Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Norfolk Is 1947-1992 FDC's range in 3 Cumberland albums incl 1947 (10th June) Ball bay set of 12 on 2 Reg illus covers with "NORFOLK ISLAND" h/s on…
Norfolk Is 1960's-1980's range on Hagners. Many blocks of 4 to $5, plus strips in multiples. At least 25 different sets in blocks, plus 1956 2/- Pi…
Sold $80
Norfolk Is 1981-1995 Pre-stamped Envelopes range in Cumberland FDC album. All Pmkd First Day. Excellent unaddressed cond. (36)
Norfolk Is 1987 Parrots (3), 1990 Robins (2), 1994 Noddy (6) FDC's all signed by British bird enthusiasts (Bird Magazine editor, WWF for Nature cha…
Sold $30
Norfolk Is 1993-1998 FDC's selection on official unaddressed covers. Noted Diana sheetlet, 1993 Nudibranchs, 1997 Stamp Anniv & 1998 Cats. A diffic…
Sold $20
Papua 1907-1941 MLH & used collection on leaves with 1907/10 "Small Papua" defins to 1/- MLH & 4 used values; "Large Papua" to 2/6d MLH (ex 2½d), …
Sold $240
Papua, NWPI & PNG on 27 Hagners in binder. Sparse to 1930's but incls NWPI 2d & 1/- kangaroos, ½d, 1d, 2d, 4d KGV MUH/MLH, few Huts & 1931 ovpts, …
Sold $100
Papua & PNG Collection on Hagners with MLH & used. Starts with 1901 BNG to 1/- MLH (4d used) heavily hinged; range of Papua ovpts incl 1/- F/U; "On…
Sold $300
PNG MUH & used collection to late 1980's (odd later incl 10K Stamp Duty ovpt MUH) in 3 ring binder & stockbook. Noted 1/7d Cattle F/U, 1966 Butterf…
Sold $135
PNG 1952-1984 Used & CTO collection in springback binder. Not complete but noted 1952/59 to £1, 1/7d Cattle, £1 Queen (also Specimen), Bird sets,…
PNG 1952-1989 collection on Seven Seas leaves complete MUH, MLH or used & in most cases both. Includes 10/- Rabaul & £1 QEII "Specimens" ovpts MLH…
PNG 1952-1989 in Seven Seas Hingeless album with 1952 defins to 2/6d & 1958 to 5/- through to 1966 MLH, thereafter complete MUH incl M/S's.
PNG 1980-1984 issues MUH on Seven Seas hingeless leaves. Also 76 stamp packs with light duplication covering 1970's to 1980's issues.
Sold $65
PNG 1980-1992 FDC's collection in Cumberland album. All unaddressed covers with numerous thematics. Noted 1982/83 Corals, 1984 K5 Bird of Paradise,…
PNG 1984-1997 Pre-stamped Envelopes in FDC album. All Pmkd First Day. Excellent unaddressed cond. (40)
PNG 1986-1990 Year Albums. Excellent cond. Retail at $200+ (5)
PNG 1990-2000 MUH collection (ex 1994 Provisionals) on Seven Seas leaves. Incl 1995 Bird of Paradise original "thin" & "thick" ovpts, all sets & M/…
Sold $150
PNG 1993-1998 FDC's range on unaddressed covers incl Exhib M/S's. Noted 12th April 1995 K1 & K10 Artefacts. Retail $130+ (20)
Sold $30
PNG incl some pre-war to 1982 mixed MLH, MUH & used in stockbook. Also some addressed FDC's & 10/- Rabaul, £1 QEII, 1964 Birds & 1968 Shells sets …
Sold $70
Territories 1960's-1980's MUH accumulation with low value Norfolk Is full sheets; Christmas Is, Nauru, Cocos & PNG packs (latter incl 1994 Year Alb…
Sold $150
Territories 1994 Aust Post collection/folder. Incls. AAT, Christmas & Cocos Islands MUH. Retails $90
Sold $30
Territories 1995-1997 Year Folders in binder. Excellent cond. (3)
Sold $50
Territories Cocos & Christmas Is with later sheetlets, M/S's & gutters noted. All MUH with high retail on 1990's issues. FV $100+
Sold $70
Territories AAT, Christmas & Cocos Is. on Hagners in red Hagner binder. Mainly used range oddments to 2008, mostly with mainland cancels. Average t…
Territories First Day Covers 1967-1980 incl Cocos Is 1979 Fish, Christmas Is 1972 Ships, PNG range with useful thematics, Nauru incl 1978 Scouts in…
Territories On stockcards & Hagners with some duplication but useful noted incl PNG second PD's to 3/- FU, 1968 Shells to $2 x 2 MUH, AAT used oddm…
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Box Lots
Suitcase of World in 18 small albums with additional pickings in ice-cream container, tins (incl one with swans in bundleware), envelopes etc. Aust…
Sold $170
"Downsizing" suitcase lot with everything but the kitchen sink! Incls IOM pres packs, Aust pre-decimal & early decimals common MUH some in blocks, …
Sold $100
Accumulation of lower value auction lots incl Br. Commonwealth collection in album (mixed cond., worth about 1/20 cat. of $4000), group of W.A. imp…
Sold $340
Mainly used World accumulation in 10 old stockbooks (7 Chinese), strong in postcards but nothing of serious value sighted - just 1000s of stamps to…
Sold $50
World accumulation in suitcase with Statesman album of issues, shoeboxes & tins of world & Aust on & off paper. Interesting bundle of covers incl 1…
Sold $180
Australia 1940's to 1960's on & off paper accumulation in a box. Mixture of machine & cds cancels from different states. May reward the patient! (1…
Sold $40
Small box of world covers of mainly Aust decimal FDC's, but also South Africa commercially used & 1977 Roses postcards unused; odd GB/NZ maxicard; …
Sold $85
Huge quantity of used World sorted in envs incl Aust, GB, Canada, USA & unusually Barbados & Bahamas. Pickings incl postmarks. Also general world i…
Sold $95
Small case of World in albums & stockbooks with majority used duplicated GB & Australia. Some odd mint with pickings in basic early used GB & thema…
Sold $60
Hundreds of envelopes with Albany slogan cancels of 1950's & 1960's. Suit specialist.
Sold $45
World in 16 small stockbooks plus 2 empty. Box of loose mixed world. Good variety mint & used. (1000s)
Sold $20
Accumulation in attractive wicker picnic basket with majority Australian incl pre-decimal oddments MUH, MLH & used sorted in envs with WA noted. St…
Sold $210
Collectors clean out with used stockbooks, Royal Wedding album, covers & envelopes. Noted AAT 1966 set FU with AAT cancels, GB 1890 Penny Postage J…
Sold $100
All sorts with on/off paper, packs, Swiss PTT cards, covers (FDC & commercial), stamps on leaves & Vario sheets, stockbook of USA, etc. Untidy but …
Sold $30
Tin of early Pre-decimal Aust with some WA revenues & odd complete envs noted. Very mixed cond but untouched as per vendors find in house clear out…
Sold $110
World with lots of cheap stamps in 2 exercise books, junior "Globe" album, stockbook & 2 peg fitting albums. Noted Singapore $10 Drum used but almo…
Sold $30
Australia 1950's-1980's bulk lot of cheaper defins & commems sorted into envelopes, housed in 2 cartons. All appear off paper, but cds examples in …
Sold $70
World in 8 albums of mixed mint & used incl Russia, PNG, Poland, Bulgaria, NSW registration labels, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, British Commonwealth & t…
Sold $30
Collector's consignment in 30x45x25cm tin trunk with 1953 Ackland Aust. Catalogue, 2 albums with of cheaper, other old literature, off paper in ti…
Sold $210
British Commonwealth QV to QEII collection in albums plus better springback folder with MLH & used defin sets, part sets & singles. Incls eclectic …
Sold $430
Australia with small stockbook of 1966-1980 duplicated MUH (FV $50+), 2 open trays of 1930's/60's used (largely common commems), bag of similar per…
Sold $55
Mixed world mint & used in 7 stockbooks. Noted France, Hungary, South American countries, GB 2 x 2/6s Seahorses used, old Japan, Thailand, Iran, Ir…
Sold $60
Carton with old albums, stockbooks, out of date catalogues, containers with used paper, a tin with pre-war Aust & States off paper used (don't get …
Sold $50
Suitcase lot containing shoebox of modern world postcards mint & used with GB maxicards in full sets noted, another shoebox with decimal Australian…
Sold $200


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