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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Pre-decimal
1931 2d Kingsford Smith John Ash imprint blocks of 4 with pencil annotations "1" to "8". All fresh MUH. ACSC 141zh Cat. $320
Sold $160
1931 2d Kingsford Smith Plate 1 to 8 matching corner blocks of 4. MUH/MLH ACSC 141z/zg Cat. $160
Sold $50
1931 3d Kingsford Smith Plates 1 to 3 in matching corner blocks of 4 with pencil annotations "1" to "8". All MUH. ACSC 142z/zb Cat. $150
Sold $30
1931 3d Kingsford Smith top left corner Plate 3 block of 8 with "Plane dropping Mailbag" variety MUH. Hinged in top selvedge only. ACSC142/d Cat $200
Sold $170
1931 6d Kingsford Smith John Ash imprint block of 8 with "Re-entry to "T" of "AUSTRALIA" variety. Some light vertical gum tan lines but MUH & front…
Sold $75
1931 Kingsford Smith set of 3 MLH & 2d & 3d extras also MLH plus 3d & 6d used, 6d brown Airmail MLH & used in 2 shades. Also "OS" MLH &. ACSC $100 …
Sold $30
1931 3d blue Kingsford Smith ovptd "OS". MLH with very slightly toned gum. Accompanied by APTA 2006 photo/warranty signed by Brian Jeffries. SG O12…
1931 2d & 3d Kingsford Smith ovptd "OS" in CTO imprint blocks plus vertical pairs, the latter with Parliament House Canberra cds's & the blocks wit…
Sold $3900
1931 (16th May) Imperial Airways second outward "All The Way" Australia to England ANA cover. Vert fold creasing one of a strip of 5 x 2/- maroon k…
1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge CTO, no gum with good centering. SG 143 Cat. £200 (see plate 7)
Sold $180
1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge CTO, no gum. Well centred & fine. SG 143 Cat. £200 (see plate 7)
Sold $180
1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge. CTO without gum & well centred with good perfs. SG 143 Cat. £200
Sold $180
1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge. MLH with hinge remnant & slightly toned gum reflected in reserve. SG 143 Cat. £425
Sold $190
1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge. MLH with crazed, aged gum & light vertical bend. SG 143 (see plate 7)
Sold $190
1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge. MLH with toned gum. Centred slightly low with a couple of toned perfs but barely visible from front. Fresh colour. …
Sold $200
1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge set of 4 to 5/-. Fresh MLH with good centering & perfs. SG 140/44 Retail $650+ (see plate 7)
Sold $280
1932 (14th Mar) 2d Sydney Harbour Bridge FDC's bearing engraved examples. Incls Wyalong & Burwood, NSW cds's on plain covers, window faced with con…
Sold $160
1932 (19th Mar) Sydney Harbour Bridge b&w Samuel Wood photographic views all used with SHB cancels on 2d & 3d vals x 2 of each with machine slogan …
Sold $210
1932 6d Kookaburra Ash imprint lightly folded gutter block of 4. Plate 1. Fresh MUH ACSC 150z Cat. $200
Sold $120
1932 (6th & 7th Oct) "GOVT HOUSE GARDEN FETE SYDNEY" cds's on 2d KGV Letter Card & tying 2d KGV on cover (vert bend not affecting stamp or cds). Th…
Sold $65
1933 (16th Feb) OHMS cover from "East Sydney Technical College, Darlinghurst" on OHMS printed envelope with an "Appoint the Public Trustee as Your …
Sold $60
1933 (30th Mar) OHMS long env with 5d KGV perfined "OS" tied by Registered Perth cds with neighbouring R6 label. Addressed to Kenwick (suburban) bu…
Sold $30
1933(24th May) Late usage of 1d, 2d & 2½d kangaroos on Registered cover to England bearing red R6 "Public Offices Victoria" Reg label. Staines, UK…
1933 (19th Sept) OHMS "Department of Railways NSW Darling Harbour Station" window faced cover with 2 x 1d green KGV ovptd "OS" tied by Sydney machi…
1934 Victoria Cent 2d & 3d vals in both 10½ & 11½ perfs in John Ash imprint blocks of 4 Incls the 2d perf. 10½ in both Cowan & Wiggins Teape pap…
Sold $200
1934 1/- Victoria Cent, perf. 10½, in John Ash imprint gutter pair. MVLH verging on MUH & superbly centered. SG Retail $90+
Sold $55
1934 (23rd Oct) Melbourne to Paris via Singapore Airmail cover with 6d large kookaburra, 4d olive KGV & 1/- SA Cent all perfined "C.N.". This perfi…
Sold $150
1935 2d Anzac John Ash/Plate 1 block of 18 with flaw on plate number "1". Fresh MUH ACSC 164zc/zl Cat. $90+
1935 1/- Anzac corner marginal block of 4 perfined "GNSW". Mint without gum. SG 155var.
Sold $65
1935 1/- Anzac corner Plate 2 marginal example. MLH in top selvedge only. Very fresh. ACSC 165za Cat. $425 for block of 4
Sold $70
1935 1/- Anzac in plate 1 & plate 2 corner blocks. CTO/ fine used. ACSC 165z & za Cat. $450 for MLH, unpriced used.
Sold $230
1935 (29th Apr) Anzac pair used on "St. Georges Ter. Western Australia" Registered cover with R6 blue & black label with matching cds's. Addressed …
Sold $130
1935 2d Silver Jubilee group showing used varieties described "flaw left of head", "dot left of horse's head", "top shading retouched" & "double pr…
Sold $230
1935 2d Silver Jubilee horiz pair with "vertical coloured flaw over "I" of "Australia" variety. MLH (ACSC 166(3)d Cat. $150) plus 5 shades all good…
1935 2d Silver Jubilee in the bright copper-red trial ink in plate 1 upper right block. MLH with a little edge toning & hint of diagonal bend. Incl…
1935 2d Silver Jubilee Plate 1 to 6 in corner marginal examples for all 4 corner positions. Majority MVLH in selvedge with stamps fresh MUH. ACSC 1…
Sold $150
1935 3d Silver Jubilee marginal block of 4 with "colour flaw before 1919" variety. MLH with odd tone spot. (ACSC 167f). Also pair showing "accent o…
Sold $160
1935 3d Silver Jubilee Plate 1 in corner marginal examples for all 4 corner positions incl lower left with "Apostrophe between "GEORGE" & "V"" vari…
Sold $110
1935 Silver Jubilee set of 3 in MUH/MLH imprint pairs. Fresh. ACSC $700 for imprint blocks MUH.
1935 2d & 3d Silver Jubilee covers x 2 each uprated with additional 1/- franking for on-forwarding to UK. Both addressed to Eric Moran of RAN (biog…
Sold $80
1935 Silver Jubilee covers x 2 with a 1935 (5th June) Coorparoo, Qld Registered with provisional label in m/s & Plate 1 strip of three 3d paying th…
Sold $40
1935 (25th July) 3d Airmail & 2d SJ (damaged) tied by Charleville cds's on "AE Jolly & Co. Merchants Darwin NT" company env with Melbourne b/s & 19…
1935 (26th Oct) Lord Howe Island, NSW bold, clear cds tying 1d & 2d KGV to San Francisco, USA addressed cover plus 1938 privately produced "Gower W…
Sold $140
1935 (8th Aug) Sydney to Monaco cover bearing 5/- kangaroo & 1d KGV CofA wmk doubly struck with Airmail Sydney NSW cds. Paris & Cannes b/s's. Stand…
Sold $80
1936 3d Cable in Plate 1 corner blocks of 4 for all corners. All fine MUH. ACSC170z/zc Cat. $355
Sold $150
1936 Cable pair in John Ash imprint blocks of 4. 2d is Type B with "waterspout retouch" variety. Both blocks fresh MUH. ACSC 169zt & 170ze Cat. $250+
Sold $140
1936 Cable pair on the Official Post Office Presentation Card. Presented to officials & dignitaries on behalf of McLachlan, Postmaster General. A c…
Sold $310
1936 South Aust Cent set of 3 in John Ash imprint gutter blocks of 4. Fresh MUH. ACSC 171/73z Cat. $300
Sold $180
1936 (11th Feb) "Never say "Piston rings" Say Brico" commercial env from Sydney to England with 2d red & 1/4d turquoise KGV pairs tied by Air Mail …
Sold $35
1936 (15th June) Melbourne to France Airmail cover with 5d chestnut & 1/4d turquoise KGV heavily cancelled with Melbourne machine cancel. Paris arr…
Sold $60


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