Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Coins and Banknotes: World
Great Britain 2008 £5 Queen Elizabeth I Piedfort Silver Proof Coin. Royal Mint boxed with COA. Exc cond. Retails at €200
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1931-47 CofA 9d violet good to fine used blocks of 4 & 6 plus a Small Mult wmk block of 4. 9d CofA block of 4 shows "lower left corner retouch" var…
Sold $100
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1865/67 4d vermilion QV, plate 10. MLH with one pulled perf at top. Strong colour. SG 94 Cat. £825
Coins and Banknotes: World
Great Britain 2009 £2 Robert Burns Piedfort Silver Proof Coin. Royal Mint boxed with COA. Exc cond. Retails at €180 ($270)
Coins and Banknotes: World
Great Britain 2011 £2 King James Bible Piedfort Silver Proof Coin. Royal Mint boxed with COA. Exc cond. Retails at €200
Australia: Pre-decimal
1915 (8th Nov) Brisbane to England cover with 1d deep red (G13) with "dot right of crown top" variety, 1916 (28th Feb) 1d carmine-red (G10) with "t…
Coins and Banknotes: World
Great Britain 2011 £2 Mary Rose Piedfort Silver Proof Coin. Royal Mint boxed with COA. Exc cond. Retails at €220 ($330)
Sold $100
Coins and Banknotes: World
Great Britain 2012 £2 Charles Dickens Piedfort Silver Proof Coin. Royal Mint boxed with COA. Exc cond. Retails at €200
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1932-1935 MUH/MLH in black-leaved stockbook noting 1932 1/- lyrebird single MLH, 2d & 3d SHB imprint blocks & 6d large koala imprint block (toned).…
Sold $130
Australia: Pre-decimal
1917 (19th June) OHMS cover with two, one marginal, 2d kangaroos perfined small "OS". One with " cut throat kangaroo" variety. Addressed to Nangeen…
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1876 Telegraphs ½d, 1d (2 each), 3d & 3/- unused without gum (one ½d is MLH) plus Army Telegraphs ovpt on QV ½d vermilion & 1d Bechuanaland type…
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Netherlands 1860 to 2000, largely used range on typed up pages with over 90% complete post-war but missing key items. Patchy pre-war but noting all…
Sold $100
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1935-1997 covers with mixed FDC's & commercial noting airmails of 1930's incl Hobart to Canberra, 1955 Qantas Cocos Is to Perth (2), 1946 Mitchell …
Sold $100
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1931-47 CofA 10/- grey & pink fine used with "muzzled kangaroo" variety. Centered low left. Nice Fimiston WA cds. ACSC 50A(V)q Cat. $550
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1876 10/- grey green Telegraphs with 1877 Liverpool Exchange cds. Lovely crisp example centred to right. SG T16 Cat. £325
Sold $100
Coins and Banknotes: World
World 1978-1982 "Coins of all Nations" stamp & coin covers (PNC's) with Australia represented by the 50c coin in a cover with 18c Wildflower tied b…
Sold $140
Australia: Pre-decimal
1918 (9th Nov) OHMS cover with "High School P.2" printed bottom left. 1d red perfined "OS" & a vertical bisect tied by Melbourne cds addressed to t…
Sold $70
Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
Netherlands Indies 1923 Queen's Silver Jubilee set of 7. MLH with small hinge remnants. SG 296/302 Cat. £275 (7)
Sold $80
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1955-1960 Range of addressed & unaddressed FDC's x 43 with mainly WCS but also 4 "Royal" & a few others plain. Vals to 2/5d with few 1955-1958 regi…
Sold $100
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1931-47 CofA 10/-grey & pink, £1 grey & £2 grey-black all ovptd "SPECIMEN" Type D. Fine MLH, 10/- & £1 off centre but £2 MVLH verging on MUH. A…
Sold $170
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1931-47 CofA £1 grey. Good to fine used with part bold cds. Centred slightly high with good perfs. Light vertical reg crayon line at left. ACSC 54…
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1931-47 CofA £2 grey & rose crimson ovptd "SPECIMEN". MUH & perfectly centred. A superb example. ACSC 58x Cat. $175 (see plate 4)
Sold $180
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
New Zealand QV-KGV Postmark collection on leaves in 3 lever arch files. Good percentage of strikes from this period with over 380 different place n…
Sold $260
Australia: Decimal
2016 "Australians in The Vietnam War" Medallion & stamp commem cover boxed collection. Set of 5, each with coloured medallion & gold pmk. Attractiv…
Australia: Decimal
2016 "The Great War 1914-1918 - 1916: The Western Front" Aust Post commem hardcover album with several M/S's/sheetlets only available in this forma…
Sold $100
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1990-1995 complete CTO or fine used in Seven Seas Hingeless album with slipcase. Incls mint P&S with most other issues incl booklets & gutter pairs…
Sold $75
Miscellaneous: King George V
Printed in carmine-rose. ACSC 70pp(2)c Cat. $300 (see plate 4)
Sold $310
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Booklets 1953-1993 range incl 3/6d & 4/- QEII (with mixed interleaves, cat. £55), $1 (5¢ blue panes), 50¢ temp cover (2), $1 F.A. (14), $1 PM's,…
Sold $140
Western Australia: Collections
1905-1912 Crown A watermarks, perf 11 swan good to fine used range written up on album leaves. 1d rose pink x 8, 2d yellow x 4, 3d brown x 10 plus …
Sold $100
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Booklets 1953-1994 incl panes & covers on Hagners in binder. Noted QEII 3/6d booklets (2), $1 temporary cover (3), Defence Forces 50¢ with QEII 5…
Sold $100
Australia: Pre-decimal
1928 (31st Oct) "International Philatelic Exhibition Melbourne" red cds's cancelling various KGV pairs plus a single 2½d blue kangaroo. KGV pairs …
Sold $80
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Cinderellas Interesting selection incl WWI/II "Buy War Loan Bonds" labels, 1954 Antarctica Expedition labels, KGVI 5/10d "food label" used & KGV 6d…
Sold $580
Western Australia: Collections
Lettercards from KGV period x 7 & PTSA $450. Incls 1d KGV "Government House, Perth", "Murray River West Aust" & 1d kangaroo "St George's Terrace Pe…
Sold $100
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Coils KGVI to QEII MUH/MLH in pairs, strips & blocks with most issues represented but the 2d red (SG 184) does not appear to have coil perfs. Decim…
Sold $100
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1902/10 5/- bright carmine KEVII. MLH with light toning around hinge area. Bright, fresh colour. SG 264 Cat. £450
Australia: Pre-decimal
1930 1½d Sturt in Plate 1 to 8 corner blocks of 4 & 3d in Plate 1 & 2 blocks of 4. Majority MUH with a couple MVLH. ACSC 139z/zg & 140 z/za Cat $3…
Sold $100
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
First Day Covers 1948-1965 range of Royal & WCS plus others not attributed but illustrated. Majority pmkd "CHIEF PARCELS OFFICE, NSW" with vals to …
Sold $150
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d red bottom selvedge pair with part imprint showing "ra of Australia joined" variety. MLH. ACSC 74(4)j Cat. $360
Sold $120
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1913 10/- indigo blue Seahorse by Waterlow. Good to fine used with lightly smudged cds. Well centered & true colour. SG 402 Cat. £475
Sold $160
Commonwealth & Foreign: Box Lots
Tub lot with mixed contents noting Aust basic pre-decimal MUH/MLH in Seven Seas Hingeless album (album retails at $165 alone!), Kangaroos (23) used…
Sold $250
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1913 £1 green Seahorse fine used with indistinct cds. Well centred but with 4mm tear at top & other lesser marginal nicks at top. Useful "spacefil…
Sold $240
Commonwealth & Foreign: Box Lots
Original WWII era trunk with accumulation as received from deceased estate with lining being the West Australian of 7th Feb 1952 detailing the deat…
Sold $320
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Thailand 1978-1999 Many MUH sets incl 1999 100b Anniv set of 4 (Cat. £30) plus used oddments. Cat. £230 for MUH with at least as much again for u…
Sold $100
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Box Lots
Suitcase lot with vendors "leftovers" for sorting. Incls 35+ Hagners of Aust & World with high val paintings F/U, quality block album with pre-deci…
Sold $240
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Box Lots
Literature - "Library in a Tub" incl "Luftwaffe Propaganda Postcards" by James Wilson (1996), "The Postal History of British New Guinea and Papua 1…
Sold $70
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Framas 1984-1994 Postcode sets of 9 incl 1984 30c BE (7) & 33c BE, 1985 33c Kangaroo, 1986 36c & 37c Platypus, 1987 37c Echidna, 1988 39c Possum, 1…
Sold $100
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1854/55 4d blue swan with "shaved "T"" variety. Good used with repaired corner bottom right. SG 3d (see plate 6)
Western Australia: Box Lots
World in stockbook, converted black leaved old photo album, Hagners, stocksheets & bags. Good percentage of British Commonwealth on old leaves too …
Sold $180
Western Australia: Box Lots
"Dealers floor sweepings" with World in numerous stockbooks, Hagners, in envs etc noting Netherlands Colonies on leaves, useful France, Rhodesia 18…
Sold $220
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Miniature Sheets - Exhibition Overprints 1970-2013 incl 1970 Cook ANPEX (3), Ausipex set of 4 on C/wealth Games, 1986 Navigators with both Ausipex …
Sold $130

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