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Lot No Description Est.
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d carmine rose (G74) block of 6 on rough paper perfined "OS". Fresh with top three MLH & bottom MUH. Useful exhibition multiple. Drury Cert. (2017…
Sold $500
1d carmine rose (G74), Die I on rough paper with substitute cliché. MLH, centered high right. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 72Q(2)ka Cat. $1500 (see pla…
1d carmine rose on rough paper (G74), plate 1 top left selvedge corner block of 28 for 1-4, 7-10, 13-16, 19-22, 25-28, 31-34 & 37-40. Selvedge MH w…
Sold $400
1d green block of 4 with "wattle line", "nick near top of LF" & "neck flaw" varieties. F/U Melbourne cds. ACSC 77(4)fg & h
Sold $50
1d green top left selvedge block of 6, Pane 7 (VII.1, VII.2/ VII.7/ VII.8/ VII.13, VII.14) with "secret mark" & "break in TF & 4th pearl at left in…
Sold $40
1d green vertical pair with "wattle line" & "flaw under neck" varieties. MUH. ACSC 74(4)f & h Cat. $80+
Sold $40
1d green, pane 7 positional block of 4 (7.31, 7.32/ 7.37, 7.38) with "wattle line", "nick near top of left frame & "flaw under neck" varieties. MUH…
Sold $50
1d green, plate 4 positional block of 6, positions 13, 14/ 19, 20/ 25, 26 with 3 varieties incl "distorted one penny" (ACSC 77(4)k), ("thin one pen…
Sold $50
1d green. Five examples each with a different variety incl inverted wmk (ACSC 77a, cat. $50), "secret mark" (ACSC 77(4)d, cat. $40), "wattle line" …
Sold $50
1d maroon (G77) on rough paper. MLH, centered low. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 72R Cat. $750 (see plate 5)
Sold $250
1d violet block of 6 from pane positions 13-15 & 19-21 incl "dot before right I" variety. MLH. ACSC 76(3)m Cat. $100+
Sold $60
1d violet in left selvedge pair with "secret mark" (ACSC 76(4)d) & "break in top frame 4th pearl at left in crown joins line below" (76(4)e) variet…
Sold $40
1d violet in lower selvedge block of 4 pane with positions 53, 54/59, 60. Incls "ferns" & "ra of Australia joined" varieties. MUH/MLH with strong d…
Sold $60
1d violet in two different part imprint blocks of 4 with "notched NE corner" variety on one (ACSC 76(3)k, cat. $95) MUH but even gum toning & light…
Sold $65
1d violet in vertical strip of 3 with two "wattle line" & "flaw under neck" varieties. Top unit with no gum on top 20%, others MUH. ACSC 76(4)f/h C…
Sold $40
1d violet lower right corner selvedge block of 4 with "white spot SE corner" & "run N of one", 3rd state varieties. MUH/MLH but toned gum however g…
Sold $60
1d violet pair with "wattle-line" variety ACSC 76(4)f plus Small Mult wmk single with "neck flaw" ACSC 76(4)h. MUH. Cat. $115
Sold $50
1d violet vertical pair with "ferns" & "ra" of Australia joined" varieties. Note variety "j" is partly hidden by postmark. F/U. ACSC 76(4)ia & j
Sold $30
1d violet pane 6 positional block of 4 (6.15, 6.16/ 6.21, 6.22) with "thinned left frame" variety on lower left stamp. MLH ACSC 76(3)n Cat. $80
Sold $40
1d violet range with "dot before right 1" (ACSC 76(3)m), "secret mark" (76(4)d), "neck flaw" (76(4)h) & "ra of Australia" (76(4)j) varieties. joine…
Sold $90
1d violet, Die III in a complete sheet of 120, plate 3 with all pane 5 & 6 varieties except for "one" flaw. Some perf separation especially between…
Sold $1050
2d red bottom selvedge single with "twc" for "two" variety. MUH with some fluffy perfs. ACSC 96(8A)q Cat. $200 (see plate 5)
Sold $75
2d red brown top marginal block of four with "damaged top frame at left" variety. Centred low with 2 unit MUH incl variety, others MLH. ACSC 98(16)…
Sold $140
2d red single with "white flaw on "T" of two" variety. MUH, centered left. ACSC 96(11)d Cat. $90
2d scarlet,Die III perfined "OS" totally imperforate at base with British Society of Australian Philately cert. (1990) & 2 pieces of corres support…
Sold $550
3d brown in 4 used pairs & a single with varieties; "lower left corner missing" in pair, "broken shading line below kangaroo's tail" in pair, "brea…
Sold $50
4d blue with "white notch in bottom frame at left corner" variety. MVLH. ACSC 112(1)n Cat. $150
Sold $60
4d blue, Die III from Cooke printing with "Fourpence retouch late state" variety. MUH, centred low right with right selvedge but separated from sta…
4d orange pair with "white flaw in base of crown" variety on right stamp. MLH & well centered. ACSC 110)2)l Cat. $150
Sold $60
4d violet with "damaged upper left frame + crown top, white line under "e" of postage" variety. MUH, centred right with slightly toned gum. ACSC 11…
Sold $45
4d violet, perfined "OS" with "white spot under "D" in R.U. shield" variety. MLH & well centred. ACSC 111(2)g Cat. $150
Sold $50
5d chestnut perfined "OS" with "retouched NE corner stage IV" variety. Fine used. ACSC 123b Cat. $90
5d chestnut perfined "OS", single line perf on rough unsurfaced paper. Superb used with fine colour & centring. A challenge to fine a superior copy…
Sold $100
5d bright chestnut perfined "OS" on rough unsurfaced paper. Fine used. ACSC 124 Cat. $250 (see plate 5)
Sold $70
1/4d turquoise MLH. Centred high. SG ACSC 128 Cat. $250
1/4d turquoise-blue. MLH with very light toning at top. Well centred. ACSC 128A Cat. $300
1918-20 Large Mult Perf.14 ½d green, plate 6 bottom selvedge strip of 5 with almost complete T.S. Harrison one line imprint. Attractive imprint MU…
Sold $50
½d green CA monogram block of 4 from Electro 5. The top two stamps are MLH while the two lower stamps incl the monogram unit are MUH. Most attract…
Sold $200
1d carmine pink (G101). Fine used with almost complete "Melbourne 24" cds for 7 FE 18. ACSC73a Cat. $275 (plate 5)
Sold $190
1d carmine pink (G101) from 1918 Cooke printing with "5-30 damaged lower right frame" variety. MVLH with good centering. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 73…
Sold $500
1d carmine pink (G101) from 1918 Cooke printing in MH/MLH block of 4. Centered right with some two tone gum stripping however remains frontally fre…
1d carmine pink (G101) from 1918 Cooke printing. Light crease at top left otherwise fresh MUH. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 73A Cat. $1250
1d rose red (G102) from 1918 Cooke printing. Good to fine used centered left. Scarce is such fine used cond. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 73B Cat. $4000…
Sold $2300
1d deep red (G103) from 1918 Cooke printing. Fine used centred slightly left. Light pencil details on reverse. Attractive exhibition item. Drury Ce…
Sold $12500
1d carmine on pink single watermarked paper. This plate proof is also perfined "OS". MUH, centered right. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 70PP(5) See page …
Sold $2500
1d carmine on pink as above & also MUH but a minute tone spot on reverse. Also centered right & with Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 70PP(5) (see plate 5)
1d carmine rose (G104) from Harrison printing with the "NY" variety in good used vertical pair with normal. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 74A(4)o Cat. $1…
Sold $50
1d carmine aniline (G107) from Harrison printing perfined "OS". MUH with minute tone spot. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 74Db Cat. $300 for MLH
Sold $100
1d deep carmine aniline (G108) from Harrison printing perfined "OS" in horiz pair. MH with redistributed/disturbed gum & centred right. Drury Cert.…
Sold $400
1d deep carmine aniline (G108) from Harrison printing perfined "OS". MVLH centred right with some paper creasing. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 74Eb Cat.…


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