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Commonwealth & Foreign |
USA 1998/2000 "Celebrate the Century" set of 10 post office sheetlets each with 15 commem stamps. Fine MUH. Cat. £150, FV US$50 ($75) (10 sheetlets) $40 Archived |
USA 1996, 1999 & 2000 USPS Annual yearbooks complete with MUH issues. SG Cat. £400+ $100 Sold $80 |
 USA 1981 20c Fire Pumper horiz coil pair misperforated resulting in part vehicle on each unit. Unused. SG 1879 var. $20 Archived |
 USA 1940 Famous Americans sets of 35 in blocks of 4 & 2 single sets. All fresh MUH SG 856/90 Cat. £210+ $30 Sold $24 |
 USA 1937 (8th May) "Anglo-American Goodwill Coronation Flight New York to London" blue cachet on long Airmail env with 6c Airmail tied by NY cds & … $20 Archived |
 USA 1937 (19th Apr) First Round the World airmail flight cover initiating in New York with 20¢ & 50¢ Clipper tied by New York duplex before added… $40 Sold $110 |
 USA 1929 "Kans" & "Nebr" ovpts complete MLH with hingeing varying from light to remnant. 6¢ orange vals are both sulphuretted but set is otherwise… $200 Sold $200 |
 USA 1928 "US Naval Training Station San Diego, California" registered cover to Chief of Bureau of Navigation Navy Department Washington, numbered 1… $50 Archived |
 USA 1927 10¢ Lindbergh Airmail in Plate No. F 19008 block of 6. Fine MUH. Scott C10, Cat. US$120 $20 Sold $20 |
 USA 1915 2¢ pale carmine red, perf 11 (Scott 461) with Weiss cert of 2010 stating "is sound & genuine, but the purple cancel may not be contempora… $40 Archived |
 USA 1888 A much-travelled envelope to US Consulate London & returned to sender in Massachusetts. Amongst the crossing out/redirection & cds's of Bo… $50 Archived |
 Tonga 1942/49 Pictorials set of 9 to 5/- & 1944 Silver Jubilee all perfined "SPECIMEN". Fresh MLH. SG 74s/82s, Cat. £250 & 83s/87s, Cat. £130 (14) $100 Sold $130 |
 Tonga 1896 2d pale blue "King George 1" typewritten "Half-Penny" on 7 ½d on 2d with Tongan words "VAEUA OE BENI" reading downwards. Stops instead … $350 Sold $280 |
 Tonga 1893 "G.F.B." Official ovptd set of 5. Unused without gum as typically found. SG O1/O5, Cat. £275 (5) $80 Archived |
 Tibet 1914 4t & 8t imperfs in dull ink on very thin paper. Both unused with 4 clear margins & believed genuine but sold "as is". Ex Derek Pocock. S… $150 Archived |
Thailand 2013 Thailand World Stamp Exhibition commem stamp book with Red Cross, Thai Postal Services, Queen Sirikit, Heritage Conservation, Book Ca… $40 Sold $60 |
 Switzerland 1948 National Philatelic Exhibition (IMABA) M/S with FDI 21.VIII.48 cds (SG MS498a, Cat. £100) & 1955 Lausanne Exhib M/S with smudged … $50 Archived |
 Switzerland 1945 Cent of Basel Cantonal Stamp M/S fine used with FDI 14 APRIL 1945 cds in red (SG MS 446b, Cat. £150) plus 1951 Lunaba M/S with FD… $120 Sold $95 |
 Switzerland 1943 Swiss Cantonal Stamp Cent 70x75mm m/s fine used with 20.III.43 cds (Cat. £90) & GEPH (Geneva Centenary Exhib) M/S with 12.IX.43 c… $40 Sold $40 |
 Switzerland 1942 National Fete M/S CTO with 23.XI.42 Schweizpostmuzeum cds. Full gum. SG MS 429a, Cat. £375 $90 Sold $70 |
Switzerland 1941 ProJuventute Children's Fund M/S MLH (one hinge mark) plus 1948 Centenary with both sheets MUH, the larger with vertical crease. F… $80 Archived |
Switzerland 1937 Pro Juventute M/S used with FDI 20.XI.37 cds (Cat. £85) plus 1945 War Relief Fund M/S fine used with FDI 20.II.45 cds (Cat. £325… $100 Sold $100 |
 Switzerland 1936 Pro Patria National Defence Fund M/S fine used with 31.X.36 cds. Minor wrinkles top & bottom from drying process. SG MS367, Cat. Â… $70 Archived |
 Switzerland 1934 National Stamp Exhibition M/S. Fine used on registered front with 7.X.34 cds. SG MS357, Cat. £1000 $250 Sold $250 |
 Switzerland 1919 30¢ Air ovpt in red. Probable forgery as cancel is unclear & appears to be under the overprint. Good "as is" spacefiller of SG 30… $50 Sold $50 |
 Switzerland 1882 2c, 5c, 10c, 12c & 15c set of 5 on plain wove paper sound used with bold cds's. SG 121/25, Cat. £1000 (5) $150 Sold $150 |
 Switzerland 1881 15¢ lemon-yellow on granite paper. Superb used with crisp Schenkon cds of 12.I.82. SG 108, Cat. £600 $150 Sold $120 |
 Switzerland 1862 1f gold on plain wove paper. Ink smudged back & indistinct cancel otherwise sound example. SG 60a, Cat. £600 $50 Sold $40 |
 Switzerland 1862 2r grey with clear margins all round & near complete 1862 Neuchatel cds. SG 46, Cat. £650 $120 Sold $120 |
 Switzerland 1857 1f grey-lilac (black thread) with clear margins all round & neat lozenge obliterator. SG 38, Cat. £1100 $180 Archived |
 Switzerland 1854 (Jan) Russwil, Lucerne to Munster, Germany, bearing 10 Rappen "unframed cross" yellow, red & black imperf neatly cut, with "Russwi… $75 Archived |
 Suriname 1941 5g & 10g Airs. Fresh MLH. SG 282/83, Cat. £585 (2) $180 Archived |
 Sudan 1941 Tuti Palms defins to 20pi complete set of 15. Fresh MLH. SG 81/95, Cat. £325 $90 Sold $130 |
 St Vincent 1938 env addressed to St Lucia with 1½d brown KGV tied by boxed "PAQUEBOT" cachet with neighbouring Castries St Lucia 5 MR 38 crisp cds… $60 Archived |
Spain 1950 Gen Franco's Canary Island Visit 10¢ on 50 ¢ & 10¢ on 1pta both MUH plus 10¢ on 1pta F/U. CEM Cert (Spain) 2004 re the MUH. Also 195… $80 Sold $80 |
 South Africa-Transvaal 1900 £5 monocolour greenish slate bank note repaired at lower left & some ageing at top but a rare survivor signed at base … $30 Archived |
 South Africa - Natal 1902 (26th Feb) 1d rose QV postcard tied by Glencoe Junction Natal cds & addressed to Switzerland with Basel receival 23.III.0… $30 Archived |
 South Africa-Boer War 1902 (16th Jan) "On Active Service in South Africa" endorsed in m/s cover from Lindley, Orange Free State to Victoria with Sa… $300 Sold $260 |
 South Africa-Boer War 1900 3d deep blue/blue Mafeking Siege General Baden-Powell fine used with 1900 CGH cds. V/F/used. Centred left but fresh. SG … $120 Sold $130 |
 South Africa-Boer War 1900 (13th Oct) "One Active Service in South Africa" env to Victoria with GB 1d lilac QV tied by "ARMY PO 55 S AFRICA" cds. M… $150 Sold $110 |
 South Africa-Boer War 1900 (25th June) "On Active Service in South Africa" endorsed cover from South Africa to Victoria with GB 1d lilac QV tied by… $100 Sold $80 |
 South Africa-Boer War 1900 (4th Apr) Australian Boer War Patriotic postcard with Victoria 1d tied by Melbourne cds & addressed to Sydney. Good cond. $60 Sold $60 |
 South Africa-Boer War 1900 (27th Jan) Censored cover from Pretoria to Ireland with Durban & London transits & Belfast 18MR 00 arrival. "PASSED PRES… $80 Archived |
 South Africa-Boer War "2nd Anglo-Boer War, October 1899 to May 1900" group of 6 modern picture postcards taken from illustrations from a published … $30 Sold $30 |
 South Africa 1902 (15th Jan) stampless mourning front form Bloemfontein to Kimberley with censor tape reading "OPENED UNDER MARTIAL LWA". "Passed b… $30 Archived |
Somaliland Protectorate 1942 KGVI defins set of 12 to 5r perfined "SPECIMEN". 12a is torn at top otherwise all fine MLH. SG 105s/16s, Cat. £300 $70 Sold $85 |
Singapore 2002, 2003 & 2004 Singapore Post Annual Yearbooks complete with MUH issues. Exc cond with many useful thematics. SG Cat. £240+ $90 Sold $90 |
Saudi Arabia-Hejaz 1925 ovpts with ovpt date at left & inverted at right. Most vals ovptd in black, blue, red or grey-black. 82 MLH with majority f… $60 Archived |
 Saudi Arabia 1950 10p Capture of Riyadh pair. Fresh MUH with right marginal stamp showing Arabic "guerches" plural. SG 369/a, Cat. £910 plus premi… $200 Sold $160 |
 Saudi Arabia 1946 ½g magenta "map" Obligatory Tax perf. 11½ & corner copy of perf. 11. Scarce with original inscription & unpriced by SG. Perf. 1… $200 Archived |