Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Australia: Pre-decimal |
 1931 2d Kingsford Smith John Ash imprint blocks of 4 with pencil annotations "1" to "8". All fresh MUH. ACSC 141zh Cat. $320 $120 Sold $160 |
1931 2d Kingsford Smith Plate 1 to 8 matching corner blocks of 4. MUH/MLH ACSC 141z/zg Cat. $160 $50 Sold $50 |
1931 3d Kingsford Smith Plates 1 to 3 in matching corner blocks of 4 with pencil annotations "1" to "8". All MUH. ACSC 142z/zb Cat. $150 $30 Sold $30 |
 1931 3d Kingsford Smith top left corner Plate 3 block of 8 with "Plane dropping Mailbag" variety MUH. Hinged in top selvedge only. ACSC142/d Cat $200 $75 Sold $170 |
 1931 6d Kingsford Smith John Ash imprint block of 8 with "Re-entry to "T" of "AUSTRALIA" variety. Some light vertical gum tan lines but MUH & front… $75 Sold $75 |
1931 Kingsford Smith set of 3 MLH & 2d & 3d extras also MLH plus 3d & 6d used, 6d brown Airmail MLH & used in 2 shades. Also "OS" MLH &. ACSC $100 … $30 Sold $30 |
 1931 3d blue Kingsford Smith ovptd "OS". MLH with very slightly toned gum. Accompanied by APTA 2006 photo/warranty signed by Brian Jeffries. SG O12… $200 Archived |
 1931 2d & 3d Kingsford Smith ovptd "OS" in CTO imprint blocks plus vertical pairs, the latter with Parliament House Canberra cds's & the blocks wit… $3500 Sold $3900 |
 1931 (16th May) Imperial Airways second outward "All The Way" Australia to England ANA cover. Vert fold creasing one of a strip of 5 x 2/- maroon k… $150 Archived |
 1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge CTO, no gum with good centering. SG 143 Cat. £200 (see plate 7) $140 Sold $180 |
 1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge CTO, no gum. Well centred & fine. SG 143 Cat. £200 (see plate 7) $140 Sold $180 |
 1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge. CTO without gum & well centred with good perfs. SG 143 Cat. £200 $140 Sold $180 |
 1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge. MLH with hinge remnant & slightly toned gum reflected in reserve. SG 143 Cat. £425 $150 Sold $190 |
 1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge. MLH with crazed, aged gum & light vertical bend. SG 143 (see plate 7) $180 Sold $190 |
 1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge. MLH with toned gum. Centred slightly low with a couple of toned perfs but barely visible from front. Fresh colour. … $180 Sold $200 |
 1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge set of 4 to 5/-. Fresh MLH with good centering & perfs. SG 140/44 Retail $650+ (see plate 7) $280 Sold $280 |
 1932 (14th Mar) 2d Sydney Harbour Bridge FDC's bearing engraved examples. Incls Wyalong & Burwood, NSW cds's on plain covers, window faced with con… $100 Sold $160 |
1932 (19th Mar) Sydney Harbour Bridge b&w Samuel Wood photographic views all used with SHB cancels on 2d & 3d vals x 2 of each with machine slogan … $50 Sold $210 |
 1932 6d Kookaburra Ash imprint lightly folded gutter block of 4. Plate 1. Fresh MUH ACSC 150z Cat. $200 $120 Sold $120 |
 1932 (6th & 7th Oct) "GOVT HOUSE GARDEN FETE SYDNEY" cds's on 2d KGV Letter Card & tying 2d KGV on cover (vert bend not affecting stamp or cds). Th… $80 Sold $65 |
 1933 (16th Feb) OHMS cover from "East Sydney Technical College, Darlinghurst" on OHMS printed envelope with an "Appoint the Public Trustee as Your … $60 Sold $60 |
 1933 (30th Mar) OHMS long env with 5d KGV perfined "OS" tied by Registered Perth cds with neighbouring R6 label. Addressed to Kenwick (suburban) bu… $30 Sold $30 |
 1933(24th May) Late usage of 1d, 2d & 2½d kangaroos on Registered cover to England bearing red R6 "Public Offices Victoria" Reg label. Staines, UK… $50 Archived |
 1933 (19th Sept) OHMS "Department of Railways NSW Darling Harbour Station" window faced cover with 2 x 1d green KGV ovptd "OS" tied by Sydney machi… $40 Archived |
 1934 Victoria Cent 2d & 3d vals in both 10½ & 11½ perfs in John Ash imprint blocks of 4 Incls the 2d perf. 10½ in both Cowan & Wiggins Teape pap… $100 Sold $200 |
1934 1/- Victoria Cent, perf. 10½, in John Ash imprint gutter pair. MVLH verging on MUH & superbly centered. SG Retail $90+ $40 Sold $55 |
 1934 (23rd Oct) Melbourne to Paris via Singapore Airmail cover with 6d large kookaburra, 4d olive KGV & 1/- SA Cent all perfined "C.N.". This perfi… $150 Sold $150 |
1935 2d Anzac John Ash/Plate 1 block of 18 with flaw on plate number "1". Fresh MUH ACSC 164zc/zl Cat. $90+ $30 Archived |
1935 1/- Anzac corner marginal block of 4 perfined "GNSW". Mint without gum. SG 155var. $50 Sold $65 |
1935 1/- Anzac corner Plate 2 marginal example. MLH in top selvedge only. Very fresh. ACSC 165za Cat. $425 for block of 4 $70 Sold $70 |
 1935 1/- Anzac in plate 1 & plate 2 corner blocks. CTO/ fine used. ACSC 165z & za Cat. $450 for MLH, unpriced used. $180 Sold $230 |
 1935 (29th Apr) Anzac pair used on "St. Georges Ter. Western Australia" Registered cover with R6 blue & black label with matching cds's. Addressed … $80 Sold $130 |
 1935 2d Silver Jubilee group showing used varieties described "flaw left of head", "dot left of horse's head", "top shading retouched" & "double pr… $150 Sold $230 |
 1935 2d Silver Jubilee horiz pair with "vertical coloured flaw over "I" of "Australia" variety. MLH (ACSC 166(3)d Cat. $150) plus 5 shades all good… $60 Archived |
1935 2d Silver Jubilee in the bright copper-red trial ink in plate 1 upper right block. MLH with a little edge toning & hint of diagonal bend. Incl… $60 Archived |
 1935 2d Silver Jubilee Plate 1 to 6 in corner marginal examples for all 4 corner positions. Majority MVLH in selvedge with stamps fresh MUH. ACSC 1… $150 Sold $150 |
 1935 3d Silver Jubilee marginal block of 4 with "colour flaw before 1919" variety. MLH with odd tone spot. (ACSC 167f). Also pair showing "accent o… $90 Sold $160 |
1935 3d Silver Jubilee Plate 1 in corner marginal examples for all 4 corner positions incl lower left with "Apostrophe between "GEORGE" & "V"" vari… $50 Sold $110 |
 1935 Silver Jubilee set of 3 in MUH/MLH imprint pairs. Fresh. ACSC $700 for imprint blocks MUH. $120 Archived |
 1935 2d & 3d Silver Jubilee covers x 2 each uprated with additional 1/- franking for on-forwarding to UK. Both addressed to Eric Moran of RAN (biog… $60 Sold $80 |
1935 Silver Jubilee covers x 2 with a 1935 (5th June) Coorparoo, Qld Registered with provisional label in m/s & Plate 1 strip of three 3d paying th… $40 Sold $40 |
1935 (25th July) 3d Airmail & 2d SJ (damaged) tied by Charleville cds's on "AE Jolly & Co. Merchants Darwin NT" company env with Melbourne b/s & 19… $30 Archived |
 1935 (26th Oct) Lord Howe Island, NSW bold, clear cds tying 1d & 2d KGV to San Francisco, USA addressed cover plus 1938 privately produced "Gower W… $60 Sold $140 |
 1935 (8th Aug) Sydney to Monaco cover bearing 5/- kangaroo & 1d KGV CofA wmk doubly struck with Airmail Sydney NSW cds. Paris & Cannes b/s's. Stand… $100 Sold $80 |
 1936 3d Cable in Plate 1 corner blocks of 4 for all corners. All fine MUH. ACSC170z/zc Cat. $355 $150 Sold $150 |
 1936 Cable pair in John Ash imprint blocks of 4. 2d is Type B with "waterspout retouch" variety. Both blocks fresh MUH. ACSC 169zt & 170ze Cat. $250+ $100 Sold $140 |
 1936 Cable pair on the Official Post Office Presentation Card. Presented to officials & dignitaries on behalf of McLachlan, Postmaster General. A c… $150 Sold $310 |
 1936 South Aust Cent set of 3 in John Ash imprint gutter blocks of 4. Fresh MUH. ACSC 171/73z Cat. $300 $100 Sold $180 |
1936 (11th Feb) "Never say "Piston rings" Say Brico" commercial env from Sydney to England with 2d red & 1/4d turquoise KGV pairs tied by Air Mail … $50 Sold $35 |
 1936 (15th June) Melbourne to France Airmail cover with 5d chestnut & 1/4d turquoise KGV heavily cancelled with Melbourne machine cancel. Paris arr… $60 Sold $60 |