Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign |
 New Zealand 1898 pictorials similar to the above lot but 5d & 2/- are perf 11. 9d with a couple of toned perfs but again the 5/- has perfect centri… $650 Withdrawn |
 New Zealand 1899/1903 6d deep green & 8d Prussian blue pairs. Probably re-gummed as no hinge marks or tone spots. Reasonably well centred. SG 264 &… $50 Sold $50 |
 New Zealand 1902 2/- blue green & 5/- deep red perf. 14. 2/- with light thin otherwise both fresh MLH. S 328a/29a, Cat. £375 (2) $90 Sold $90 |
 New Zealand 1905/06 2d brown red Govt Life Insurance perf. 11 used with "VR" omitted. Part triple circle cds & under-catalogued. SG L21, Cat. £130 $60 Sold $60 |
 New Zealand 1906 Christchurch Exhibition set of 4 used with the ½d having small Kaipardro thimble cds of 1912. 1d with part Exhibition cds, 3d CTO… $150 Sold $150 |
 New Zealand 1906 Christchurch Exhibition unused set of 4. ½d & 1d without gum, the 3d & 6d MLH. SG 370/73, Cat. £275 $100 Sold $80 |
 New Zealand 1907 5/- Mt Cook ovptd "OFFICIAL" with wmk sideways. F/U with portion of cds showing 1910 cancel. Ceremuga Cert. (2000) cert. SG O67, C… $90 Sold $90 |
 New Zealand 1907 Christchurch Int Exhib set of 4. MLH, the 3d with hinge remnants, others MLH but 6d with corner crease & centered high. Frontally … $90 Sold $70 |
New Zealand 1907 Christchurch Int Exhib illustrated letter card featuring portraits of patron, president & general manager of The Exhibition with 1… $50 Archived |
 New Zealand 1907/08 3d, 6d & 1/- "reduced size" perf. 14x15. 6d & 1/- MUH with 3d MVLH. SG 383/85, Cat. £210 + MUH premium. $75 Sold $75 |
 New Zealand 1907/11 2/- Milford Sound ovptd "OFFICIAL". MUH with fluffy perfs as usual. Very well centred. SG O66, Cat. £85 + premium for MUH. $60 Sold $60 |
 New Zealand 1907/11 Officials simplified set of 8 MLH plus 1908/09 1d & 6d (perf. 14x13) MLH. The 5/- is particularly fine. Total cat. £970 (10) $280 Sold $420 |
 New Zealand 1907-08 3d "reduced size" perf. 13½ & p13½x14 MLH & 6d perf. 14x15 pair plus line perf 14 single all MUH. SG 378/a, 384 (pair) & 376.… $80 Withdrawn |
New Zealand 1909 ½d KEVII part booklet pane of 3 + label in position 6. MUH/MLH with selvedges intact left & right. SG 387c, Cat. £750 as pane of… $180 Sold $75 |
New Zealand 1909 KEVII basic set of 9. MLH, the 4d yellow & 1/- values fine MLH, others with central hinge remnants, 8d also with adherences. Cat. … $30 Archived |
 New Zealand 1913 "AUCKLAND EXHIBITION 1913" ovptd set of 4. Fresh MLH & reasonably centred. SG 412/15, Cat. £300 $160 Sold $130 |
 New Zealand 1913 "Auckland Exhibition 1913" set of 4 MLH. 3d centred to right with others well centred. SG 412/15, Cat. £300 (4) $150 Sold $150 |
 New Zealand 1913 "Auckland Exhibition 1913" set of 4 used/CTO. 3d centred to right with others well centred. SG 412/15,Cat. £600 $180 Sold $180 |
 New Zealand 1913 "Auckland Exhibition 1913" set of 4 fine used as above but all well centred. SG 412/15, Cat. £600 (4) $200 Sold $200 |
 New Zealand 1913/25 £1 QV Official. Fine MUH right selvedge example. SG O82, Cat. £650+ $350 Sold $510 |
 New Zealand 1913/25 2/-, 5/-, £1 QV Officials. MLH, £1 marginal with hinge on selvedge only. SG O82/84, Cat. £750 + £1 MUH $350 Sold $420 |
 New Zealand 1913/25 2/- & 5/- QV Postal Fiscals ovptd "OFFICIAL". Both fine used, the 2/- with fluffy perfs. SG O85/86, Cat. £190 $75 Sold $60 |
 New Zealand 1913/25 5/- QV Postal Fiscal ovptd "OFFICIAL". Marginal upper selvedge example with feint hinge mark on selvedge only. Superb. SG O86, … $60 Sold $60 |
New Zealand 1915/27 KGV engraved simplified set of 6 ovptd "OFFICIAL". MLH. SG O100/05, Cat. £120 $80 Sold $80 |
 New Zealand 1920 Victory set of 6. 3d with thin otherwise MUH. SG 453/8, Cat. £55+ $30 Archived |
 New Zealand 1920 Victory set of 6 plus 1922 surcharge all fine MUH. SG 453/59, Cat. £60 + premium for MUH. (7) $80 Archived |
 New Zealand 1926/61 1d kiwi "Official" perf. 13½x14 block of 4. A couple of minute tone spots otherwise MUH/MLH & a scarce multiple. SG O115a, Cat… $150 Archived |
 New Zealand 1925 Dunedin Exhib set of 3. Fine MUH. SG 463/65, Cat. £32 + premium for MUH. $40 Sold $30 |
 New Zealand 1926/34 2/- Admiral on Jones paper (inverted wmk) & 3/- plus 2/- on Cowan paper. All MUH with 3/- marginal. SG 466a, 467 & 469, Cat. £… $150 Sold $150 |
New Zealand 1926/34 2/- deep blue & 3/- mauve Admirals on Jones paper. Fine MLH. SG 466/67, Cat. £190 (2) $90 Sold $90 |
 New Zealand 1927/33 5/- Arms "OFFICIAL" with vertical ovpt. Very fresh MVLH. SG O113, Cat. £325 $150 Sold $120 |
 New Zealand 1931 30/-, £2/10/-, £3/10/- & £4/10/- Arms plus £6 to £200 (excl £9) Arms types with value ovptd in figures all with fiscal Stamp… $100 Sold $130 |
 New Zealand 1931 2d blue "Smiling Boys" Health Stamp. MH & well centred. SG 547 $40 Sold $40 |
 New Zealand 1931 Health "Smiling Boys" pair fresh MUH & well centered. SG 546/47, Retail $800 $250 Archived |
 New Zealand 1931 Health "Smiling Boys" pair. Small hinge remnant on each & light tone spot on 2d but frontally fresh. SG 546/47, Cat. £150 $50 Sold $50 |
 New Zealand 1931 Health "Smiling Boys". Fine used pair with cds cancels. SG 546/47, Cat. £135 $75 Sold $75 |
 New Zealand 1931/40 1/3d lemon Arms marginal MUH & 9/- MUH plus 1940/58 Mult wmk Arms group of 1/3d to 5/- incl 2/- with both upright & inverted wm… $80 Sold $80 |
 New Zealand 1931/40 12/6d deep plum Arms. MVLH. SG F156, Cat. £170 $75 Sold $75 |
 New Zealand 1931/40 £3/10/- rose Arms. Fine MLH. A scarce stamp rarely seen so fine. SG F165, Cat. £2250 $950 Sold $950 |
 New Zealand 1933 5/- Arms ovptd "OFFICIAL" vertically. MUH with Ceremuga Cert. (2000) SG O113, Cat. £325 + MUH premium. $300 Sold $300 |
 New Zealand 1934 1d "Crusade for Health" stamp with wmk sideways inverted. MUH. CP T6az, Cat. NZ$125 $40 Archived |
New Zealand 1935/86 2½d chocolate & slate perf. 13-14x13½ in top left marginal block of 23 MUH. SG 560, Cat. £14 x 22 + premium for MUH. $150 Archived |
 New Zealand 1936/61 1½d red-brown single wmk, ovptd "Official" perf. 13½ x 14 in lower right selvedge block of 35. Fresh MUH with one stamp MLH. … $700 Archived |
 New Zealand 1936/61 2d Whare "Official" perf 14 (line) marginal block of 9 MUH with odd minor bend & a couple of light tone spots. SG O123c, Cat. Â… $250 Archived |
New Zealand 1936/61 9d scarlet & black ovptd "Official" in lower left marginal block of 8. Fresh MUH. SG O130, Cat. £160 $60 Archived |
 New Zealand 1939 35/- on 35/- Arms MLH. SG F186, Cat. £800 $250 Sold $200 |
 New Zealand 1939/40 Arms surcharges with 35/- single wmk & lower vals 3/6d (SG F212) to 22/- in mult wmk. All MUH with 3/6d & 35/- marginal. Cat. Â… $700 Sold $700 |
 New Zealand 1940 Centennial ovptd "Official" set of 8 in pairs. "ff" joined variety in each pair with normal. All MUH with top selvedge with 2½d s… $250 Sold $460 |
 New Zealand 1940 Centennial set of 11 with "Official" ovpts. ½d with 3 toned perfs otherwise all MLH & fine. SG O141/51, Cat. £190 (11) $40 Sold $40 |
 New Zealand 1940/58 £2 bright purple Arms. MUH. SG F206, Cat. £190 $80 Sold $80 |