Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
RSPCA Supporter

Lot No. 91

Auction No. 32
Category Collections
    Western Australia
      States and Territories
Est. $100
Status SOLD $160



Revenues Range of long swan duty stamps with 1d red x 4 & 1d red with black swan vignette x 20 plus 3d violet & black. Cond varies from good to fine. A second Hagner has small single line frame small swan Revenue Duty Stamps with 3d grey x 3, 6d ochre x 3, 1/- green x 3, 2/- brown x 8, 2/6d orange x 2, 5/- & 10/- singles used in m/s. Also decimal duty stamps for 2¢ honey possum x 15 MUH, 1 used, 3¢ crayfish used & 5 MUH, 5¢ quokka MUH, 6¢ blue wren used, 10¢ marron x 3 F/U, 20¢ magpie x 4 F/U, 25¢ dunnart F/U, 50¢ kangaroo paw MUH & 2 F/U, $1 numbat x2 F/U, 10/- parrot x 2 F/U & $20 tortoise x4 F/U. Total Elsmore Cat. $300+ (96)


Image represents an extract of the lot.