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Australia: Pre-decimal |
1958/60 ½d no wmk Postage Dues in complete sheet of 120 CTO with Cremorne 5 JE 60 cds (39 strikes). Excellent cond. & rare opportunity for special… $30 Sold $30 |
 1958 2/- Qantas. Re-entry to last "A" of "AUSTRALIA". UrSh 7/6 in MUH block of 4. ACSC 340d $40 Archived |
1957/59 4d Queen Elizabeth II. Recut lines between "4" and "d". ShB R8/8 MUH Positional block of 6. ACSC 319g $25 Archived |
 1957/58 "Australian Board of Control for International Cricket" Australian Team South African Tour. Capt. T. Craig, V-Capt. N. Harvey. Full team li… $50 Sold $50 |
1957 4/- with British Empire inscription & red stitching & 1960 5/- Edition 2/1961 booklets. Pfeffer B60A & B64A Cat. $170 (2) $40 Sold $55 |
1957 4/- QEII stitched booklet & 1957 with waxed interleaving. Exc cond. SG SB33/34a Cat. £95 (2) $40 Sold $50 |
1956 Olympics in full & part sheets with 4d x 120, 7d x 190, 1/- x 80 2/- x 40. Odd tone spots but 40 sets minimum fine MUH. SG 290/93 Retail $200+ $40 Sold $55 |
1955 First Day Cards for YMCA (block of 4 & single), Florence Nightingale & Rotary. Exc cond with Rotary & YMCA unaddressed, the other 2 typed. (4) $20 Archived |
 1953 Produce blocks of 9. MUH bar small tone spot on 3d otherwise fine MUH. SG 255a/58a $20 Sold $12 |
 1952/65 2/6d aboriginal with wmk sideways inverted (top of crown facing to the left as seen from behind). Fine used with light indistinct cds. A da… $1500 Archived |
1951 Federation set of 4 in complete sheets resulting in 160 sets. Odd tone spot affecting a couple of sets otherwise MUH. SG 241/44 Retail $450+ $100 Archived |
 1949/60 1/6d Hermes with "Extra Island" below Tasmania. LrSh 11/6 in MUH pair. ACSC 261d $20 Sold $45 |
 1948 (21st Sept) PTPO David Jones window faced Pre-stamped 2½d airmail cover uprated with 3d KGVI which shows "D.J.LTD" perfin, making rate to ove… $90 Archived |
 1946/48 BCOF set to 5/- thick paper. Good used but 6d faulty. 1d is MUH. SG J1/7 $40 Sold $40 |
 1946 5/10d KGVI embossed deep blue food parcel label. MLH & fresh. $50 Archived |
1945 Royal Geographical Society illustrated covers commemorating centenary of the South-North continental crossing of Leichhardt, one bearing seldo… $40 Sold $55 |
 1945 Gloucester 2½d left pane of 30 & 3½d right pane of 30 all with "W.A." perfins. MUH Rarely seen. $80 Sold $80 |
 1944 Censored covers all sent airmail & bearing 3d franking to WA, Victoria & SA addresses. One from AFPO 201, another AFPO 203 & AUST ARMY P.O 9? … $20 Archived |
 1944 (8th July) WWII POW entire from Stalag 10 to Claremont WA via the USA with correspondence referring to a missed wedding, the "lucky dogs" out … $50 Archived |
 1943 Australian long "OHMS" stampless cover from Dept. of Army (G.S. Tas L of C Area) to No 2 Aust Movement Control Gp, Melbourne with rare "BY DIR… $120 Sold $120 |
 1942 2/6d KGVI booklet, black on buff cover 73mm x 47.5mm. Stamps trimmed at top as usual. Exc cond. SG SB 28. Cat. £110 $30 Archived |
 1942 (25June) Australian long "OHMS" stampless cover from Victoria Barracks to HQ NT Force, Works & Hirings Branch. Bears "ARMY POST OFFICE 065" cd… $80 Archived |
 1941/44 2d mauve KGVI Die II with "Medallion" flaw. LrSh R2/5 positional block of 4. MLH in selvedge only. ACSC 189e $30 Sold $30 |
 1941 5½d on 5d ram with surcharge misplaced upwards by 2mm. MLH SG 202var. $25 Archived |
 1940 (23rd Jan) B.C.O.F. cover with "Aust. Unit Postal Station 453" cds's on ½d orange kangaroo joined pair, 1d brown QEII joined pair & single. … $75 Sold $75 |
 1939 (14th Nov) typed letter from PM's office signed by Prime Minister Robert Menzies, in response to a question from the Hon. J.W. Cheek, MLC. Som… $75 Archived |
 1939 10/- Robes overprinted SPECIMEN. Fine & fresh MUH SG 177s Cat. £30 $20 Sold $20 |
 1938 5/- to £1 Robes on thick paper. All well centred. SG 176/78 Retail $150+ $70 Sold $85 |
 1938 5/- to £1 Robes on thick paper in MUH John Ash imprint blocks of 4. Unfortunately toning affects 5/- & 10/- but apart from a tinge on the sid… $260 Sold $200 |
 1938 5/- to £1 Robes on thick paper in MUH blocks of 4. Well centred. SG 176/78 $250 Sold $280 |
 1938 £1 Robes on thick paper in MUH block of 4. Fresh & well centred. SG 178 $200 Sold $200 |
 1938 10/- Robes on thick paper in corner imprint block of 4. Slight evenly toned gum but MUH. SG 177 $60 Archived |
 1938 1/4d magenta KGVI in 2 complete sheets of 100. Toning affecting 7 stamps & selvedge on one & 4 & selvedge on other otherwise fine MUH. SG 175 … $100 Sold $130 |
 1938/57 4d Koala with striking offset. MUH ACSC 198c $40 Sold $55 |
 1938 (8th Feb) Airmail cover to England bearing pair of 9d Kangaroo. Whilst pmkd 8th Feb, it only arrived 28 Feb!) & a 1946 cover to USA bearing p… $20 Sold $20 |
 1937/60 6d Kookaburra. Scratch through "ALIA". ShB R6/2. Positional block of 10. MLH ACSC 204h $20 Sold $25 |
 1937/60 6d Kookaburra. Flaw on "S" of "AUSTRALIA" ShA L9/7. Positional pair with variety MUH. ACSC 202e $75 Archived |
 1937 Airmail Exhibition cover with ½d orange KGV strip of 4 tied by two strikes of special "winged" cachet of 6 OCT 37, Melbourne. Cover with red,… $50 Sold $50 |
 1937 airmail cover from AMERICAN RIVER (Kangaroo Island, SA) to Qld with KGV 2d & 3d air (toned perfs) tied by clear strike. "Queensland Air Mail S… $30 Sold $30 |
 1937 KGVI sepia GB produced postcard with portrait by Dorothy Wilding as used in stamp designs. A lovely addition to a cover page. Unused. $25 Archived |
 1937 KGVI "Head" essay. A very fine imperforate example in dull brown on gummed unwatermarked white wove paper. Measures 22mm x 27mm. A lovely item… $150 Sold $150 |
 1937 (6th Oct) Air Mail Exhibition Reg cover with label from the exhibition & bearing 3d green & 6d brown airmails plus 1/6d Hermes all tied by spe… $40 Sold $60 |
 1936 (7th/8th Jan) Registered covers from Hynam & Hyde Park S.A. to Murray Bridge each bearing 2d KGV & 3d Airmail. B/S transits & Murray Bridge. N… $30 Sold $45 |
 1936 2d Cent SA John Ash gutter block of 4 with "retouched sky below "AU" variety. MLH with very light small tone spot. ACSC 171zb $80 Sold $110 |
 1936 2d Cable plate block of 4. No. 1 lower right with variety e 1D/R40, "coloured flaw to left of headland at Stanley" variety. MUH ACSC 169zc $60 Sold $90 |
1935 1/- ANZAC MLH plus other club auction lots incl 1919 KGV 1½d red brown postcard unused, 1956 Olympic souvenir sheetlet CTO, 1972 $1.40 PM boo… $50 Sold $30 |
 1934 Air Mail cover with enclosure to England. Roughly opened at top & bearing 6d brown air x 3 & 2d Macarthur all tied by Point Cook Vic cds of 7 … $40 Archived |
 1934 1d green KGV tied by LOCHINVAR cds & taxed 2d, 4 x ½d PD's tied by Singleton cds. Taxed double the 1d letter rate as article sealed against i… $140 Archived |
 1934 1/6d Hermes on cover to England with typewritten "Per First Air Mail Australia to England" tied by North Fremantle 7 DE 34 cds (6 days after F… $30 Sold $30 |
 1932 6d kookaburra marginal, 1/- large lyrebird marginal pair & 1937/38 3d KGVI Die II thin paper block. All MUH perfined "VG". The 1/- was folded … $120 Archived |