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Lot No Description Est.
Box Lots
The suitcase special with GB, Australia & World sorted in envs, bags & stockbooks, with high vals & multiples noted incl better Thailand modern F/U…
Sold $330
Foreign countries only in 17 stockbooks of various makes & sizes. General collector may find this of interest as there is much that is better than …
Sold $160
Mixed lot with PNG mint, Queensland duties, Swedish on pages, many older, old circuit sheets with stamps, Angola presentation album, Germany in pac…
Sold $40
Clearance lot with an array of everything. FDC's & others incl. GB maxi cards, GB & Isles pres packs, numerous older GB on stockcards incl. postage…
Sold $75
World off paper, predominantly British C/wealth with many higher vals to 10/- also noted. Australia FU blocks of 4. (1000s)
Sold $75
Collectors clean out in large box. Incls albums & stocksheets with stamps. All eras & countries represented, many catalogues & literature. Old USA…
Sold $50
Australia used accumulation housed in carton that used to contain 6 bottles of Evans & Tate wine. Value of present contents probably worth less! Ap…
Sold $55
USA with useful items in 2 "Norman" peg albums e.g. 1901 8¢ & 10¢ fine used, 1924 Huguenot set (5¢ fine used), 1938 to $5 fine used range of pre…
Sold $90
World Covers with some older incl 1904 French commercial cover to U.K., Japan 33s grey airplane on front to China, some unused postal stationery in…
Sold $90
Pacific Islands, Aust., NZ & GB on Hagners & in stockbooks. Noted 2 vols of NZ with light dupl. & modest pickings, Aust 1950's low val. MUH blocks,…
Sold $75
World in PO carton. 14 stockbooks with untidy ranges of "packet quality" mainly used (Tuvalu MUH) with dupl. heavy in places. Some faulty, but many…
Sold $180
Collectors hoard (now ex hoard!) with 2 albums of older world, other old literature, off paper in tins (noted Ceylon QV long type fiscals, Australi…
Sold $105
Good, bad & ugly in box comprising British C/wealth & World. MUH, MLH & used on Hagners, stock sheets & pages. Sighted NZ, Nauru, GB, Aust, PNG, Ma…
Sold $65
World range mainly used in 6 large Chinese stockbooks. Best noted is a page of C.G.H. values to 5/- incl 3 "G" ovpts. Plenty in random order to kee…
Sold $90
Australia Decimal used accum. with maybe 1% pre-decimal in large APO box. Odd high vals & multiples, etc (1000s)
Sold $85
World in vintage albums x 5, Triumph with 10 maps, Stanley Gibbons & two globe albums with mixed collections mint & used of the era. Nothing post 1…
Sold $90
Australia carton with 1981-1985 & 1989 & 1999 Year Books. Also AP Collectors book for 1990/91 with Frames & self adhesives. 2 Cumberland albums wit…
Sold $180
World accumulation sorted by country into clear bags, housed in archive box. Massive quantity with Middle East, South America, S.E. Asia, Pacific &…
Sold $130
Bulk lot of "on paper" to recent in bag, small bag with c1000 1d red Swans & a range of mainly KGVI era WA cancels on piece (100+) plus WA Swans wi…
Sold $160
Australia & Great Britain covers, stamps & literature incl. map of NZ, Jigsaw puzzle! Few kangaroos, KGV & pre-decimals in old circuit book. Numero…
Sold $60
Thematic collection in 7 albums. Incl. ships, birds, animals, flowers, fish, cars, trains & royalty. Plus some British Commonwealth if you get bore…
Sold $55
World used accumulation in quality large flat box with lid. Predominantly GB, NZ, Hong Kong, Canada, Australia & USA sorted by type into clear bags…
Sold $40
Australian decimal on paper in large box. Many WA pmks noticed. Room bidders only. (1000s)
Sold $35
World 1940's to 1960's loose in box. Noticed values to 10/- & 10R. A real old timers mixture! Christmas sorting. (1000s)
Sold $65
Europe used & CTO accumulation in large flat box with lid. Mostly sorted by country into clear bags. Although generally clean, what is immediately …
Sold $45
Australia plus some G.B., Spain & others kiloware on paper in carton. Mostly recent with much non-letter rate material & blocks, se-tenants, M/Ss e…
Miscellaneous with Hawid mounts, gutter strip file, few Hagners, Bicentennial set of 5 packs/books, 15 diff Qantas 1952 covers "linking Australia &…
Sold $140
Collector's cleanout in suitcase. Heavy dupl. in Australia, GB & Netherlands. Most stockbooks are faulty but two are "as new". Noted some pre-decim…
Sold $60
Australia carton lot with heavily duplication of 1940's-1950's used in bags & small boxes plus addressed covers (mixed FDC & commercial) mostly 195…
Sold $120
Miscellaneous noting box of Australian 1980-1982 PSE's with machine cancels, c2000/02 cds on piece, opened out 1990's dispenser boxes for P&S rolls…
Sold $30
Australia carton lot with neat dupl. used stock 1913-1980 in large German stockbook, ring binder with 1982-1985 FDC's, old photo album with few mou…
Sold $90
World large range off paper in small box & large tin in addition USA 1940's-1970's commems dupl. MUH ranged sorted into glassines housed in ice-cre…
Sold $50
Large miscellaneous box with commercial envelopes, literature, covers, old Bounty album with mixed British, Commonwealth & World. "Stamping the Nat…
Chinese stockbooks; one each of Switzerland/Sweden, Denmark/France, China, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Australia & Argentina plus mainly on paper world…
Sold $160
Australia KGV to decimal in two shoeboxes sorted into envelopes. Variety potential? (1000s)
Sold $55
Great Britain in 7 Chinese stockbooks with rather similar accumulations of MUH, MLH & used. Noted one volume with a few control & plate number bloc…
Sold $130
British Commonwealth & world sorted into envelopes. Good variety noted both mint & used. Many thematics. (1000s)
Sold $65
Australia lot of bits & pieces incl 2 complete rolls of 1000 x 3c QEII coils (face value $60). 1984 & 1985 Year Albums, Bicentennial boxed set of 4…
Sold $180
All World off paper incl bags of Hungary & Australia in larger quantity. Other countries in box within the carton. (1000s)
Sold $70
World in 9 albums of mint & used Incl. Netherlands, Suriname, NZ, Commonwealth, Aust & Cocos, Norfolk & World (1000s)
Sold $70
Australia Massive Pre-decimal accumulation in large open carton. Appears all 1940's & 1950's on paper with possible interest in cancels & potential…
Sold $95
Stamps sorted into envelopes. Noticed good variety New Zealand 1940 Centennials plus "officials". Also Aust, GB, covers & postcards. Some imprint b…
Sold $30
Carton with 1995 SG British Commonwealth Parts 1 & 2 hard cover. Solomon Is. Americas Cup collection, covers & catalogues. "The computer software d…
Pot Pori in open plastic box with Australia on paper, GB mint hinged & used, old albums, catalogues, album covers incl 3 SG "Ring 22" in good cond.…
Sold $170
Albums, stockbooks & over 50 Hagners. Noted good range of post 1960 Philippines, but generally Europe & colonies of middle period. (1000s)
Sold $40
World carton lot with album & stockbooks covering many countries (NZ The best, & that's just reasonable) with much affected by stains. A quick look…
Sold $85
Old strand album plus two schoolboy albums with mint & used stamps. Two thematic albums. Approx. 50 covers in bag. PNG with blocks of 4. Face value…
Sold $30
World lot in 12 Chinese stockbooks incl Australia, Austria, Argentina, GB, USA & various Europe incl 2 volumes Germany. All periods & plenty to sor…
Sold $160
Australia Post "special" with 1985, 1999, 2000, 2002 & 2003 Yearbooks, 1980-2009 selection Maxicard sets, Norfolk PSE's, Aerogrammes, Postcard boxe…
Sold $230
Box of mint & used off paper loose. Mainly British Commonwealth, many older incl. high values plus MS's. (1000s)
Sold $70


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