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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
New Zealand 1873-1990 MUH, MLH & used stock in old Lighthouse stockbook. Good range of 1898 pictorials incl 3x 6d green used & 2/- perf. 11 no wmk …
Sold $460
New Zealand 1929-1973 Healths (no 1930 or 1931) MUH with a few of the pre-1950 with perf stains. Also Samoa 1967-1978 MUH clean with 1967 birds to …
Sold $30
New Zealand 1969-1990 range of M/S's in black leaved KA-BE stockbook. Comprises 28 Health M/S's all MUH plus 22 CTO incl 1969 Cook on FDC. Fine. (50)
Sold $50
New Zealand 1971-1985 PO Year Packs complete. FV NZ$75+ ($70) (15)
Sold $55
New Zealand 1999-2001 (Vols 15 to 20) Limited Edition single issue books with the M/S's, colour separations, gutters & signed FDC's for "Scenic Wal…
Sold $150
New Zealand 2003-2004 (Vols 26 to 30) Limited Edition single issue books with the M/S's, gutters, colour separations & signed FDC's for "Ballet", "…
Sold $150
New Zealand Sparse duplicated range of MUH/MLH in slim "Briefmarken" stockbook. 1898 2½d pictorial before a few KGV low vals & 1940-1977 range wit…
Sold $20
North Borneo 1888-1956 range on Hagners in padded binder. The 1888 issues with forgeries in imperf singles & blocks plus a few genuine. Later incls…
Sold $100
Norway 1855-1991 with odd later in Davo standard album with slipcase. Mixed MLH & used with used listed unless stated otherwise. Early issues stron…
Sold $1200
Norway 1980-2004 in Lighthouse hingeless album with leaves to 2008. High degree of completeness bar some 1993/94 issues & odd others. Appears fine …
Sold $250
Pitcairn Is 1940-2009 in 2 Seven Seas Hingeless albums. Nearly all MUH incl 1949 RSW & UPU, missing only 1986 Frama label & 1998 floral triangulars…
Sold $390
Portugal 1853-1990 MUH, MLH & used in 2 Davo standard albums. Good range of used embossed from 1853 Queen Maria 25r in 2 shades, 1855/56 King Pedro…
Sold $1200
Portugal Patchy coverage but noted Ceres mint & used with the former cat. £550 incl 10e pink. Also 1924 Camoens excl 48¢ & 10e (cat. £70), 1992 …
Sold $90
Portuguese Colonies General MLH & used range on over 40 Hagners with very fine complete sets plus page of Allenstean 1920 ovpts to 3mk (2 diff) & H…
Sold $85
Rhodesia (Northern & Southern & R&N) & Malawi on leaves with value in MUH/MLH sets & M/S's of Malawi to 1994. Useful earlier with S. Rhodesia KGV t…
Sold $320
Saudi Arabia 1916-1925 used range with all items "flagged" with SG cat. numbers & prices. Light duplication. Cat. £400 approx. (64)
Sold $120
Solomon Is 1908-1979 MLH & used on stockcards incl 1908 to 1/- MLH, 1913 & 1914/23 MCA to 2/6d MLH, 1/- (2 shades), 2/-, 5/- sheets used, 1922/31 t…
Sold $300
South Africa - Boer War 1901 censored fronts x 3 to Ahmednagar, India from POW to different addressees. Variety of censor markings franked with Nat…
South Africa - Boer War 1901/02 Boer War covers x 4 with a variety of censor marks, 2 with "Opened under MARTIAL LAW" tabs. "ARMY POST OFFICE NATAL…
South Africa 1980's-1990's FDC's. All clean & unaddressed with strong thematic appeal comprising RSA, SWA, Namibia & all four South African homelan…
Sold $50
Spain 1854-1985 with 68 pre-1900 & a mainly used later range but mint incls 1928 Catacombs Fund with 11 vals to 25¢, 1930 Columbus & Goya sets to …
Sold $60
Spain to 1970 neatly arranged on computer generated pages (nothing scarce) plus folder with Hagners of Croatia & Yugoslavia & Hagner binder with Va…
Sold $90
Sudan 1895-1962 MLH & used on Hagners noting 1895 set MLH/used (5pi & 10pi MLH, Cat. £130), 1902/21 Postman to 10pi (£120 as mint) plus set F/U, …
Sold $330
Switzerland 1845-1970 in Lighthouse standard album. The few Carvalho are clear & probable forgeries & are not counted in collection estimate. Defin…
Switzerland 1953-1983 Pro Juventute booklets (staples removed & excl duplicate panes), 1953 & 1957 FDC's with odd better commercial & commem covers…
Thailand 1978-1999 Many MUH sets incl 1999 100b Anniv set of 4 (Cat. £30) plus used oddments. Cat. £230 for MUH with at least as much again for u…
Sold $100
Tonga 1943-1971 with mainly the freeforms & imperfs of 1963-1971 noting 1970 Red Cross & Royal Visit sets. A clean MUH lot cat. $550+ (300+)
Sold $100
Turks & Caicos 1966-1988 accumulation. Majority MUH & fine used/CTO sets incl M/S's. Many in blocks of 4 with a high thematic content. Generally fi…
Sold $340
Tuvalu 1981-1984 selection of OHMS covers addressed to Perth all with "OFFICIAL" ovpts issues pmkd Funafuti. Attractive usage. VG cond. (11)
United Nations 1951-1986 in Schaubek hingeless album with a high degree of completeness. Majority of New York issues MUH with earlier good to fine …
Sold $180
USA 1851-1971 used in "All American" printed album. Sparse early but incls 1870/71 90¢ carmine & 1879/88 90¢ violet. Average later defins incl 19…
Sold $150
USA 1857-1979 used collection in 2 Davo standard albums. Better incl 1861/66 12¢ black & 24¢ grey, 30¢ Franklin with "fancy" cork cancel, 1869 2…
Sold $700
USA 1890's range of covers, cards plus odd earlier & a few later. Noted 1890's registered package receipts used (4) & 1899 bank cheque for $60. Lat…
USA 1930's-1970's correspondence & FDC's noting a few 1940's censored & odd early but mostly addressed FDC's with some low vals also in blocks. (350+)
Sold $25
USA 1938-1954 "Presidentials" MUH plate blocks study incl Durland "Standard Plate Number Catalog 2000". Approx. 20 covers but strength in MUH block…
Sold $540
USA 1938-1954 "Presidentials" sorted accumulation of covers in individual glassines. Noted nearly all values to $1 incl coils, part booklets/panes,…
Sold $200
Zimbabwe 1980-1997 accum of MUH & CTO sets in envelopes. Clean ex-standing order account issues appearing complete for the period in blocks & strip…
Sold $200
Zimbabwe 1980-1997 FDC accumulation with quantities varying from 1 to 25 of each. The heaviest dupl in first 3 years then mostly 8-10 to 1991 with …
Zimbabwe 1980-1997 range of 37 different commem sets in complete sheets with 2 sheets of each & all vals making 100 set for each issue or 60 of 198…
Zimbabwe 1980-2001 issues in MUH blocks of 4 MUH with over 250 different. Pages a little sticky but stamps all appear fine. High cat value. (1000+)
Sold $140
Antarctica 1968-1972 selection of covers incl 1968/69 Relief Expedition cover with 3c Ross Dep tied by Scott Base cds & mauve cachet plus another w…
British Southern Africa 3 large Chinese stockbooks noting Northern Rhodesia 1953 to 20/- MUH, Southern Rhodesia 1953 to 5/- MLH & 1970's-1980's Rho…
Sold $75
British Southern Africa Range of covers in mixed cond (toning widespread) noting South Africa WWII censored (5), JIPEX 36 exhibition sheetlets (6 c…
Sold $50
British Southern Africa with BSAC, Southern Rhodesia, OFS & Transvaal with value in OFS incl KEVII to 5/- MLH & to 1/- used. Also pickings with S. …
Sold $70
British Commonwealth QV to 1950 mainly used in very mixed cond with 14 covers & fronts to 1950 incl 1935 NZ to England airmail front bearing 6d Air…
Sold $90
British Commonwealth QV-1960's mainly used selection in "homemade" album. Incls Negri Sembilan 1949 set to $1 MLH, Burma 1945 ovpts to 10R used (ca…
Sold $85
British Commonwealth QV-KGV group of pre-stamped postal stationery mainly used with an interesting range of postal markings with Canada KGV 2¢ PSE…
British Commonwealth "B-J" countries in quality SG Simplex album with 1958 Christmas Is set on WCS addressed front but main value in Hong Kong with…
Sold $210
British Commonwealth 1880's-1990's GB used defins on 5 Hagners, stockcard of KGV "War Tax" ovpts with 90 MUH/MLH & used, Cat. £120+) & Straits Set…
British Commonwealth 1937 Coronation FDC's from Barbados, KUT (Fort Portal, Uganda & Dar Es Salaam), S. Rhodesia, Bechuanaland, Mauritius, Basutola…


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