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Lot No Description Est.
Box Lots
Large old time suitcase crammed full noting stockbooks of 1980's MUH Samoa, Fiji, PNG with vals t K2 in blocks & pairs plus some packs, Nauru in pa…
Sold $130
Mainly British Commonwealth in "Corolla" briefcase. Lots of NZ on stockleaves etc noting 1972 lakes x 11 sets incl blocks of 4 MUH, decimal Arms in…
Sold $160
Plastic tub noting Australia & GB FDC's (100s) plus maxicards & 2 boxes of World on/off paper with odd MUH. Additional box of GB Benham silk FDC's …
Sold $100
Brown suitcase with collection remnants incl used Aust pre-decimals & decimals sorted in bags noting some "Security Post" genuine commercially used…
Sold $180
14 litre plastic tub with mainly Australia & some NZ mostly on paper in glassine bags. 1953-1965 Australia & 1960's pre-decimal NZ predominate. Pos…
Sold $20
A very mixed lot in suitcase with Nauru 1973-1992 MUH in Seven Seas Hingeless album with high degree of completeness incl 1991 Orchids (retail $25)…
Sold $380
Carton lot of India covers/postcards from QV to the 1960's in 8 photos albums plus a modest range of used, noting 1937 25R used, in 2 medium stockb…
Sold $260
Australia common duplicated in glassines with odd KGV but majority appear decimal. Also sparse collection in Seven Seas 1966-1982 standard album, 3…
Sold $210
World off paper used in 2 tubs. Hours of entertainment in sorting with the potential of that "special" find! Weight 3kg. (1000s)
Sold $70
RSPCA charity lot of general Aust & world as donated on our buying trips. Incls stamps on 130+ "as new" Hagners & in 2 "as new" Prinz 48 page stock…
Sold $190
Large box full of albums, stockbooks, various containers crammed with the usual World & Australia accumulations of used plus Territories with Chris…
Sold $280
Suitcase lot from deceased estate with WWF 1976-1979 FDC's (150), World used sorted in envs & in peg album with smattering of China & another b/boo…
Sold $240
World stamps off paper in plastic container & others in bags sorted by country for NZ, Israel, Australia & France plus more mixed bags marked "Fore…
Sold $100
Aust pre-decimal Seven Seas album with patchy used plus extras on piece with vals to 10/- & loose with odd FDC from 1937 incl some Guthrie & 4/- & …
Sold $160
Trade Cards 1950-1980 period mainly of a Nature theme with various sets/part sets stuck in appropriate albums. Incls Tuckfield 3 Vol "birds" (288 c…
Sold $75
Milk crate jam packed full of stockbooks of different types with best being an "as new" Ka Be 64 black pages (retails at $65). Some vols are only p…
Sold $150
Mixed world in packets & albums with pickings e.g. Yemen 1965 Churchill set CTO, Pacific Islands MUH sets & 1953 QEII Coronation MUH Omnibus with 9…
Sold $270
General world accumulation used with a mix of both on/off paper in envelopes, glassines, mounted on leaves & the occasional postal stationery item …
Sold $110
Accessories box lot containing a variety of quality items incl Lighthouse 64 & 16 page black leaved & 8 & 16 white page stockbooks, various Hagner,…
Sold $320
Used Australian decimals in huge quantity sorted/semi-sorted into envelopes. Seek and ye shall find……….. that it's all common!! (1000s)
Sold $35
Interesting array of material with Aust pre-decimal Seven Seas album with patchy good to F/U noting 6d engraved kookaburra (Cat. £55) & Hagners of…
Sold $310
Great Britain 1960's-1990's heavily duplicated in box of stockpages. Incls some IOM, Channel Is & binder of over 30 aerogrammes & covers plus bonus…
Sold $45
Various picking in a chaotic lot noting World/Europe in old time album, Queensland Railways 5c to $5 issues with diff locations with latter for Cha…
Sold $230
Chinese stockbooks x 9 plus a couple of other albums with Aust & world used devoid of any highlights other than a separate packet containing 100 x …
Sold $130
World commem covers noting USA Elvis Presley silks with duplication (30+) & other types featuring Elvis & other US celebs incl James Dean & Marilyn…
Sold $110
Mainly common with duplicated in "Statesman" album & 9 small/medium stockbooks plus 1977 Silver Jubilee special album with extra in envelope. Other…
Sold $240
1913 to 1984 Australia used in Seven Seas hingeless albums with basic kangaroos & KGV plus 2 additional single volume lots from 1913 to 1974 & NZ s…
Sold $270
Interesting range of material in shallow box with covers, pre-WWII b&w postcards, stamps & ephemera on Hagners in 4 display files plus an old photo…
Sold $230
USA 1976 flags & 1982 birds/flowers sheets of 50 (SG cat. £65), album of 1970's-1987 GB commems MLH & used, album with a few Germany (French Zone)…
Sold $40
World noting album of modern Hungary with heavy duplication & another with 200 world used incl thematics plus other albums/folders with Australia i…
Sold $80
Australia 1913-1965 in Seven Seas Hingeless album (cost $165 new & this is in vg cond) with KGV pickings used to 1/4d (3) plus odd low value MUH. N…
Sold $260
Plastic storage container with mainly on paper sorted in plastic bags. Noted GB QEII to 1970's, some Europe & Malaysia plus off paper Pacific Is & …
Sold $35
Tub solid with Chinese stockbooks with Aust, Territories & world used with random MUH/MLH interspersed. Noted one vol with 1966-2016 MUH odds incl …
Sold $180
British Commonwealth noting presentation albums for omnibus 1937 Coronation MLH or used complete with many sets in both, 1946 Victory (excl Canada)…
Sold $410
Aust & World used both on/off paper loose in shoeboxes & in stockbooks crammed into small suitcase. Noted some 2000's Aust Post parcel tags incl so…
Sold $50
World in stockcards, covers, small stockbook & glassines with modest pickings noted in Third Reich Germany. Also GB Millennium Timekeeper M/S on FD…
Sold $100
Australia 1970's-1990's bundleware. Majority appear to be common postage rates but incls S/A's. Ideal for packet makers. Weighs 5.8kgs. (10,000s) T…
Sold $55
Seven Seas 1980's thematic & one country collections arranged on 37 "as new" Hagner/Vario pages, world & Aust used in 8 stockbooks & some Germany o…
Sold $80
A mixed bag, literally as in small suitcase!! Opens with 2 Finland 2007 porcelain stamp reproductions in mounts signed by artist, 2 sets of 1987 Cu…
Sold $180
Mixed cond world in stockbooks with few highlights, an approval book with Indonesia 1960's MLH & used dupl & some Aust pre-decimal. Did note a 1935…
Sold $100
British Commonwealth ranges in 7 battered stockbooks, an SG KGVI album with basic used & 1953 Coronation album mixed mint & used. Largely cheaper u…
Sold $470
Various tins, boxes & containers with a wide variety of contents noting India used, Aust high vals used plus pre-decimal FDC's incl a Challis & 2 s…
Sold $85
World used, with odd MUH/MLH, accumulation in 15 vols of varying size & quality. 1000's of stamps with little evidence that much has been spent on …
Sold $80
Large plastic tub with 3 large stockbooks of common from various countries, small boxes of Aust & others on/off paper, a large Lindt chocolate tin …
Sold $390
Australia kiloware from 1960's to 2010 with majority being the 2000-2010 period. Useful high vals to $10 Waratah noted plus some modern postmark in…
Sold $270
Tins, boxes & a variety of containers with mainly Australia for both pre-decimal & decimal plus world in quantity. No obvious highlights with stren…
Sold $55
Old "schoolboy" albums & stockbooks of diverse quality but patience will be rewarded by such items as Hong Kong QV 48¢ with "YI" (Yokohama) oblite…
Sold $1200
Australia 1970's-1990's used accumulation arranged chronologically in small envs plus a few FDC's & PSE's, Lighthouse stockbook with more used deci…
Sold $70
Various receptacles & containers of random countries noting Aust KGV 1d greens & various Aust decimal all on paper, stockbooks of Europe, Malayan S…
Sold $180
Australia 1966-2000 duplicated used in envs sorted by issue. Huge quantity plus a few earlier of 1937-1965 period but common. Also incls 7 Hagners …
Sold $45


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