMS env (small tear at base) to Wiluna from Mines Dept. & returned unclaimed bearing oval cachet of "Mining Registrar's Office, Wiluna, W.A."…
Sold $100
1911 1½d blue on green stock Postcard unused with 2 small light surface creases (PC19, cat. $800) & similar with UPU Specimen UPU Perth cds dated …
Sold $160
1912 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on two MUH blocks of 4 & 6 with wmks both sideways & upright. All MUH. SG 172/a Cat. £100+ (4 blocks)
Sold $40
1912 3d brown on thin ready gummed paper with wmk sideways & wmk upright examples. F/U with rough perfs characteristic of this issue. SG 170/a Cat.…
Sold $200
1917/18 WWI Victory & Peace hand tinted card featuring 28th INF Battalion A.I.F. logo above black swan plus home made covering envelope with hand d…
1917 1d to £1/10 Probate - Supreme Court stamps in green blocks of 4 without wmk. £1 has one unit thinned otherwise generally fine MUH/MLH. (40)
Sold $180
1922 £5 orange Probate - Supreme Court block of 4. MLH x 3 with one MUH.
Sold $100
1922 £10 claret Probate - Supreme Court block of 4. 2 x MLH & 2 x MUH.
Sold $100
1922 £25 pale slate-blue Probate - Supreme Court block of 4. 2 x MLH & 2 x MUH with one having minor gum bend. Frontally fresh.
Sold $120
1922 £50 brown Probate - Supreme Court block of 4. MLH with pulled perfs on top right stamp otherwise sound. (see plate 6)
Sold $140
1935 (20th Mar) 1d KGV x 2 tied by Perth Air Mail slogan cancel on env addressed to "Miss Edna Boocock c/o Mr H Troughton Weat Murray via Pinjarra"…
Sold $2450
1940's/50's b&w photos x 8 showing scenes of Boulder & Kalgoorlie all hand annotated on reverse complete with negatives in original Kodak processin…
Sold $40
1945 (April) WWII POW Mail with "P/W Middle East 105" & "POW Camp Marrinup, WA" cachets in violet. Inwards from Italy with "Prisoner of War Censors…
Sold $110
1944 (2nd May) 6d "Service of Prisoners of War" Airmail Postcard to Germany completed in m/s on reverse, "No 16 Marrinup" & cancelled Ship Mail Roo…
Sold $180
1944 (23rd June) WWII POW Mail outwards to Germany using Airmail Lettersheet POW 2 with "Service of Prisoner" of War" cachet in violet on front wit…
Sold $130
1944/45 WWII POW Mail with "Prisoner of War Control Centre, W.4 Kojonup" & "POW Camp Marrinup, W.A." cachets in mauve. Airmail inwards from Italy w…
Sold $150
1946 (5th Jun) 1/- "Service of Prisoners of War" Airmail Lettersheet to Germany, endorsed on reverse "16 P.O.W Camp Marrinup" & cancelled at Pinjar…
Sold $200
1952 (16th Feb) "Hiring Agreement" from the "Swansea Xucle & Motor Coy" at 9 William St, Fremantle for a £23/8/6d "Gents Roadster" with2/6d swan r…
Sold $30
1954 (2nd Aug) 3½d swan on illust FDC's in 2 colours both pmkd Chief Parcels Office, NSW with neighbouring WAPEX '54 cinderellas plus the WAPEX so…
Sold $25
1954 (24th Oct) incoming Registered cover from Norway resealed at left with oval cachet of 8Sep1954 "Commonwealth of Australia Milligan St. Perth S…
Sold $60
1970 (12th Feb) incoming Registered Airmail letter from Pitcairn Is bearing lowest 8 vals (total 30¢) of current defins with reverse showing "Balb…
1979 (19th Jan) Kwinana Post Office Official Opening illust cover with 20c Grebe tied by "NEW POST OFFICE KWINANA WA 6167" pictorial pmk. Exc cond.
Sold $25
1984 SMITS complete sheet of 220 "Wapex '84 19th-26th May 1984" advertising cinderellas with a different letter in each perforated gummed stamp are…
Sold $45
Western Australia: Postmarks
A-S strikes incl bar numerals on swans through to decimal but largely pre-decimal. Nothing scarce sighted but a good range with the bar numerals un…
Sold $130
1930's-1950's approx. 140 from small country towns with some duplication but represent over 80 diff locations. Most are clear complete strikes on s…
Sold $85
1930's-1950's 200+ "premium" cancels on Australian stamps on piece with most being complete, clear strikes. Many are from smaller country towns & s…
Sold $310
1967-2004 Extensive range of commem, pictorial & event cancels all on cover, many matching the event or issue. Incls the "Perth" FDI pictorials plu…
Sold $120
1980's-2000's mixed cds's in box. Odd eastern States. Some fine & unusual strikes noted. Sighted Cowaramup (1), "Be Our Guest" Karratha, Rocky Gull…
Sold $50
Hagners (approx 30) with many full strikes on swans up to 2001. Noted Big Bell, Donnelly River Mill, RAAF Geraldton, Frankland, Lake Brown, Muradup…
Sold $150
Small group of numerals & letters incl No.10 grid Canning, 15 Bar 11 Newcastle on SG 38, 12 bar 10 Mourambine & 11 bar GR Greenough plus complete (…
Sold $80
Hagners with selection with some scarcer types plus manuscripts, coloured datestamps, ship mail types & Parcel Post. Variable condition but conserv…
Swans arranged in alphabetical order. Nice range of more complete strikes, useful for studying early & late use. Nothing "rare" but opening at less…
Sold $230
Individual display cards in alphabetical town order. Each with each cancel on a separate card classified as per PMI listings & rated as per PMC rat…
Sold $480
Noted Ajana, Bakers Hill, Bolgart, Bowerling, Brunswick Junction, Burekup, Caves House Dwellingup, Chadoora, Deanmill, Dinninup, East Witchcliffe, …
Sold $190
All on swans & arranged in alphabetical order. Useful lot for research noting section on numerals. Some strikes on "OS" perfins & revenues. Nothing…
Sold $150
Numeral Cancel range on swans with a better than average selection incl Grid 11 x 2, 9 bar 3, 15 bar 13 on 1/- green, 12 bar 6, 12 bar 14, 12 bar 2…
Sold $100
Postmark range mainly on pre-decimal from 1920's to the 1970's. There is little duplication & many are complete clear strikes. While there appears …
Sold $190
Several hundred hinged in the "A" to "R" pages of the WA Study Groups "Western Australia: The Postal Markings Illustrated". The "S" to "Z" section …
Sold $200
Hagners with range of 9 bar (1-4, 8-10, 12), 12 bar (1, 2, 5-8, 10, 12, 13, 16-19, 21, 23, 25, 28-33, & 35 with dupls of most), 15 bar (1-3, 5-10, …
Sold $160
Swans & pre-decimal Aust selection incl 3 crown Registered, oval Post & Telegraph Office Boyanup plus numerous 3b types such as Condon, Davyhurst, …
Sold $150
Balbarrup B29 on 4d swan dated 21 JA 13, earlier than the earliest date of 25-02-13 recorded in PMI. This cds is very scarce on swan stamps.
Sold $65
Boulder M.O.O. (Money Order Office) E31-Moo with small date. Complete strike on piece -6 OC 61 possibly an archival strike. Rare. (1)
Sold $30


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