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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Western Australia: Collections | |||
1854-1907 Selection on 2 Hagner sheets noting 1854 4d blue imperfs x 2 with one showing clearly the "Narrow "N" in "PENCE" variety (SG 3u, Cat. £1… $400 Sold $1200 | |||
1854-1912 collection in "Simplex" album starting with 1d black used x 2 & 1857 6d grey-black (2 margins). Majority used to 1884, then sprinkling of… $500 Sold $950 | |||
1854-1912 simplified range identified by SG numbers on Hagner sheets. Incls 1d black, 2 margins & F/U (SG 2) & 4d blue with margins but partly cut … $120 Sold $160 | |||
1854-1912 Swan selection noting 1d black roulette (large closed tear at top), 1861 6d brown-purple perf. 14-16 clean-cut MH, 3 x Telegraph stamps, … $120 Sold $230 | |||
1854-1913 Used imperf range in Lighthouse stockbook incl 1d black swans x 5 with between 1 & 3 margins, 1/- pale brown (2 reasonable) & 6d sage-gre… $200 Sold $500 | |||
1861-1882 selection of used swans on Hagner sorted by wmks & perfs noting 1861 2d intermediate & clean cut perfs (2 of each), 1864/79 to 1/- (2 of … $60 Sold $180 | |||
1861-1912 Old time album with reasonable pickings noting some pairs & 5 blocks. Mixed MLH/MH/MNG & good to fine used with some useful duplication. … $220 Sold $220 | |||
1893/1912 "Balance of Consignment" on 4 pages incl 2 pages of Registration cancels on swans, a page with 1912 1d surcharge on 2d yellow (SG 170) gr… $100 Sold $140 | |||
1893-1911 range of issues incl fiscals & postcards on Hagner & album leaves. Mainly litho types to 1/- incl 1902/11 2d yellow MLH, 9d F/U, ditto 19… $60 Sold $140 | |||
1902-1911 1d to 5/- V/CR Wmk, perf. 12 x 12½ selection incl 1d carmine-rose MLH (SG 117), 2d yellow wmk upright MH (SG 118a), 4d chestnut MLH (SG … $200 Sold $200 | |||
1905-1922 Range of CR/A wmk, perf. 11 with 3d brown perfined "OS" incl 2 x MH & 3 x F/U & 9d yellow-orange F/U plus a second sheet with 12 x 3d bro… $75 Sold $170 | |||
Airmails 1930-1938 range with "By Air Mail" vignettes or endorsed "Air Mail" in m/s. Incls Perth addressed env with 2d red-brown, SMW, perf 13 & 3d… $75 Sold $100 | |||
Blocks of 4 Hagner sheet with 7 blocks incl 10d red MH/MUH (SG 123, Cat. £160) & used blocks noting 1/- green used (SG 61), 1d carmine-pink good u… $120 Sold $260 | |||
Commercial Covers 1937-1990 bundle of 90 with majority addressed to Tattersalls & the British High Commission, Canberra. Many Registered with match… $75 Sold $75 | |||
Commercial Covers 1950's & 1960's range incl 19 with business imprints/envs, 4 Telegram forms incl an 1880 Vasse (faults), Post Office accounts & l… $60 Sold $210 | |||
Commissariat Punctures 1861-1879 1d to 1/- swan selection with majority fine used. Incls 3 horiz pairs & 1871 3d pale brown F/U (SG 63), not listed… $60 Sold $130 | |||
Commissariat Punctures Group of 10 on swans all with small holes on 1861 2d blue x 2, 6d purple brown x 2, 1/- yellow-green x 2, 1864 1d lake, 1864… $150 Sold $170 | |||
Commissariat Punctures Range of 10 all with large holes for 1861 2d blue, 1863/64 1d carmine-rose, no wmk & 6d deep lilac, no wmk, 1864/79 2d yello… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Commissariat Punctures Retired dealers 1861-1868 stock with good to fine used examples, mostly with the characteristic rough perfs typical of this … $150 Sold $190 | |||
Commissariat Punctures Small hole range incl 1/- dull brown imperf SG 4b (damaged), 2d orange imperfs x 3 (1 oxidised), 1861 2d blue x 3 F/U (SG 41… $180 Sold $260 | |||
Documents 1890's-1947 Various useful pickings noting 1890's Western Australia bank cheque (unused) & 1908 Commercial Bank of Australia cheque both … $50 Sold $200 | |||
Embossed Duty Stamps 1905 selection with 15 impressions in deep scarlet ink which are considerably scarcer than examples in red. Vals incl 1/-, 2/6… $40 Sold $65 | |||
Embossed Duty Stamps 1905-1907 range of impressions in red-orange/red ink with a range of vals from 1d to £200. The following values are missing; … $800 Sold $950 | |||
Embossed Duty Stamps 1911-1924 Group on 6 document pieces consisting of 3d on large piece, 10/- x 2 & 15/- with neighbouring State Stamp Office cds… $50 Sold $70 | |||
First Day Covers 1929-1984 selection of plain FDC's serviced at Kelmscott, Yampi & Stretley Park plus cacheted FDCs incl Mitchell. 1937-1938 covers… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Forgeries 1870-1880 Spiro/Fourniers incl 6d green imperf & perforated 1d black, 1d red, 2d blue & 6d purple-brown. Also 2d orange vermilion perfora… $60 Sold $60 | |||
Forgeries Useful range of 6 swan forgeries plus 9 genuine stamps with forged overprints. Incls "I.R." forgeries in black on SG 103 & 104, 1 bar "IR… $80 Sold $200 | |||
Frank Stamps 1890/1901 selection on small pieces with some cut to shape. Karman Cat. numbers & ratings (on cover) provided. Incls Crown Law Offices… $120 Sold $280 | |||
Internal Revenues Selection of dull purple "long type" with 1893 1d (10), 3d (4), 6d (3), 1/- (3), 2/6d (2), 3/-, 5/- (plus postally used example w… $50 Sold $60 | |||
Literature Various WA related soft cover volumes by Creaser x 2, Whittaker & Juhl x 3 plus hard backed "The Philatelic Collection of the WA Museum"… $200 Sold $150 | |||
Medical Overprints Selection on 1d red & 2d yellow swans with date stamps from a range of location across Western Australia. Incls 1d W CR A Albany… $280 Sold $280 | |||
Meter Marks 1934-1971 incl 4 printers samples from 1952 to 1965 for Westfarmers, Dunlop, Shearer & Eve-lyn Foods. Used items incl 3 x Commonwealth … $50 Sold $50 | |||
Officials 1885/1912 range of MH & used all perfined "OS" incl Crown/CA (SG 87 & 99), V/Crown wmk, perf. 12½ (SG 117, 118 x2, 121, 123, 124) & W Cr… $150 Sold $320 | |||
Official Mail 1945-1965 Perth Titles Office envelopes x 5 incl 2 "Lend to Defend, Buy War Savings Certificates" & "Hold All You Have - Buy All You … $100 Sold $75 | |||
Perfins "OS" & "WA" duplicated 1882-1912 range sorted by wmk incl 1885 5d (3), 6d pair & 4 singles, 1/- (6), 1898 6d (8) & 1/- (8), 1912 perf. 11½… $120 Sold $140 | |||
Perfins "OS" ½d green to 10/- dull purple range. Good to fine used selection with minor duplication. (36) $90 Sold $90 | |||
Perfins "OS" 1890-1912 fine used selection incl Crown/CA wmk, perf. 14 4d chestnut (SG 98), 1902/11 wmk V/Crown 2/- red on yellow (SG 124), 2/6d de… $130 Sold $160 | |||
Perfins "OS" range on swans incl ½d green (ACSC W4bb), 1d rose-pink (ACSC W12b), 3d brown (ACSC W27Ab), 9d yellow orange perf. 11 (ACSC W28Cbb), 9… $150 Sold $210 | |||
Perfins "OS" Good to fine used group incl 1d rose-pink (ACSC W13Ab), 2d orange-yellow (ACSC W24b), 4d brown (ACSC W37AB), 9d orange-yellow (ACSC W5… $180 Sold $130 | |||
Perfins "WA" 1d to 10/- range of 16 with 2 perfin variations. All horizontal unless otherwise listed incl wmk Crown/CA, 3d brown, 4d chestnut & 6d … $180 Sold $260 | |||
Perfins "WA" punctured swans accumulation of good to fine used sorted by vals. Incls ½d green x 3, 1d red x 19, 2d yellow x 13, 3d brown x 6, 4d b… $70 Sold $70 | |||
Perfins "WA" range on Hagner with 11 fine used examples. Incls 1895 3d red-brown, wmk Crown/CA, perf. 14 (SG 87), 1902/11 V/Crown wmk perf. 12½ 8d… $200 Sold $270 | |||
Perfins "WA" selection with 15 different vals from ½d green to 5/- emerald. A clean fine used group. (18) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Perfins Private types with a small study on album leaves with 2d to 1/- vals. Noted GW/F (13), HS/&Co, VOCo, MK, DJF & GDCo (3). Incls sideways & i… $40 Sold $120 | |||
Perfins Selection of 18 different "WA" perfins noting Crown/CA wmk ½d green, 3d brown, 4d chestnut, 5d yellow-olive, 6d violet & 1/- green, W Crow… $120 Sold $190 | |||
Perfins Used "WA" & "OS" retired dealers stock neatly arranged in mounts with SG numbers, year & priced. Good to fine used with the majority appear… $400 Sold $320 | |||
Postage Paid Labels 1990's Australia Post counter printed labels on piece from a wide variety of Post Offices. Face vals range from 45c to $20.30 &… $30 Sold $90 | |||
Postal History 1901-1957 selection of 8 covers incl 1901 Sydney to Hobart, 1929 Airmail Port Hedland to Perth, 1935 Registered Perth to Maya with 5… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Postal Stationery Collection with some annotation suggesting possible varieties. Noted PC1, PC2 x 3, PC3, PC4, PC5 & PC20 plus Facsimile of the ½d… $220 Sold $220 | |||
Postal Stationery A group consisting of Postcards PC1 fine unused, PC3 unused (surface damage), PC4 unused (tape at left), PC5 fine unused, PC6 fin… $120 Archived | |||
Postcards 1900-1930 selection with 8 b&w & one colour. 4 unused, a postally used & others with only messages. Subjects incl various street scenes, … $80 Sold $80 | |||
Postcards Coloured Falk selection incl "A Group of West Australian Natives", "Causeway Across the Swan River…", "R.C. Monastery, North Perth, WA"… $100 Sold $150 | |||
Postcards Group by various publishers with 5 used & 2 unused. Noted "The Sunshine Harvester on the Farm of Mr W.J. Butcher, MLA Beverley, WA", scar… $60 Sold $150 | |||
Postcards Post 1950 multicultural covering scenes & themes from various WA country destinations with approx. 160 unused & 8 used. Majority publishe… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Postcards Selection incls unused noting c1910-1930 "Narrogin, WA" (Falk), "St George's Hall from Palace Hotel, Perth WA" (Austral Stores), "Tea Roo… $90 Sold $160 | |||
Postcards The Western Australian flora colour postcards by Janie Craig with No.1 F/U, No.2 F/U, slight damage right side, No.3 F/U, No. 4 (missing)… $50 Sold $80 | |||
Postmarks Duplex range on 2 Hagners with selected pairs of stamps showing both sides of duplex cancels or parts thereof. Incls Albany, Boulder, Bun… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Postmarks Duplex cancellations similar in number & quality as the previous lot noting Day Dawn & Esperance duplex together with another 46 Fremantl… $120 Sold $320 | |||
Postmarks Obliterator collection on 3 Hagners incl numbered grids 1, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 15 with little dupl (15), 9 bar numerals 4, 8, 9 & 10 with li… $500 Sold $500 | |||
Postmarks Selection of 30 different all on swans incl 1, 3, 10,22, 24, 26 & 35 barred numeral cancels plus Bardoc, Burtville, Cossack, Davyhurst, D… $150 Sold $100 | |||
Postmarks 165 sheets with attractive presentation covering mainly a group of larger Post Offices. Nearly 300 postmarks with some dupl from 1890's t… $100 Sold $210 | |||
Postmarks Range of better complete strikes incl 1903 Pingelly on 1d swan pair, 1912 Geraldton on swan, 1924 Roebourne bullseye strike on 3d kangaro… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Postmarks Accumulation in 32-page Lighthouse stockbook. All on swans with many neat attractive strikes arranged alphabetically. Several on piece gi… $100 Sold $170 | |||
Postmarks Range of WA cds's on-paper with all appearing to be from the 1980's-1990's period & incl some machine cancels. No guarantees, but easy to… $50 Sold $100 | |||
Postmarks Another small suitcase similar in size & the period to the above lot but incls some commercially used complete covers in addition to the … $50 Sold $110 | |||
Postmarks Collection on DIY leaves arranged alphabetically noting Paddington 3b-a, 3b-b & A28, Palace Hotel 3b with three neat examples on block fo… $200 Sold $360 | |||
Postmarks DIY pages in springback folder with the majority from the KGV era & better than average quality strikes. A good basic collection upon whi… $300 Sold $525 | |||
Postmarks Selection on swans in small stockbook noting Broomehill Savings Bank & 3b cds's for Cuballing, Mt Morgan, Kanowna, Mooliabeenie, Williams… $40 Sold $110 | |||
Postmarks Duplicated range on 1902 1d & 2d 1902 swans with duplication suggesting it has been used for reference & study. Few highlights noting Cos… $50 Sold $40 | |||
Postmarks Arranged alphabetically in 2 stockbooks with KGV to QEII both on & off paper plus a handful of QEII pre-decimal covers. Majority are comm… $60 Sold $60 | |||
Postmarks KGVI to QEII Pre-decimal issues sorted in envs & in bundleware. Massive quantity with very heavy duplication. Face vals from 2d to 2/- wi… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Postmarks Lindner stockbook pages with swans to decimals, the majority from the KGV era. Noted Bullaring, Ballidom, Emu Hill, East Kirupp (3 AP 191… $120 Sold $220 | |||
Postmarks Arranged on DIY pages according to geographical locations. Quality varies from poor to very fine but noted some scarcer places such as Ha… $100 Sold $180 | |||
Postmarks Majority on swans arranged in 3 stockbooks with many fine strikes plus odd "bullseye"! Incls 3 covers from the 1930's with one from 1936 … $200 Sold $200 | |||
Postmarks 1914-2013 Relief collection 1914 to 2013 with numerous examples selected for their quality. Incls some rarities & useful duplication to s… $200 Sold $480 | |||
Postmarks Massive accumulation in various shoeboxes & containers. All on modern issues on piece & neatly cut around. Useful for fine used self-adhe… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Postmarks Nothing rare but mainly fine strikes noting the following barred numerals; 9/9, 12/12, 12/13, 12/23, 12/25 & 12/31. 15/1, 15/7 & 15/22 pl… $70 Sold $70 | |||
Postmarks Range on WA Swans, kangaroos, KGV & some early commems noting Cuballing B30, Dandarragan 3b, Forrest Grove B29, Mount Kokeby B29, Noggeru… $75 Sold $55 | |||
Postmarks Selection of 13 different with 1-2 scarcity ratings. All on swans with partial cancels of varying quality. Incls Arthur River 3b, Barrabu… $50 Sold $80 | |||
Postmarks 1966-2015 Extensive range of commem, pictorial & event cancels all on cover, many matching the event or issue. Incls the 1966 "Philatelic… $200 Sold $400 | |||
Postmarks An extensive collection both on/off paper & some on complete covers incl numerous Registered all arranged in lever arch files & loose box… $500 Sold $1500 | |||
Postmarks & Revenues Accumulation in 6 springback albums & file noting pre-decimal & decimal period cds's & slogan cancels on paper, album of comme… $100 Sold $190 | |||
Railways WA Govt Railways bulk parcel cut-outs & unused "Booked Parcel" forms plus "Urgent", "Excess Luggage" stickers noting “Total West $1 Parc… $60 Sold $80 | |||
Registration Labels Blue R6 labels in complete intact blocks of 25 (5 rows x 5 columns). The first sheet is blank on top with the remainder being p… $75 Sold $160 | |||
Revenues "Balance of Consignment" lot noting 1d red (one colour) duty stamps with strips of 3 & 4 singles, 6 documents with duty stamps incl 1905 M… $90 Sold $200 | |||
Revenues "Tombstone" types on various documents plus other revenues noting 1948 WAGR C.O.D. parcel label on piece with 9d, 1/- & 2/6d "FORWARD" rai… $100 Sold $200 | |||
Revenues 1983-1985 selection on small pieces from 10c to $20 vals all fine used & tied by State Taxation Dept cds's. Incls a few pre-decimal. Incls… $300 Sold $300 | |||
Revenues Page of "Internal Revenue" both postally & fiscally used noting 1d x 43, 3d x 2, 6d x 3 + 1/- all good to fine used postally used. 1d x 3 … $40 Sold $70 | |||
Revenues Arranged on Hagners & album pages noting "Internal Revenues" to £1/10/-, QV 5/- perfined "OS", Commissariat punctures (5), private perfin… $100 Sold $160 | |||
Revenues DIY page with low val long swan Duty Stamps plus odd others incl 6/- olive-green "Tax Instalment". Also noted a 2d blue bicolour with larg… $30 Sold $140 | |||
Revenues Range of long swan duty stamps with 1d red x 4 & 1d red with black swan vignette x 20 plus 3d violet & black. Cond varies from good to fin… $100 Sold $160 | |||
Revenues "Balance of consignment" with double lined frame (12) to 2/- incl some MUH. Noted Single lined frame (11) to £1 deep purple (heavy print)… $60 Sold $95 | |||
Revenues Interesting album with mortgage documents from 1934, various Duty Stamp, Revenue Duty & Hospital Fund noting Supreme Court Probate 6d gree… $200 Sold $290 | |||
Revenues 1906/09 Inscribed "Stamp Duty", Perf 11. 1d to £10 balance of consignment group noting 1d x 9, 3d, 6d x 6, 1/- x 12, 2/- x 3, 2/6d x 11, … $320 Archived | |||
Revenues Internal Revenues "long type" in lilac with 1d to £1 vals. Latter fine used plus MLH 1d, 3d, 6d & 1/- (1/- small thin spot) before "small… $240 Sold $240 | |||
Revenues Range of the "Long Swan" types sorted by wmk & perf. Mixed MLH & used in binder from 1904 1d monocolours & bicolours & later wmks incl a f… $200 Sold $250 | |||
Revenues Selection from a range of different issues noting 1881/1903 1d to £1 x 15 used purple Internal Revenues, 1904/25 1d to £5 Stamp Duty wit… $180 Sold $200 | |||
Swans 1854-1893 starting with 1d black 4 margins used (small thin at top) before 23 x MLH/MH/MNG & 120 good to fine used examples with some superio… $300 Sold $300 | |||
Swans 1861-1912 ½d to 1/- accumulation on Hagner sheets. Noted over 200 stamps with bar numeral cancels noting the odd scarce number incl 5 bar 12… $150 Sold $300 | |||
Swans 1864/69 Crown CC wmk, Perf. 12½ range incl 1d bistre x 3 F/U & 1 MNG, 1d yellow-ochre F/U, 2d yellow shades x 5 F/U & MH & 4d carmine MH & F… $120 Sold $320 | |||
Swans 1864-1879 Crown CC wmkd simplified MNG/MH/MLH set with a few extra shades. Incls 1d bistre (SG 52), 1d yellow ochre (SG 53), 2d chrome-yellow… $400 Sold $480 | |||
Swans 1872/78 Crown CC wmk, perf. 14 MLH/unused without gum selection with 1d yellow-ochre, 2d chrome yellow, 3d pale brown pair & 3d cinnamon. Als… $75 Sold $90 | |||
Swans 1882/90 Crown CA wmk, Perf 14 group comprising 1d yellow-ochre x 3, 2d yellow, 3d red-brown x 3, 4d carmine x 3 & 6d reddish-lilac x 2. Major… $180 Sold $180 | |||
Swans 1899/1901 W Crown A wmk, perf. 14 selection incl 1d carmine MLH block of 4 & 3 used plus 2 x perfined "PWD" & "WA" x 6 used. Also 2d yellow x… $200 Sold $200 | |||
Swans 1905/12 CR/A wmk. Perf. 11 range with 1d rose-pink MH/MNG x 2 & good used x 2, 1d carmine-red x 7 good to F/U, 2d yellow x 4 good to F/U, 3d … $180 Sold $70 | |||
Swans 1905/12 Crown/A wmk, perf. 12x12½ range incl ½d green F/U group with block of 6, 7 blocks of 4, 2 pairs & 3 singles, 1d rose-pink MH x 2, 2… $180 Sold $240 | |||
Swans 1d to 1/- accumulation with majority fine used. Arranged on Hagner sheets. Possible postmark interest. A good spread of face values, not domi… $240 Sold $240 | |||
Swans A small study of the 5d olive swan with 5 unused & 29 fine used showing various wmk & shade differences. Attractive presentation & ex Brian P… $40 Sold $90 | |||
Swans Collection remainders in 2 looseleaf SG Plymouth albums with many empty pages. No stamps prior to 1865 but incls 200+ good to fine used & 30 … $100 Sold $210 | |||
Swans Accumulation on Hagner sheets, stockcards & album sheets plus bulk in small brown box! Also a Hagner of Internal Revenues (17) mostly postall… $100 Sold $260 | |||
Swans Mint & used accum on 12 Hagners. Useful duplication for further study in used noting mint vals to 2/6d blue/rose. Also 6d green rouletted on … $180 Sold $290 | |||
Swans Consignment remainders with numerous stamps sorted by wmk, perfs, etc noting 3d brown x 88, 1d surcharge on 3d brown x 22, 1d ovpt on 3 brown… $150 Sold $400 | |||
Swans Range of engraved to 6d & surface printed incl 8d, 9d, 10d & 1/- vals plus surcharges. Duplicated used on 15 Hagners noting a 6d green forger… $120 Sold $200 | |||
Swans Mainly used accum on 8 double sided Hagners. Noting used to 5/- emerald QV perfined "OS" F/U (SG 126) plus WA perfins to 1/- & Revenues to £… $220 Sold $260 | |||
Swans Accumulation on Hagners with both MLH/MNG & good to fine used noting 1d black fine used with 3 margins, 1854 4d blue good used (cut to shape)… $120 Sold $230 | |||
Swans Range on old album pages in mixed cond with a few useful pickings incl SG 76, SG 103/05 & SG 126 plus odd Revenue etc. Good to fine used with… $50 Sold $200 | |||
Swans Massive ½d to 1/- accumulation on Hagner sheets in 3 binders. Useful range for the specialist with ½d green (100), 1d red (1200), 2½d blue… $120 Sold $220 | |||
Swans Retired dealers MUH/MLH/MH/MNG & good to F/U stock all identified by SG numbers. All frontally fine with most used being fine. Realistic rese… $150 Sold $120 | |||
Western Australia: Proofs & Colour Trials | |||
Presentation Sheet on "T H Saunders" horizontally wmkd laid paper. Type headed "WESTERN AUSTRALIAN POSTAGE STAMPS". The top section contains the 18… $500 Sold $625 | |||
1860 4d Perkins Bacon Die Proof in black on card (26mm x 28mm) with RPSV Cert. (2021). A fine exhibition piece. Similar sold in 2004 auction at £2… $5000 Archived | |||
1861 6d dull mauve imperf colour trial plate proof on ungummed, no wmk paper with 4 good margins. $120 Sold $95 | |||
18641d bistre imperforate plate proof with wmk Crown/CC sideways. Ungummed with 4 close but clear margins.1d bistre imperf plate proof horiz pair w… $150 Sold $120 | |||
1904 1d to £50 Waterlow & Son Day proofs on wmked paper in issued colours with mixed perfs 14-15 excluding. All are punctured with a 2mm hole in t… $750 Sold $750 | |||
States and Territories: Western Australia | |||
1854 1d black lightly used with generous margins on all sides & showing trace of adjacent stamp at top. A premium example. SG 1, Cat. £350 $150 Sold $150 | |||
1854 1d black. Clear even margins & lightly used. SG 1, Cat. £350 $100 Sold $100 | |||
1854 1d black horiz pair fine used with void grid cancels. Close but clear margins. SG 1, Cat. £700+ $280 Sold $180 | |||
1854 1d black with 4 good clear margins & light 15 Bar 8 Fremantle cancel. SG 1, Cat. £350 $180 Sold $190 | |||
1854 1d black with clear margins & F/U by light void grid. SG 1, Cat. £350 $160 Sold $100 | |||
1854 1d black with 4 clear even margins. Used with void grid cancel. SG 1, Cat. £350 $120 Sold $120 | |||
1854 1d black with 3 large margins, just touching bottom left. F/U with light 15 BN cancel. SG 1, Cat. £350 $100 Sold $100 | |||
1854 1d black with 4 very close margins & very light cancel. SG 1, Cat. £350 $100 Sold $70 | |||
1854 1d black with close to touching margins. Light staining reflected in reserve but F/U. SG 1, Cat. £350 $70 Sold $70 | |||
1854 1d black imperf horiz pair with full margins on 2 sides, cut into at the base. Fine used with neat void grid cancels. SG 1, Cat. £700 $150 Sold $100 | |||
1854 1d black with broad margin at left, others close. Fine used. SG 1, £350 $90 Sold $70 | |||
1854 1d black with good clear even margins & fine used with light void grid. SG 1, Cat. £350 $100 Sold $100 | |||
1854 1d black fine used with void grid cancel. Three close to good margins, bottom impinges slightly on the design lower right. SG 1, Cat. £350 $90 Archived | |||
1854 1d black with 4 close to clear even margins. Fine used with light void grid cancel. SG 1, Cat. £350 $100 Sold $100 | |||
1854 1d black with 4 close clear even margins. Fine used with crisp 15 bar 8 Fremantle numeral cancel. SG 1, Cat. £350 $90 Sold $90 | |||
1854 1d black with clear even margins, close top right. Lightly used. SG 1, Cat. £350 $150 Sold $120 | |||
1854 1d black with 4 margins, close in places & top margin "sags" to almost touch in the centre. Fine used with neat void grid cancel. SG 1, Cat. Â… $120 Sold $120 | |||
1854 1d black with left & bottom margins just touching, others even & clear. Fine used with light cancel. SG 1, Cat. £350 $70 Archived | |||
1854 1d black x 2 examples with margins ranging from huge to cut into. Both fine used & presentable. SG 1, Cat. £700 (2) $100 Sold $80 | |||
1854 1d black with 4 clear margins & light 15 Bar 8 Fremantle cancel. SG 1, Cat. £350 $150 Sold $100 | |||
1854 1d black imperf rouletted with close but clear margins. Used with partial BN cancel. SG 2, Cat. £850 $250 Sold $250 | |||
1854 1d black with three sides rouletted & top partly rouletted. Fine used with neat 15 Bar 1 numeral cancel of Perth. SG 2, Cat. £850 $250 Sold $90 | |||
1854 1d black clearly rouletted along top with remaining close to touching imperf margins. Lightly used with indistinct cancel. SG 2, Cat. £850 $160 Sold $100 | |||
1854 1d black rouletted in right margin only. Remaining 3 margins imperf & clear. Small natural paper thin reflected in reserve. Used by light 15 b… $100 Sold $70 | |||
1854 1d black rouletted with 4 clear even margins. Good to F/U with void grid cancel. SG 2, Cat. £850 $240 Sold $240 | |||
1854 1d black, possibly rouletted 3 margin example. MNG, slight staining on reverse & trimmed at left with indistinct traces of roulette at top rig… $220 Archived | |||
1851 1d black with 4 close margins. Fine used with light numeral cancel. SG 2, Cat. £325 $60 Sold $60 | |||
1854 1d black with 7½ to 14 roulette. Fine used with neat "2" BN cancel. Shows part of adjoining stamp at the top. SG 2, Cat. £850 $280 Sold $220 | |||
1854 4d blue verging on slate-blue. Fine used with BN "8" & large clear margins. Sold "as is". SG 2a, Cat. £250 (Cat. £1300 if SG 2c) $80 Sold $65 | |||
1854 4d pale blue swan with 4 clear even large margins. F/U with neat corner cancel. A superb stamp. SG 3 Cat. £200+ Sold in Ace Auctions Sale 7 f… $180 Sold $180 | |||
1854 4d pale blue with poorly defined "AUSTR" variety. Clear but close margins. Attractive mint without gum example. SG 3, Cat. £375 + premium for… $200 Sold $140 | |||
1854 4d pale blue with large to just touching margins bottom right. Fine mint without gum. Fresh colour. SG 3, Cat. £375 $180 Sold $120 | |||
1854 4d pale blue with large to just touching top right. Superb used with neat 15 bar "8" Fremantle cancel. Most attractive. SG 3, Cat. £200 $100 Sold $70 | |||
1854 4d pale blue with 4 generous margins & small commissariat puncture. Fine used with 15 bar "5" Guildford cancel. SG 3, Cat. £200 $100 Sold $70 | |||
1854 4d pale blue with vertical pre-printing paper fold. 2 huge margins & 2 close to touching. Portion of top stamp design visible. Fine used with … $80 Sold $80 | |||
1854 4d pale blue with large to just touching margins. Used with 15 bar "6" Albany cancel. SG 3 $80 Sold $80 | |||
1854 4d pale blue with small commissariat puncture. Top margin just cut into otherwise clear margins. Used with light 15 Bar "8" Fremantle cancel V… $60 Sold $20 | |||
1854 4d pale blue with 4 close to broad margins. Light indistinct BN "1" grid with Pfenniger guarantee h/s on reverse. SG 3, Cat. £200 $75 Sold $60 | |||
1854 4d pale blue with pre-printing paper crease at right. Lightly used. SG 3, Cat. £200++ $100 Archived | |||
1854 4d pale blue swan. Gummed locally with blackboy gum which as usual has stained the stamp. The gum is still present on this stamp thus represen… $220 Sold $180 | |||
1854 4d blue with 3 generous margins, close at top but clear. "Unused without gum, 4 margins" noted on Ceremuga Cert. (2004) Rich & fresh colour, a… $250 Sold $250 | |||
1854 4d pale blue with small commissariat puncture & the "short "T" of Postage" variety (See note for SG 3d. Two large margins with top & right mar… $80 Sold $30 | |||
1854 4d blue with 4 clear even margins. F/U with a void grid cancel in red ink. Unusual. SG 3a, Cat. £250 $120 Sold $90 | |||
1854 4d blue with clear even margins. Fine used with light void grid cancel. SG 3a, Cat. £250 $100 Sold $70 | |||
1854 4d blue with 4 margins, left is just touching. Used with void grid cancel & another cancel overlapping in red. SG 3a, Cat. £250 $90 Sold $60 | |||
1854 4d blue with large to very close margins. Attractively used with central 15 bar "1" Perth cancel. SG 3a, Cat. £250 $80 Sold $55 | |||
1854 4d blue swans x 6 with mixed margins from huge to close to touching. One cut to shape but good to fine used & presentable. SG 3a, Cat. £250 e… $250 Sold $250 | |||
1854 4d blue with large even margins. Mint without gum & lovely fresh colour. SG 3a, Cat. £450 $220 Sold $150 | |||
1854 4d blue with close to large even margins. Mint without gum. SG 3a, Cat. £450 $180 Sold $120 | |||
1854 4d blue with small commissariat puncture. Close to very close margins. Fine used with light 15 Bar numeral cancel. SG 3a, Cat. £250 $80 Sold $55 | |||
1854 4d blue. MNG with nearly 4 broad margins but small nick means just touching near "W" at lower left. SG 3a, Cat. £450 $120 Sold $120 | |||
1854 4d blue with broad margins all round. Very fine used & fresh colour. SG 3a, Cat. £250 $150 Sold $150 | |||
1854 4d blue with "part of right cross stroke & downslope of "T" of "POSTAGE" cut off" variety. Good to large margins with top margin just touching… $1200 Sold $1200 | |||
1854/55 4d blue with commissariat puncture. Margins touching at top with other sides close to large. Lightly used. SG 3a var. $50 Sold $40 | |||
1854 4d blue with 4 clear margins but 1cm closed cut lower left otherwise F/U (SG 3a, Cat. £250), 1855 1/- pale brown F/U with void grid cancel. 4… $100 Sold $160 | |||
1854 4d blue with very good margins & 3mm Commissariat puncture. F/U with Perth cancel. SG 3a var. $120 Sold $100 | |||
1854 4d blue with vertical pre-printing paper fold resulting in void line from "P" at top to between "VR" at base. Good to large margins. Fine used… $250 Sold $200 | |||
1854 4d blue position 237 & 238 horiz pair from the bottom of sheet with generous margins all round. Position 238 has the "white patch next to "TE"… $500 Sold $500 | |||
1854 4d deep dull blue. Fine used by BN "13" obliterator. An excellent example with generous margins. SG 3b, Cat. £850 $300 Sold $300 | |||
1854 4d deep dull blue with 3 large margins & 1 close. Unused without gum with paper "toned" after removal of the brown black-boy gum. SG 3b, Cat. … $500 Sold $180 | |||
1854 4d deep dull blue with 4 very fine margins. Fine used with light void grid cancel. A superior example. SG 3b, Cat. £850 $300 Sold $300 | |||
1854 4d deep dull blue with 3 clear margins & the 4th just touching. Fine used with void grid cancel. SG 3b, Cat. £850 $220 Sold $150 | |||
1854 4d blue with ""T" of Postage shaved off at foot" variety plus a pre-printing paper fold. 3 close to touching margins, fourth large. Good used.… $200 Sold $100 | |||
1855 4d slate blue with small commissariat puncture. Clear even margins, right close. Ironed out vert crease not apparent from front. Light 15 bar … $200 Sold $270 | |||
1854 4d slate-blue. Mint without gum. Close margin at left but others large. An attractive example of this shade. SG 3c, Cat. £4000 $1000 Sold $1300 | |||
1854 4d blue with very good to large full margins. Fine used with very light cancel. Needs a clean! SG 3d, Cat. £250 $90 Sold $70 | |||
1854 4d blue, with 3 large margins, just touching along the base. Fine used by neat void grid cancel. SG 3d, Cat. £250 $100 Sold $100 | |||
1854 4d pale blue with "WESTERN" in squeezed down letters" variety. Large top margin with remaining 3 close to touching. Variety spoiled by reduced… $220 Sold $100 | |||
1854 4d pale blue with 4 clear margins & fine used by light 15 bar 21 cancel. RPS London Cert. (1990). SG 3, Cat. £200+ $120 Sold $180 | |||
1854 1/- deep red-brown with 4 clear margins but repaired top left corner. Reserve reflects this & toned paper. Fine used with void grid cancel. Us… $100 Sold $100 | |||
1854 1/- orange-brown (scarcer than the red-brown). Fine used with void grid obliterator. Cut square, touching at top & right. Ceremuga Cert. (2007… $150 Sold $270 | |||
1854 1/- deep red-brown with close or touching margins. Mint without gum. SG 4a, Cat. £2000 $400 Sold $300 | |||
1854 1/- deep red-brown with wide margin at base & others close at left & top, just touching at right. Used by indistinct void grid cancel. Rich or… $360 Sold $360 | |||
1854 1/- deep red-brown with clear even margins just touching oval at the top. Fine used with void grid cancel. SG 4a, Cat. £1100 $220 Sold $220 | |||
1854 1/- deep red-brown with 3 margins just cutting into oval at base. Lightly used with void grid cancel. SG 4a, Cat. £1100 $120 Sold $40 | |||
1854 1/- deep red-brown with large to huge margins on 3 sides, slightly cut into at right. Fine used with strong rich colour. SG 4a, Cat. £1100 $300 Sold $240 | |||
1854/55 1/- grey-brown fine used with void grid obliterator. Wide margins have been expertly added resulting in a superb appearance but reflected i… $80 Sold $80 | |||
1854 1/- grey-brown with 4 large margins & fine used by central void obliterator. SG 4b, Cat. £400 $180 Sold $220 | |||
1855 1/- grey-brown with margins just touching the oval at 3 sides. Used with 15 bar "8" Fremantle cancel. SG 4b, Cat. £400 $100 Sold $70 | |||
1854 1/- grey brown. Unused without gum. Large margins with small part adjoining stamp at top. Ceremuga Cert. (2005) SG 4b, Cat. £700 $250 Sold $850 | |||
1855 1/- pale brown used by barred numeral "8" cancel. 4 clear margins. SG 4c, Cat. £325 $120 Sold $95 | |||
1854 1/- pale brown imperf with close to large margins. F/U with light 15 bar 8 cancel. SG 4c, Cat. £325. Sold in Ace Auctions sale 7 for $185. $120 Sold $95 | |||
1855 1/- pale brown with close but clear margins. Irregular top left. Unused without gum. SG 4c, Cat £550 $120 Sold $120 | |||
1855 1/- pale brown with 3 large margins & just touching the oval at right. Fine used with 15 bar "8" Fremantle cancel. SG 4c, Cat. £325 $100 Sold $70 | |||
1855 1/- pale brown with 4 large even margins. Used with 15 bar "16" York numeral cancel. Could do with a wash! SG 4c, Cat. £325 $90 Sold $40 | |||
1855 1/- pale brown with close to touching margins. Used with void grid cancel. SG 4c, Cat. £325 $75 Sold $50 | |||
1855 1/- pale brown with traces of pin perf at top left & base. Touching at right, slightly cut into top & right. Indistinct, light obliterator. SG… $120 Archived | |||
1854 1/- pale brown with close to large margins. F/U by light 15 bar numeral cancel. SG 4c, Cat £325 $100 Sold $80 | |||
1855 1/- pale brown as above with large clear margins & also F/U with same cancel. SG 4c, Cat. £325 $100 Sold $80 | |||
1855 1/- pale brown block of 4 with close to large even margins. Fresh & fine MNG. A rare & attractive multiple. Ex Trevor Hiscock. SG 4c, Cat. £2… $3000 Sold $3400 | |||
1854 4d blue rouletted on all 4 sides. This example appears unused without gum (Cat. £4000) but has a very light "shade" at base suggesting maybe … $300 Sold $180 | |||
1854 4d blue with 4 sides rouletted. F/U with neat 15 bar "1" Perth numeral cancel. SG 5a, Cat. £750 $240 Sold $240 | |||
1854 4d blue rouletted on all 4 sides. Fine used with light Perth GPO duplex cancel. Most attractive example. SG 5a, Cat. £750 $260 Sold $260 | |||
1855 1/- grey-brown with 3 rouletted margins & a straight edge at right. Used with light numeral cancel. SG 6, Cat. £1200 $240 Sold $240 | |||
1854 1/- pale brown rouletted with BN "1" neatly applied. Touching at left with other sides well clear. Small light thin reflected in reserve. SG 6… $75 Sold $60 | |||
1855 1/- pale brown rouletted on 4 sides. Repaired closed tear lower left but attractively used with crisp 15 bar "3" cancel of Perth. SG 6a, Cat. … $180 Sold $130 | |||
1854/55 1/- pale brown rouletted 7½-14. Clear & complete along top, partial at left & removal at base & at right. SG 6a, Cat. £1100 $100 Sold $100 | |||
1855 1/- pale brown rouletted on 3 sides with straight right margin. Close to large margins. Lightly used with numeral cancel. Slight paper thin lo… $120 Sold $150 | |||
1857 2d brown-black/red Hillman with lightly applied BN "14" obliterator. Attractive example good clear margins but Ceremuga Cert (2009) states "ex… $100 Sold $150 | |||
1857 2d brown-black/red Hillman cut square. Margins touching on all sides with neat BN "5" obliterator. "WESTERN" shows major error with "ST" joine… $200 Sold $160 | |||
1858 2d brown-black/red with clear margins just touching at base. Fine used with 15 bar "2" numeral cancel of Perth. Fine example with rich colour.… $260 Sold $340 | |||
1858 2d brown-black/red with 2 full margins, close to touching at top & right. Lightly used with neat void grid cancel. SG 15, Cat. £750 $220 Sold $150 | |||
1858 2d brown black/red with even close to touching margins. Small cut bottom left not affecting design. Used with indistinct cancel. SG 15, Cat. Â… $160 Sold $230 | |||
1858 2d brown-black/red. Fine used strip of 3 with neat void grid cancels & strong colour. SG 15, Cat. £2250++ premium for a very rare strip of 3. $1500 Sold $3600 | |||
1857 2d grey-black/red Hillman printed both sides. Indistinct cancel with close but clear margins. Small DWO circled dealer h/s on reverse. SG 15a,… $200 Sold $200 | |||
1858 2d brown black/red. Two full margins with left & upper margins just cut into. Printed on both sides with horiz pre-printing fold. Fine used wi… $340 Sold $200 | |||
1858 2d brown-black/red imperf with "Printed on both sides" variety. Fine used with even close to touching margins & an attractive void grid cancel… $400 Sold $400 | |||
1857 2d brown-black/Indian red Hillman with clear offset on reverse. 3 clear margins, cut into at right. Fine used with neat void grid obliterator.… $300 Sold $240 | |||
1857 2d brown-black/Indian red Hillman. Cut square with close to touching margins. Used with void obliterator. SG 16, Cat. £850 $180 Sold $250 | |||
1858 2d brown black/Indian red with 4 close to touching margins. Used with light 15 bar numeral cancel. Striking rich colour. SG 16, Cat. £950 $400 Sold $400 | |||
1857 6d golden bronze. Close to touching margins with lower frame just cut into. Superb used with 15 bar "8" Fremantle cancel. Most attractive & fi… $400 Sold $250 | |||
1857 6d golden bronze with close to large margins. Used with light indistinct cancel. Clear "bronze" tinge. SG 17, Cat. £2,500 $360 Sold $360 | |||
1857 6d golden bronze used with 15 bar "16" York cancel (SG 17, Cat. £2,500) & 1857 6d black-bronze rouletted with touching to huge margins & F/U … $100 Sold $100 | |||
1857 6d black-bronze Hillman. Fine used with crisp BN "8" cancel & 4 clear margins. Exceptional! SG 18, Cat. £650 $220 Sold $250 | |||
1857 6d black-bronze with 3 clear to large margins, just touching at right. Small tear at right. Fine used with neat void grid cancel. SG 18, Cat. … $75 Sold $100 | |||
1857 6d black-bronze with good side margins but upper & lower touching. Fine used with 15 bar "5" Guildford cancel. SG 18, Cat. £650 $180 Sold $140 | |||
1857 6d grey-black Hillman with close but clear margins. F/U with void grid cancel. SG 19, Cat. £550 $220 Sold $220 | |||
1859 6d grey-black with close but clear margins. Used with 15 bar "20" Champion Bay cancel. SG 19, Cat. £600 $180 Sold $60 | |||
1859 6d grey-black with close to touching margins. Good used with 15 bar "1" Perth cancel with some oily staining from pmk. SG 19, Cat. £600 $90 Sold $55 | |||
1857 6d grey-black Hillman neatly used by light BN "6". Close to touching margins but most presentable. SG 19, Cat. £600 $150 Sold $120 | |||
1857 6d grey-black Hillman. Broad margins at right & base with half margins top & left & cut to shape at top left corner. MLH with rarely seen o.g.… $1000 Archived | |||
1857 6d grey-black Hillman. Cut square touching in places. Used with bold BN 1. Evidence of pin perforations. Ex Cygnet Auctions selling in 2007 fo… $180 Sold $140 | |||
1857 6d grey-black Hillman. Fine used with crisp BN "1". Traces of rouletting on 3 sides with portion of adjacent stamp at base. A superb example p… $400 Sold $350 | |||
1860 2d pale orange & orange-vermilion pair both with 4 close to touching margins. Both fine used, latter with neat 21 bar 15 numeral & former with… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1860 2d pale orange with upright swan wmk. Unused without gum. Close but clear even margins. A fine example in the true "pale" shade. SG 24a, Cat. … $1800 Sold $1800 | |||
1860 2d orange imperfs with 2 x unused without gum & 9 x fine used, 1 with some rouletting to upper & lower frames. Range of shades, some with sign… $120 Sold $120 | |||
1860 2d orange-vermilion with 4 close but clear margins. Fine used with 15 bar 3 cancel in blue ink. SG 25 Cat. £80 $30 Sold $46 | |||
1860 2d orange-vermilion with good clear margins, irregular at right. Unused without gum. Striking colour. SG 25, Cat. £150 $40 Sold $30 | |||
1860 2d orange in both shades with pale orange having 3 margins & top just touching (SG 24) plus orange vermilion with 4 close to touching margins … $50 Sold $50 | |||
1860 2d orange-vermilion imperf pair with very good to large margins. Fine MNG. Ex Brian Pope. SG 25, Cat. £300+ $150 Sold $525 | |||
1860 2d orange-vermilion. A superb 4 margin unused example with fresh bright colour. SG 25, Cat. £150 $75 Sold $170 | |||
1860 2d orange-vermilion with upright swan wmk distinct from the front. Close even margins. MLH with o.g. SG 25a (unpriced by SG) $180 Sold $180 | |||
1864 4d blue with fine margins on 3 sides & just touching at bottom right. Fine MNG. SG 26, Cat. £350 $120 Sold $160 | |||
1864 4d blue with complete clear even margins. Lightly used & a superb example. SG 26, Cat. £2500 $900 Sold $900 | |||
1864 4d blue with spectacular pre-printing diagonal fold at lower left. MBG with good clear, even margins. A most attractive example. SG 26, Cat. Â… $300 Sold $220 | |||
1864 4d blue with upright wmk. Very close to very good 3 margins. MNG with rich colour. SG 26, Cat. £350 $100 Sold $150 | |||
1864 4d blue, wmk sideways with offset on reverse. Light surface rub at lower left otherwise unused & a striking offset. RPS London Cert. (1972), S… $200 Sold $160 | |||
1864 4d blue with wmk sideways. Imperf with clear even margins. Superb unused without gum. Lovely colour & finest we have seen. SG 26a, Cat. £3,500 $1200 Sold $400 | |||
1864 4d blue with very clear off-set on reverse. Very fine unused without gum with 3 generous margins, just touching at right. The first off-set we… $250 Sold $150 | |||
1860 4d deep blue with 2 prominent pre-printing paper creases. MNG with clear even margins. Quite striking on the blue backgrounds. SG 27, Cat. £3… $280 Sold $280 | |||
1860 4d deep blue with very good to just touching at right. MNG. SG 27, Cat. £350 $90 Sold $130 | |||
1860 4d deep blue with 4 clear generous margins. Fine used with 15 bar "8" Fremantle duplex cancel. An "exhibition quality example! SG 27, Cat. £2… $1200 Sold $1200 | |||
1861 6d sage green with close to touching margins. Neatly used by blue BN"1". Sismondo (2002) Cert. SG 28, Cat. £400 $120 Sold $120 | |||
1861 6d sage-green x 3 used examples with 2-3 margins on each. First used with 15 bar "12" numeral cancel for Northam (scarce cancel), next with 15… $300 Sold $220 | |||
1861 6d sage-green x 3 with close to touching margins. All fine to lightly used, one with 15 bar "16" York numeral & another with neat part GPO dup… $260 Sold $260 | |||
1861 6d sage-green. MLH, damaged at lower right (SG 28) & deep sage-green (SG 28a) with 4 close margins. Both used, the latter purchased for $240 a… $150 Sold $120 | |||
1860 deep sage-green with close to touching margins. Fine used with neat 15 bar "6" Albany cancel. SG 28a, Cat. £550 $120 Sold $120 | |||
1860 2d pale orange clearly rouletted at left & partially at base. Trimmed top & right. MNG with 5 vert parallel "watermark" lines visible from fro… $120 Sold $120 | |||
1860 2d pale orange with rouletting visible along the top only. MNG with close but clear margins. Small natural paper inclusion near swans neck. SG… $120 Archived | |||
1860 2d pale orange rouletted on top frame used with light 15 bar "5" Guildford cancel (SG 29, Cat. £300) & 2d orange-vermilion rouletted on 3 sid… $100 Sold $100 | |||
1860 2d orange-vermilion rouletted on 3½ sides, trimmed top right side but margins clear. MNG. SG 30, Cat. £900 $180 Sold $140 | |||
1860 2d orange-vermilion, rouletted 7½-14 clear margins. MNG, slightly oxidised. SG 30, Cat. £900 $200 Sold $200 | |||
1860 6d sage-green imperf with evidence of rouletting at top. Close to clear margins all round, just touching at lower left. Neatly struck BN "9" o… $200 Sold $160 | |||
1860 6d sage-green. Rouletted & fine used with light BN cancel. SG 32, Cat. £750 $200 Sold $160 | |||
1860 6d sage green rouletted on 3 side fine used with BN "1" in blue ink. A very F/U example. SG 32, Cat. £750. Sold in Ace Auctions Sale 7 for $2… $200 Sold $200 | |||
1860 6d sage-green rouletted on 3 sides. Used by 15 bar "2" Perth numeral cancel. Thinned top right reflected in reserve. SG 32, Cat. £750 $50 Sold $50 | |||
1860 6d sage-green rouletted on 4 sides. Fine used with 15 bar "3" Perth numeral. Repaired closed tear top left resulting in an attractive "spacefi… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1860 6d sage-green, rouletted 7½-14 on 3 sides. Some scissoring, so no sides with complete roulette. Fine used with light partial BN "3". SG 32, C… $150 Sold $150 | |||
1861 1d rose. Unused without gum. Excellent colour. SG 33, Cat. £750 $120 Sold $75 | |||
1861 1d rose, 2d blue x 3, 6d purple-brown x 2. Good to fine used examples with odd perf irregularity. SG 33 & 36, Cat. £500 (6) $90 Sold $50 | |||
1861 2d blue with sideway wmk, Perf 14-16. Unused without gum. Trimmed right margin hence low reserve but deep colour. SG 34, Cat. £250 $30 Sold $30 | |||
1861 4d vermilion. Fine unused without gum. Trimmed bottom perfs but excellent colour & a difficult stamp. SG 35, Cat. £1900 $300 Sold $100 | |||
1861 4d vermilion. Looks very much to have clear-cut perfs but such a stamp is not recorded so is it an SG 35 which is cat. £1900? Sold "as is" bu… $750 Sold $560 | |||
1861 6d purple-brown intermediate perf. 14-16 unused. MNG & well centred. SG 36, Cat. £1100 $220 Archived | |||
1861 6d brown-purple intermediate perf. 14-16. F/U with 15 bar "2" Perth cancel. SG 36, Cat. £120+ $40 Sold $48 | |||
1861 6d purple-brown, intermediate perf. 14-16. Fine MLH with o.g. SG 36, Cat. £1100 $240 Sold $240 | |||
1861 1/- yellow-green with intermediate perf. 14-16. F/U with light GPO duplex cancel. SG 37, Cat. £250 $50 Sold $75 | |||
1861 Somerset House perf. 14 set of 3 with 1d rose MNG (corner perf missing), 2d blue MH with part o.g., centred left & 4d vermilion mint without g… $180 Sold $70 | |||
1861 Somerset House as above but all fine used with the usual mixed centring. SG 38/40, Cat. £310 (3) $80 Sold $50 | |||
1861 1d rose. MH with o.g. Good colour & reasonable centring. SG 38 $75 Sold $75 | |||
1861 1d rose. Trimmed top & right but all perfs intact. MH/MLH with tissue interleaving. SG 38, Cat. £375 $80 Sold $65 | |||
1861 1d rose-carmine, 1/- deep green & 3 x 1d rose perf. 14 (Somerset House), perf 14-16 very rough. All good to fine used with odd clipped perf. S… $100 Sold $100 | |||
1861 4d vermilion, perf 14 at Somerset House. Fresh MLH left selvedge example with small hinge remnant at upper right. SG 40, Cat. £475 $150 Sold $150 | |||
1861 4d vermilion, perf 14 (Somerset House). Fine used with crisp 15 bar "21" Vasse numeral cancel. Centred left by strong rich colour. SG 40, Cat.… $60 Sold $60 | |||
1861 4d vermilion. Fine used with light BN"1" grid. SG 40, Cat. £200 $50 Sold $40 | |||
1861 4d vermilion used with light BN "3". Well centred with bright colour. SG 40, Cat. £200 $75 Sold $60 | |||
1861 4d vermilion with "POSTAGE" cut off by perfs at top. Clear margins but trimmed at right & base. MNG, bright colour. SG 40, Cat. £475 $50 Sold $40 | |||
1861 4d vermilion with straight edge at base while perfs cut into "POSTAGE" at top. MNG. SG 40, Cat. £475 $100 Archived | |||
1861 4d vermilion with design shifted up cutting "POSTAGE" which is partly visible at base below "FOUR PENCE". Excellent example of how close the h… $100 Archived | |||
1861 2d blue, perf 14-16 clean cut in 2 shades. MNG & MH with o.g. SG 41, Cat. £240 (2) $50 Sold $50 | |||
1861 2d blue, perf 14-16 clean cut x 6 , 2 with part "2d" stock control mark printed on the back in red. Also 6d brown-purple & 1/- yellow-green F/… $60 Sold $150 | |||
1861 6d purple-brown, perf 14-16 clean cut. MH with o.g. Frontally fresh. SG 42, Cat. £550 $120 Sold $75 | |||
1861 6d purple-brown, perf. 14-16 clean cut. MLH with strong rich colour. SG 42, Cat. £550 $180 Sold $75 | |||
1861 1/- yellow-green, clean cut perf. 14-16. Centred high & showing part of adjacent stamp at base. Mint with approx. 60% o.g.. SG 43, Cat. £1000 $200 Archived | |||
1861 1/- yellow-green, perf 14-16 clean cut. Centred left, MH with 50% part o.g. Missing perf at top reflected in reserve. SG 43, Cat. £1100 $150 Sold $70 | |||
1861 1/- yellow-green, clean cut perf. 14-16, with upright WMK. Superb used with BN "8" in blue. SG 43, Cat. £85 $40 Sold $46 | |||
1861 1/- yellow-green, clean cut perf. 14-16. MLH with fresh colour, straight edge at base. SG 43, Cat. £1000 $200 Archived | |||
1861 1d rose-carmine with very rough perf. 14-16. Unused without gum. Very good average example. SG 44, Cat. £350 $60 Sold $40 | |||
1861 1d rose-carmine with 15 Bar 3 (Perth), 6d purple-blue with 15 Bar 8 in blue ink of Fremantle & 6d deep green with 15 Bar 6 numeral of Albany (… $200 Sold $120 | |||
1861 1/- deep green, very rough perf. 14-16. Fine used, centred left . SG 46, Cat. £400 $80 Sold $120 | |||
1863 1d carmine-rose, no wmk, perf. 13 top selvedge pair. MLH. SG 49, Cat. £160+ $60 Sold $80 | |||
1863 1d rose-carmine, no wmk, perf. 13 with "double tailed" swan variety. Fine MNG. SG 49 var. $120 Archived | |||
1863 1d carmine-rose, no wmk, perf. 13 vertical strip of 3 with "double tail" swan variety on middle stamp. F/U with "21" (Vasse) numeral 15 bar ca… $150 Sold $210 | |||
1863 1d carmine-rose, perf 13 with colour slurred into top margin resulting in some ink colour in "G" & "E" at top, in "O", "S", & last "A" of "AUS… $40 Sold $30 | |||
1863/64 1d carmine-rose with shades x 22 incl vert strip of 3 & 6 singles with commissariat punctures. Incls 13 unpunctured stamps with 2 or 3 poss… $50 Sold $65 | |||
1863/64 1d carmine-rose MNG (SG 49), 1d lake MLH (SG 50), 6d deep lilac MH part o.g. (SG 51) & 6d dull violet MH with part o.g. (SG 52). All no wmk… $200 Sold $70 | |||
1864 6d deep lilac, no wmk, Perf. 13. Top perfs reinforced by Priner prior to delivery. Fine MLH with original gum. SG 51, Cat. £350 $120 Sold $50 | |||
1865 1d bistre. MLH. SG 52, Cat. £90 $30 Sold $42 | |||
1864/79 1d bistre MNG & MH (SG 52), 6d violet MH (SG 57), 1882/85 4d carmine perf. 14 MLH (SG 78) plus 6d lilac MH & 6d reddish-lilac MNG (SG 79/80… $120 Sold $95 | |||
1874 1d yellow-ochre. Fine MLH. SG 53, Cat. £95 $30 Sold $42 | |||
1865 2d chrome-yellow. MH. SG 54, Cat. £100 $25 Sold $32 | |||
1874 2d chrome-yellow vertical strip of 5 with large Commissariat puncture holes. Rarely seen fine used multiple. SG 54 var. $50 Sold $210 | |||
1864/79 2d chrome-yellow MH with gum, (SG 54 x 2), 4d carmine MNG (SG 56) & 6d violet MLH (SG 57), all Crown CC wmk. Characteristically rough perfs… $120 Sold $90 | |||
1864 2d yellow. Fresh MLH. SG 55, Cat. £110 $30 Sold $36 | |||
1865 4d carmine. MNG & usual uneven perfs. Rich colour. SG 56, Cat. £150 $40 Sold $40 | |||
1871 3d pale brown, perf. 14 fine block of 4. MUH/MLH with fresh colour. SG 63, Cat. £260+ $70 Sold $70 | |||
1871 3d pale brown, wmk Crown/CC, perf. 14. Fine used block of 6 with York duplex cancels (index 4). A scarce multiple. SG 63 $120 Sold $120 | |||
1876/81 1d ochre (SG 68, Cat. £95), 1d yellow-ochre (SG 70, Cat. £110), 2d chrome-yellow (SG 71, Cat. £110) & 3d cinnamon (SG 63a, Cat. £60). M… $120 Sold $90 | |||
1871 3d pale brown, wmk Crown/CC, perf. 14 ovptd "SPECIMEN". MNG. SG 63s, Cat. £150 $40 Sold $40 | |||
1874 "ONE PENNY" surcharge in green on 2d yellow, Crown CC wmk, perf. 12½. MH with hinge remainders & 1 tone spot on 2nd lower left perf otherwise… $300 Sold $220 | |||
1874 "ONE PENNY" surcharge in green on 2d yellow x 2 showing both the low & middle position of the surcharge. SG 67 & 67x (wmk reversed), Cat. £60… $50 Sold $65 | |||
1874 "ONE PENNY" surcharges on 2d yellows x 4. All good to fine used with 15 bar numeral cancels. SG 67, Cat. £55 ea. (4) $50 Sold $85 | |||
1874 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow forgery. Fine used by neat GPO barred cancel. SG 67 var. (Forgery) $30 Sold $48 | |||
1874 "ONE PENNY" surcharged in green ink on 2d yellow wmk crown CC, perf 12½ (SG 67) x 4 plus 2 forged surcharges on stamps with perf 14. Also "I.… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1874 "ONE PENNY" surcharge in green on 2d yellow, Crown CC wmk, perf. 12½. with triple surcharge. Fine used with 15 Bar 20 Geraldton numeral cance… $2000 Sold $2300 | |||
1874 "ONE PENNY" surcharge in green on 2d yellow, Crown CC wmk, perf. 12½. with triple surcharge & small commissariat puncture. Cancelled with 15 … $5000 Sold $6500 | |||
1876/85 2d yellow swans, Crown CC or/& Crown CA wmk, perf 14 reconstructed sheet of 120. A note at the bottom states "the original double entries N… $120 Sold $320 | |||
1876 2d chrome-yellow with sideways wmk, MNG plus example with crown to right of CC wmk, MLH (short perf at left). SG 71 & 71bw, Cat. £240 (2) $30 Sold $30 | |||
1876 2d chrome-yellow with sideways crown to right of CC wmk. MH. SG 71bw, Cat. £120 $30 Sold $30 | |||
1882 1d yellow-ochre, Crown/CA wmk, perf. 14. Fine used vert pair with lower stamp showing the "double tailed swan" variety. SG 76 $75 Sold $75 | |||
1882/85 1d yellow-ochre x 5, 2d chrome-yellow x 5, 4d carmine x 3 & 6d lilac x 2, all perf. 14. Also 1d yellow-ochre perf. 12x14 with 2 good to F/U… $120 Sold $50 | |||
1882/95 1d yellow-ochre MH reinforced pair (SG 76), 2d chrome-yellow MH(SG 77), 4d carmine MH (SG 78), 6d reddish-lilac MLH, lightly toned gum (SG … $180 Sold $70 | |||
1882 4d carmine, perf 14, CA wmk. Fresh MLH well centred pair. SG 78, Cat. £190 ea. $150 Sold $120 | |||
1882 3d carmine, perf. 14 with Crown CA upright reversed wmk (SG 78ax, Cat. £200) & wmk sideways reversed x 2 (SG 78x, Cat. £45 ea.). All F/U. (3) $160 Sold $160 | |||
1883 1d yellow-ochre, perf 12 x 14. Fine used x 5, 4 with 12 Bar 2 Perth cancels & 1 with 12 Bar 1 Perth numeral. SG 81, Cat. £850 (5) $220 Sold $75 | |||
1883 1d yellow-ochre, Cr/CA wmk, perf. 12x14. Superb used. SG 81, Cat. £180 $70 Archived | |||
1883 1d yellow-ochre, perf. 12x14 used with 9 bar "R". SG 81, Cat. £170 $50 Sold $40 | |||
1883 1d yellow-ochre. MLH. SG 82, Cat. £110 $40 Sold $40 | |||
1883 1d yellow-ochre MLH (SG 82), 2d chrome-yellow MLH (SG 83), 4d carmine, hinge remainders & gum thin (SG 84), 6d reddish-lilac, MNG (SG 85). All… $280 Sold $80 | |||
1883 1d yellow-ochre with Crown to right of CA sideways wmk. MNG. SG 82w, Cat. £120 $30 Sold $30 | |||
1895 3d red-brown, Crown/CA wmk, perf. 14 (SG 87) & 1903 1d carmine-rose, V/Crown wmk, perf. 12½. Both fine used with almost complete Crown "REGIS… $60 Sold $110 | |||
1882/95 3d pale-brown MUH (tone spot) (SG 86) plus 3 shade variations of 3d red-brown, MUH & 2 x MH (SG 87). Total Cat. £50 $20 Sold $20 | |||
1884 ½d on 1d yellow-ochre, perf. 14 plus perf. 12. Both MLH. SG 89/90, Cat. £50 (2) $20 Sold $20 | |||
1884 "½" surcharge in red on 1d yellow-ochre in perf. 14 x 2 MH & 3 F/U plus perf 12 with 9 x MH & 3 x good to F/U. SG 89/90, Cat. £440 (17) $80 Sold $80 | |||
1884 "½" surcharge in red on 1d yellow-ochre in lower selvedge block of 8 (2x4). 2 MH, 3 MLH & 3 MUH. Attractive block. SG 90, Cat. £136+ $50 Sold $50 | |||
1884 "½" surcharge in red on 1d yellow-ochre block of 4 cancelled with multiple Bunbury duplex cancels. Top right with flaw through "2" of "½" & … $70 Sold $95 | |||
1884 ½d on 1d yellow-ochre, perf. 12 block of 6 with 2 MH & 4 MUH. Fresh colour SG 90, Cat. val £120++ $40 Sold $48 | |||
1884 ½d on 1d yellow-ochre, perf. 14 F/U (SG 89) & ½d on 1d yellow-ochre, perf 12 used with 12 Bar 15 numeral cancel (SG 90). Cat. £75 (2) $30 Sold $30 | |||
1884 "½d" surcharge in red ink on 2d chrome-yellow, wmk Crown/CA, perf. 12. Fine used block of 4 with bold Bunbury AU 21 03 cancels. An attractive… $150 Sold $190 | |||
1885 "1d." surcharge in green on 3d pale brown with thick "1" & another on 3d cinnamon. Both fresh MH. (SG 91/91a, Cat. £175 (2) $50 Sold $50 | |||
1885 "1d." surcharge in green on 3d cinnamon with sloping top "1" (SG 91a, Cat. £85) MVLH & 1d brown with straight top "1" (SG 92, Cat. £200) MNG… $140 Archived | |||
1885 1d on 3d pale brown & 1d on 3d cinnamon. Both fine used. SG 91/91a, Cat. £70 (2) $30 Sold $24 | |||
1885 Surcharges with "1d." surcharge in green on 3d brown (SG 91) x 2 F/U & on 3d cinnamon (SG 91a) x 2 MH & 2 F/U. Also "1d" in green on 1893 issu… $100 Sold $30 | |||
1885 "1d" surcharge in green on 3d pale brown with thin "1" & flat top F/U with light GPO duplex cancel & 3d cinnamon with 15 Bar 5 Guildford cance… $50 Sold $40 | |||
1885 1d on 3d pale brown & 3d cinnamon both with "thin 1" variety. Good to F/U. SG 92/a, Cat. £160 (2) $40 Sold $40 | |||
1885 ½d yellow-green, Crown/CA wmk, perf. 14. Fine MUH inter-panneau block of 4. SG 94 $40 Sold $90 | |||
1885/93 CR/CA wmk, perf 14 range with ½d yellow-green & ½d green in block of 4, 1d carmine x 2, 2d bluish-grey & 2d grey, 2½d blue x 4, 4d chest… $150 Sold $110 | |||
1885/93 ½d yellow-green to 1/- pale olive-green set of 6 ovptd "SPECIMEN". All MH other than 4d MNG & faded, ½d MVLH & 1/- with a couple of toned… $240 Sold $260 | |||
1885/93 1d carmine in top selvedge block of 4. MLH in selvedge only. SG 95, Cat. £200 + block premium $100 Sold $100 | |||
1890 1d carmine, perf. 14 with Crown CA inverted wmk. F/U with indistinct cancel. SG 95w, Cat. £70 $40 Sold $30 | |||
1890 2d bluish-grey in bottom selvedge block of 4. Fresh MLH & MUH x 3. SG 96, Cat. £140 + premium for selvedge block $70 Sold $110 | |||
1885 2d grey, Crown/CA wmk, perf. 14 in well centred fine used block of 8 with neat grid cancels. Uncommon in large blocks. SG 96a $40 Sold $40 | |||
1890 4d chestnut, CR/CA wmk, perf. 14 with "Medical" h/s. Lightly used. Scarce. SG 98 var. $300 Sold $200 | |||
1892 5d bistre block of 4. MUH/MLH. Well centred & fresh. SG 99, Cat. £80 + premium for block of 4 $50 Sold $65 | |||
1892 5d bistre lower right selvedge block 4 with guide marks in selvedge. MLH on one stamp & selvedge only. SG 99, Cat. £80 + premium for corner b… $60 Sold $65 | |||
1893 6d bright violet block of 4. MLH x1 with others fine MUH. SG 100, Cat. £90 + premium for block $60 Sold $75 | |||
1888 1d carmine-pink block of 6 with 2 x MLH & others MUH. Rich colour. SG 103, Cat. £140+ $80 Sold $120 | |||
1888 1d carmine-pink with "double tailed" swan variety. Lightly used with good centring. SG 103var. $90 Archived | |||
1888 CR/CA wmk, perf. 14 group consisting 1d carmine-pink MH x 4 & 10 x F/U, 2d grey MH & good to F/U x 10 & 4d red-brown x 2 MH & 7 x F/U. SG 103/… $120 Sold $120 | |||
1888 1d carmine-pink MUH/MLH pair, 2d grey MLH & 4d red-brown MH. Fresh group. SG 103/05, Cat. £240 (4) $80 Sold $30 | |||
1888 1d to 4d ovptd "SPECIMEN". 1d MNG, 2d MH, crease & 4d stained MH. A useful "budget" set. SG 103s/105s, Cat. £275 (3) $40 Sold $30 | |||
1888 2d grey block of 4 with 2 x MH & others MUH. Heavy hinge & some gum toning reflected in reserve. SG 104, Cat. £360 $80 Sold $80 | |||
1888 2d grey & 4d red-brown ovptd "SPECIMEN". Both MLH SG 104s/05s (2) $80 Sold $50 | |||
1893 "ONE PENNY" surcharge in green on 3d pale brown, Crown/CC wmk, perf. 14 MUH/MLH lower selvedge (inter-panneau) block. Only 1 stamp hinged. Lig… $90 Sold $75 | |||
1893 "ONE PENNY" surcharge in green on 3d cinnamon, Crown/CC wmk, perf. 14 in MUH/MLH block of 4 with only 1 stamp hinged. Fresh colour. SG 108, Ca… $40 Sold $55 | |||
1893 "ONE PENNY" surcharge in green on 3d pale brown, wmk CR/CA in vert pair. Fine well centred MH/MUH pair. SG 109, Cat. £85ea $50 Sold $50 | |||
1893 "ONE PENNY" surcharge in green on 3d pale brown, Crown/CA wmk, perf. 14 in lower inter-Panneau block of 6 from the top of the sheet with rough… $120 Archived | |||
1893 "ONE PENNY" surcharge in green on 3d pale brown, Crown/CA wmk, perf. 14 in MUH/MLH vert pair. Noted a blob of green ink between "ONE" & "PENNY… $100 Archived | |||
1895 "Half-penny surcharge" in green on 3d pale brown & 3d cinnamon in blocks of 4. Both MH/MUH, a couple of toned perfs on latter. SG 110/10a, Cat… $40 Sold $40 | |||
1895 "Half-penny" surcharge in green on 3d cinnamon, wmk Crown CC, perf. 14. Good to fine used block of 6 on piece with Bunbury duplex for AU 15 03… $200 Sold $200 | |||
1895 "Halfpenny" on 3d cinnamon surcharge in red & green. MVLH & marginal. SG 111a, Cat. £110 $50 Sold $50 | |||
1895 "Half-penny" surcharge in red & green ink on 3d cinnamon, wmk CR/CC, perf. 14 MLH (SG 111a, Cat. £110) & 3d red-brown, wmk CR/CA perf. 14 in … $100 Sold $75 | |||
1895 "Half-penny" surcharge in red & green on both 3d cinnamon & 3d red-brown. Both fresh MH. SG 111a/b, Cat. £195 (2) $50 Sold $65 | |||
1895 "Half-penny" surcharge in red & green on 3d cinnamon, perf. 14, Crown CC. Fine used with corner barred cancel. SG 111a, Cat. £300 $120 Archived | |||
1898 1d carmine in lower right selvedge block of 4 MUH/MLH, 2d bright yellow in lower selvedge block of 4, all MLH (1 has small thin) & 2½d blue a… $100 Sold $100 | |||
1898 1d carmine with inverted wmk. Fine used. SG 112w, Cat. £140 $75 Archived | |||
1899 2d bright yellow with inverted wmk. Superb used with part Laverton 1902 cds. SG 113w, Cat. £150 $90 Archived | |||
1899 2d yellow "W Crown A" wmk inverted used with P.O. obliterator, plus normal for comparison. SG 113w, Cat. £150 $60 Archived | |||
1901 2½d blue, W Crown A wmk perf. 14 in top right corner Plate 1 selvedge block of 4. MH/MLH with some creasing but frontally fresh. SG 114, Cat.… $40 Sold $170 | |||
1901 2½d blue, W Crown A wmk, perf. 14, perfined "WA" block of 4 fine used with 1904 Perth cds plus a rarely seen on this value, double "WA" perfi… $120 Sold $180 | |||
1902/11 1d carmine-rose blocks of 4 in both wmks, the latter with straight edge at right & some separation. MH/MLH with bright colours. SG 117/17a,… $50 Sold $40 | |||
1902/11 1d carmine-rose with upright wmk in 2 pairs with perforation paper strip reinforcing done by the printer. SG 117a, Cat. £100 $30 Sold $30 | |||
1902/11 V/CR wmk, perf. 12x12½ mainly mint selection incl 1d carmine-rose (SG 117) single, pair & block of 4, 4d chestnut (SG 119) pair & single, … $150 Sold $110 | |||
1903 2d yellow, perf. 12½ with an extra row of perfs at each side. Fine used with neat Kalgoorlie 13 SE 10 cds. SG 118 var. The best double perf e… $100 Sold $160 | |||
1903 2d yellow, wmk sideways, with double perfs at both sides. Fine used with barred dumb obliterator. A fine example. SG 118var $50 Sold $140 | |||
1903 9d yellow-orange with sideways V/Crown wmk MH (SG 122, Cat. £55) & another with wmk upright inverted MLH (SG 122a, Cat. £150). (2) $120 Archived | |||
1906 9d yellow-orange superb used with "bullseye" Fremantle index 01 7 MY 03 cds. SG 122, Cat. £40++ $30 Sold $22 | |||
1903 9d yellow-orange, V/Crown upright wmk, perf. 12½. Fine MLH. SG 122a, Cat. £150 $75 Sold $60 | |||
1902 2/- orange/yellow with wmk sideways. MH, centred bottom left. Rich colour & a difficult stamp. SG 124a, Cat. £500 (ACSC 59aa) $120 Sold $95 | |||
1902/11 2/6d to 10/- set of 3 good to fine used. 10/- with 1909 Registered Perth oval cancel. SG 125/27 Cat. £170 (3) $60 Sold $50 | |||
1902 5/- emerald-green, Die II. Fresh MLH. SG 126, Cat. £100 $60 Sold $50 | |||
1902 5/- emerald green fine used with crisp 1905 Fremantle cds (SG 126) & 10/- deep mauve (SG 127) with neat Kalgoorlie 1905 cds. Total Cat. £150 (2) $50 Sold $85 | |||
1902 10/- deep mauve. MH with part o.g. Well centred. SG 127, Cat. £200 $50 Sold $36 | |||
1902 10/- deep mauve. MLH & well centred with superb colour. SG 127, Cat. £200 $100 Sold $100 | |||
1902 10/- deep mauve. Fine used. SG 127, Cat. £110 $60 Sold $85 | |||
1902 10/- deep mauve fine used with neat part duplex cancel. SG 127, Cat. £110 $50 Archived | |||
1910 10/- bright purple. MH with excellent centring & fresh true colour. SG 127a, Cat. £950 $380 Sold $280 | |||
1910 10/- bright purple. Light diagonal crease & MH but well centred. SG 127a, Cat. £950 $200 Sold $150 | |||
1910 10/- bright purple F/U by oval Registered cancel. Well centred with good colour. SG 127a, Cat. £450 $180 Sold $300 | |||
1902 10/- deep mauve perfined "WA" reading down. Good to fine used. SG 127 var. Juhl Cat. $150 (1992) $70 Sold $70 | |||
1902 £1 orange-brown. MLH & centred low with very light gum bend. SG 128, Cat. £425 $140 Sold $140 | |||
1902 £1 orange-brown. Superb used with "socked on the nose" 1903 cds of Kalgoorlie confirming the shade. SG 128, Cat. £190 $100 Sold $100 | |||
1902 £1 orange-brown. Fine used & well centred. SG 128, Cat. £190 $80 Sold $95 | |||
1902 £1 orange-brown. MH with small light central perf tone spot. SG 128, Cat. £425 $120 Sold $80 | |||
1902 £1 orange-brown. Fine used with neat, part Bridgetown 1906 cds. SG 128, Cat. £200 $140 Sold $100 | |||
1902 £1 orange-brown. Fine used with crisp, part Kalgoorlie cds. SG 128, Cat. £200 $140 Sold $140 | |||
1902 £1 orange-brown. Fine used with neat Kalgoorlie AP 3 1905 cds. Centred low left. SG 128, Cat. £200 $100 Sold $70 | |||
1902 £1 orange-brown. Fine used with full Kalgoorlie AU 7 03 cds. SG 128, Cat. £225 $120 Sold $95 | |||
1902 £1 orange-brown perfined "WA". MNG. Rarely seen. SG 128, Cat. £450 as normal $240 Sold $380 | |||
1909 £1 orange. MLH with small dry spot on gum near hinge. Small gum bend but perfectly centred. SG 128a, Cat. £750 $180 Sold $180 | |||
1909 £1 orange. MH, off centre but excellent colour. SG 128a, Cat. £750 $220 Sold $160 | |||
1909 £1 orange. MH, centred right. Fresh true colour. SG 128a, Cat. £750 $240 Sold $240 | |||
1909 £1 orange with part Perth cds for inclusion in the 1910 presentation sets for Federal Parliamentarians. MLH with gum. SG 128a $280 Sold $220 | |||
1902/11 1d carmine-rose (centred top right), 2d yellow (centred left), 5d bistre (centred high) & 2/- red/yellow (centred left, 3 short perfs). Use… $150 Sold $170 | |||
1902/11 1d carmine-rose single & F/U pair (SG 129), 2d yellow x2 F/U, minor perf faults (SG 130, 5d bistre MH (SG 132) & 9d yellow-orange MH, paper… $140 Sold $140 | |||
1902 4d chestnut, V/Crown wmk, perf. 11. Fine used with part Kookynie cds. SG 131, Cat. £425 $200 Sold $180 | |||
1903 4d chestnut. Fine used with light York duplex cancel. A difficult stamp. SG 131, Cat. £500 $320 Sold $100 | |||
1902/11 1d carmine-rose F/U (SG 129), 2d yellow F/U (SG 130), 4d chestnut F/U, centred bottom right (SG 131), 5d bistre F/U (SG 132), 9d orange-yel… $360 Sold $360 | |||
1902/11 5d bistre (short perf at base) & 9d yellow-orange. Both MH with excellent colour.SG 132, Cat. £80 & SG 133, Cat. £200 (2) $150 Sold $120 | |||
1902 9d yellow-orange. Fresh MVLH with small, light natural gum bend. SG 133, Cat. £200 $75 Sold $75 | |||
1902 9d yellow-orange. MH & well centred. SG 133, Cat. £200 $75 Sold $40 | |||
1902 2/- bright red on yellow in marginal vertical strip of 4 from lower left of sheet. Mint without gum. SG 134, Cat. £300 x 4 for MLH. $120 Sold $95 | |||
1902 2/- bright red/yellow, V/Crown wmk, perf. 11. MLH, 2 short perfs at base otherwise fine with excellent colour. SG 134, Cat. £300 $90 Sold $40 | |||
1902 2/- bright red/yellow. MLH with strong colour. SG 134, Cat. £300 $150 Archived | |||
1902 2/- bright red/yellow. Fine used & well centred. SG 134, Cat. £200 $100 Sold $100 | |||
1902 2/- bright red/yellow (SG 134) used x 3 incl 2 perfined "WA" reading vertically down plus 1d carmine-rose x 2 used, 2d yellow F/U & 5d bistre … $100 Sold $140 | |||
1902 2/- bright red/yellow, perf. 11 vertical pair with "WA" perfin. Fine used. SG 134 var. Juhl 105, Cat. $500+ (1992) $75 Sold $190 | |||
1902 2/- bright red/yellow, perf 11 with "WA" perfin vertically reading downwards. Fine used, centred left. SG 134 var. Juhl Cat. $250 (1992) $100 Sold $160 | |||
1902 2/- bright red/yellow with "WA" perfin vertically reading down. F/U Juhl 105a, Cat $250 $40 Sold $65 | |||
1902 2/- bright red/yellow with upright & upright inverted wmks plus 2/- orange-yellow with the same, latter x 2. Attractive fine used V/Crown wmk … $50 Sold $65 | |||
1911 2/- vermilion/yellow. MLH, horiz crease & centred top right reflected in reserve. A rare shade that is not listed in SG. $40 Sold $20 | |||
1903 9d yellow-orange, perf .11. MH with hinge remainder, centred left. SG 137, Cat. £180 $40 Sold $40 | |||
1910 ½d green, Crown/double lined A wmk, perf. 12 vertical pair with double perf on top stamp. Fine used. SG 138 var. ACSC W4ba, Cat. $150 (2004 -… $80 Sold $80 | |||
1905/12 Blocks of 4 for ½d green MUH/MLH (SG 138), 1d carmine-red MUH/MH (SG 139c), 2d yellow 3 x MUH/MLH (SG 140), 3d brown mint with hinged rema… $150 Sold $110 | |||
1903/12 1d rose-pink MUH (SG139), 1d carmine MUH (SG 139b) & 1d carmine-red. Fine MUH with mixed centring. Cat. £50 (3) $25 Sold $25 | |||
1905 1d rose-pink with fairly strong offset on the reverse. A couple of short perfs but fine used with Smiths Mill cds. SG 139 var. $40 Archived | |||
1905/12 1d to 5/- group incl 1d rose-pink MH (SG 139), 1d carmine MLH (SG 139b), 1d carmine-red pair MNG, 2d yellow MLH pair (SG 140), 3d brown MH … $200 Sold $150 | |||
1906 3d brown in block of 4 with 1 stamp MUH, others MLH. "Fluffy" perfs with fresh colour. SG 141, Cat. £260+ $120 Archived | |||
1908 4d pale chestnut, perf. 12½ x 12 with double perf 12½ at top. Fine used with Coolgardie 16 OC 09 cds. SG 142a var. $100 Sold $75 | |||
1909 5d olive-green, perf. 12x12½ with double perf 12½ at right. Fine used with light cds. SG 143a var. $100 Sold $100 | |||
1912 5d pale greenish-yellow, Plate No.1 in corner selvedge block of 6. MUH/MLH with most hinging on selvedge & 2 stamps, 4 MUH. A little aged but … $200 Sold $200 | |||
1905/12 5d pale olive-bistre, perf 12½, MLH (SG 143, Cat. £40), 5d olive-green, perf 12½ MH, tone spot. (SG 143a, Cat. £40), 5d pale olive-bist… $90 Archived | |||
1905/12 8d apple-green in MUH/MLH block of 4 with excellent colour, perfs & centring. SG 144, Cat. £100 $60 Sold $60 | |||
1905/12 9d red-orange, Crown/Double lined A wmk sideways (SG 145a, Cat. £60) MH & 9d orange with wmk upright (SG 145b, Cat. £75) MVLH. Fresh colo… $80 Sold $65 | |||
1907 5/- emerald-green, perf. 12½. MUH, centred right. Excellent colour. SG 148, Cat. £225 $100 Sold $110 | |||
1905/08 1d rose-pink & 1d carmine-red, Crown over double lined A wmk, perf 11. Superb MUH. SG 151 & 151a, Cat. £150+ (2) $90 Sold $90 | |||
1906 1d rose-pink, wmk upright block of 4. MLH/MH/MUH with a couple of gum creases. SG 151b, Cat. £400 + premium for block $100 Sold $110 | |||
1905/12 1d rose-pink (SG 151), 1d carmine-red (SG 151a) & 2d yellow (SG 152) plus 5d pale olive-bistre & 5d olive-green, latter has short perf. (SG… $50 Sold $30 | |||
1905/12 1d rose pink MLH (SG 151), 1d carmine-red, upright wmk MUH (SG 151b), 3d brown MH (SG 153), 5d pale olive-bistre MUH/MLH pair (SG 155), 5d … $150 Sold $110 | |||
1905/12 1d rose-pink x 2 (SG 151 & 151b upright wmk), 2d yellow (SG 152), 3d brown pair (SG 153), 5d pale olive-bistre (SG 155), 5d olive-green (SG… $100 Sold $160 | |||
1905 2d yellow, perf. 11 in top selvedge block of 4. MUH/MLH with rough perfs at right. SG 152, Cat. £200+ $50 Sold $110 | |||
1905 2d yellow with left hand selvedge example. Fresh MVLH. SG 152, Cat. £50 $30 Archived | |||
1905 3d brown, perf. 11 blocks of 4 x 2. Both fresh MLH. SG 153, Cat. £390+ (2blks) $90 Sold $130 | |||
1905 3d brown with strip reinforcement & re-perfed at base giving the effect of being double perforated. Fine used with Kalgoorlie cds. Some staini… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1902 2/- bright red/yellow horiz pair with horiz "WA" perfin. Fine used. SG 154var. $60 Sold $130 | |||
1905 5d olive-green mint block of 4. Top pair with part o.g. with bottom pair MUH with selvedge. Centred right but strong fresh colour. SG 155a, Ca… $60 Sold $60 | |||
1905 9d orange. Fine used with part GPO Perth 14 MAR 13 cds. SG 157, Cat. £200 $100 Sold $100 | |||
1905 9d red-orange, perf. 11. Superb fine used & well centred. SG 157a, Cat. £200 $75 Sold $40 | |||
1905 9d red-orange. Fine used with Port Hedland cds. SG 157a, Cat. £200 $90 Sold $70 | |||
1908 1d rose-pink vert pair, perf 12½. Lower stamp has compound perf at base of perf. 11 with perf. 12½ below. Fine used with Bunbury duplex canc… $400 Sold $300 | |||
1905 2d yellow perf 12½x12 & 11. Right margin perforated both 12 & 11. Fine used with light machine cancel. 2 shortish perfs at top & one at botto… $150 Sold $150 | |||
1906 3d brown, Crown over double-lined A wmk, perf. 12½ at top & both sides & perf. 11 at base. Fine used with 2 light cds's dated FE 08 10. A rar… $900 Sold $700 | |||
1912 3d brown on thin ready gummed paper with sideways wmk pair, fine used plus same with wmk upright F/U single with characteristic ragged perfs. … $120 Sold $90 | |||
1912 3d brown on thin ready gummed paper used block of 4 with 7 FE 13 Cunderdin cds. Rarely seen multiple. SG 170, Cat. £300 + premium for block $150 Sold $110 | |||
1912 3d brown with upright wmk on thin ready gummed paper in top right corner selvedge strip of 3, perf. 12½. Fine MH, left stamp MUH. SG 170a, Ca… $200 Sold $270 | |||
1912 "ONE PENNY" surcharge in black ink on 2d yellow, perf. 12½x12 with an extra line of perfs at the top. Fine used, centred right. SG 172 var. $50 Sold $50 | |||
1912 "ONE PENNY" ovpt on 2d yellow swan with upright, inverted wmk in top right hand selvedge block of 36 (6x6). Fine MUH with minor separation & h… $140 Sold $140 | |||
1912 "ONE PENNY" ovpt on 2d yellow swan with compound perforation at the base. Perth compound 12.2 x 12.4 & single line 11 at base. Fine used with … $300 Sold $320 | |||
Western Australia: Medical ovpts | |||
1895 3d red-brown, CR/CA wmk, perf. 14 with "Medical". Rarely seen! SG 87 var. $250 Sold $80 | |||
1898/1907 2d yellow with "Medical" h/s in violet. Good to fine used. SG 98 var. $90 Sold $65 | |||
1899 6d violet, CR/CA wmk perf. 14 with "Medical" h/s. Heavily used but useful "budget" example. $90 Sold $70 | |||
1897 6d violet, CR/CA wmk, perf. 14 with light "Medical" h/s. Fine used & difficult to find. SG 100 var. $200 Sold $140 | |||
1885 1/- olive-green CR/CA wmk, perf. 14 with "Medical" h/s. Missing left cnr perf but fine used with part cds & probably the rarest of this series… $300 Sold $220 | |||
1898/1907 2d bright yellow in 2 shades, W Crown A wmk perf. 14 both with "Medical" h/s's in violet & used with part Perth duplex cancels. (2) $70 Sold $50 | |||
1899 4d chestnut with "Medical" h/s in violet. F/U, light horiz crease. SG 113 var. $75 Sold $60 | |||
1902/11 1d carmine with upright inverted wmk & 2d yellow wmk sideways both with diagonal "Medical" h/s's. Used examples. (2) $70 Sold $55 | |||
1902/11 1d red, Crown/V sideways & Crown/V upright wmks plus 2d yellow, wmk sideways all with "Medical" h/s's. Fine used group. (3) $50 Sold $40 | |||
Western Australia: 1896-1893 Coolgardie Express Company | |||
1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express. 1/- toned & stained, 2/6d has thin but useful "budget" pair! Incls the 1964 commem reproductions on small… $40 Sold $30 | |||
1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express MH with o.g. 2/6d with gum thin & a few short perfs. Also 6d Camel design unused with o.g. (thin). Attract… $75 Sold $75 | |||
1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express. 1/- with corner selvedge & large part o.g. while 2/6d is MNG. $100 Sold $75 | |||
1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express pair with bottom right corner selvedges. 1/- with corner of selvedge missing & part o.g. & 2/6d with 90% o… $120 Sold $95 | |||
1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express. Both with usual minor gum disturbance but fresh & bright. (2) $120 Sold $100 | |||
1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express. Both with top selvedge. Large part o.g. & fine. (2) $140 Sold $120 | |||
1896 5/- Coolgardie Cycle Express camel stamp. MNG with some very light staining/aging. Well centred with good perforations. $150 Sold $120 | |||
1896 6d, 2/- & 5/- Coolgardie Cycle Express camel set of 3. All with original thick gum, 6d with small thin from hinge removal, other 2 with full o… $200 Sold $400 | |||
Western Australia: OS Perfins | |||
Crown "PAID" Official in black & a second in blue ink. Both fine & clear on small pieces. (2) $60 Sold $50 | |||
1902/11 1d to £1 orange-brown set of 15 perfined "OS" with extra shades of 4d, 5d & 2/-. Good to find used & difficult to assemble postally used. … $280 Sold $280 | |||
1902/11 5d bistre perfined "OS". Short perf at left otherwise fine used with bullseye Perth Registered cds dated 15 FEB 11. ACSC Note 1 "… this i… $75 Sold $75 | |||
1902/11 2/- QV with sideways wmk & 5/- emerald green both perfined "OS" & F/U. SG 124a & 126 (2) $50 Sold $50 | |||
1902 5/- emerald-green perfined "OS". Fine used with Perth Registered oval for 6 DEC 11. SG 126 var, ACSC W64Aba, Cat. $350 (2004), considerably mo… $100 Sold $100 | |||
1902/11 10/- deep mauve perfined "OS". SG 127, Juhl Cat. $100 (1992) $50 Sold $50 | |||
1906 1d carmine-red perfined "OS" block of 4 with upright wmk. MH with part original gum. Well centred. SG 139a, ACSC w6ba, Cat. $160+ (2004) $40 Sold $20 | |||
1905 5d bistre, V/Crown wmk, perf 11 with "OS" perfin. Fine used with Perth 1912 cds. ACSC Cat. $150 $50 Sold $50 | |||
1905 5d brown perfined "OS". Fine used, a couple of short perfs at left. Note 1 states, "Perhaps as many as ten mint & 20-30 used examples are know… $100 Sold $50 | |||
1905 5d brown perfined "OS" as above. Fine used with good perfs & excellent centring. ACSC W37b, Cat. $400 (ACSC 2004) $150 Sold $150 | |||
1905 9d orange-yellow perfined "OS". MH/MLH, centred left. ACSC W52, Cat. $250 (2004) $100 Sold $40 | |||
1905 9d orange-yellow perfined "OS". Horiz crease, centred left but fine used with Albany 1907 cds. ACSC W52, Cat. $300 (2004) $50 Sold $30 | |||
1909 £1 orange perfined "OS". Postally used with part, light oval registration cancel dated 1913. Light diagonal crease but a difficult stamp to f… $250 Sold $320 | |||
1910 10/- bright purple perfined "OS". Lightly used with Oct 1909 cds suggesting it is not this shade but matches reference collection bright purpl… $120 Sold $210 | |||
1912 1d carmine-red with a double "OS" perfin. An excellent example of this error. Fine used. SG 139 var. $150 Sold $210 | |||
1912 3d dull orange-brown, wmk sideways (ACSC W31Ab) & 3d deep orange-brown (ACSC W31Bb). Both with the rough perfs characteristic of this thin pap… $140 Sold $140 | |||
1912 3d brown on thin ready gummed paper. MH with minute closed tear at left plus a second perfined "OS" with wmk sideways. (ACSC W31Bb) Cat. for b… $100 Sold $75 | |||
1912 3d deep orange-brown perfined "OS". Good used. ACSC W31Bb, Cat. $300 $80 Sold $40 | |||
1912 3d deep orange-brown perfined "OS". Fine used, short perf top right. An increasingly scarce stamp. ACSC W31Bb, Cat. $300 (2004) $150 Archived | |||
1908 9d yellow-orange, line perf MLH (ACSC W51B(OS), Cat. $200 (2004)) & 9d orange perfined "OS" used (ACSC 51A(OS), Cat. $150) (2) $80 Archived | |||
1906 9d orange-yellow, Crown/A wmk, perf. 11 & perfined "OS". Fine used & scarce so fine. ACSC W52, Cat. $200 (2004) $80 Sold $65 | |||
Western Australia: WA Commissariat | |||
1854 4d blue imperfs x3 all with official punctures. First 2 cancelled by "1" & "8" numeral obliterator postmark suggesting Perth & Fremantle usage… $90 Sold $140 | |||
1861 1/- green intermediate perf 14-16 with small hole. Fine used. Not listed by Juhl. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Western Australia: Telegraph Stamps | |||
1879 1d & 6d Telegraph set of 3 with 1d in both perfs. All postally used. SG T1, T1a & T2, Cat. £275 (3) $100 Sold $170 | |||
1879 1d & 6d Telegraph pair with 1d bistre perf. 12½ & 6d lilac perf. 14. Both MH. Frontally fine. SG T1/2, Cat. £660 (2) $180 Sold $100 | |||
1879 1d bistre perf. 12½ & perf. 14 plus 6d lilac, perf. 14. Postally used set. SG T1, T1a & T2 Cat £275 (3) $150 Sold $100 | |||
Western Australia: Revenues | |||
1906-09 Defin Issue Inscribed "Stamp Duty" Perf 111906/09 1d to £10 set of 13. Fine used & attractive. Elsmore Cat. $480 (13) $220 Sold $180 | |||
1906/09 15/- to £10 high vals used range. 15/- o/c with light crease & £5 with horiz crease but £1 in horiz pair & 30/- & £10 very fine. Elsmor… $180 Sold $140 | |||
1906/09 £5 & £10 slate-purple. Both fine used, latter with horiz crease. Elsmore Cat. $250 (2) $80 Sold $65 | |||
1906 £10 agate. Fine used & a rarely seen shade. Elsmore Cat. $150 $75 Sold $60 | |||
1906/09 1d red with black centre & inverted wmk mint (short perfs at top) & 1d bright scarlet & greenish-slate centre with register mark lower left… $75 Sold $75 | |||
1906/09 6d red with upper left register mark, F/U. Elsmore Cat. $200+ $70 Sold $70 | |||
1906/09 1/- deep green & 2/- light green both with inverted wmks & fine used. Elsmore Cat. $200 (2) $80 Archived | |||
1906/09 1/- deep green & 2/- light green as above but former with short perfs at left & latter centred high. Elsmore Cat. $200 (2) $40 Archived | |||
1906/09 2/6d green with register mark lower right. Fine used. Elsmore Cat. $200+ $70 Sold $70 | |||
1906/09 10/- dull green with inverted wmk. Fine used. Elsmore Cat. $150 $60 Archived | |||
1906/09 10/- dull green with inverted wmk. Short perf top right. Elsmore Cat. $150 $30 Archived | |||
1906/09 5/- deep green with inverted wmk. Fine used. Elsmore Cat. $125 $40 Archived | |||
1909 Printing on new paper with Large Crown Watermark, Perf 111909 1d to 1/- set of 4 vals incl vertical pair of 6d & 2 shades of the 1/- green. F/… $30 Archived | |||
1909 Range of vals with many shades. Incls 1d x 25, 3d, 6d x 4, 1/- x 23. Another lot useful for research. Good to fine used. Elsmore Cat. $575 (53) $120 Archived | |||
1909 1d red-black with inverted wmk F/U (light tone spots on back), 1d scarlet greenish-slate centred inverted wmk fine MNG & scarlet-black with in… $75 Archived | |||
1909 1d reds x 8. One with "flat base "O" of ONE" variety & another with "white flaw above "DUTY" top left" variety. Both fine used plus 6 MLH/MNG … $30 Sold $30 | |||
1909 1d reds x 3 all with inverted wmks. Good to fine used with minor faults. Elsmore Cat. $450 (3) $75 Archived | |||
1909 6d red-black with lower right register mark. Fine used, centred low. Rated "RRR" by Dzelme. $90 Sold $90 | |||
1909 1/- green & 1/- yellow-green both with inverted wmks. Former with rough perfs) & latter with some rough perfs & a closed tear at right. Elsmor… $70 Archived | |||
1911-12 "Duty Stamp" Design with Changed Colours, Perf. 111911/12 3d to 30/- complete set of 7. 3d slate-purple MNG, others fine used. 2/6d centred… $75 Sold $75 | |||
1911/12 2/6d brown-olive & 2/6d yellowish-olive both with inverted wmks. Both centred high with toning on perfs. Elsmore Cat. $500 (2) $120 Archived | |||
1911/-12 2/- x 2, 2/6d x 2, 5/- x 3, 10/- x 3 & 30/- x1. Good used to fine used with odd perf tone spot. Elsmore Cat. $315 (11) $90 Archived | |||
1911-13 "Duty Stamp" Design on New Paper With Different Watermark Perf 11 1911/13 3d to 30/- as above. 2/- value with vignette misplaced low. Elsmo… $80 Sold $80 | |||
1911/13 3d to 30/- as above in fine to good used cond with some rough perfs. Reserved accordingly. Elsmore Cat. $235 $50 Sold $40 | |||
1911/13 3d with register mark upper right corner. Fine used, short top perf. Elsmore Cat. $200+ $50 Sold $50 | |||
1911/13 6d x 2 with inverted wmk, vert crease (Elsmore Cat. $125) & second with grossly misplaced swan vignette. Not listed by Elsmore, Both fine u… $180 Archived | |||
1911/13 2/6d olive with inverted wmk used with minor perf irregularities (Elsmore Cat. $125) & 2/6d ochre with lower selvedge & vignette misplaced … $90 Archived | |||
1911/13 5/- brown-purple with inverted wmk. Superb used. Elsmore Cat. $125 $50 Sold $50 | |||
1911/13 10/- orange-red & 15/- deep blue-green. Both with inverted wmks & F/U Elsmore Cat. $150 ea (2) $120 Archived | |||
1911/13 10/- & 15/- as above but both very good used & off-centre. Elsmore Cat. $150 ea. (2) $70 Archived | |||
1911/13 10/- & 15/- as above. Both fine used, latter with left selvedge but a couple of missing perfs at top. Elsmore Cat. $150 ea. (2) $100 Archived | |||
1911/13 15/- pale turquoise blue with inverted wmk & upper right register mark - a rare combination. Fine used with rough perfs on 3 sides. Elsmore… $200 Sold $200 | |||
1911/13 3d x 14, 6d x 11, 1/-, 2/- x 2, 2/6d x 6, 10/- x 4, £1 & 30/-. Elsmore Cat. $820 (14) $180 Archived | |||
1911/13 3d to 30/- set of 9. Majority fine used & the best of these 3 sets. Elsmore Cat. $235 (9) $100 Sold $100 | |||
1914 "Duty Stamp" Design New 2d Denomination Perf 11 1914 2d blue in 6 diff shades plus 2d ultramarine with upper right register mark not listed by… $100 Sold $240 | |||
1917-22 "Duty Stamp " Design on Watermarked Paper in New Colours, perf. 11 1917/22 1d red (monocolour) x 3 with shades of carmine-red, orange-red &… $160 Archived | |||
1917/22 1d red x 4, £1 red x 2 & £5 reddish purple. All good to fine used, the latter with rough perfs. Elsmore Cat. $300 (8) $100 Archived | |||
1917/22 £5 slate-purple with inverted wmk. Superb used. Elsmore Cat. $375 $180 Archived | |||
1917/22 £5 reddish-purple with inverted wmk. Fine used with a few rough perfs at left. Elsmore Cat. $375 $140 Archived | |||
1920-23 "Duty Stamp" Design on New Paper with small wmk, perf. 11 1920/23 1d to £10 grey set of 14. Good to fine used range, 3d has missing perfs … $180 Archived | |||
1920/23 2d blue with vignette significantly misplaced to the right. Fine used with "WS & Co" private perfin. Light vert crease, lightly used. $50 Sold $130 | |||
1920/23 balance of consignment incl 1d, 2d x 2, 6d x 4, 1/- x 2, 2/-, 2/6d, 5/- x 3, 10/-, £1 x 2, 30/- & £10 grey. Majority fine used, 10/- vals… $200 Sold $160 | |||
1922/30 1d red to £10 grey set of 14, the latter perfined "T". Good to F/U group. Elsmore Cat. $350 (14) $150 Sold $120 | |||
1922/30 3d to 30/- group used on piece. Incls 2 with single stamps, 3 with 2 stamps & 2 pieces with 3 stamps. Cancelled by Edmund Clifton, A.W.B. G… $180 Sold $140 | |||
1922/30 1d red in shades all with inverted wmks plus 1d with misaligned perforation & reperfed 11. (5) $30 Sold $30 | |||
1922/30 3d lavender-grey, 6d orange-yellow, 1/- pale green & 2/6d olive-bistre. All with inverted wmks & fine used. Elsmore Cat. $275 (4) $120 Archived | |||
1922/30 3d deep reddish-lilac (centred high), 6d orange-yellow (dated heavily with purure pencil), 1/- pale dull green & 2/6d olive-bistre. All wit… $80 Archived | |||
1922/30 £1 bright violet vert pair with "D" of "DUTY" flaw at base on lower stamp. Fine used. $40 Sold $35 | |||
1922/30 £10 grey with inverted wmk. Fine used. Elsmore Cat. $300 $160 Archived | |||
1922/30 5/- claret, 10/- bright carmine, £1 bright violet, 30/- olive-sepia & £10 grey all with "T" punctures. Fine used group with £1 centred r… $60 Archived | |||
1922/30 £10 grey with inverted wmk & "T" puncture. F/U, centred down. Elsmore Cat. $150 $50 Archived | |||
1922/30 6d orange-yellow & 1/- bright green vertical pair with misplaced swan vignettes. Off centre as expected, latter with light vert bend. Vivid… $30 Sold $30 | |||
1922/30 "Balance of Consignment" incl wide range of shades with useful duplication incl 1d x 5, 2d x 3, 3d x 4, 6d x 3, 1/- x 4, 2/- x 4, 2/6d x 3,… $180 Sold $140 | |||
1922/30 1d to 10/- selection noting 1d x 36, 2d x 4, 3d x 10, 6d x 7, 1/- x 11, 2/- x 3, 2/6d x 2, 5/- x 19, 10/- x 9 & 30/-. Good to fine used wit… $250 Archived | |||
1923/25 1d to £5 set of 12. Majority fine used with most well centred. Elsmore Cat. $270 (12) $150 Archived | |||
1923/25 £5 plum, perf 11. Fine used, a few short perfs top left. Well centred with fresh colour. $40 Sold $30 | |||
1923/25 £1 violet with misaligned perfs & reperforated to perf. 11. Fine used. $50 Sold $40 | |||
1923/25 £1 violet, perf 11 F/used. Several blind perfs at top. Rated RRR by Dzelme. $75 Sold $60 | |||
1923/25 2/- chestnut, perf 11. Fine used with several blind perfs. Rated RRR by Dzelme. $75 Sold $60 | |||
1923/25 1d to £5 complete set with extra shades of all vals to £1 plus £5 lilac. Incls 1d x 3 shades, 2d x 3 shades, 3d x 2 shades, 6d x2 shades… $200 Sold $180 | |||
1923/25 1d to 5/- selection useful for research consisting 1d x 15, 2d blue x 8, 3d x 8, 6d x 2, 1/- x 5, 2/6d x 5 & 5/- x 6. Good to fine used. To… $120 Sold $120 | |||
1927 "Duty Stamp" Design with Colour Changes 1927 10/- bright carmine, perf. 14½x13½ plus 30/- olive-sepia, perf 11. Odd short perfs top & bottom… $180 Archived | |||
1927 10/- bright carmine, perf. 14½x13½ (centred right) plus 30/- olive-sepia with misaligned perf 11 & double perf. 11 at base. Both used with l… $200 Archived | |||
1943 3d grey Pig Duty. MH with 2 light creases. Elsmore Cat. $280 $75 Sold $210 | |||
1943/55 6d ochre-brown Pig Duty on small piece used by square mauve cachet. Elsmore Cat. $90 $40 Sold $60 | |||
1943/55 1/- green & 5/- turquoise Pig Duty together on small piece tied by mauve circle cachet. 5/- has lower right corner missing. Elsmore Cat. $3… $75 Sold $75 | |||
1943 2/6d orange Pig Duty on small piece used with 2 part cancels. Elsmore Cat. $100 $40 Sold $110 | |||
1872/78 1d ochre ovptd "IR" with "POSTAGE" obliterated by 2 green bars cancelled by "Dear 3rd 1881" in m/s plus another with one with one bar & "No… $90 Sold $90 | |||
1891 1d yellow-ochre, perf. 12½, wmk CR/CC with thick bar obliterator across "POSTAGE" & "IR" in green, 1d yellow-ochre perf. 14, wmk CR/CC with o… $60 Sold $60 | |||
1893 2d Internal Revenue Fine used on piece with a full Fremantle 1894 duplex. SG F12, Cat. £80 used $50 Sold $50 | |||
1893 3/- & 5/- Internal Revenues postally used in contravention of the Act. 3/- has a few toned perfs otherwise fine with blue cancel. (2) $180 Archived | |||
1893 "I.R. THREE PENCE" ovpt on unissued 3d lilac swan. Fine MLH. $50 Sold $50 | |||
1893 "I.R." ovpts x 3 on unissued 3d lilac for "TWO PENCE" (a little faded), "THREE PENCE" & "SIX PENCE". All fine postally used examples cancelled… $100 Sold $80 | |||
1872/78 1d ochre ovptd "IR" with "POSTAGE" obliterated by 2 green bars, wmk Crown/CC, perf 14. Very fine fiscally used in m/s. Dzelme Cat. No R1, D… $40 Sold $30 | |||
1872/78 1d ochre showing 2 green bars obliterating "POSTAGE" with "IR" below. Crown/CC wmk, perf. 12½. Fine fiscally used in m/s for "2/3/82". $60 Sold $50 | |||
1881 1d yellow-ochre with "POSTAGE" struck out & "IR" ovpt inserted. Crown CC wmk, perf 14. Fine fiscally used & dated "3rd Feb 82". Superb. $60 Sold $50 | |||
1881 "ONE PENNY" to "FIVE POUNDS" "I.R." surcharged set on 3d lilac unissued stamps ovptd in black. Note £10 not included. 1d, 2d & £1/10/- have … $150 Sold $120 | |||
1881 2/6d, 7/6d, 10/-, 15/-, £1 & £1/10/- Internal Revenues with "narrow" Crown/CA wmk. All F/U with the 3 lower vals having m/s cancels while th… $100 Sold $70 | |||
1881 3d lilac Internal Revenues ovptd "I.R." & surcharged with new denomination in black words on document pieces incl "FIVE SHILLINGS" pair & "TEN… $60 Sold $40 | |||
1881 3d "Internal Revenue" (R18), 1/- "Internal Revenue" (R21), 5/- "Internal Revenue" (R24) & 2/6d "Internal Revenue" in horiz strip of 4 (R22) pl… $50 Archived | |||
1881 3d "Internal Revenue" (R19) in combination with 1/- (R21) & 5/- (R24) (stamps a little foxed around the edges) plus 2/6d "Internal Revenue" in… $60 Archived | |||
1881 3d "Internal Revenue" (R19), 1/- "Internal Revenue" (R21) & 5/- "Internal Revenue" (R24) used together & a 5/- pair (R24) on another piece. Al… $40 Archived | |||
1881 6d (R20), 1/- x 2 (R21), 2/6d x 2 on 2 separate pieces (R22) & 5/- (R24) plus another 2 x 5/- (R24), 10/- "R26" & £1 "R28" all used, the latt… $80 Sold $55 | |||
1881 1/- "Internal Revenue" in horiz strip of 3 (R21), 2/6d "Internal Revenue" with two vert strips of 3 (R22) & 10/- "Internal Revenue" (R26). All… $40 Sold $30 | |||
1881 10/- "Internal Revenue" block of 4 & single plus £1 x 8 with 2 pairs & 4 singles. Cancelled by "Sub-collector of Revenue Date…........" cac… $180 Sold $120 | |||
1881 3d violet swans ovptd "I.R." at the top with a new denomination at the base in words. Incls 2d x 2 mint & 2 postally used, 3d & 6d postally us… $90 Sold $90 | |||
1881 10/-, £1 & £10 Internal Revenue high val pairs on narrow Crown CA wmkd paper. Fine in fiscally used pairs. Elsmore Cat. $280 (6) $90 Sold $70 | |||
1881/93 Internal Revenues Fiscals page with Dzelme R3 (fiscal), R4 2d x 7 incl block of 4 mint, 2 mint singles & 1 postally used before 2 x 3d & a … $180 Sold $180 | |||
1893 Internal Revenues postally used page with 1d violet x 6 incl F/U strip of 4 with Cue 3b in violet ink, 2d violet F/U with part Fremantle duple… $150 Sold $150 | |||
1893 Internal Revenues fiscally used range consisting 1d, 2d, 1/- (3), 2/6d, 5/- (2), 10/-, £1 & £5 plus 1899 1d, 3d, 6d & 2/6d x 2. Good to very… $90 Sold $60 | |||
1893 2d dull purple Internal Revenue. MLH with light album tan lines. SG F12, Cat. £325 $60 Sold $50 | |||
1893 Internal Revenues small swan lilac surcharge for "TWO PENCE" MLH & used, "THREE PENCE" MLH with tone spot & reg used & "SIX PENCE" used on pie… $100 Sold $100 | |||
1893 2d dull purple (SG F12) F/U with part Perth duplex (Cat. £90+) & postally used "I.R. TWO PENCE" ovpt on 3d unissued lilac swan block of 4 wit… $40 Sold $90 | |||
1893 2d dull purple in top selvedge pair. Appears MUH but selvedge has been folded back & adhered to the back of the stamps. SG F12, Cat. £650 $200 Sold $200 | |||
1893 2d dull purple on Perth addressed cover tied by Perth duplex for FEB 21 1894. Fine cond. SG F12, Cat. £900 on cover $300 Sold $300 | |||
1893/97 Internal Revenue, Crown over CA wmk postally used group with 1d (SG F11(7)), 3d (SG F13(5)), 6d (SG F14(4)) & 1/- (SG F15(3)) plus W Crown … $150 Sold $120 | |||
1904 2/6d dull purple Internal Revenue, wmk W Crown A. MLH with large hinge remnant otherwise fine is all respects. Dzelme R61 $50 Sold $40 | |||
1904 £25 blackish-purple, perf 13½. Fine with light fiscal handstamp. Elsmore Cat. $100 $50 Sold $40 | |||
1904/20 3d red, 10/- red, £1/10/- x 4 in 3 diff shades & £100 red "Supreme Court Fees". All fine MUH, latter with top selvedge. (7) $50 Sold $40 | |||
1904 (21st Apr) 1/- Internal Revenue x 4 attractively cancelled by bold clear "C.O. FERGUSON AUTHORIZED TO CANCEL STAMPS 21 APR 1904" in violet. Th… $80 Sold $80 | |||
1904 3d carmine-vermilion with upper right Register mark. F/U with light oval cancel in mauve. $50 Sold $50 | |||
1904 6d deep carmine with upper right register mark. F/U with oval mauve cachet. $50 Sold $50 | |||
1904 1/- deep dull green x 2 with register marks top right & lower right respectively. F/U with small faults. $50 Sold $50 | |||
1904 1d to £25 short set excluding £50 & £100. Fresh & fine used. Elsmore Cat. $600+ (14) $340 Archived | |||
1904 1d to £25 selection consisting 1d x 10, 3d x 4, 6d x 7, 1/- x 4, 5/- x 2, £1 x 3 & £25 all good to F/U, the latter with a clear but heavy "… $150 Sold $160 | |||
1904 1d to £100 complete set of 16. The £50 & £100 stamps were printed in very low numbers with only 127 x £50 stamps & 207 x £100 stamps reco… $1500 Sold $1800 | |||
1906/09 £10 agate, perf 11. Fine used with light 1918 boxed handstamp. Elsmore Cat. $150 $75 Sold $60 | |||
1907 10/- Supreme Court Probate green, no wmk block of 6 with double perfs down left selvedge. Fine & fresh MUH. $100 Sold $75 | |||
1907 6d Supreme Court green, no wmk, top left corner block of 8 with double perfs across top 4 & selvedge. MUH with some affected by black paper al… $75 Sold $55 | |||
1907/22 Supreme Court Probate range of 16 to £50 red incls £5 green, all others in red plus £1 & £1/10/-. All fine MUH with mixed wmk & no wmk.… $180 Sold $180 | |||
1907/22 3d green x 2, £1 green, £25 pale blue & £50 brown "Supreme Court Probate" issues. All MUH with some light toning (3d greens) & light cre… $60 Sold $50 | |||
1907/22 Supreme Court Probate range of 15 to £50 (excl £100) but incls £25 green plus £25 grey blue. Majority fine MUH but £25 green with tone… $200 Sold $200 | |||
1915 (8th Apr) Receipt for £160/6/10 with 6d orange long swan Duty Stamp tied by dated m/s, 1925 receipt £1/8/2 insurance premium with 1d red lon… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1917/18 Emergency Printing, no wmk, perf. 11 with 1d x 2, 3d x 3, 6d & 1/- x 3. Good to fine used with at least 1 example of each val F/U. Useful g… $120 Sold $140 | |||
1919 £1 black & violet, perf. 11 W Crown A wmk with very low placed Swan vignette. "ONE POUND" is covered by the water & swan. Fine used with 2 JU… $380 Archived | |||
1922/30 1d pale red x 2 with both having "misplaced perfs" resulting in the "ONE PENNY" wording at the top instead of the base while the second is … $40 Sold $55 | |||
1922/30 2d light blue "Duty Stamp", perf 11. Fine used with neat oval rubber handstamp in light red ink. Rated RRR by Dzelme. $75 Sold $75 | |||
1927 (20th Apr) £1 lilac Internal Revenue with neighbouring 3d lilac & 6d orange (damaged) Duty Stamps on a sworn signed & witnessed statement for… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1929 (31st Jul) 1d red long swan on receipt attached to "Edward Barnett & Co General Importers, Wine and Spirit Merchants" in Albany plus another o… $30 Archived | |||
1930c Wages book page with 22 x 4d rose & 3 x 4½d deep claret Emergency Tax stamps plus 26 x 3d orange-yellow Hospital Fund stamps. Attractive usage. $40 Sold $30 | |||
1930-1935 "Hospital Fund" issues on 10 pages from an old ledger used between April 1931 to March 1936 for "M. Murray". A reasonably thorough assess… $480 Archived | |||
1931/36 3d yellow x 11, 3d orange x 40, 1½d violet (2), 6d grey x 21 Hospital Fund & 1d blue x 11, 6d grey x 5, 1/- green x 2 & 2/- ochre x 15 Eme… $300 Archived | |||
1932-1953 Financial Emergency Tax stamps on 4 pages from an old ledger used between October 1933 & August 1935. Financial Emergency Tax revenues we… $320 Archived | |||
1934 (June) to 1936 (Jan) "The Western Australian Buffalo Club" receipt book listing members & fees paid, each endorsed by Prendergast & Co. Charte… $250 Archived | |||
1940c "The Metropolitan Hospitals Benefit Fund of Western Australia" receipt stamps in completed contribution book with 52 x 6d green stamps all in… $600 Archived | |||
1951/65 2d deep blue "Revenue Duty" with single lined frame in lower right corner selvedge block of 18 (3x6) with very strong offset. Small water s… $340 Sold $500 | |||
1954 "The Hospitals Benefit Fund of WA Inc Hospital and Medical Benefit" Page 1 of a contributors card with a 2/6d blue stamp (torn top left corner… $100 Archived | |||
1960's 1d to 10/- pre-decimal Revenues on small document pieces. Total of 45 pieces containing 9 x 2/6d, 8 x 5/- & 4 x 10/- among lesser vals. Usef… $40 Sold $40 | |||
1965 10/-, £2 & £80 Tombstones on "Offer And Acceptance" document for 123 acres in Serpentine with 4 bed residence plus some farming improvements… $40 Sold $40 | |||
1965 17/6d, £6 & £30 Tombstones on 1965 real estate "Offer And Acceptance" document for an Asbestos residence for £2950 & 1965 £60 Tombstone re… $40 Sold $40 | |||
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History | |||
1869 (25th July) Proving cover tying 15 bar "17" with Australind cds. Addressed to Dardanup with Bunbury transit cds also on front. Neat accounting… $220 Sold $280 | |||
1870 (26th Nov) Proving cover tying 15 bar "6" numeral obliterator to Albany cds. Addressed to Dardanup with Bunbury transit for NO 23 1870. Not li… $180 Sold $130 | |||
1889 (Jan) locally used cover in Perth with cds tying "I.R. TWO PENCE" pair. Attractive postally used example. Sold at 2008 Eastern States auction … $200 Sold $200 | |||
1890 (19th July) 6d violet perf. 14 on Liverpool, England addressed cover tied by Albany (KGS) duplex plus 1901 (30th Jan) env with ½d green wmk C… $60 Sold $60 | |||
1893 (14th Dec) Fremantle to Hackney, South Australia env with 3d violet Internal Revenue pairs cancelled with 11 bar "F" letter obliterator with n… $75 Sold $120 | |||
1893 (28th Jan) 2d grey swan tied by Gingin duplex DxL-2 on cover addressed to Rev G Sadler, Guildford. Guildford arrival on reverse. Usual wear & … $50 Sold $40 | |||
1894 (17th Feb) Perth to Fremantle env with 1893 2d dull purple Internal Revenue tied by Perth duplex DxB-8 in 5 (rated "rare" by Goulder). Fremant… $400 Sold $150 | |||
1896 (17th Jul) Perth to Fremantle cover with 1881 "I.R. TWO PENCE" ovpt in black on unissued 3d lilac tied by Perth duplex DxE-2 GPO/D index 4 (ra… $160 Sold $50 | |||
1897 (22nd Jul) 1d blue postcard (PC2) tied by Coolgardie duplex cancel DxPO-b in NIL in blue ink & addressed to Melbourne. Card PTPO for "The Gene… $40 Sold $40 | |||
1898 (28th Jan) 2½d blue swan tied by Fremantle duplex DxPO-a index 3 with Ship Mail Room cds 5-a in 2 transit & London arrival on reverse. Torn f… $40 Sold $40 | |||
1898 (14th Jul) ½d brown postcard PC6 printed to private order for Vasse Butter & Produce Co. Uprated with ½d green swan from Vasse to Lockville … $90 Sold $90 | |||
1898 (7th Dec) Yalgoo to Hobart cover with 1d red swans pair tied by Yalgoo duplex DxPO, rarely seen on cover. Hobart arrival b/s. Good cond with r… $40 Sold $40 | |||
1899 (31st Oct) Bridgetown to Fremantle cover with 2d grey swans pair tied by Bridgetown 3b cds’s in blue ink. Perth transit & Fremantle arrival … $40 Sold $40 | |||
1901 (20th Feb) Coolgardie to Tasmania Registered cover with 1d red & 6d purple swans tied by oval "R" & Coolgardie Registration Branch ORS 3-b (PM… $60 Sold $60 | |||
1901 (26th Apr) OHMS long env with "HER" changed to "HIS" in m/s following the death of Queen Victoria. Sent from Land Titles Department, Perth & R… $60 Sold $60 | |||
1901 (31st July) Paquebot proving cover for 11 bar "F" letter obliterator with neighbouring Fremantle cds 3b-f in 6. This cover from Fremantle to S… $300 Archived | |||
1901 (30th Oct) Registered cover from Whim Creek to Cossack WA with 2½d blue swan (SG 114) vert pair tied by Whim Creek 3b index 1 (rated "rare").… $75 Sold $120 | |||
1902 (13th July) 1879 ½d brown postcard PC1 privately printed for "Fremantle Municipality" notifying the date & business to be conducted at the fo… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1902 (13th Sept) Cover addressed to Bloomfield, New Jersey, USA with 2½d blue swan (SG 114) tied by Beaconsfield 3b-b index 3 (rated rare by Gould… $90 Sold $120 | |||
1903 (6th Aug) Taxed ppc from Dublin to Fremantle with "T/15" hexagonal h/s & neighbouring Fremantle 3b-b index 4 arrival cds. This is unlisted in … $100 Archived | |||
1904 (14th Jul) Israelite Bay 3b cds's tying 2d yellow swan to Hobart Tasmania addressed cover. Partial Perth, Albany & Hobart cancels on reverse. … $40 Sold $40 | |||
1905 (26th Aug) O.H.M.S. long env from Geraldton addressed to "Nangeenan Experimental Farm, Nangeenan, Eastern Railway" with 1d red swans block of … $30 Sold $65 | |||
1906 (27th Sept) "It may be for years" b&w Regal, Sydney postcard sent from Nangeenan to East Perth with 1d red swan tied by Nangeenan A26 cds rate… $30 Sold $30 | |||
1907 (5th Aug) "Giant fig tree" colour Regal, Sydney Postcard with ½d& 1d swans tied by Malcolm A25T cds's. Addressed to Italy with arrival cancel… $30 Sold $30 | |||
1909 (22nd Feb) "Loch Lomond & Ben Lomond" colour postcard sent from Woolgar to North Fremantle with 1d red swan tied by Woolgar D27. Message incls… $30 Sold $55 | |||
1911 (24th Jan) OHMS Perth Registered cover addressed to Pingelly before being redirected to Narrogin. 5d olive swan perfined & tied by neat oval R… $70 Sold $260 | |||
1916 (11th Oct) WWI "Australian Branch B.R.C.S." postcard from Nottingham, England with machine cancel & addressed to PWD Perth. "On Active Service… $40 Archived | |||
1923 (10th Jan) "West Guildford Co-operative Society Ltd" s/l cachet on Fremantle addressed env with 2d red KGV tied by West Guildford A25, scarce … $30 Sold $30 | |||
1926 (26th Aug) OHMS Titles Office Registered env with strip of 3 x 1½d red single wmk KGV tied by Registered Perth cds's & addressed to East Frem… $50 Sold $100 | |||
1926 (29th Nov) Whim Creek to Melbourne Airmail cover with 4½d violet, single wmk KGV tied by Whim Creek D27 cds & "FORWAREDED BY AIR MAIL" boxed … $40 Sold $95 | |||
1929 (28th Mar) Registered, unclaimed & returned Land Titles Office cover from Perth to Muntadgin with both Perth & Muntadgin red registration labe… $40 Sold $150 | |||
1931 (4th Nov) 6d Kingsford Smith Airmail & 1929 3d Airmail tied by neat Registered Perth cds's with matching R.6 label. Hand addressed to Victoria… $200 Sold $160 | |||
1931 (10th Dec) 6d Kingsford Smith Airmail ovptd "OS" on Perth Registered "Mitchell" FDC with underlined "First Day Cover" red h/s upper left & "S.… $400 Archived | |||
1935 (25th April) 2d & 1/- Anzac pair on 20th Anniv of the Australian Landing at Gallipoli commem illustrated cover showing "The Landing of the ANZ… $150 Sold $150 | |||
1935 (2nd May) KGV Silver Jubilee set of 3 tied by Nedlands Park cds's with matching "NEDLANDS PARK WEST AUSTRALIA" R6 blue label top left. Hand ad… $100 Sold $80 | |||
1935 (9th May) "On His Majesty's Service" long env endorsed "Per Air Mail" in m/s from Port Hedland addressed to "Controller of Accounts + Audit, W… $500 Sold $750 | |||
1936 (11th Apr) Small cover with 3d Cable & 1/4d greenish-blue, SMW perf. 13½x12½ KGV tied by Perth machine cancel. Addressed to Epping, England.… $80 Archived | |||
1936 (9th Nov) 3d blue KGV perfined "W/A" tied to AR card by Narrogin cds with neighbouring Toolibin A27 arrival lower left & on return side. VG cond. $30 Sold $30 | |||
1937 (7th Jun) 5d chestnut KGV tied by Lomos C30 on registered cover with "LOMOS" provisional label. Addressed to Perth with Brookton transit & Per… $40 Sold $55 | |||
1939 (13th Dec) "Australian Glass Manufactures Company" Airmail Company env addressed to Pittsburgh, USA endorsed "China Clipper" in m/s. Mixed 4/8… $120 Sold $95 | |||
1940 (13th Dec) "Department of the Army Concession Postal Rate" boxed cachet on env addressed to Ravensthorpe with 1d green QM tied by Mil P.O. Mel… $40 Sold $30 | |||
1941 (5th Jun) "Mil P.O. Northam" tying 1d QM to YMCA env (torn flap) addressed to Kalgoorlie, 1945 (3rd May) plain brown paper cover endorsed "V.E… $100 Sold $80 | |||
1941 (8th Dec) Airmail letter with Censor tape & 2 diff censor h/s's from Perth to India with 1/- lyrebird & 1d QM tied by Perth machine cancel. Bo… $50 Sold $40 | |||
1943 (19th Apr) Carrie King "Hiyar Pal!" illust cover with 1d QM tied by Mil PO Karrakatta cds & addressed to "66 Aust AA Coy Rottnest" with boxed … $90 Sold $80 | |||
1945 (10th Apr) Registered Air Mail env from Mosman Park WA to A.M.M.W.S. Training School, Darley, Victoria with 3d brown KGVI & 4d green koala tie… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1948 (25th Oct) Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia long red pre-printed "For Registered Mail Only" env with "Wembley West W.A' provisional reg … $40 Archived | |||
1948 (1st Nov) Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia "For Registered Mail Only" long red printed env with 5½d emu tied by "Postal F Department" r… $60 Sold $60 | |||
1948 (6th Nov) Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia "For Registered Mail Only" long red printed env with 5½d emu tied by Relief No.11 E31-a cds … $50 Sold $75 | |||
1954 (20th July) Registered cover from the Kwinana Refinery Camp hand addressed to Glen Forrest WA with 6½d orange QEII pair tied by "Kwinana.Ref.… $220 Sold $420 | |||
1956 (21st June) Nor-West Whaling Co. Ltd Air Mail cover from Point Cloates & addressed to Melbourne with 6½d green & 7½d blue KGVI & 2½d blue Q… $120 Sold $140 | |||
1958 (31st Oct) Rottnest to Perth flight by Woods Airways & signed by pilot, Capt. James Woods. Red pictorial cachet & "Carried by Woods Airways Pt… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1963 (30th Aug) Registered cover from Nedlands Park, a small, short-lived suburban post office which operated for only 17 years from 18-10-49 to 1-… $30 Sold $30 | |||
1981 (9th Sept) Bunbury pmkd AAT pair on env with "Wellesley Park, Brunswick, WA" vignette tied by matching cachet. Most unusual? $20 Sold $20 | |||
Western Australia: Official mail | |||
1882 (24th Mar) OHMS " RETURNED LETTER" envelope from the Dead Letter Office, Perth to "The Registrar of Titles, Perth" in m/s. Light indistinct cd… $380 Sold $380 | |||
1893 (28th Aug) "To Be Registered" OHMS small unclaimed & returned env from Office of Titles, Perth addressed to York with authorising officers sig… $280 Sold $340 | |||
1898 (7th Sept) OHMS registered, unclaimed & returned cover from Land Titles Office Perth addressed to Bunbury. Land Titles Office Perth Frank stam… $60 Archived | |||
1898 (5th Oct) OHMS registered, unclaimed & returned cover from Land Titles Office Perth addressed to Leederville. Land Titles Office Perth frank s… $50 Archived | |||
1902 (5th Jan) registered, unclaimed & returned cover from the Land Titles Department Perth to local address. Land Titles Department frank stamp to… $50 Archived | |||
1902 (17th Apr) small "On Her Majesty's Service" printed cover with "HER" struck out with "His" in m/s above. Addressed to Cunderdin, Eastern Railw… $200 Sold $280 | |||
1902 (18th Apr) "On Her Majesty's Service" long cover used nearly 15 months after QV death on 22nd Jan 1901. Land Titles Department to local Perth … $50 Sold $50 | |||
1903 (30th Oct) small registered, unclaimed & returned OHMS cover with printed "HER"" struck out & replaced with "His" above in m/s. 4d chestnut sw… $100 Sold $100 | |||
1904 (3rd Feb) "On Her Majesty's Service" printed env with printed "HER"" struck out & boldly replaced with "HIS" in m/s. Horiz 1d red swans perfin… $120 Sold $200 | |||
1905 (11th Feb) Department of Lands & Survey 2 sided pre-printed letter sheet from Perth to Menzies. The business side is a pre-printed acknowledge… $600 Sold $600 | |||
1908 (6th Nov) OHMS cover from Land Titles Office Perth addressed to Cairns, Queensland. Registered, undelivered before being returned. 5d bistre (… $30 Sold $46 | |||
1911 (29th Nov) OHMS long printed env from Perth to Adelaide with 4d bright red-brown swan perfined "OS" (SG 142b) tied by Registered Perth cds (D2… $80 Sold $80 | |||
1912 (23rd Jan) "ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE" long printed env with red Perth Registered label tied by Land Titles Office Perth oval in mauve. Address… $380 Sold $380 | |||
1913 (14th Jan) Long OHMS env with red Perth Registration label to local Perth address. 2d yellow swans perfined "OS" vert pair with vertically mis… $75 Sold $75 | |||
1915 (4th Jan) Long OHMS env with 1d Die 2A kangaroos perfined "OS" block of 4 tied by Registered Perth cds (D27-c) & DLO RRS 5-b with red registra… $90 Sold $90 | |||
1915 (2nd Jul) Land Titles Office long OHMS env addressed to "William St John, Tramway Employee, Perth “with 4 x 1d red KGV perfined "OS" incl ve… $60 Archived | |||
1915 (24th Aug) Land Titles Office OHMS env to Victoria Park with 2d grey kangaroos (2nd wmk) horiz pair perfined "OS" tied by Registered Perth cds… $360 Sold $400 | |||
1916 (5th Feb) OHMS Land Titles Office long cover addressed to "Mr Edward Cammon Roberts, Farmer, Perth" with large red Perth Registered label & 4d… $100 Sold $100 | |||
1917 (15th Mar) OHMS Registered Land Titles Office env to Bunbury with large red registration label (torn) & 4d yellow-orange aniline KGV perfined … $60 Sold $60 | |||
1919 (25th Apr) OHMS long buff Land Titles Office env addressed to Kellerberrin with small red Perth "Index 867" R6 Registration label stuck on top… $120 Archived | |||
1919 (7th Nov) Long OHMS Office of Titles env addressed to Cottesloe Beach with 1½d purple-brown KGV single wmk strip of 3 perfined "OS" & tied by… $70 Sold $75 | |||
1920 (10th Jun) OHMS undelivered & returned Office of Titles env with 1½d purple-brown KGV LMW perfined "OS" tied by long Perth machine cancel. Po… $60 Sold $60 | |||
1921 (21st Jul) "ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE" long Registered env addressed to Cunderdin with 5d bright chestnut KGV on rough paper perfined "OS" & ne… $600 Archived | |||
1921 (22nd Nov) OHMS Office of Titles env to Northam with 2d orange KGV perfined "OS" tied by Perth machine cancel. Other postal markings on front … $50 Archived | |||
1922 (12th Feb) "ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE" long Registered env addressed to Fremantle with red Index 866 label & 3d olive-green, 3rd wmk, Die I kan… $400 Sold $400 | |||
1922 (3rd May) OHMS long env with typed Leederville address & red Index 867 Registered label. 5d chestnut, single lined perf, KGV perfined "OS" (AC… $120 Sold $120 | |||
1923 (28th Jun) OHMS env with "ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE" covered by large red Perth Registered label. 5d orange-brown single wmk KGV, perf 14, perf… $240 Sold $180 | |||
1924 (6th May) OHMS Office of Titles env hand addressed to Victoria Park with 1½d green KGV horiz strip of 3 perfined "OS" tied by Registered Pert… $90 Sold $90 | |||
1926 (29th Nov" OHMS Office of Titles long env to Subiaco with typed address & 1½d red & 3d dull blue Die 1a type A KGV, both perfined "OS" tied b… $75 Archived | |||
1930 (26th Jun) "ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE" in smaller font on Office of Titles env to Dardanup, redirected to Whittakers Mills before being redirec… $40 Archived | |||
1931 (7th Feb) OHMS Office of Titles hand addressed cover to Merredin with ½d orange & 4½d dull violet SMW, perf. 13½x12½ KGV, both perfined "O… $800 Archived | |||
1931 (11th Jun) OHMS buff long env with typed C/O Perth GPO address & 4d greenish olive KGV, perf. 13½ x 12½ perfined "OS" (ACSC 116Bba) & 1d gre… $60 Archived | |||
1933 (9th May) "ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE" Land Titles Office env addressed to Kelmscott before being redirected to South Perth. KGV ovptd "OS" CofA… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1942 (27th Feb) Small OHMS env with War time slogan, "One Shot Never Won a War - Keep on Buying War Savings Certificates" on reverse. ½d orange ka… $40 Sold $40 | |||
1944 (26th Jul) OHMS Land Titles Office "Lend to Defend - Buy War Savings Certificates" small buff env with 5½d emu perfined "WA" tied by Register… $40 Archived | |||
1945 (4th Mar) OHMS Land Titles Office cover Perth with "Get into line .. Buy and Hold War Savings Certificates" slogan on reverse of this small bu… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1945 (12th Dec) Registered OHMS "Postmaster-Generals Department Dead Letter Office Perth, WA" long env envelope specifically printed for the return… $40 Archived | |||
Western Australia: Postal Stationery | |||
1879 ½d brown postcard PC1 privately printed for Lionel Samson & Son, Fremantle, a prominent local merchant & later politician. Cancelled with bar… $75 Sold $160 | |||
1879 Telegraph form TF1. Fine unused counterfoil. $30 Sold $32 | |||
1879 1/- Telegraph form TF2. Fine unused. Ex Brian Pope. $100 Sold $150 | |||
1879 1/- Telegraph form TF2. Light staining at right & 2 small tears at base otherwise good cond. $40 Sold $44 | |||
1879 1d blue PC2, 1892 1½d surcharge on 3d green PC5 & 1905 1½d surcharge on 2d carmine PC14. A couple of areas with light staining otherwise fin… $30 Archived | |||
1879 1d blue Postcard PC2 ovptd for "Kalgoorlie Electrical Tramways Ltd". Prepared to reply to job applicants. Small stain on front otherwise fine … $30 Sold $100 | |||
1902 1½d & 1½d blue-green reply letter card RPC2 with UPU 4R cancel. A couple small tone spots otherwise fine costing vendor $100. $40 Sold $40 | |||
1902 1½d & 1½d blue-green stock Reply Card (RPC2). Fine unused with only 3120 delivered. Rarely seen in such good cond. Ex Brian Pope $90 Archived | |||
1902 1d & 1d red Reply Card. Unseparated pair (RPC1). Fine unused but fragilely held together. Only 8400 delivered. $50 Archived | |||
1902 1d & 1d red Reply Picture Postcards RPC1 x 5 unused examples with annotated varieties incl flaw on "N" of "ON" & red spot in NE triangle surfa… $90 Archived | |||
1902 1d red wrapper with double line, line rouletted border (WR2). 2 folds & light creasing but clean. $60 Archived | |||
1902 1d rose envelope fine used with 2 Leonora cds's dated AU 1 03. Addressed to Islington, Sth Australia with Ship Mail Room Perth transit & Adela… $40 Archived | |||
1902 1d rose swan env. Extremely fine. EN1 $30 Archived | |||
1902 2½d blue swan env with 4 ring CTO with UPU cancel. Extremely fine on front but flap scuffed & stained, often caused when removing from the of… $40 Archived | |||
1902 2d blue Letter Card on grey card. F/U December 1902 with neat PR Perth WA b/s. Rarely seen used $50 Sold $50 | |||
1902 2d orange envelope with UPU 4R cancel. Very different shade to the orange-yellow. VG cond. EN3 $70 Archived | |||
1902 2d orange-yellow envelope with UPU 4R cancel. Good cond. EN3 $70 Sold $70 | |||
1903 ½d green wrapper with UPU 4R cancel (WR3). Single borderline with serpentine roulette side borders. Good cond with several horizontal folds. $30 Sold $30 | |||
1903 1d blue Postcard PC 10B imprinted on back for "The National Bank of Australasia, Limited Perth Western Australia" & used as a "We acknowledge … $50 Sold $50 | |||
1903 1d blue Postcard PC10A ovptd for the "Customs Officers Association" to advertise their half-yearly meeting. Fine used with neat Fremantle May … $50 Sold $130 | |||
1903 1d blue Postcard PC9 on thin flexible stock ovptd for the "Adelaide S.S. Co.'s" to advertise to the respective addressees the Company's proced… $50 Sold $90 | |||
1905 ½d green wrapper with line rouletted side borders. Fine unused with 4 horiz folds. WR3.1 $30 Sold $30 | |||
1905 2d lettercard (LC4) in ultramarine printing on greenish stock with the text on reverse, unused in very good cond (note: cannot be opened out a… $50 Archived | |||
1906 2d Registered dark brown env (147x89mm) with stamp & text in brown. Fine cond. RE4, Cat. $200 $80 Sold $80 | |||
1909 1d blue Postcard on surfaced paper (PC18) A couple of minute corner faults with light spotting otherwise VG unused cond. $60 Sold $50 | |||
1909 1d rose-pink swan, large Die env. Superb unused example with RPSV Cert. (2009). EN6, Cat. $800 $380 Archived | |||
1909 1d slate blue Postcard on unsurfaced paper suitable for "handpainting" (PC17). Fine unused with only 5150 of these cards reported as being del… $160 Archived | |||
1910 ½d green wrapper (WR5.1) Clean unused with defects reflected in reserve. Cat. $500 $75 Sold $110 | |||
1910 ½d green wrapper with no borderline (133mm wide) Unused with some small spots. WR5.1 Cat $500 $150 Archived | |||
1910 1d steel-blue Postcard on surfaced paper (PC18.1) Small area of staining on front otherwise unused with less than 180,000 delivered. $60 Sold $50 | |||
1910 1d wrapper with no borderline (133mm wide) WR6. Fine unused, light bend top right only just visible. WR6, Cat. $500 $200 Archived | |||
1912 "ONE PENNY" red surcharge on 2d ultramarine surcharged Letter Card LC6 in 2 different shades with bright ultramarine & the light ultramarine. … $50 Archived | |||
1912 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d orange (EN8). Very late use & possibly "philatelic" as dated 14 AUG 1947. Uprated with 2d red Die I KGVI. Fine con… $100 Sold $80 | |||
1912 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d red Postcard (PC20) Fine used with crisp & attractive Wonnerup cds & addressed to Capel. Some damage lower right c… $75 Archived | |||
1912 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow-orange env. Unused & fine on front but flap slightly thinned on reverse from pres book removal. EN3, Cat. $200 $40 Sold $40 | |||
1912 1d deep carmine swan env. Unused with light staining/spotting mainly around the edges. EN7, Cat. $800 used but unpriced for mint $150 Sold $180 | |||
1930 2d red oval KGV embossed "OS" window envelope (EO19) ovptd "COMMONWEALTH SUB-TREASURY Perth" for the RTS address. $40 Sold $30 | |||
Western Australia: Postmarkers/Handstamps | |||
13 bar dumb obliterator. Long 11.5cm handle with corroded metal ring join to the face. Wood carved grooves around the top for additional grip $90 Sold $150 | |||
Brisbane Street P.O. W.A. Aged 9.5cm handle with small crown. $100 Sold $100 | |||
Brookton Western Australia A26T cds used from 7-09-15 to 11-11-47 living up to its PMI description of "This cds became badly worn"! It appears to h… $150 Sold $150 | |||
Claymore P.O. W.A. Medium 8.5cm handle with wide crown. This was a Settlement Office with a siding 44km south of Bunbury for 11 years. $200 Sold $200 | |||
Cleary W.A Medium 8.5cm handle. Small neat crown with face in very good cond. No "P.O." or second stop after "A". $120 Sold $95 | |||
Cottesloe Beach P.O. W.A. Medium 10cm handle with "W.A." under standard crown. $150 Sold $150 | |||
East Chapman Westn Australia D28 cds used from "7-07-21 to ?" recorded in PMI. This rusted shut at 31 DEC 35, a year before its closure on the same… $150 Sold $150 | |||
Gunyidi P.O. W.A. Large font with 9cm handle. Some wood cracking & aged face. Only one cds recorded for this farming community 55km NNE of Moora. $160 Archived | |||
Helena Valley W.A. 9cm handle with small wide crown & no "P.O." VG cond. $150 Sold $120 | |||
Kirup W.A. 8cm handle with large, tall crown in a bigger font with no "P.O". $120 Sold $140 | |||
Kwelkan Westn Australia D26 cds used from 12-04-15 until close 01-04-45. Rusted at the date illustrated in PMI of 27 MAR 45. Has the original Post … $150 Sold $200 | |||
Lake Brown W.A. Large font and large crown. Short 8cm handle. $150 Archived | |||
MORE TO PAY & T 402 The former is oval with space below to write in the fee owing. It has a more ornate handle but some cracking at the top. The la… $140 Sold $250 | |||
Mulline P.O. W.A. Turned 9cm handle with standard crown. Some discolouration on face. $110 Sold $90 | |||
Nembudding W.A. Plain 9cm handle with deep crown. Some rust around join to face but face in good cond. Again no "P.O." $140 Sold $140 | |||
Qualeup West Aust Long handle type (12cms) with wide crown. $120 Archived | |||
Strawberry Westn Australia D27 cds used from 1-04-09 to 20-07-26. 9cm handle. Date slug & steel head rusted at 1 APR 47 with side adjustment pin mi… $150 Sold $250 | |||
TOO LATE & UNCLAIMED single line cancels with 10.5cm & 8cm handles respectively. Latter with user-friendly thumb indentation for comfort! Both with… $120 Sold $220 | |||
Walkaway P.O. W.A. Long 12cm handle with "deep" crown. Some surface scratching appearing from rough treatment in stationary draw! $120 Sold $95 | |||
Woolgangie West Aust E30 cds used from 13-10-48 to close. Head heavily rusted but with original date slug adjustment pin. Date set at 28 MY 51 with… $150 Sold $420 | |||
Western Australia: Postmarks | |||
Albany Mailroom ORS1 Clear complete strike on piece dated 13 NOV 1955. Rated "very scarce" by Goulder & the earliest recorded date. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Armadale Savings Bank Sbi in violet ink on 2d yellow swan for 17 MY 1904. PMI dates 6/05/04 to 20/5/04 & rated "rare" by Goulder. Quite a light but… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Balladonia A25 bullseye strike on 2d SA Cent dated 31 DEC 42. Useful LRD. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Belmont East C30 Stunning bold & complete tying 3½d Young Farmers to piece. PMI only recorded date is 17-11-45 so LRD at 30 JE 53. (1) $40 Sold $110 | |||
Belmont Park Wright St E31a Complete strike tying 2½d Von Mueller on piece. Indistinct date though issue dates it around 1948. PMI only date 5 JU 47! $40 Sold $40 | |||
Beverley 3b on 2d yellow swans x 4 each with a different index for nil, 2, 3 & 4. All fine to very fine. (4) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Beverley A25 on ½d green & 1d red Die II KGV dated 22 NOV 19 on env addressed to Perth. Roughly opened but not affecting the 2 complete clear stri… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Beverley PAID W29 Archival strike for 9 JA 35. Fine & complete. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Beverley Postmaster ORS1 with 6304 postcode dated 21 JAN 1977 on piece from PO form. Rated very scarce by Goulder. (1) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Beverley Savings Bank Sbi 65% strike on 1d red swan for OC 17 05. Only PMI listed date is 22-07-05. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Beverley Savings Bank Sbii Light part strike on 5d yellow-olive swan. PMI has listed only one date 22-07-05. Obviously very limited use with the da… $80 Sold $80 | |||
Beverley Savings Bank Sbii on 2d yellow swan. 60% strike for JE 1 04. PMI dates 10-03-03 to 1-06-04. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Big Brook A27 on 1d red kangaroo for JU 17 14. PMI dates 13-01-15 to 19-02-15. 70% strike with an early date. (1) $40 Sold $100 | |||
Black Boy Hill Post & Telegraph Office ORS3 Partial 35% strike on ½d green kangaroo perfined "OS" in blue ink with incomplete date. Not listed in … $40 Sold $40 | |||
Black Flag 3b-a complete strike on piece without stamp dated JA 28 02. PMI dates 18-08-00 to 5-09-02. Crisp clear example. $30 Sold $100 | |||
Black Snake A30 75% strike on 1½d red KGV for 16 OC 24. PMI dates 17-12-25 to 25-03-26. Group settlement No 87. $40 Sold $170 | |||
Blackboy Hill D25 & C28 Complete strikes on piece. D25 on 1d KGV red & C28 on Sydney Harbour Bridge. Fine examples. $50 Sold $40 | |||
Blackrange 3b on 1d red swan on cut-out stationery piece dated AU 7 06. The "7" & "AU" are inverted while the year is the correct way up. This slug… $30 Archived | |||
Bokal C29 on 2d red KGV for 1 DE 33. Premium example. $30 Sold $42 | |||
Bonnievale 3b indices nil & 1 with latter on 1d red swan for AP 15 03. PMI dates 8-06-01 to 4-05-09. Index 1 on 2d grey swan dated SP 17 00 & is no… $50 Sold $65 | |||
Bonnivale Savings Bank Sbi Complete & 85% strikes on vertical 1d red swans pair dated NO 2 00. Not recorded in PMI & rated "rare" by Goulder. $100 Sold $170 | |||
Boorabbin 3b-a in blue ink on 1d red swans pair for MY 19 99. PMI dates 13-02-99 to 12-11-99. $70 Archived | |||
Boorabbin 3b-a Two separate complete upright strikes in blue ink on 2d grey swan on piece dated FE 13 99. PMI dates this from this date to 21-11-99… $80 Sold $80 | |||
Boorabbin 3b-b 2 bullseye strikes on 2d yellow swan for MR 17 01 & on postal stationary cut out from a registered envelope dated OC 2 11. Both very… $50 Archived | |||
Boulder 3b Range of index numbers for 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 & 19. A fine lot with many complete or mostly complete strikes. … $60 Sold $60 | |||
Boulder R.A.A.F P.O. Full crisp strike on card dated 7 AP 45(?) Appears to be an archival strike. (1) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Boyanup Telegraph Office ORS1 on 2d grey swan dated 17 APR 1899. PMC date c 1899-1900. A useful part strike. $50 Sold $40 | |||
Broad Arrow 3b-a on 2d grey swan on piece for JY 18 99 in mauve & 3b-b on 5d bistre swan dated OC 16 99. Both very fine examples. $50 Archived | |||
Broome 3b-a on 3d brown swans pair for MY 22 00 & 3b-3 on 2d yellow for MR 8 06, latter 95% strike. $30 Archived | |||
Broome Hill Complete strike tying 1d kangaroo to piece with additional neighbouring full strike dated MY 27 14, then days after the PMI LRD of 16-0… $30 Sold $55 | |||
Broome Savings Bank Sbii Light variable strike on 1/- green swan. Rarely seen on 1/- stamps. (1-2) $20 Sold $15 | |||
Broomehill Savings Bank SB1. A fine bullseye strike on 2d yellow swan on piece dated JA 11 08. $40 Sold $30 | |||
Brown Hill Savings Bank SB1 on part Savings Bank stationery dated JU 8 13. Partly covered by L shaped strip of three x 1d kangaroos perfined large … $70 Sold $190 | |||
Bruce Rock Postmaster ORS1 for 5 OCT 1978 & Telegraph Office Bruce Rock ORS 2 dated 29 DEC 1983. Both complete & fine strikes on piece. (2) $40 Sold $50 | |||
Bruce Rock Postmaster ORS1. Clear impression on small piece from Official form for 19 NOV 1962. PMI & PMC dates stated as c1978. This example is 16… $50 Archived | |||
Brunswick 3b index 1 on 2d grey swan for OC 1 00. Very fine crisp strike. $30 Sold $20 | |||
Brunswick Junction Post & Telegraph Office ORS 4. Two light but discernible strikes on 1d block of 4 swans. Indiscernible date. Not recorded in PMI… $80 Archived | |||
Bulong 3b-a on 1d red swans pair for JY 30 96 & 3b-b on 1d red swans swan dated NO 13 07. Both with complete strikes. $30 Archived | |||
Bulyee A27 Bullseye strike on 1½d red KGV on piece with early MY 14 29 date. Fine. $30 Sold $20 | |||
Bunbury cds 1 on piece dated JA 111869. Fine & complete. $25 Sold $25 | |||
Bunbury duplex DxL 2 index 4. 2 fine strikes on 1d red swans block of 4. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Bunbury ORS & RRS selection from 1945 "POSTAL INSPECTOR" ORS to 1980 "POSTMASTER" RRS. Incls "DIVISIONAL MANAGER" & "DISTRICT TELEPHONE OFFIVE". Co… $60 Sold $110 | |||
Bunbury PAID AT PD RS on piece of the Bunbury Herald masthead dated Monday May 25 1903. PMI dates 19-02-03 to 10-06-07. A rare combination. (1) $50 Archived | |||
Bunbury Post & Telegraph Office Rectangular rubber stamp RRS 2 on TG 42BB Telegram dated 12 JAN 1953. Clean & fresh with vert filing folding. Unlis… $60 Sold $60 | |||
Bunbury Postmaster ORS 3 on Commonwealth of Australia memorandum sheet (Stores index No.463) dated 1 AUG 1919. Not listed in PMI or PMC. Clear impr… $100 Sold $80 | |||
Bunbury Telegraph Office ORS type 3 on Telegram form ET No 2 on blue grey stock dated 27 JUN 1919. Not recorded in PMI or PMC. A clear strike on co… $120 Sold $120 | |||
Bunbury Telegraph Office T.O. PMI notes "an odd type found regularly on registered mail in the 1940's". A complete cut to shape strike on piece dat… $30 Sold $24 | |||
Bungalla B30 Part strike on 1d red swan for 30 AUG ?? & another on 1d red KGV 3 SE 15. PMI dates 0?-07-12 to 15-10-24. (2) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Burgess Siding 3b with date variations incl date complete for MY 8 05, one with day in m/s & another with the month slug missing. (3) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Burnakurra A28 60% strike with full name on 2d yellow swan dated 21 MY 09. PMI dates 7-10-06 to 3-06-11. Rated rare by Goulder. $30 Sold $38 | |||
Burnakurra A28 An almost complete strike on 1d red swan for 17 JU 1911. Fine. (1) $40 Sold $55 | |||
Burtville 3b on 1d red swans pair dated FE 6 09 & C28 on 1½d red KGV for 8 SE 37. Variable & almost complete strikes. (2) $30 Sold $25 | |||
Busselton Paid X28 in black ink on "The South-Western News" masthead addressed to G.Layman, Wonnerup & dated 24 AU 18. PMI dates for use of X28 are… $75 Sold $60 | |||
Busselton Post & Telegraph Office full strikes x 3 for 1937 (cut to shape), 1954 & 1964 plus a Post Office 6280 1978 oval strike. All on piece & fi… $40 Sold $120 | |||
Busselton Post & Telegraph Office ORS2 Cut out on brown env for 17 OCT 1935. Rated "very scarce" by Goulder. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Busselton Postmaster ORS3. Cut out impression on brown paper & dated 15 SEP 1934. Not recorded in PMI or PMC. Ex Brian Pope. $90 Sold $90 | |||
Busselton WA Post & Telegraph Office ORS2 (var). Light, legible strike on brown paper for 7 DEC 1944. Not recorded in PMI or PMC. Ex Brian Pope. $50 Sold $50 | |||
Canning Mills DxPO duplex. Complete variable strike on 2 x 1d red swans on piece. PMI dates 8-03-98 to 7-01-99. Indistinct date obscured in this ex… $30 Sold $44 | |||
Canning Mills Post Office ORS1 Complete light strike on 1d red swans pair with illegible date. PMI dates 11-05-99 to 2-08-03. $30 Archived | |||
Capel 2C Earliest recorded date on 2d yellow swan plus a complete strike on 1d red swans pair on piece. Dated MR 4 01 & SP 10 06 respectively. Usef… $40 Sold $30 | |||
Carbine B30 on 1½d red KGV for 17 OC 21. PMI dates 11-05-18 to 11-10-27. Light 70% strike. (1) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Carbunup A26 Superb strike on 1½d red KGV dated 17 OC 24. PMI date 13-10-24 to ?-06-27. Group settlement No. 53. $30 Sold $140 | |||
Carlindi D27 Stunning upright bullseye strike on 2d red KGV pair for 11 SEP 33. PMI dates 18-07-35 to 2-12-47. Useful early date. $40 Sold $120 | |||
Carnamah Postmaster ORS1 (var) Light strike cut around on brown paper dated 13 JAN 19(46?). Recorded date in PMC c1963. This strike precedes this d… $30 Sold $24 | |||
Carnarvon 2b on 2d grey swan. 60% strike dated MR 31 00. PMI date 25-08-89. PMC date 27-7-02. $40 Archived | |||
Carnarvon Savings Bank Sbii on 9d orange swan for JY 21 06. PMI date c1901. A rare find! $60 Sold $60 | |||
Caron A30 Attractive 80% strike on ½d orange KGV for 17 JY 29. PMI dates 4-03-30 to 8-05-62. $30 Sold $36 | |||
Carrabin B28 on 1d red swan for 7 SE 21. PMI dates 26-02-12 to 1-06-51. Scarce on swans. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Celebration A28 Upright strike on 3d olive kangaroo dated 27 JE 21. PMI dates 30-12-20 to 24-07-24. $30 Sold $250 | |||
Chandler E31 Quality complete strike on 2½d Boy Scout commem on piece dated 17 JA 49. PMI dates 18-02-44 to 20-09-52. $30 Sold $24 | |||
Chapman State Farm CL 28 on 1d red swan. 75% strike with illegible date. PMI date 18-10-11. (1) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Chidlows Well Savings Bank An almost complete strike on 2d yellow swan for OC 25 07. PMI dates 11-02-99 to 19-01-07. Late date. (1) $30 Sold $34 | |||
Circle Valley A29 Quality 85% strike on 1½d red KGV for 29 DE 28. PMI dates 18-02-28 to 19-06-46. Hard to find better! $30 Sold $30 | |||
Claymore A27 on 2d orange KGV for 18 NO 21 in violet ink. Attractive $30 Sold $30 | |||
Cleary C30 90% upright strike on 2d Vic Cent on piece dated 11 MR 35. PMI dates 29-04-35 to 23-09-38.. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Coalville 3b Crisp complete strike on 5d olive swan with an early date of OC 4 98. PMI dates 29-10-98 to 31-01-99. $30 Sold $100 | |||
Coalville 3b in blue ink on 2d yellow swan with the latest recorded date of JA 31 99. $30 Sold $32 | |||
Coalville Post & Telegraph Office ORS1 Clear 30% part strike on 2d grey swan with 25 OC date. PMI dates 6-12-98 to 21-01-99. Useful. $30 Sold $24 | |||
Cocos Keeling Islands Postmaster ORS1 on piece for 21 APR 1978 in violet ink. Not recorded in either PMI or PMC. $30 Sold $40 | |||
Collie 3b-b Stunning complete strike on 2d yellow swan dated JA 9 04. $30 Archived | |||
Collie Burn B27 & Collie Cardiff B26 with latter on 2d orange KGV for 5 DE 21 & Collie Cardiff on 4d lemon KGV dated 1 OC 17. Both fine & clear. (2) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Collie Fields 3b-a Index 7 on 2d yellow swan for JY 28 03. Quality complete strike & rarely seen with index 7. $50 Sold $50 | |||
Collie Fields 3b-a Index NIL on 2d yellow swan for FE 15 03. PMI dates 6-2-00 to 2-09-03. Fine 95% upright strike. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Collie Savings Bank Sbii Complete strike & part strike on 1d red pair dated AP 3 01. Useful early date. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Collie Savings Bank Sbii Fine complete strike on 5d bistre swan dated JA 31 08. Late date. (1-2) $40 Sold $20 | |||
Condon 2b Two reasonably complete strikes on 2d yellow swans, one with date variation showing JA 13 03 - 3 with year inverted & 12 May 03. PMI date… $50 Sold $40 | |||
Condon 3b Superb complete strike on 1d red swans pair for MY 11 08. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Cooglegong B30 Two fine strikes on a separated pair of 1d red KGV dated 31 JL 2(?). Noted right stamp with "ferns" variety. (1) $50 Sold $290 | |||
Coolgardie Savings Bank SBV on large OHMS envelope piece. A superb full strike in violet next to 7 x 1d red kangaroos with strips of 3 & 4 all perf… $150 Sold $180 | |||
Coongan Complete strike on 1d kangaroo on piece dated 1923, 10 years after the listed dates in PMI from 16-01-13 to 12-06-13. Clear with the charac… $200 Sold $240 | |||
Coorang D26 on 2d yellow swan for 3 OC 10. PMI dates 19-01-10 to renaming as Youanmi 7-10-11. Somewhat smudged but a 80% strike rarely seen. $40 Sold $65 | |||
Cossack B29 Almost complete strike on 1d red kangaroo for 15 MY 14. PMI dates ?-07-11 to 22-10-13 thus a late dated copy. $40 Sold $120 | |||
Cottesloe Beach C30 Bold strike tying 1d QM to piece dated 9 MR 44. The LRD in PMI is 30-12-30. Renamed Buckland Hill on 1st Jan 1931 with no evide… $60 Sold $60 | |||
Cottesloe Beach C30 on 3d red KGV dated 15 OC 30. PMI dated 24-11-30 to 30-12-30. Short period of use before being renamed Buckland Hill on 1-01-31… $40 Sold $160 | |||
Courtney A31 on 1½d red KGV for 29 NO 26. PMI dates 22-10-24 to 16-04-25. Group Settlement No. 78. Fine 60% part strike. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Crowither D27 in violet ink on 2d yellow swan for 26 NOV 08. PMI dates 12-09-08 to 26-11-08. Renamed Narngulu in 1909. Variable but rarely seen. No… $40 Sold $44 | |||
Cuballing B30 complete strike on 1d red swan on piece dated 3 FE 13. Rarely seen on swans. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Cuballing Post & Telegraph Office ORS 4 on 9d violet 1st wmk kangaroo for 31 MAY 1915. PMI dates 21-07-13 to 10-03-14. Useful 65% strike on this st… $40 Sold $420 | |||
Cuddingwarra 3b Superb 80% strike on 2d yellow swan for MY 6 08. PMI dates 8-12-99 to 6-05-08. Rated "rare" by Goulder. $40 Sold $65 | |||
Cuddingwarra D27 on 3d brown swan for 10 JUN 08. PMI dates 8-07-08 to ? (closed 31-10-14). (1) $30 Sold $65 | |||
Cue Post & Telegraph Office ORS1 Two different types on piece from Telegram forms with dates 17 JUN 1899 & 4 MAR 01. PMI dates 1899-1901. Good clea… $40 Sold $50 | |||
Cue Savings Bank Sbii Variable but complete on 1d red swan for MR 3 05. PMI dates 20-009-97 to 30-03-05. (1) $30 Sold $42 | |||
Cue Telegraph Office Oval rubber stamp which is a mixture between ORS types 2 & 3 in that it has a double outside oval but the inside oval is not s… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Damboring B28 tying 1d QM on piece. Full crisp strike but variable date, ? ? 45. Useful on piece. $20 Sold $16 | |||
Lake Darot (a) 3b on 1½d red KGV for AU 1 25. Closed 1930. Lake Darlot was renamed "Darlot" in 1914. Rated (1) by Goulder. $40 Sold $75 | |||
Day Dawn Savings Bank Sbi 50% strike on Plate 1 left selvedge 5d bistre swan for AP ? ?. PMI dates 31-05-05 to 5-02-08. (1) $50 Sold $40 | |||
Day Dawn Savings Bank Sbi on 3d brown swan for JY 15 07. PMI dates 31-05-05 to 5-02-08. A crisp 90% strike. (1) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Day Dawn Telegraph Office ORS 2 on piece from Telegraph form dated 3 JUN 96. Only PMI date is c1896. Very fine. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Day Dawn Telegraph Office ORS2 dated 16 JUN 96 on Electric Telegraph Western Australia form with message sent from the under-secretary of Mines, Pe… $150 Sold $150 | |||
Daylerking 3a on 2d yellow swan dated JU 1 09. PMI dates c. 1902 to 11-04-12. Neat clear & upright. (1) $30 Sold $46 | |||
Denmark Postmaster ORS1 Cut around on brown paper dated 23 OCT 1944. PMC dates it c1964 which this example exceeds by about 20 years. Rated "rare" … $70 Archived | |||
Denninup Vale B30 75% strike on 1d red KGV 3 MY 15. PMI dates 2-09-13 to 15-02-15. (1) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Denninup Vale B3a 60% strike on 1d kangaroo for 23 JL 14. PMI dates 2-09-13 to 15-02-15. (1) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Desdemona D27 on 2d yellow swan for 10 SEP 08. PMI dates 9-02-09 to 20-02-13. Clear example. (1) $30 Sold $65 | |||
Desmond D28 on 1d kangaroo on piece dated 20 JE 13. PMI dates 21-09-12 to 20-02-15. $30 Sold $38 | |||
Dinninup B30 on 1d red swan for 30 JL 12. PMI dates 4-06-12 to 7-04-52. Rarely seen on swans. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Diorite King 3b Index "00" on 2d yellow swan for AP 14 99. PMI dates 24-10-97 to 25-05-01. (1) $30 Sold $65 | |||
Diorite King A28 65% strike on 1d red swan pair on piece dated 23 FE 1908. Useful early date. (1) $30 Sold $60 | |||
Diorite King A28 on 2d yellow swan dated 9 MR 14. PMI dates 8-06-09 to ? Light variable strike but remains useful. (1) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Dongara Savings Bank Sbi complete & part strikes on 1d rose-pink pair with C/A wmk. Dated MY 19 08. PMI dates 11-03-08 to 18-07-08. Due to this sho… $50 Sold $20 | |||
Dongarra Savings Bank Sbi on 1d swan for MR 7 08. PMI dates 11-03-08 to 18-07-08. Attractive 90% upright strike. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Donnybrook 3b Nil index on 1d red swans vert pair on piece for DE 10 98. (1) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Donnybrook W.A. Post & Telegraph Office ORS3 Fine complete strike on piece signed by postmaster dated 27 JAN 00. Not listed in PMI or PMC. Ex Brian… $100 Sold $110 | |||
Doodlakine Savings Bank Sbv 80% light strike on 1d red swan for 12 DEC 11. PMI dates 30-11-11 to 26-01-12. (1) $40 Sold $48 | |||
Doorawarrah A31 on 1½d red KGV for 24 OC 25 & another full strike on ½d kangaroo & 6d kookaburra in purple ink dated 13 AU 51. PMI dates 11-10-30… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Duketon 3b 80% strike on 5d olive swan dated MR 31 05. PMI dates 28-07-04 to 5-06-08. Fine, crsip strike. (1) $30 Sold $20 | |||
Dunreath R.A.A.F Complete cds dated 25 MY 46 tying 1½d QM to piece. Rated "rare" $50 Sold $50 | |||
Dwellingup Bush Landing C28 Complete strike on 2d red KGV on piece for 25 NO 30. PMI dates 7-10-30 to 9-12-61. Bold & clear example. $30 Sold $65 | |||
East Mornington B29 Light 80% strike on 1d red swan for 25 SE 12. PMI dates 24-01-13 to close on 12-05-30. Unusual on swans. $30 Sold $75 | |||
Edjudina 3b Superb bullseye strike on 2d yellow swan dated OC 10 08. PMI dates 7-06-04 to 25-03-12. Stunning! (1) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Edjudina B28 on 1d red kangaroo for 23 JE 14. A very early date with PMI dating it from 13-08-23 to close on 31-08-26. Quality 85% strike. (1) $40 Sold $160 | |||
Edjudina C31 Lovely bullseye strike on 2d red KGV dated 18 FE 37. PMI dates 18-05-36 to close on 1-11-40. (1-2) $30 Sold $60 | |||
Ellensbrook A26 2 strikes on 1½d green KGV on piece dated 29 FE 24. Possibly ERD with PMI dating from 18-06-24 to 18-06-29. Group settlement No.51… $30 Sold $90 | |||
Erliston E30 Complete strike on 2d red KGVI 2 JE 38. PMI dates 8-07-38 to 1-01-42. (1) $30 Sold $75 | |||
Esperance Savings Bank Sbii. Superb bullseye strike on 9d orange with Crown/double lined A upright wmk (SG 145b). An extremely rare postmark not li… $300 Sold $300 | |||
Evanston E31 Complete but variable strike on 2d red KGVI on piece dated 10 AP 41. PMI dates 9-05-40 to close on 15-07-43. (1) $40 Sold $90 | |||
Ewington A28 Light variable 80% strike on 2d red KGV dated 3 SE 23. PMI dates 7-02-21 to close in 1927. (1) $20 Sold $38 | |||
Eyre A25 Fine crisp strikes on 2d yellow swans horiz pair for 9 FEB 14. PMI dates 3-09-09 to 7-03-22. $30 Sold $75 | |||
Ferguson D27 undated archival strike. Fine $25 Sold $25 | |||
Forrest C28 80% strike on 1½d red KGV for 28 AU 29. PMI dates 28-08-29 to close on 31-03-37. Fine (1) $30 Sold $36 | |||
Forrest C28 Complete single line circle on 5d chestnut KGV on piece dated 29 MR 1935. PMI dates 25-08-29 to close on 31-03-37. Fine. (1) $40 Sold $30 | |||
Fortescue 2a Complete strike on 1d red swans pair on small piece for JY 3 08. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Fortescue 2a Early 70% upright strike on 1d ochre wmk crown/CA perf. 14 swans horiz pair for MR 24 88. PMI dates 24-03-88 to 9-03-1922. (1-2) $25 Sold $42 | |||
Fortescue 3b Index 1 with two fine strikes on 1d red swans pair for AU 26 98. PMI dates 25-09-97 to 18-09-03. (1) $40 Sold $55 | |||
Fremantle Proving piece for 15 bar numeral obliterator with 1d bistre perf. 13½x12½ swan wmk crown/cc tied by obliterator with cds 1-b alongside … $50 Sold $70 | |||
Garden Island E30 Two complete strikes tying ½d kangaroo & 1d QM to piece dated 18 NO 49 with neighbouring "NOV 1949" part dated h/s. This is the … $30 Sold $30 | |||
Georgina 3b on 2d yellow swan on piece for AP 17 05. Complete strike but "E" & "O" light. (1) $30 Sold $42 | |||
Geraldton 2a Complete impression on piece dated 8 Nov 90. PMI dates 17-05-90 to 13-03-96. (1) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Geraldton R.A.A.F. Paid At 100% impression on part Telegram form dated 31 JA 46. (1) $40 Sold $30 | |||
Gimlet D27 Am almost complete strike on 1d red dated 23 JL 12. PMI dates 23-07-12 to 24-09-12 Fine (1) $50 Sold $50 | |||
Gindalbie A27 70% strike on 4d chestnut swan dated 5 DE 1907. PMI dates 9-07-08 to 6-12-11. Fine & a useful early date. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Glenfield F31 Complete strike on 2½ Mitchell for 28 SE 67. PMI dates 20-04-67 to close on 9-07-71. (1-2) $30 Sold $42 | |||
Gnarabup A30 on 1½d red KGV for 10 SE 29. PMI date 18-12-24 to ?-09-29. Group settlement No.74 (1) $40 Sold $30 | |||
Gnowangerup B27-a Incorrectly spelt with "NG" & not "GN". 90% strike on 1d kangaroo on piece dated 6 AU 13. PMI dates 10-09-13 to 6-08-14. (1) $40 Sold $300 | |||
Golden Ridge B27-a Two fine strikes on ½d green kangaroo pair dated 16 AP 13. PMI dates 19-01-12 to 11-04-13. (1) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Goongarrie 3b-a on 5d olive swan, wmk crown/CA, in violet ink & dated NO 7 98. A late date. $40 Sold $48 | |||
Goongarrie D27 Superb strike on 1d red KGV for 20 OC 15. PMI dates 23-11-10 to 24-05-17. (1) $30 Sold $25 | |||
Gosnells Post & Telegraph Office ORS1 with inverted date line for 15 DEC 1958 on colour illustrated "Congratulations" Telegram TG 42G. Full strike … $75 Sold $100 | |||
Granite Hills A26 Neat bullseye strike on 1½d green KGV for 22 Ap 24. PMI dates 27-06-24 to 4-09-30. Quality example with early date. $40 Sold $65 | |||
Grass Patch B28 Very fine complete cancel on 1d red swan from postal stationery printed envelope for 5 NO 12. PMI dates 31-12-12 to 7-07-26. Useful… $25 Sold $80 | |||
Grass Valley B28-a 1d surcharge on 2d yellow swans strip of 3 with 3 part strikes dated 3 10 JE 13. PMI dates 12-10-16 to 29-09-24. Scarce on swans. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Grass Valley Post & Telegraph Office ORS 1 60% strike on 1d red swan for 4 OCT 1904. PMI dates 5-08-03 to 4-10-04. A rarely seen postmark. (1) $50 Sold $130 | |||
Great Hope Valley A25 Quality almost complete strike on 1½d red KGV dated 6 MY 27. PMI dates 3-06-27 to 15-07-27. Group Settlement No. 62 & underr… $40 Sold $190 | |||
Green Hills 2c Complete but variable on 2d yellow swan on piece for AU 7 07. PMI dates 7-03-03 to 26-04-14. example. $30 Sold $26 | |||
Greenbushes Timber Mills A26 in violet ink 80% strike on 2d yellow swan dated 27 FEB 1910 & a D27 100% strike in black on 1½d brown KGV on piece f… $50 Sold $40 | |||
Greenough Savings Bank Sbi Clear & crisp 80% strike on 2d yellow swans pair for AU 9 07. PMI dates 10-11-05 to 3-04-08. (1) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Greenough Savings Bank Sbii Two part variable strikes on 2d yellow swans pair for MR 14 04. PMI dates 19-07-99 to ?-??-04. Poor quality reflected i… $30 Archived | |||
Group 69 C28 60% strike on 1½d red KGV for 14 AP 25. PMI dates 10-08-26 to 2-10-28. A bold & clear very early strike. (1) $40 Sold $50 | |||
Group 88 70% strike in blue ink on 1½d red KGV for 9 JE 26. Variable but useful. $40 Sold $55 | |||
Group 90 Dated 4 JE 27 on 1½d red KGV. 60% strike with "0" not 100% clear. $20 Sold $26 | |||
Gullawa 3b Index 1 80% strike on 2d yellow swan for 4 AP ?. PMI date 2-08-98 to 1-03-07. (1) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Gullewa 3b index 3 (indistinct) Complete strike on 1d red swans pair for SP 17 01. PMI dates 2-08-98 to 1-03-07. $30 Sold $24 | |||
Halls Creek South E31 Crisp complete strike on 1d QEII dated ? SP 5? Neat example. $30 Sold $50 | |||
Halls Creek South E35 Superb complete strike on 6½d KGVI on piece for 15 AU 52. PMI dates 8-08-52 to 1-02-56 (closed 1956). (1-2) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Hamel 3b An almost complete strike on 1d red swan for AP 19 05. PMI dates 28-06-04 to 1-07-13. Fine $30 Archived | |||
Hamilton Road Fremantle A28 complete strike on 1d green KGV dated 16 SP 31. Very fine. $30 Sold $60 | |||
Hamilton Road Fremantle A28 Full strike on 2d Kingsford Smith with indistinct date on piece. (1) $40 Archived | |||
Hamilton Road Fremantle A28 on 2d Sydney Harbour Bridge for 2 AP 32. PMI dates 31-10-29 to 25-02-38. A fine almost complete pmk. (1) $30 Sold $26 | |||
Harris A25 on 2d yellow swan for 23 NOV 09. PMI dates 15-09-06 to 6-09-10. Rarely seen so fine. (1) $40 Sold $30 | |||
Hay River D27 Lovely complete strike on 1d red swans pair on piece dated 21 MAR 10. PMI dates 11-08-08 to ?-07-10 when renamed Narrikup. $30 Sold $38 | |||
Hay St West 3b Index 1 Light bullseye strike on 2d yellow swan for 6 FE 04. (1) $40 Archived | |||
Hay St West 3b Index Nil. Lovely complete strike on 2d orange-brown KGV dated DE 7 20. A very late date with PMI dates being 8-05-03 to 16-10-16 . (1) $40 Sold $30 | |||
Helena Vale 3b Virtually complete bullseye postmarks for index 1 on 2d yellow swan for MR 21 99, index 2 on 1d red swans pair dated MR 16 99 & inde… $50 Sold $40 | |||
Hester B28 Complete but slightly smudged on 2d KGVI on piece for 25 NO 41. PMI dates 31-05-35 until close on 06-09-57. (1) $40 Archived | |||
Higginsville A25 Bullseye strike on 1d red swan for 25 AUG 06. PMI dates 25-08-06 to 20-05-46. Lovely example & useful on swans. $30 Sold $40 | |||
Highbury 3b Superb cancel on 2d yellow swan on piece for SP 9 07. PMI dates 25-10-06 to 1-08-22. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Highgate Hill 3b Complete strikes on 3d brown swans pair for OC 6 10. PMI dates 22-03-06 to 23-07-12. $40 Sold $160 | |||
Hither Green C28 complete crisp "Archival" strike on piece with no date. Scarce Group Settlement. $50 Sold $60 | |||
Holdens A28 on 3d green kangaroo for 9 DE 19. A fine complete strike on piece. $40 Sold $290 | |||
Holleton C3 Fine & complete on corner selvedge 2d KGVI on piece dated 11 MY 39. Hard to find better! $40 Sold $65 | |||
Holleton C30 complete strike on 2d SA Cent on piece for 5 DE 36. Incls write up on the origin of name from the original "Hollow's Find" township. $120 Archived | |||
Hollows Find C30 Superb full strike in blue ink on 1d green KGV pair for 30 JE 32. Not recorded in blue. $40 Sold $70 | |||
Holyoake No.8 Mill B29 Complete but variable strike on 1½d red KGV pair (rh stamp damaged) dated 20 JA 27. PMI dates 23-03-27 to 6-11-29. $40 Sold $80 | |||
Hopetoun Savings Bank Sbi 70% strike on 1d red swan (damaged) for FE 17 08. PMI dates 2-11-07 to 29-2-08. (1) $40 Sold $30 | |||
Hopetoun Savings Bank Sbi. Complete, light variable strike on 2d swan on piece dated JA 25 without a visible year. Very short period of use noted i… $50 Sold $40 | |||
Ida H A28 Bold 85% strike on 2d yellow swan for 14 SP 1909. PMI dates 11-04-07 to 1-03-11. A fine example. (2) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Ida H D28 Complete strike in violet ink on 1d kangaroo dated 10 JE 13. PMI dates 10-05-12 to 15-08-19. (1-2) $40 Sold $85 | |||
Inglehope C31 Superb complete strike on 2d KGVI for 27 MY 33. An early date with PMI dates being 11-11-36 to 31-07-43. Possible ERD. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Irwin D28 Upright bullseye strike centrally placed on block of 4 x 1d red swans dated 10 NO 10. PMI dates 18-08-10 to 16-08-58. Attractive swan usage. $50 Sold $50 | |||
Israelite Bay 3b Stunning bullseye strike on 2d yellow swan for DE 28 12. 4-07-02 to 10-01-13. The finest we have seen! $40 Sold $48 | |||
Ives Find A27 on 2d orange KGV for 14 Feb 22. PMI dates 29-11-21 to 16-10-24. (1) $40 Sold $85 | |||
Ives Find C30 on piece from PO form dated 3 JE 32. PMI dates 30-06-32 to 1-11-37. (1) $30 Sold $46 | |||
Jandakot 3b Complete variable strike on piece (possible backstamp) for SP 6 07 plus a part strike on 1d red swan on piece dated FE 28 08. PMI dates… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Jarnadup B28 on "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow swan dated 25 JA 13. PMI dates 1-07-12 to 10-12-24. Lovely example. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Jarrahdale 3a on piece from a DE 11 06 (with year slug reversed) backstamp & a 3b-a on 2d yellow swan for JY 3 02 - superb. $40 Archived | |||
Jarrahdale Number Six Mill D26 on 2d yellow swan for 5 DEC 10. PMI dates 13-11-08 to close on 28-08-13. (1-2) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Jarrahdale Post Office ORS 3 on piece from form with printed "S.B. - No.6." dated 13 JUN 0(?). PMI dates 11-05-98 to 8-10-06. Rare in green ink. $50 Archived | |||
Jarrahdale Post Office ORS 3. Two part strikes on 1d red swan multiples for FE 98 on pair in blue ink & 1 OC 99 in red ink on vertical strip of 3. … $40 Archived | |||
Jarrahdale W.A. Post Office ORS3 in reddish-violet ink for 10 NOV 1906. Latest recorded date in PMI 8-10-06. Small piece torn from lower right corn… $50 Archived | |||
Jarrahdene Mill D26 & D28 two part strikes with latter almost complete. Both on 2d yellow swans with D26 dated 21 OCT 08 (early date with PMI ERD a… $30 Sold $34 | |||
Jibberding C31 on 1d green KGV dated 21 JE 37. Bold 70% strike. (1-2) $30 Sold $60 | |||
Jourdie Hills 3b on 1d red kangaroos pair dated JU 9 13. Two 80% overlapping strikes. $30 Sold $70 | |||
Jourdie Hills 3b on 2d yellow swan for FE 21 09. 90% almost complete strike. PMI dates 14-11-04 to 6-01-14. (1-2) $30 Sold $60 | |||
Kalamunda 3b index 19 but appears as "61" due to being inverted. Dated 14 AP 08 on 1d red swan with PMI dates of 03-09-04 to 12-01-18.(1) $30 Sold $20 | |||
Kalamunda 3b index 19 on 2d yellow swan on piece for 30 NO 06 with day, month & year misplaced & inverted showing index at base & not the top. $30 Sold $20 | |||
Kalamunda Postmaster ORS2 Light strike on brown paper cut out dated 1 DEC 1941. Not recorded in PMI or PMC. Ex Brian Pope. $50 Sold $40 | |||
Kalannie C28 Bold full cancel tying 3½d UPU to piece with variable date. Attractive example. $20 Sold $20 | |||
Kalgoorlie 3b-b Nil index. Two complete strikes on 2d yellow swans pair perfined "OS" & dated FE 23 01. PMI dates 19-02-01 to 9-12-10. Rated (1) by… $30 Archived | |||
Kalgoorlie 3b-a index 4 on ½d green swans pair with selvedge dated SP 17 07. PMI dates 6-09-04 to ??-??-07. Fine. (1) $30 Sold $20 | |||
Kalgoorlie DxPO-b index 4 duplex on 1d red swans pair on piece dated MR 22 1900. PMI dates 24-??-97 to 27-04-00. Complete & superb. (1) $40 Archived | |||
Kalgoorlie DxPO-b in 5 duplex on 1d violet I.R. swans pair for JA 12 1898. A virtually complete strike. (1) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Kalgoorlie DxPO-b index 5 duplex with two fine part strike on 3 swans on piece dated SP 22 1899. These equate to one very fine complete strike. $40 Archived | |||
Kalgoorlie DxPO-c index 6 duplex on 2d yellow swans pair for AP 18 1901. PMI dates 30-06-00 to 19-11-07. Better than average example. (1) $40 Archived | |||
Kalgoorlie DxPO-c index 9 duplex on 1d red swans pair for AU 2 1904. Fine & almost complete. $40 Archived | |||
Kalgoorlie DxPO-c index 12 duplex on 1d red swans pair for JY 1 06. A bold & almost complete strike. (1) $40 Archived | |||
Kalgoorlie DxPO-c index 14 duplex on 5d olive swans for OC 3 1902. A fine 90% strike. (1) $40 Archived | |||
Kalgoorlie DxPO-c index 17 duplex on 1d red swans for JU 14 07. 70% complete. (1) $30 Archived | |||
Kalgoorlie DxPO-c duplex index 19 on 1d red swans pair on piece dated SP 11 07. 75% complete. (1) $30 Archived | |||
Kalgoorlie DxPO-d index 8 duplex for DE 28 00. PMI dates 27-01-98 to 29-08-02. Attractive 95% strike on 1d violet I.R. swans pair. (1) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Kalgoorlie DxPO-e index 6 duplex on 1d red swans vert pair for DE 14 01. PMI dates 26-01-01 to 1-12-02. 70% complete & fine. (1) $30 Archived | |||
Kalgoorlie DxPO-e index 7 duplex on 1d red swan on piece dated NO 21 00. duplex. Bold 70% strike. (1) $30 Archived | |||
Kalgoorlie DxPO-e index 12 duplex dated JA 30 01 on 2d yellow swans pair. Neat 75% clear strike. (1) $30 Archived | |||
Kalgoorlie DxPO-f index 4 duplex on 1d red swans pair on piece for JY 20 03. PMI dates 1-04-02 to 2-07-06. Attractive 80% strike. $30 Archived | |||
Kalgoorlie DxPO-f index 8 duplex on strip of 2d yellow swans x 3 on piece for MY 7 08. Late date PMI dates 1-04-06 to 2-07-06. Fine composite cance… $40 Archived | |||
Kalgoorlie DxPO-f index 9 duplex on 1d red swans pair dated NO 27 03. 80% complete. (1) $30 Archived | |||
Kalgoorlie DxPO-f index 12 duplex on 1d red swans pair for NO 6 02. 75% strike. (1) $30 Archived | |||
Kalgoorlie DxPO-f index 16 duplex on 1d red swans pair dated AP 2 1903. Far better than average. (1) $30 Archived | |||
Kalgoorlie Govt Savings Bank Oval rubber stamp ORS 3 with 2 complete & an almost complete strike on strip of 5 x 1d red kangaroo, perfined "OS" dat… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Kalgoorlie Govt Savings Bank Oval rubber stamp ORS 3 on "L" shaped block of 3 plus a single 1d kangaroo, perfined small "OS" & dated 9- JAN 1915. S… $120 Sold $120 | |||
Kalgoorlie Govt Savings Bank Oval rubber stamp ORS 3. Four strikes tying 1d red kangaroo irregular block of 5, perfined large "OS" & dated 26 JUN 1… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Kalgoorlie Govt Savings Bank Round rubber cancel tying 1d red kangaroo, perfined large "OS" to small piece dated 18 JUL 1913. Complete strike not r… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Kalgoorlie Machine cancel on strip of 3 ½d green swans dated 8AM 29 C 1913. Not listed in PMI. Fine $30 Sold $30 | |||
Kalgoorlie Paid, Registered Kalgoorlie & Kalgoorlie Parcel Post cds's on album page & annotated accordingly incl Registered on Receipt with red Kal… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Kalgoorlie Postmaster ORS3 on piece from Official form dated 5 JUN 1899. Not recorded in PMI or PMC. Ex Brian Pope. $70 Archived | |||
Kalgoorlie Railway Station 3b Two complete strikes on 3 swans on piece for AP 24 06 - the latest date listed in PMI! (1) $40 Sold $90 | |||
Kalgoorlie Registered Rectangular rubber stamp RRS 1-c on block of 6 1d red kangaroos on piece dated 20 JUN 1913. PMI dates 12-11-12 to 11-10-13. S… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Kalgoorlie Registration Branch RRS 2-a rectangular rubber h/s on 3 swans on piece for 24 JUN 97. PMI dates 2-08-97 to 11-03-02. Fine & rarely seen … $40 Sold $30 | |||
Kalgoorlie Telegraph Office C28-a Tel, light part strike on KGV 1d red for 10 DE 18. The only PMI date is 24-10-11. Also C28-b Tel with 2 strikes o… $40 Sold $65 | |||
Kamballie 3b on 2d yellow swan dated JA 3 06. Neat light bullseye strike. (1) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Kamballie 3b on 2d yellow swan for SP 15 05 with PMI dates of 13-10-05 to 13-12-07. Fine complete cancel & rated very scarce plus D27T on KGV 1d re… $40 Sold $55 | |||
Kanowna 3b-a complete bold strike on 2d yellow swan, 3b-b 90% strike on 2d grey swan & fine & 3b-c complete & crisp strike on 1d swan. All fine & r… $40 Sold $30 | |||
Katanning Postmaster ORS 1 Double oval without postcode for 10 MAR 1964 (1-2) plus postcode examples dated 29 AUG 1978 & 4 SEP 1978 (1-2) all on pi… $40 Sold $40 | |||
Katanning Post & Telegraph Office ORS2 85% strike in blue ink on 5d olive swan on piece dated 28 JUN 04. (1-2) $50 Sold $95 | |||
Katanning Savings Bank Sbi Complete strike on 2d yellow swans pair for OC 26 07. Quality strike (1-2) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Kathleen Valley CDS (1) 3b on 2d yellow swan for JA 1 08 & D27 complete strike on 2d SA Cent dated 24 AUG 39. Useful pair. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Kellerberrin (Killerberrin) 3b on 1d red swans pair with index A (1-2) dated JY 22 07 & no index on 2d yellow swan for MY 22 01. Early date not lis… $50 Sold $40 | |||
Kellerberrin Telegraph Office ORS2 on ½d green swans pair on piece for JUL 97 (1-2). Full impression. $50 Sold $40 | |||
Kelmscott dated 23 MY 39 on "OS" perfined 1½ red KGV on piece. Attractive usage. $20 Archived | |||
Kojonup Savings Bank Sbi 2 Part variable strike but complete strikes on 2d yellow swan pair. (1-2) $30 Sold $20 | |||
Kojonup Savings Bank Sbi Full strike on 2d yellow swan for AU 14 07. Very fine. (1-2) $30 Archived | |||
Kondut East B28 80% strike on 1½d red KGV pair dated 1 JA 29. (1) $40 Sold $46 | |||
Konnongorring D29 on 1d red KGV for 11 JUN 18. Early date with PMI listing date as 28 05 20 (1-2). $30 Archived | |||
Kookynie 3b index NIL on 2d yellow for APR17 03 (2) plus an index 1 on 1d red pair dated SP 9 07 (1). $40 Archived | |||
Kronkupp B28a on 1d red swan for 3 FE 13. Rarely seen on swans. (1-2) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Kumarina F31 on 5d blue QEII for 2 OCT 66. Modern but a rare full strike survivor! $40 Sold $70 | |||
Kumarl C29 on 1½d red KGV for 27 AP 29. PMI dates ?-09-29 to 22-11-30 (1) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Kundip B27 on 1d red KGV pair on piece for 1 AP 22. PMI dates 1 SEP 19 to 8 FEB 29. Closed 31-03-31 plus another B27 example on 2½d red KGVI for 2… $40 Sold $30 | |||
Kunjin B29-a (with two "NN"s at the end) on 1d red kangaroo for 7 NO 13 (1-2) plus a B29-b strike with the last "N" removed on 2d red KGV dated 5 S… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Kununoppin F31 on 5d Mawson for 18 OC 61. A very early date with PMI dating 2-08-67 to 3-10-67 & PMC circa 1967. A rarely seen modern postmark. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Kununurra Post Office ORS 1 on piece dated -7 APR 1967. Not recorded in PMI or PMC. Also Kununurra Postmaster RRS 1 on piece for 3 FEB 1981 with PM… $40 Sold $30 | |||
Kurnalpi 3b on 1d red swan for AU 30 with year omitted plus another very light part strike on 1d red swan perfined "OS" dated 7 JUL 08. Rated "rare… $40 Sold $55 | |||
Kurrenkutten B30 An almost complete 90% upright strike on 1d red kangaroo for 9 SEP 13. (1) $30 Sold $55 | |||
Kurrenkutten B30 Complete strike on 1d red swan on piece for 13 MY 13. Rated "rare" by Goulder & first we have seen on a swan. $50 Sold $65 | |||
Lake Austin 3b-a 90% strike on 2d grey swan dated AU 29 98. Very fine. (1-2) $30 Sold $48 | |||
Lake Biddy B28 on 1½d red KGV by 60% strike with date obscured (1) plus a C29 superb full strike on 2d Vic Cent on piece. (3) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Lake Clifton A26 on 2d orange KGV dated -9 DE 21. PMI dates 2-08-21 to 21-12-21. Clear 70% part strike. (1) $40 Sold $48 | |||
Lakewood Single straight line in violet on 2d red KGV without a date. Shows "KEWOO" on stamp. Not recorded in PMI. PMC date 21-22-38. Rated "rare" … $40 Archived | |||
Lambert G31 on 7c QEII on piece for -8 JE 72. Opened 15-03-71 & closed 29-07-72.Fine complete strike. A rarely seen modern day postmark with a simi… $40 Sold $30 | |||
Lanark A27 on 1½d red KGV dated 9 FEB 26. PMI date 7-03-24 to 15-07-28. Group settlement 18. Variable but complete strike. (1) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Larkinville C30 on 5d yellow-brown KGV dated 5 DE 33. PMI dates 2-08-33 to 25-5-35. Bold 75% strike. $40 Sold $55 | |||
Laverton Post & Telegraph Office ORS1. Two part strikes with one on 2½d blue swans pair dated 23 MAY 00 & second on 9d orange swan (damaged) for 9… $40 Sold $30 | |||
Laverton Savings Bank Sbii on 2d yellow on very small piece for 5 SP 7. Complete but variable strike (1). PMI dates 10-04-00 to ??-01-08. (1) $40 Sold $30 | |||
Lawlers 3b-a on 2d yellow swan for DE 15 00, the earliest date recorded in PMI. Rated "rare" by Goulder. $40 Archived | |||
Lawlers 3b-a. Three almost complete strikes on 2d yellow swans strip of 4 for SP 25 02. PMI dates 15-12-00 t 6-01-03. Clear strikes but some ink sm… $40 Archived | |||
Lawlers DxPO duplex Two neat variable strikes on strip of three 2d yellow swans for DE 14 ? PMI dates 15-02-98 to 6-02-01. (1-2) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Lawlers Savings Bank SBv Light 90% variable strike on 1d red swans pair for 13 JAN 08. (1) $40 Sold $30 | |||
Learmonth E31 Two superb strikes on QEII noticeably on piece showing both types - the first with large date line & second with a noticeably small d… $40 Archived | |||
Leederville 3b in the four indices with Nil on 3d brown (thinned) (1), 1 on 1d red swans pair (1-2), 2 on 2d grey swan (1-2) & 3 on 1d red swan (1-… $40 Archived | |||
Lennonville 3b with Nil index on 1d red swans pair for FE 26 03 (1-2) & 00 index part strike on 2d yellow swan dated 1 JUL 99. (1) $40 Sold $30 | |||
Leonora 3b-b index 1 with two part strikes on 1d red swans pair for DE 10 6. PMC date circa 1906. (1) $40 Archived | |||
Leonora 3b-b index 6 85% strike on 1d red swan dated NO 3 08. Not listed in PMI while PMC lists this as a new find by Goulder (2005). (1) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Leonora 3b-b index 9 on 2d yellow swans pair for APR 3 09. Complete variable strike. (1-2) $30 Archived | |||
Leonora Postmaster ORS 1 on piece dated -6 SEP 1976. Not recorded in PMI or PMC. Fine & complete. $30 Archived | |||
Leonora showing Mt Leonora 3b-a on 1d red swan for AU 17 99. Superb bullseye strike. (1) $40 Sold $30 | |||
Linden B29 Complete fine strike on return section of AR card dated 31 JA 51. Sent from Kalgoorlie with 3d KGVI. Rarely seen on cover. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Loongana B27 95% complete strike on 2d red KGV on piece for 15 FE 33. PMI 22-02-22 to close 1-05-55. Rated "rare" by Goulder. $50 Sold $70 | |||
Loongana B27 Full clear strike on AR card dated 15 AP 53. Sent from Kalgoorlie to Loongana with 6d kookaburra tied by neat P.P. Kalgoorlie cds. Fin… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Loongana B27 on 1d red KGV dated 11 OC 16 which is more than five years earlier than any other recorded date. 80% strike rated "rare" by Goulder. $50 Sold $38 | |||
Lunenburgh A26 Complete strike on 1d red swans pair for 25 APR 08. PMI dates 11-03-07 to 23-08-13. Rarely seen so fine. $40 Sold $30 | |||
Maddington A27 A complete variable strike in violet ink on 1d red swan on piece dated 1912. Unusual on swans. $30 Sold $25 | |||
Malcolm DxPO duplex index 3 on 2d yellow swans strip of 3 for MY 7 03. Rarely seen. (1) $40 Archived | |||
Malcolm 3b-b Index 2 on 2d yellow swan dated NO 1 06. PMI dates 8-12-04 to 31-08-06 hence late date. $40 Archived | |||
Malcolm 3b-b Index nil on 2d yellow swan for FE 13 05. PMI dates 8-12-04 to 31-08-06. (1) $40 Archived | |||
Malcolm 3b-c on 2d grey swan for APR 4 00, possibly ERD with PMI dates as 23-05-00 to 23-01-03. Light almost complete cancel. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Malcolm DxPO duplex index 2 on 1d red swans pair on piece for AU 26 ? 65% strike. (1) $30 Archived | |||
Malcolm DxPO duplex index 4 on 1d red swans pair dated NO 3 03. Attractive 80% strike. $40 Archived | |||
Malcolm DxPO duplex index nil on 1d red swans pair dated OC 2 99. (1) $40 Archived | |||
Mallina D26 Full strike tying 2½d KGVI to piece for 2 FEB 42. Rated "rare" & first we have seen! $60 Sold $130 | |||
Maninga Mapley A26 on 1d red swan for 1 AUG 12. Not listed in PMI while PMC dates circa 1907-1916. 50% strike but with clear date & the first examp… $40 Sold $30 | |||
Maninga Marley A27 An almost complete clear bullseye strike on 2d yellow swan for 27 AP 1907. Useful early date with PMI dating ??-1-07 to 1-06-13.… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Manjimup Post & Telegraph Office ORS1 Oval Rubber Stamp dated 11 JUL 1964 on Telegram Form T.G. 42 with PMI dating this c1961 & PMC date c1962. Fin… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Manmanning C28 Complete strike tying 2½d Mitchell on piece dated 12 NO ?3 (1-2) $20 Sold $20 | |||
Marble Bar Savings Bank Sbii Complete variable bullseye strike on 1d rose-pink swan (SG 139) dated JY 2 8. PMI dates 23-03-07 to 16-04-08. Later th… $60 Sold $30 | |||
Marble Bar Savings Bank SBii on 1d red swan for 5 NOV 17. Light variable 60% strike. (1) $30 Sold $24 | |||
Marble Bar Telegraph Office ORS2 in red ink on 1d red swan for 19 OCT? 50% strike but rarely seen (1) $50 Sold $40 | |||
Marble Bar Telegraph Office ORS3 Multiple strikes on horizontal strip of 20 (10x2) dated 19 JAN 1900. Unusual usage on multiple. Single cancels are… $480 Sold $625 | |||
Marchagee C30 Complete strike on part PO form dated 9 JY 30 & used for PMI illustration. PMI dates 30-06-30 to 2-02-31. Very fine. $50 Sold $65 | |||
Mardie C30 On piece with part "FORWARDED BY AIR MAIL" h/s tying 4½d violet KGV dated 30 APR 28. This is 4 years earlier than the PMI date of 1?-05… $40 Sold $110 | |||
Margaret (River) A30 on 1½d red KGV on piece dated 29 FE 27. Complete strike. PMI dates 15-02-25 to 29-03-27. Rarely seen this clear. $50 Sold $130 | |||
Marling A26 on 1½d red KGV for 10 JL 25. PMI dates 5-01-25 to 10-07-25. Useful 75% strike. (1) $40 Sold $65 | |||
Marmellup A30 on 1½d red KGV dated 18 JL 24. PMI dates 22-01-25 to 5-08-27. Variable 60% strike. (1) $40 Sold $30 | |||
Maroondah A30 Complete strike on 1½d red KGV on piece for 1 JE 26 PMI dates 1-06-26 to 29-11-29 (1) $40 Sold $160 | |||
Marradong 3a 80% strike on 2d yellow swan dated MR 3 04. An early date with PMI dates of 23-03-05 to 4-07-07. (1) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Maxicar A30 Archival strike complete on piece with April date with day & year blanked out. Very fine. $40 Sold $55 | |||
Maylands 3b indices nil & 2 on 1d red swans. Nil dated JU 9 05 & a 55% strike while index 2 is a 95% strike on pair dated JAN 25 09. Both rated (1)… $40 Archived | |||
Meckering 3b index 11 on 1d red swan for 6 NO 02. Almost complete variable strike. (1) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Meckering 3b index 5 on 2d yellow swan for 18 MY 0? 70% strike rated (1) by Goulder. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Meckering 3b index 8 on 2d yellow swan dated 16 AU 02. PMI dates 12-04-02 to 22-09-10. Light 85% strike rated (1) by Goulder. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Meekatharra Post & Telegraph Office ORS 2 Full strike in pinkish-red on telegraph form piece. $50 Sold $50 | |||
Meekatharra Postmaster ORS 3 on piece dated 5 MAR 19?4. Complete strike in violet. $40 Sold $30 | |||
Meekatharra Postmaster ORS1 Full fine impression on AR card dated 8 AUG 1966 & then changed to "4" in m/s & signed off beneath. Addressed to "Mount… $50 Sold $40 | |||
Menzies 3b-a complete crisp receival strike on ppc dated OC 12 09. Victoria 2d QV tied by Golden Square 424 duplex for OC 4 09. $30 Archived | |||
Menzies DxPO duplex index 1 on 1d red swans pair on piece for DE 3 04. Very fine. (1-2) $40 Archived | |||
Menzies DxPO-a duplexes indices 2 & 11 with former on 1d red swans pair for SP 20 ?? & latter on 1d red swans block of 4 on piece dated APR 30 01. … $50 Archived | |||
Menzies DxPO-b on 1d red swans pair on piece for JA 14 01. (1-2) $30 Archived | |||
Menzies DxPO-c duplex index 2 on 1d red swans pair dated OC 27 08. Variable but neat & almost complete. (1) $40 Archived | |||
Merredin Postmaster ORS3 dated 27 MAY 1929 on complete handwritten note with PMG letterhead, stores stock No.492. Rated "rare" by Goulder with only… $50 Sold $40 | |||
Mertondale 3b on 2d yellow swan dated SP 4 08. LRD with PMI dates of 18-05-03 to 14-07-08. Fine 90% strike. Finest we have seen. $40 Sold $55 | |||
Midland Junction E30a Two full strikes & a 90% strike tying 2d QEII x 3 to piece dated 21 MR 62. Neat multiple usage. $20 Archived | |||
Midland Junction Savings Bank SBiv index nil on 2d yellow swan for DE 8 05. 95% strike & rarely seen. $50 Sold $50 | |||
Mollerin C30 Bold complete tying 3½d Produce to piece with inverted date for 23 SP 5? Superb $40 Sold $40 | |||
Moojebing D27 Bold clear full strike on 2d KGV on piece dated 3 OC 41. $20 Sold $50 | |||
Moolyella 3b on 2d yellow swan for OC 10 8. PMI dates 14-04-06 to ?-??-25. 90% strike. (1) $40 Sold $140 | |||
Moora Savings Bank Sbi 80% light strike in violet ink on 2d yellow swan for MR 8 05. PMI dates 26-04-04 to 8-03-09. (1) $50 Sold $40 | |||
Moora W.A. Post & Telegraph Office ORS2 Clear & complete strike cut around on brown paper for 13 JAN 1945. Not listed in PMI or PMC, fine & rare. E… $80 Sold $80 | |||
Mount Barker Savings Bank Sbi on 2d yellow swan (SG 118) on piece for JA 5 05. PMI dates 13-10-04 to 30-07-05. A reasonably short recorded period o… $40 Sold $48 | |||
Mount Barker Void grid cancel in blue on 6d violet, perf. 14 swan with neighbouring cds completed in m/s for "8/1/9" on small piece. Useful proving… $90 Sold $90 | |||
Mount Magnet B27 on 3d brown swan perfined "OS" dated 12 MR 13. PMI dates 10-05-11 to 1-06-02. Rarely seen on swans. $30 Archived | |||
Mount Margaret DxPO duplex index 00. Variable strike on 1d Internal Revenue swan dated DE 7 97. A late date with PMI dates shown as 20-11-96 to 31-… $30 Sold $46 | |||
Mt Barker Savings Bank Sbi on 1d red swan for JA 4 05. PMI dates 13-10-04 to 30-07-05. 85% strike rated (1 - 2) by Goulder. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Mt Magnet DxPO duplex Complete strike on 2 x 2d grey swans on piece in blue ink for MR 20 99. PMI dates 30-01-96 to 30-10-03. (1-2) $30 Sold $24 | |||
Mt Magnet Savings Bank Sbii part strike dated MR 14 07 with "Mt M" only visible of place name on 9d orange, perf 11 (SG 157, ACSC W52A, Cat. $200 (… $60 Sold $30 | |||
Mt Malcolm Savings Bank SBii listed in both PMI and PMC. 60% strike on 3d brown swan for MAR 17 05. (1) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Muchea B30 Two fine strikes on 1d red KGV in black ink for 1 MAY 15 & another on 4d orange KGV in purple ink dated 26-??-18 (blotchy). PMI dates 4-… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Mulwarrie 3b Fine full strike on 2d yellow swan on piece for DE 5 02 (early). Possible ERD with PMI dates 12-12-02 to 22-07-06. Very fine. (1-2) $40 Sold $46 | |||
Mumballup D27-b on 1d red KGV on piece dated 23 AUG 18. Another ERD with PMI dates of 28-07-29 to 25-09-59 & PMC dating it circa 1929-1959. Fine fu… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Mummballupp D26-a on 2d yellow swan for 28 JUN 09 & possibly the ERD with PMI dates of 21-08-09 to ?-03-14. 90% strike rated (1) by Goulder. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Mundabullangana A25 on 1½ red KGV for 1 JL 30. PMI dates 11-07-30 to 22-08-30 while PMC dates it from 1930 to close circa 1935) Fine example rated… $40 Sold $30 | |||
Mundabullangana Complete strike on 5d KGV on Perth addressed env with By Air Mail vignette, 5d being correct rate to Perth. Minor edge staining acr… $75 Archived | |||
Mundabullangana Post Office ORS 3 across strip of 3 x 1d red KGV dated 3 JAN 1921. A complete but variable strike. Previously unrecorded. $200 Archived | |||
Mundaring 3b in two colours with violet ink dated JU 28 05 & black ink for SP 14 09. Both fine complete strikes. & rated (1-2) by Goulder. $50 Sold $40 | |||
Mundaring Savings Bank SBi in violet ink on 1d red swan for JU 20 ?? Smudged 90% strike making year difficult to decipher. Rated "rare" by Goulder. $30 Archived | |||
Mundijong 2c Full light variable strike on 2d yellow swan on piece for NO 2 06 (?) PMI dates 3-09-02 to 8-06-08. Not often seen complete. (1) $40 Archived | |||
Mundijong Post & Telegraph Office ORS 3 70% strike on vertical pair of 1d red swans dated 13 JUL 1898. PMI dates 30-05-98 to 14-12-06. (1-2) $40 Sold $30 | |||
Mundiwindi B27 with large date & a 2 letter month on 2d orange KGV for 8 APR 21 plus another strike complete on 2d red Kingsford-Smith on piece dat… $40 Sold $40 | |||
Muntadgin B28 Complete bold strike on 1½d WA Cent on piece with illegible date. $25 Sold $25 | |||
Muntadgin B28 Two complete strikes on 1927 1½d Canberra commems dated 14 JUL 27. PMI dates 22-02-26 to1-10-32. Most attractive. $30 Sold $24 | |||
Myalup C30 on 2d red KGV on piece for 26 SE 32. PMI dates 14-03-32 to 26-10-32. Complete strike not often seen & rated (1-2) by Goulder. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Myalup C30 on 3d Kingsford Smith dated 2 JU ? Interesting. (1-2) $30 Sold $20 | |||
Nabawah D28 on 1d red swan for ? AUG 12. PMI dates 15-08-11 to 7-02-27. 50% strike but rarely seen on swans. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Nannine 3bs Both types & virtually complete strikes with 3b-a showing "W.A." further apart dated DE 8 06 (PMI dates 18-11-99 to 8-05-07) & 3b-b wit… $40 Archived | |||
Nannine DxPO duplex on 1d red swans pair for MR 25 06. PMO dates 21-03-99 to 2-12-08. Almost complete & best we have seen. (1). $40 Archived | |||
Naraling B28 Full strike on AR card with large 22 MY 43 dateline. Rated "rare" by Goulder. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Narrogin Postmaster ORS 1 Dated 6 MAR 1956 on piece in violet. A very early date with PMI dating it circa 1963. (2) $40 Sold $30 | |||
Narrogin Savings Bank Sbi Complete bullseye strike on 3d swan for JY 18 6. Rated "rare" by Goulder & a superior example. $60 Sold $30 | |||
Narrogin Savings Bank Sbi on 2d yellow swan for JA 25 06 on piece. Rated "rare" by Goulder. $50 Sold $25 | |||
Nedlands Postmaster (with 6009 post code) ORS 1 PMI date circa 1975 (1-2) & RRS 1 PMI date circa 1980 (1-2). Both fine strikes complete on piece da… $40 Sold $40 | |||
Nembudding A27 on 1d red KGV pair for 2 DE 21 (PMI dates 2-12-21 to 1-12-36 ) & E30 type on 1d QM on piece dated 15 NOV 40 (1). PMI dates 21-04-43 … $40 Sold $40 | |||
Nevoria C30 Complete strike on reverse of AR card dated 11 AU 39. Front with 1939 (27th Jul) 1d green & 2d red KGV perf W/A tied by Boulder 27 JY 3… $40 Sold $65 | |||
Nevoria C30 on 2d red KGV on piece for ? NOV 38. PMI dates 17-08-36 to 12-06-39. Full bold strike (1-2) $30 Sold $24 | |||
New Norcia 3b Index nil on 2d yellow swan for 29 JAN 1905 (1) & 3b index 1 on 1d red swans pair dated MY 10 07 (1-2). PMI dates 1-01-97 to ?-12-12.… $40 Archived | |||
Newcastle Dx L-2 duplex on 1d swans pair for on piece SP 29 09. PMI dates 28-12-92 to 28-02-10. Fine and virtually complete. $30 Archived | |||
Newlands 3b on 2d yellow swan dated JU 21 with no year visible. Bullseye but variable strike. (1) $30 Archived | |||
Nolan's C30. Complete strike on piece for 6 JY 29. "c1929 known in same building as Gingin Brook East". Possibly a back stamp & offered "as is". $50 Sold $180 | |||
Normans Lake A30 Complete strike tying 3d blue KGV perfined "OS" to AR card dated 24 FE 1930. Rated "rare" by Goulder. $50 Sold $220 | |||
Norseman DxPO duplex on 2d yellow swan on piece for MY 1 01. PMI dates 21-11-00 to 22-08-10. A superior strike. (1-2) $40 Archived | |||
North Dandalup 3b Bullseye variable strike on 3d brown for JY 21 03. PMI dates 13-08-03 to 18-08-12. $30 Sold $30 | |||
North Dandalup 3b on 2d yellow swan on piece dated 28 NO 05. PMI dates 13-08-03 to 18-08012. Superb full strike. (1-2) $30 Sold $30 | |||
North Fremantle Savings Bank Probably Sbi being a 55% part strike on 1d red swan for JU 2? 03. PMI states "no strike available for illustration" wi… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Northam Duplex DXPO index nil on 1d red swans pair on piece for AU 14 03. PMI dated 1-06-93 to 12-04-06. Fine (1) $40 Archived | |||
Northam DxPO duplex index "C" on 1d red swans pair on piece for JU 6 1905. PMI date 1-06-93 to 12-04-10. Fine 80% strike. $40 Archived | |||
Northam DxPO duplex index 2 on 1d red swans pair for FE 21 05. PMI dates 1-06-93 to 12 -04-06. Very fine 90% strike. $40 Archived | |||
Northam DxPO duplex index 6 on 1d red swans pair on piece dated JU 17 03. PMI dates 1-06-93 to 12-04-06. Very fine 95% postmark. $40 Archived | |||
Northam Immigration Centre (Northam Immgn Cntr) E31 Full variable strike on part document piece dated 31 SE ? Closed in 1951. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Northam Mil P.O. Ea 30 Full crisp strike on PO form for ? SE 49. Fine example & rated "rare". $40 Archived | |||
Northam Postmaster ORS 1 in violet on piece for 21 APR 1964. PMI date circa 1964. A fine modern rarity. $40 Archived | |||
Oldbury A30 on 2d red KGV for 13 FE 36. PMI dates 14-11-25 to close on 09-09-39. Group settlements 33, 35 and 91. Fine part strike & rated "very sc… $40 Sold $48 | |||
Onslow 3b Four strikes on 4 x 2d grey swans on piece dated MY 30 00. PMI dates 21-11-99 to 7-10-10. Attractive multiple franking. $40 Sold $30 | |||
Paddington A28 on 1d red swans pair for7 AU 1909 (2). A fine complete strike. (2) $40 Sold $30 | |||
Palace Hotel 3b on 2d yellow swan dated JU 24 12. PMI dates 20-02-05 to 5-07-12 Superb bullseye strike. (1-2) $30 Sold $20 | |||
Palace Hotel 3b with four individual strikes on 2d yellow block of 4 dated JU 18 12. PMI lists latest date as 5-7-12. Attractive exhibition piece. $150 Sold $150 | |||
Palmers Find C3 on 2d Vic Cent for 25 FE 1935 plus Mount Palmer C30 on 2d KGV dated 19 SE 39 after Palmers Find was renamed on 27-09-05. Two fine s… $40 Sold $120 | |||
Pay Train Trans Australian Railway with first being CM 25mm type with a reported use of 1923 to 1940. A fine strike on piece dated 2- SEP 36. Also … $50 Sold $65 | |||
Paynes Find B29 on "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow swan dated 22 JE 13. PMI dates 7-10-12 to 1-10-56. Unusual on swans. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Perth (Chief) Telegraph Office CDS L28-b Complete variable strike on part Telegram piece dated 13 JL 42. Recorded as "Stamps per favour" in PMI. $40 Archived | |||
Perth 6000 1990 "Penny Black" Stamp Anniversary M/S on FDC pmkd with Perth Swan pictorial cancel with the "ANNIVERARY" missing "S" variety. Incls n… $30 Archived | |||
Perth Cashier Complete strike on Money Order piece dated 2? JUN ?. Useful Official usage. $40 Archived | |||
Perth Diamond "80" cancels x 2. First on 1/- sage green swans vert pair (SG 62) & other on 1883 1d yellow-ochre (SG 82) Both clear strikes. (2) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Perth Postal Manager "10 September 1990 Official Opening of the New Post Office 66 St Georges Tce" cachet in blue with neighbouring "POSTAL MANAGER… $20 Sold $20 | |||
Perth Travelling Post Office T.P.O. GPO 1. Two 85% strikes on vertical pair of 2d yellow swans for 7 NO 12. PMI date 20-12-09 to 23-09-18. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Perth Warship Mail Section 6958 Full strike tying 50c Wildflower pair to piece. Dated 20 APR ? on this 2005 issue. Not yet listed. $30 Sold $24 | |||
Pindalup B29 on 4d orange kangaroo for 16 OC 14. PMI dates 20-11-12 to 10-06-36. Fine & attractive. $30 Sold $110 | |||
Pinedale Ea 31 Complete bold strike on ½d kangaroo for 4 FE 60. PMI dates 31-12-59 to 7-11-62. Also an undated straight line "PINEDALE" rubber h/s… $40 Sold $55 | |||
Pingelly Savings Bank SBi on 1d red swans pair for AU 6 06. PMI dates 5-08-06 to 31-08-07. Fine early strike. (1) $40 Sold $30 | |||
Pinjarrah CDS 1 Cut to shape on piece dated MR 14 1864. PMI dates 17-04-60 to 9-08-77. Clear bold strike. (1-2) $30 Archived | |||
Plavins Mill A29 85% crisp strike on 1½d red KGV for 29 OCT 24. Possible ERD with PMI dating this from 15-11-26 to close on 27-09-28. (1) $40 Sold $46 | |||
Poondina D27 on 1½d black-brown KGV pair on piece for ? SEPT 24. PMI dates 23-08-16 to 30-07-29. Two part strikes but stamp colour obscures detail… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Preston DxL-2 Duplex on 1d red swans pair for AP 26 97. PMI dates 2-01-92 until renamed "Donnybrook" on 13-01-98. (1) $40 Sold $30 | |||
Pt Walter Mil PO Complete strike on PO form dated 2 OC ?1 Previously unrecorded & not listed in Haynes. A new find! $90 Sold $90 | |||
Quairading 1939-2009 selection arranged on album pages with photocopies of about 10 different types & actual examples of 30+ different postal marki… $40 Sold $40 | |||
Quairading Postmaster ORS 1 in red on Official form piece. Dated 18 JUL 1967. PMI and PMC dates circa 1963. Rated (1) $30 Archived | |||
Qualeup Office Seal described as "Ink Impression" on piece. Unlisted in PMI. PMC lists circa 1927-1974. Sold "as is". $20 Sold $20 | |||
Quindalup 12 Bar 24 numeral obliterator cancel on 2d chrome-yellow swan. This is the 4th scarcest of all the 12 Bar numeral cancels. Better than av… $40 Sold $30 | |||
Quindalup 3b on 1d red swans pair dated JU 4 00. PMI dates 26-01-97 to 25-11-09. 80% strike rated "rare" by Goulder. $40 Sold $30 | |||
Quindanning Westn Austra D25 on 2d orange KGV. Late 1921 date with indistinct day & month slug. PMI dates 16-08-17 to 8-05-19. Fine & rated "very s… $30 Sold $30 | |||
R.A.A.F. No. 850? Possibly Cunderdin with "1" missing? tying 2d mauve KGVI to piece dated 28 OC 45. $30 Archived | |||
Reedy W.A. Post & Telegraph Office ORS2 Complete strike on brown paper cut out. Dated 29 JUL 1944 with PMI dating it 25-09-39 to 1-01-47. Rated "ra… $70 Sold $55 | |||
Riverina C29 on 5d chestnut KGV on piece for 13 SEP 38. PMI dates 17-07-36 to 17-04-40. (1) $40 Sold $30 | |||
Riverina D28 on 1d red KGV dated 20 NO 17, PMI's earliest recorded date through to 31-01-22. Useful 80% strike. (1) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Roebourne 12 bar 30 numeral on 3 x 1/- green swans, CR/CA wmk, perf. 14. $30 Archived | |||
Roebuck Bay 2b Bullseye 80% strike on 4d chestnut swan, CR/CA wmk, perf. 14 dated OC 12 without year slug. PMI dates 19-12-90 to renaming as Broome… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Round Hill B29 on 1d red swan dated 20 MR 13. PMI dates 19-11-12 to 22-04-47. 70% bold strike & rarely seen on swans. $40 Sold $30 | |||
Round Hill B29 Superb cds tying ½d kangaroo to piece dated 19 NO 42. (2-3) $20 Sold $20 | |||
Shotts B29-a on 1d red kangaroo on piece for 24 SP 13. Possible LRD as PMI dates from 8-02-13 to 21-05-13. Also Shotts B29-b on KGVI defins also on… $50 Sold $180 | |||
Sandstone Savings Bank SBv on 2d yellow swan dated 3 MAY 08. PMI dates 3-10-07 to 3108-08. Light variable strike. (1) $40 Sold $30 | |||
Sandstone Savings Bank Sbv 50% strike on 2d yellow swan for 1 SEP (?). Rated "rare" by Goulder. $30 Sold $20 | |||
Sandstone Savings Bank SBv fine strike on 2d yellow swan for 24 SEP 0? PMI dates 3-10-07 to 31-08-08. Fine 60% strike. (1) $50 Archived | |||
Serpentine 3b on 1d red swans pair on piece for 4 MY 08. PMI dates 12-03-06 to 9-10-14. Complete strike rated (1-2) by Goulder. $30 Sold $24 | |||
Serpentine CDS1 on 2d yellow swan for FE 11 1882. PMI dates 12-06-61 to 1-07-04. Rated (1) by Goulder. $50 Sold $50 | |||
Serpentine D28 Bullseye strike on 4d orange KGV dated -? AU 16. PMI dates 3-07-16 to 28-05-23 (1) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Serpentine D28 on 2d orange KGV for 10-??-22. PMI dates 3-07-16 to 28-05-23. (1) $30 Archived | |||
Shackleton A27 on 1d red KGV for 10 JA 1917. ERD with PMI dates from 18-10-18 to 3-05-66. An 80% clear early strike. $30 Sold $24 | |||
Sharks Bay 3b on 2d grey swan for OC 14 93 ERD with PMI dating this from 8-07-94 to ?-09-09. (1) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Siberia B28 on 2d KGV SJ dated 6 JL 35. PMI dates ?-??-28 to 15-10-38. Very fine. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Southern Cross 2a Complete bullseye strike on vertical pair of 1d red swans for SP 4 1907. PMI dates 10-11-89 to 23-04-10. Seldom seen in its entir… $30 Sold $42 | |||
Southern Cross Paid Pd X29 Complete strike on Telegram Form piece. Useful genuine usage. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Star of the East 3b Usual light variable full strike on 1d red swan for 11-??-??. PMI dates ??-12-00 to 10-08-01. (1) $40 Sold $46 | |||
Station Peak 3b applied as an "Office Stamp" on Commonwealth of Australia Post Office Telegraphs, Western Australia" ET1 form dated JY 6 05. PMI da… $75 Sold $75 | |||
Station Peak 3b Two complete variable strikes on 2 x 2d yellow swans on piece for AUG 16 04. PMI dates 16-03-04 to close (1-11-11). (1) $40 Sold $55 | |||
Swanleigh 6056 "St John Ambulance Australian Cadet Camp 1-14 Jan 1977" Pictorial pmk dated 1 JAN 1977 tieing 18c Wildflower to matching commem env.… $30 Archived | |||
Tenterden A25 Receival cds dated 4 FEB 25 on AR card with 2 x 1½d red KGV, single wmk perfined "OS" & tied by Perth Registered cds's. Noted "eight… $30 Sold $30 | |||
The Granites 3b Partial 80% strike on 2d yellow swan for JY 10 01. PMI dates 7-04-01 to 24-08-02. (1) $40 Sold $30 | |||
The Granites 3b Complete strike on 1d red swans pair for FE 18 01. PMI dates 7-04-01 to 24-08-02. A useful early date. $40 Sold $40 | |||
The Lakes A29 on cardboard parcel piece dated 11 JA 67. PMI dates 30-11-66 to 2-07-67. A scarce modern postmark. $40 Sold $30 | |||
Thornlie W.A. 6103 Postmaster ORS1 Full strike cut around & mounted on piece. Not listed in PMI or PMC. Ex Brian pope. $30 Archived | |||
Tom Price Oval commem for "150th Anniversary Discovery of Mount Bruce The Pilbara" dated 3rd July 2011 on matching illust commem cover. No. 59 of 1… $20 Sold $20 | |||
Torbay Junction 3b on 2d yellow swan for OC 6 05. PMI dates 20-02-05 to 1-07-08. Complete strike. $40 Sold $30 | |||
Trafalgar (Lake View) 3b-c on 2d yellow swan on piece dated JA 6 08. Lake View was renamed "Trafalgar" in 1909. PMI dates 24-02-06 to 11-03-08. Sup… $40 Archived | |||
Trafalgar CDS 3b index nil on 5d olive-green, perf. 11, wmk CR/A dated JY 20 09. PMI dates 1904-1906. Extremely fine strike. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Travelling Post Office Great Southern Railway TPO GS6 index nil on 1d red swans pair for JY 8 98. PMI dates 7-11-97 to 17-08-00. A little blurred b… $40 Sold $40 | |||
Travelling Post Office WA - Great Southern Railway TPO GS2 on piece for SP 3 1892. PMI dates 6-09-91 to 5-06-93. Very fine. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Trayning Pd E31 "PAID AT" in red ink on piece for 25 AU 58 as displayed in PMI plus Pd H31 dated 2 SE 76 also on piece. Attractive full strikes. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Trayning B29 on 2d red swans pair dated 5 JY 12. PMI dates 20-11-12 to 21-11-60. Average strike but scarce on swans. $30 Archived | |||
Tuckanarra 3b on 2d yellow swan for JY 8 03 & A27 on 2d Silver Jubilee dated 30 AUG 35. Both fine complete impressions. $50 Sold $50 | |||
Turkey Creek 3b Two superb upright strikes on 1d red swans pair for 27 4 10. $40 Sold $75 | |||
Turkey Creek 3b with 2 different dateline slugs on 2d yellow stamps. First with month in letters for AU 28 03 & second being an all digit date line… $60 Sold $140 | |||
Turkey Creek B29 on 1d red swan for 5 JA 13 (stamp damaged). PMI dates 6-11-17 to 14-02-66. Rarely seen on swans. $40 Sold $40 | |||
University Crawley E30. Two examples, the first with the large date on 2 x ½d orange kangaroos on piece for 5 JA 50. (PMI dates 20-01-53 to 31-01-… $50 Sold $40 | |||
Upper Preston D27 on 1d red swans pair for 24 JUN 08, possibly ERD with PMI dating from 24-06-08 to 29-09-09. Fine pair. Handle carefully as some p… $60 Sold $60 | |||
Vasse Crown Paid in blue ink on piece with "Vasse" above in m/s. Fine & clear. $50 Sold $40 | |||
Victoria Park B28 Part strike on 1d red swan dated 25 SE 12. PMI dates 22-02-12 to 31-12-74. Rarely seen on swan stamps. Complete 1963 strike on pi… $40 Archived | |||
Waddi Forrest C29 on 2½d surcharge on 2d red KGVI dated 3 MR 42. Early date with PMI dating 9-11-43 to 22-11-44. Fine 65% part strike $50 Sold $60 | |||
Waddington B27 on 1½d red KGV for 8 AU 22. An early date with PMI dating it from 2-03-23 to close on 30-07-65. Fine & rated "rare" by Goulder. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Waeel 3b. Complete variable bullseye strike on 2d orange stationery cutout dated JE 21 05 - the same as the earliest recorded date in PMI. (1) $30 Sold $42 | |||
Wagin D27 on 9d orange swan, wmk Cr/A, perf. 12½ in red ink & dated 8 SE 11. PMI dates 8-09-11 to 8-07-70. Scarce on swans. $60 Sold $50 | |||
Wagin Savings Bank Sbii 70% strike on 2d yellow swan for MY 11 03 PMI dates 21-06-00 to 29-10-09 (1) $50 Sold $50 | |||
Wagin Telegraph Office ORS1 & Wagin Postmaster ORS1 together on the same piece dated 22 DEC 1975. Telegraph Office not listed in PMI or PMC. $50 Sold $50 | |||
Walkaway 3b Bullseye strike on vertical pair of 1d red swans dated OC 25 06. PMI dates 27-06-00 to 29-08-12. Rated "rare" by Goulder. $40 Archived | |||
Walkaway WA Postmaster ORS3 Full variable strike on piece for 13 DEC 1929. Not recorded in PMI or PMC. Ex Brian Pope. $70 Sold $55 | |||
Wallal 3b on 1d kangaroo for JY 27 14. PMI &PMC dates 6-05-07 to ?. A light but full strike. (1) $50 Sold $200 | |||
Wallal B27 Superb strike on 1d red KGV for 10 NO 19. Possible ERD as PMI dates 19-05-20 to 15-06-23. $50 Sold $100 | |||
Wallal C30 95% complete strike on 2d red KGV on piece dated 04 MY 32. Rare strike with date somewhat blurred. PMI date ?-05-32 to close 31-07-38. $50 Sold $150 | |||
Wanneroo W.A. Gemboree April 4-7 1980 with 2 pictorial impressions on set of 6c to 10c Gemstone stamps on matching envs x 10. Useful for swapping! … $40 Sold $40 | |||
Wanneru (b) E40 80% strike on 3½d Produce dated 10 AP 53. PMI dates 20-06-50 to -8-06-53. The accompanying part strike on 1d swan suggests that th… $30 Sold $46 | |||
Wanneru C29 Full strike on "Counter No…." piece. Undated suggesting an archival strike. PMI dates 30-05-39 to 27-02-43. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Wardiring C30 Fine 90% strike on 2d Sydney Harbour Bridge for 13 AP 32. PMI dates 21-12-27 to 5-03-39. (1) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Warner Glen A30 on 1½d red KGV on piece for 2 SE 25, a very early date with PMI dating it 28-11-27 to 14-01-29. Group settlement no. 75. $50 Sold $150 | |||
Waroona Savings Bank SB iv Complete strike on 1d red swan on piece dated DE 8 06. PMI dates 16-05-02 to 25-01-08. A superb example. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Waroona Savings Bank Sbiv Bullseye strike on 4d chestnut swan (SG 99) for JU 17 4. (1-2) $30 Sold $24 | |||
Waroona Savings Bank Sbiv Bullseye strike on 5d Postage Due (SG D17) dated JY 31 02. Rated "scarce" by Goulder. $30 Sold $20 | |||
Waroona WA Postmaster ORS2 Cut around full strike on brown env. Light & variable with indistinct date. Not listed in PMI or PMC. Ex Brian Pope. $40 Archived | |||
Waroona. Post Office. ORS1 Neatly cut around on brown env dated 21 APR 1945. Not listed in PMI or PMC. Ex Brian Pope. $60 Archived | |||
Warralockin C30 on piece as illustrated in PMI dated 7 AU 09 on piece. Possibly an archival strike? Rated "rare" by Goulder. $40 Sold $110 | |||
Waterfall A26 part strike on which the illustration in PMI is based dated for 18 NOV 08 (the only PMI date) plus Waterfall D28 on 2 x 2d swans with… $60 Sold $70 | |||
Waterous Mill D26 An almost bullseye strike on 2d yellow swan dated 27 FEB 09. PMI dates 18-06-08 to close on 7-01-10. Superb! $50 Sold $190 | |||
Waverley 3b on 1/- green swan for SP 24 10. PMI dates 2-03-00 until renaming to Siberia (b) 4-01-15. $50 Sold $55 | |||
Waverly Post & Telegraph Office ORS3 on 1d red swan with part date of 14 MAY 19??. PMI date 30-04-12. Excellent clarity. (1) $60 Sold $60 | |||
Wellard A27 Complete strike on 1½d green KGV on piece for 13 MY 24. PMI dates 8-12-23 to close on 28-02-59. Group settlement 71. Fine. (1-2) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Wellington Dam Ea 30 Full strike on ½d kangaroo & 1d QEII on piece for 20 MY 59. PMI dates 21-03-58 to close on 28-07-60. Fine complete strike. (1-2) $40 Sold $30 | |||
Welshpool D26-a 80% strike on 1d red swan dated 30 OC 11. PMI dates 30-10-11 to ?-??-16. Difficult to find on swans. $30 Sold $30 | |||
West Leederville B 28 60% strike on 1d red swan for 7 NO ? PMI dates 27-08-12 to 6-10-65. Rarely seen on swans. $30 Sold $30 | |||
West Perth (a) B28 on 4d orange kangaroo perfined large "OS" & dated 10 NO 15. PMI dates 17-04-15 to close on 1-12-17. Extremely fine. (1-2) $40 Sold $220 | |||
West Subiaco D27 on 1d red swan dated 13 FE 12. PMI dates 22-12-0? To 13-02-21. Unusual on swans. $40 Sold $30 | |||
Westbrook 3b on 1d red swan dated MY 19 05. PMI date 29-07-04 until renaming to Kulyalling in 1907. Very fine. (1) $50 Sold $65 | |||
Weston B29-9 on 1d red kangaroo with right selvedge. Dated 20 SE 13. PMI states renamed to Westonia on 1-10-13 but used after renaming until 3-04-1… $60 Sold $150 | |||
Whelarra C25 Part strike on 4½d violet KGV for ? NO 26. PMI lists no dates while PMC dates c1928-29. $50 Sold $65 | |||
Whim Creek 3b index 1 on 3 x 2d yellow swans dated SP 10 07. PMI dates 29-01-01 to 15-01-09. Fine & rated (1) by Goulder. $50 Sold $50 | |||
Whim Creek 3b index 1. 1d red, 2d yellow & 6d violet swans struck with individual cancels on piece for AP 2 03. Scarce & attractive. $90 Archived | |||
White Flag 3b in violet on 2d grey swan, CR/CA wmk, perf. 12 & dated DE 3 9? (6 or 8). Closed on 23-12-97 with PMC dating it c1897 only. Light part… $50 Sold $95 | |||
White Peak 70% strike on 1½d green KGV for 12 JA 24, the earliest recorded date in PMI. Fine part strike. (1-2) $30 Sold $42 |