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Lot No Description Est.
Miscellaneous: King George V
Large Multiple Watermark Perf. 14 ½d green, electro 5, lower selvedge block of 4 with CA monogram. MUH/MLH with gum toning. Well centred with good…
Sold $75
Large Multiple Watermark Perf. 14½d green, electro 5, right selvedge block of 6 with JBC monogram. MH with some reinforcing & light toning, centre…
Sold $150
Large Multiple Watermark Perf. 14 ½d yellow-green pair with inverted wmk on cover from Perth to Guildford WA dated 27 Feb 17. Staining on front & …
Sold $30
Large Multiple Watermark Perf. 14 ½d yellowish-green block of 4 with "thin fraction at right" variety. MLH. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 65E(5)s, Cat.$…
Sold $50
Large Multiple Watermark Perf. 14 ½d yellowish-green, electro 5 positional block of 4 R 43 & 44/ 49 & 50 with "thin fraction at right" variety. ML…
Sold $70
Large Multiple Watermark Perf. 14 1d carmine-rose vertical top left selvedge pair with "secret mark & break in top frame" & "4th pearl in crown joi…
Sold $190
Large Multiple Watermark Perf. 14 1d carmine-rose with "dot before right 1" variety. MVLH with fluffy perfs. ACSC 74A(3)m, Cat. $325
Large Multiple Watermark Perf. 14 1d carmine-rose block of 4, plate 3 with part Harrison imprint. Clichés V1/49-50 & 55-56 with cliché V1/55 havi…
Sold $150
Large Multiple Watermark Perf. 14 1d carmine-rose x 2 with "notch in left frame opposite wattles" variety (ACSC 74A(3)e, Cat. $325) MUH, centred le…
Sold $50
Large Multiple Watermark Perf. 14 1d pale carmine rose with "thinned left frame" variety. Fine used & well centered. ACSC 74C(3)n, Cat. $150
Sold $40
Large Multiple Watermark Perf. 14 1d carmine aniline with "ferns" variety. Fine used, centred left. ACSC 74D(4)ia, Cat. $150
Large Multiple Watermark Perf. 14 1d red selvedge positional block of 6. Plate 3 VI 34-36/ VI 40-42 with "notched NW corner" variety on lower left …
Sold $120
Large Multiple Watermark Perf. 14 1½d black brown left marginal block of 8 electro 2 with inverted wmk & L22 "retouched right frame" & L27 "TA of …
Sold $350
Large Multiple Watermark Perf. 14 1½d black brown, electro 1 with inverted wmk positional plate block of 4 for R 39 & 40/ 45 & 43 with "lower left…
Sold $40
Large Multiple Watermark Perf. 14 1½d black-brown on thin paper, electro 2 positional plate block of 18. L 1-18, top 3 rows of electro 2. 15 stamp…
Sold $200
Large Multiple Watermark Perf. 14 1½d brown, Die1 x 6 singles in various shades with 1 vert pair Plate 8 clichés L54, 60 & cliché L54 with "No t…
1924 No Watermark ½d red, electro 17 top left positional selvedge block of 10. Units 1 to 4/ 7 to 10 with 2 varieties. MUH, hinged selvedge only. …
Sold $96
1924 No Watermark 1d green lower left selvedge positional block of 10 for 7.31 & 32/ 37 & 38/ 43 & 44/ 49 & 50/ 55 & 56 with 3 varieties. MUH excep…
1924 No Watermark 1d green, plate 3, clichés V/19 - 24, 25-30, 31-36, 37-42, 43-48, 49-54 & 55-60. MUH & well centred with some perf separation & …
Sold $140
1924 No Watermark1d green, plate 4 marginal left pane block of 48 with "secret mark", "run pearl", "wattle line", "nick top left frame", "neck flaw…
Sold $200
1924 No Watermark 1½d red, electro 17 lower left positional selvedge block of 12 units 37 to 39/ 43 to 45/ 49 to 51/ 55 to 57 with 2 varieties, MU…
Sold $120
1924 No Watermark 1½d red, electro 18 in left selvedge positional block of 8 for L 5 & 6/ 11 & 12/ 17 & 18/ 23 & 24 with "white flaw to the right …
Sold $30
1924 No Watermark 1½d red, electro 18, irregular right positional plate block of 6 for positions R 53 & 54/ 57-60 incl "white flaw in right value …
Sold $50
1924 No Watermark 1½d red perfined "OS". Fine MLH with right selvedge, centred right. ACSC 90ba, Cat. $225
Sold $25
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1d green bottom selvedge pair with double perfs at base. MUH with some reinforcement on selvedge &…
Sold $15
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1d green Die I/II pair. MVLH. Drury Cert. (2019) ACSC 81B(1)ia, Cat. $80
Sold $30
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1d green Die I/II & Die II/I MUH pairs. Cat. $300
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1d green selvedge strip of 4 from pane 2 containing 2 x Die I/II pairs. MUH hinged on selvedge onl…
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1d green strip of 4 in Die I, II, II, I Pane 2 No.43-46 horiz strip. Fresh MUH. Cat. $300
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1d green, plate 4 John Ash 2 line imprint "N over N" in block of 4 with 2 varieties. CTO without g…
Sold $40
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1½d brown, Die I, John Ash imprint blocks of 4 x 2 with Plate I "N over A" imprint (ACSC 93(1)za,…
Sold $30
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1½d red, Die II central selvedge strip of 4 from base of sheet with full Mullett imprint. Stamp 2…
Sold $30
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1½d red-brown John Ash imprint "N over A" (not "E A" as recorded in ACSC!) perfined "OS". MUH/MLH…
Sold $270
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 2d golden scarlet, Die III, with no wmk. MUH with top selvedge lightly hinged only. Fresh rich col…
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 3d blue lower right corner marginal block of 4 perfined "OS". MUH & very well centred. ACSC 108 Ab…
Sold $50
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 3d dull blue, Die Ia block of 15 perfined small "OS" from plate 3, clichés 3R19-2125-27, 31-33, 3…
Sold $750
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 3d dull blue, Die Ia block of 6 perfined small "OS" from plate 3, 3L32-34, 38-40A. MUH. ACSC 107ba…
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 3d dull blue, Die Ia Type A & B pair perfined small "OS". MUH & well centred. ACSC 107ca, Cat. $750
Sold $150
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 3d dull blue, Die I, positional plate block of 4 with units 4, 5. 10. 11 (BB/AA) having 3 varietie…
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 3d dull blue, Die I, type A with inverted wmk. MUH with light pencil annotation on back. ACSC 107A…
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 4d greenish-olive John Ash imprint block of 4, plate 4 with "Diagonal white line on King's neck" v…
Sold $90
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 4½d violet perfined "OS". MUH, centered high. ACSC 120Ab, Cat. $750
Sold $170
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 5d on 4½d plate 3 Ash imprint block of 4. MUH with light tan lines on reverse ACSC 125Aza, Cat.$1…
Sold $40
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 5d on 4½d violet with top rh stamp in marginal block of 4 with "narrow last "E" of PENCE in surch…
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 5d orange-brown, Die II John Ash imprint block of 4. Fresh MUH. ACSC 126z, Cat. $525
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1/4d turquoise blue. MLH. ACSC 131B, Cat. $350
Sold $120
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1/4d turquoise blue. MUH with light tan stripe on gum from old time album. Well centred. ACSC 130A…
1926-30 SM watermark Perf. 14 ½d to 1/4d set of 9. MVLH with majority having good to vg centering. ACSC 67,86,92,98,106,115,119 & 129, Cat. $845 (9)
Sold $200
1926-30 SM watermark Perf. 14 ½d yellow-orange x 2 with inverted wmks. MLH example centred left & a fine, well centred CTO with gum. ACSC 67Ca, Ca…
Sold $100
1926-30 SM watermark Perf. 14 1d green block of 4 with "secret mark" (7.1) & "run 4th Pearl" (7.7) varieties. MLH. Drury Cert. (2019) ACSC 80B(4)d …


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