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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
New Zealand KEVII specialised MUH/MLH & used exhibition on leaves in protector sleeves. Well written up & researched noting 5d plate proof in black…
Sold $400
New Zealand KGVI issues incl various plate number blocks & counter coil pairs MUH/MLH plus annotated shades. Also 1d rose FDC, 1d green MLH inverte…
Sold $140
New Zealand KGVI plate blocks on Hagners sorted by face value within each of which the plates are sorted in ascending plate number order with CP ca…
Sold $675
New Zealand KGVI to 1978 Counter coils collection on c45 Hagners. Comprehensive with KGVI 2d orange 1-19 (+ 5 extras), 3d 1-4, 6, 9, 11, 16-17, 19,…
Sold $420
New Zealand KGVI-QEII counter coil pairs MLH on Hagners with KGVI 2d orange, 3d blue, 4d purple, 6d carmine & 8d violet all in numbers 1-19 plus QE…
Sold $160
New Zealand MLH & used in large Lighthouse stockbook noting 1940 Centennial plus Officials used with 1953 2/6d to 10/- MUH. Also 1957-1969 Health M…
New Zealand Oddments on Hagner, all used, incl 6d pale brown imperf Chalon no wmk (2½ margins, pen cancel), 2/- Milford wmkd (pen cancel), 1st sid…
Sold $24
New Zealand Assorted MUH/MLH noting 1907 3d Huia "Official" MUH ($95 at NZ auction in 1999), Postage Dues 1899 to 2/- with later odds to 1939/49 se…
Sold $700
New Zealand Range of covers mounted with photo corners in bulging springback album. Starts with 1940 incoming Inaugural Trans Tasman Fling Boat Ser…
Sold $360
New Zealand Officials & Govt Life issues patchy used range plus good pre-1940 Tonga (109, Cat. £500+) MLH/used, Aitutaki 1902-1920 (34 MLH), Cook …
Sold $360
New Zealand Officials MLH & used/CTO issues with QV 2/- & 5/- used, 1907 to 5/- used, KEVII to 1/- MLH & used, KGV 1915 to 1/- MLH & used, 2/- Admi…
Sold $420
New Zealand Social Security revenues on Hagners noting 1931/33 Unemployment Relief duplicated to 5/-, single of 10/-, £1 & £4 vals. 1934/35 new c…
Sold $250
New Zealand-Penrhyn & Samoa 1902-1935 range of ovpts comprising Penrhyn Island 1902 ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d, 6d & 1/-, 1914 ½d pair plus 2 singles, 6d &…
Sold $80
New Zealand-Ross Dependency 1957-2013 MUH in Lindner "dual" illustrated hingeless album with slipcase. 1967 7¢ is stained otherwise fresh & fine t…
Sold $170
Niue 1902-1953 MLH to 1935 with later fine used on Hagner. 1902 ½d (2), 1d (4 incl perf. 11x14 & perf. 14 pair with "Spaced UE" & "no dot after "P…
Sold $130
Norway 1993-2001 range of FDC's in quality "as new" Prinz FDC album with slipcase. A couple of earlier but strength in later blocks, M/S's etc. Use…
Sold $30
Palestine & Trans Jordan MLH & used mounted on leaves. Mostly modest oddments but incls Palestine 1932/44 250m, 500m & £1 MLH, Transjordan 1927/29…
Sold $70
Peru 1886-1971 used on leaves in springback binder all in chronological order with stamps ranging from SG 278 to SG 1100. No dupl & with many picki…
Sold $130
Philippines (Japanese Occ) 1943-1945 incl "Baha 1943" charity ovpts in large blocks MUH, 1944 National Heroes set of 3 FDI sheets each with 2 block…
Sold $170
Pitcairn Is 1940-1949 mounted on album pages comprising 1940/51 set MLH/used (the 4d & 8d used) plus all omnibus issues ML with 2½d UPU used. Also…
Sold $20
Pitcairn Is 1940-1987 in Lindner "dual" Hingeless album with slipcase. Missing most pre-decimals & then approx. 80% complete incl most M/S's. As mu…
Sold $40
Pitcairn Is 1940-1990 Fine used mounted on Schaubek leaves. Incls 1990 CTO $4.40 booklet, M/S's (no wmk varieties) & 1957/58 ½d & 1d shades plus w…
Sold $75
Pitcairn Is 1940-2007 in Seven Seas Hingeless album & Hagners. Incls 1940/51 set of 10 MUH/MLH & 1946/49 omnibus sets F/U. Missing most later pre-d…
Sold $80
Pitcairn Is 1940-2009 MUH in large quality stockbook & 2 Seven Seas Hingeless albums in slipcases plus 48 x 1967-1997 FDC's in album. Also 1940-198…
Sold $360
Pitcairn Is 1988-1998 in Lindner "dual" hingeless album with slipcase. MUH range with c35 sets & 12 M/S's plus some earlier decimals on Hagners & i…
Sold $80
Portugal 1912-1960 range of private perfins in Prinz stockbook with majority pre-1940 plus 1895/1905 King Carlos "CFP" perfins on 50r (5), 100r (5)…
Sold $100
Rhodesia Duplicated range of MUH & used Rhodesian Railways stamps with a good variety of station codes & shades. Noted 5/- corner block MUH, 1d to …
Sold $100
Rhodesia Railway Parcel Stamps written up collection on leaves in protector sleeves. Starts with 1940's precursor with large "Prepaid Newspaper Par…
Rhodesia 1890-1910, Rhodesia & Nyasaland, Southern Rhodesia & a couple post-UDI on stockleaves. Earlies incl £2 & £10 fiscally used, ovpts on CGH…
Sold $170
Romania 1872-1994 duplicated range largely used/CTO on c80 Hagners in deluxe Grande "Lighthouse" binder with slipcase plus some Netherlands oddment…
Sold $60
Romania Occupation of Kolomyja 1919 "CMT" (Comandamental Militar Territorial) boxed ovpts on Austria written up on leaves & comprising 24 MUH/MLH o…
Sold $190
Russia 1883-1959 collection in 2 Schaubek peg-fitting binders. Noted 1902/05 3r50 used & 7r yellow & black MUH, 1904 War Orphans Fund MLH, 1913 Rom…
Sold $2000
Russia 1920's-1940's MUH, MLH & used substantial range on 35 Hagners with sets & odds not in chronological order but fine throughout with all the f…
Sold $600
Russia 1955-1983 MUH, MLH & CTO incl M/S's on 70+ Hagners. Missing the expensive Olympics M/S of 1964 but does incl 1955 North Pole M/S (Cat. £40)…
Sold $290
Russia 1958-1984 MUH, MLH & CTO on Schaubek hingeless leaves. Not complete but nearly 150 leaves with only a few gaps. M/S's appear all CTO. (100s)
Sold $150
Russia 1960-1992 on Schaubek leaves with mounts added in 4 Lighthouse binders with slipcases plus 1993-2008 issues in large Lighthouse stockbook. F…
Sold $240
Russia 1962-1979 mixed MLH/CTO on Hagners in approx. chronological order. Incl M/S's & many full sets. Last 4 pages closely overlapped. Fine throug…
Sold $40
Russia 1981-1992 mixed MUH/CTO selection on Hagners incl M/S's & appears close to complete. Clean lot in need of some reorganisation. (100s)
Sold $40
Samoa 1877-1988 simplified with nearly all issues complete in both MUH/MLH & CTO/used incl the following, 1887 to 2/6d, 1899 ovpts to 2/6d, 1900 Ya…
Sold $1000
Samoa 1895-1946 range on 3 Hagners comprising 2d orange SG 36 & 41 used, then perf 11 range MLH incl shades to 2/6d (34, plus a 6d used) & "Yacht" …
Sold $50
Samoa 1950's-1979 with odd later MUH/MLH on foolscap pages in display sleeves. Clean lot with some used low values in pre-1960. (c440 + 42 M/S's)
Sold $40
Samoa 1958-2005 used/CTO comprehensive collection in 3 stockbooks. Not as easy to find as mint. STC £1200+ (930+ & 76 M/S's)
Sold $150
Samoa 1970's-1980's hoard of blocks, part sheets & M/S's. MUH with odd tone spot in large bag. FV 800+ Tala ($450)
Sold $50
Samoa 1980-2002 MUH close to complete in Seven Seas hingeless album in 2 vols plus 1962-1980 standard pages with 1973 Xmas the only stamps. Strong …
Sold $140
Saudi Arabia 1916-1967 MLH & used duplicated range with much of substantial catalogue value. Not in chronological order & 1960 defins are heavily d…
Sold $240
Saudi Arabia 1916-1997 MLH & used noting 1921 1p PD with black ovpt MLH (SG D32a, Cat. £38), 1925 Jeddah ovpts (excl ¼p ultramarine) MLH in black…
Sold $110
Saudi Arabia Various MLH in small stockbook with price stickers on some totalling a cat. of £500 plus heavily duplicated used range of 1980's defi…
Sold $100
Singapore 1949-2014 basic range mainly used on c50 Hagners in padded binder. Also quantity of Hagners (approx. 150) & cover sleeves in bag. Second-…
Sold $40
Solomon Islands 1907-1986 MUH/MLH collection plus some extras on 60+ Hagners in quality Grande Lighthouse black binder with slipcase. Noted 1907 to…
Sold $550
Solomon Islands 1908-1988 on stockleaves & Hagners in binder. KEVII/KGVI low vals MLH & used with dupl before QEII part sets incl defins to $2 on Â…
Sold $40


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