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Lot No Description Est.
Miscellaneous: Literature and Publications
"A Postal History of the Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees in East Asia During the Second World War, Vol 2 Dutch East Indies 1942-1946, Parad…
Sold $80
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
Malaya - Kelantan 1963 10c maroon Tiger part sheet of 30 fresh MUH with DLR imprint at base. SG 89 Cat. £600
Sold $130
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
KGV to 1989 on approx. 50 Hagners with value on first page noting 1½d KGV with perfectly struck 1925 Palgarup Mill (WA) cds, a few MUH/MLH incl 1/…
Sold $80
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1929/30 Sm Mult wmk 9d violet. MUH bottom selvedge example. One short perf at right otherwise fine & fresh. ACSC 28a Cat. $375
Sold $55
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1840 1d black with black Maltese Cross cancel. Close margins touching top right. Lettered "LJ". SG 2 Cat. £375
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Great Britain 1984-2002 FDC's & packs in large FDC album. Noted 1984-1986 Benham silk sets of Christmas (1984), the Royal Mail (1985) & Nature Cons…
Sold $70
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Commonwealth & Foreign
Netherlands 1852 5¢, 10¢ & 15¢ King William imperfs. Just touching to large margins. Fine used examples with 5¢ & 15¢ having cds cancels & the…
Miscellaneous: Literature and Publications
"Postal Stationery of British India 1856-1947" (Pratisad Narrgaonkar), "Ceylon Postal History 1857-1902" by Obre Sander (1999), SG "South East Asia…
Sold $55
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
Netherlands 1870 10¢ purple on blue postage due, perf. 13-13½. Mint with large hinge remainder leaving 25% o.g. SG D77 Cat. £450
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d in block of 4 CTO by Melbourne DE 5 13 cds. Fresh with full MUH gum. ACSC 59wa Cat. $200
Sold $260
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Great Britain & Malta 1968-2003 FDCs addressed/unaddressed in 4 small FDC albums. Majority pre 1990 incl £6 Tolkien prestige booklet & two Machin …
Sold $70
Australia: Decimal
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne set of 17 Sheetlets in AP pres folder. Exc cond. SG MS2607/2623 Retails $180
Sold $95
Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
Netherlands 1920 Queen Wilhelmina 2.50 surcharges F/U. SG 236/37 Cat. £340 (2)
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1927-1964 used in about 20% of SG quality Devon album with the other pages fine. The stamps incl KGV simplified to 1/4d incl 2 shades of 4d orange …
Sold $65
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1867/90 9d straw QV. Fine used with partial duplex of Edinburgh. Lovely fresh colour. SG 110 Cat. £325
Sold $80
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1930-1965 MUH oddments & multiples with best items being 6d kangaroo "OS" CofA wmk pair, blocks of 4 of Cobb pair, Anzac set of 3, 2/3d cable, 2/3d…
Sold $80
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Commonwealth & Foreign
Netherlands Indies 1870/88 King William III simplified set to 2g50 incl scarce 2¢ brown purple (SG 28, Cat. £200) Odd short perf on 20¢ & 25¢ h…
Sold $65
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1934-1961 range of covers starting with 1934 Aust to NZ flight covers with 2 return, 1937 1d/2d FDC's x 2, 1938 Philatelic Exhib with 2d KGVI & lab…
Sold $95
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Commonwealth & Foreign
New Zealand 1931/40 12/6d deep plum postally used with part Christchurch cds (date indistinct). SG F156 Cat. £170
Australia: Pre-decimal
1928 Kookaburra Miniature Sheet. Fine used by neat central red Exhibition cds. Gum toning & small thin but neither apparent from front & no perf se…
Sold $80
Western Australia: Collections
Incoming Mail World covers circa 1950-1960 with many registered & addressed to Foy & Gibson plus several envelopes full of on-paper from the same p…
Sold $140
Australia: First Day Cover
1929 (28th Sept) 1½d WA Cent Mitchel illustrated by 4d inverted swan cachet in blue with Perth "Airmail Saves Time" slogan cancel. Also a 1929 (16…
Sold $110
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1854/55 4d pale blue swan F/U with light 15 bar 2 cancel. Four clear even margins. SG 3 Cat. £200
Sold $95
Western Australia: Box Lots
A useful lot with incoming commercial mail (c60), Literature incl Canada & Great Britain Postal Rates & Fees 1970-99 (2 separate ring files with lo…
Sold $80
Western Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
Russia 1934 20k carmine Airmail with vertical wmk. MLH. Mi 464x Cat. €320
Western Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
Russia 1951 Scientists 3rd print in 1956 with vertical screening and horizontal mesh, CTO. Michel specialist cat. #1575n/90n (9) cat. €300 (SG 17…
Australia: Pre-decimal
1932 (6th & 7th Oct) "GOVT HOUSE GARDEN FETE SYDNEY" cds's on 2d KGV Letter Card & tying 2d KGV on cover (vert bend not affecting stamp or cds). Th…
Sold $65
Australia: Box Lots
Massive array of material in a large suitcase with much world in albums, packets, etc etc incl covers (sighted 1965 "Posted at Penang Free School" …
Sold $280
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Postal Stationery Large "OHMS" PMG envelopes with inscribed "Dead Letter Mail", 2 of which have code O/N C41 31/74 & boxed "Official Mail" in headi…
Sold $60
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Box Lots
Pacific Islands stamps & covers in Chinese stockbooks & cover albums housed in large (& heavy) plastic tub. Strength in 1967-1981 period noting ite…
Sold $170
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
British Commonwealth QV-KGV group of pre-stamped postal stationery mainly used with an interesting range of postal markings with Canada KGV 2¢ PSE…
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1885 ½d green swan in irregular "L" shaped lower right selvedge block of 24 showing plate 1. SG 94a Cat. £170
Sold $65
Western Australia: Box Lots
Brand new quality tub with lid containing US 1975-1980 year packs, Vatican 1929-2005 with sparse later & majority used but useful early sets, World…
Sold $80
Australia: Pre-decimal
1935 (29th Apr) Anzac pair used on "St. Georges Ter. Western Australia" Registered cover with R6 blue & black label with matching cds's. Addressed …
Sold $130
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1897 ½d chestnut on salmon stock Post Card (PC1) plus 1892 ½d chestnut on white stock (PC6) & 1892 ½d sepia on white stock (PC7). All cards in f…
Western Australia: Box Lots
Range of Australia with 1966-1970 duplicated MUH in stockbook noting 1972 35¢ Xmas (5) & 30¢ Xmas (14) plus various 7¢ booklet panes & another v…
Sold $100
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
British Commonwealth Ghana to Guyana collection in quality Senator binder. Guyana with commems complete & defins to second top vals. Also Gibraltar…
Sold $160
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1902 2d brown-red QV Letter Card with text on back. Scarce as only 5760 delivered. Unused however slight creasing top right & with a couple of tann…
Sold $80
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1913 1st wmk 5d chestnut perfined large "OS". MLH with good perfs & centering. ACSC 16(A)ba Cat. $475
Australia: PNC Covers
2007 (16th Jan) Ashes "Howzat" Aust Wins the Ashes Cricket $1 PNC First Day Covers x 2. Numbered 722 & 2674 of 8000. Exc cond. These retail at $180…
Sold $80
Australia: Box Lots
Primarily Australian Territories range incl AAT with 1966 to 1$, stockbooks of Samoa 1967-1983 incl 1967 Birds to $4, Nauru to 1983, Cocos to 1983 …
Sold $120
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
British Commonwealth South Africa to Tonga in Senator binder with most value in latter 1960's ovpts & freeforms to 1971 incl Officials all MLH. Sou…
Sold $90
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
AAT 1957-1997 MUH complete in Seven Seas Hingeless album with slipcase. Incls Whales M/S's with both Singapore 95 & Capex ovpts. Lighthouse stockbo…
Sold $110
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1913 1st wmk 9d violet. One slightly short perf top left corner otherwise MLH & well centred. ACSC 24A Cat. $175
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1913 1st wmk 9d pale violet & another with similar shade. Latter with hinge remnant & mild gum ageing, other MLH & well centred, excellent perfs. A…
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
British Commonwealth Transvaal to Zimbabwe collection with good ranges of Trinidad & Tobago, Tristan da Cunha, Trucial States, Turks & Caicos, Ugan…
Sold $100
Australia: Pre-decimal
1940 AIF set of 4 in McCracken imprint blocks of 4. All neatly CTO on 15 Jy 40, the FDI with Pitcon, NSW cds's. 6d bottom selvedge trimmed down sli…
Sold $150
Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
Belgium 1952 4f & 8f Cultural Fund in new colours with se-tenant labels available only by subscription. Fine MUH. Michael Cat. €300
Sold $80
Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
Bermuda 1940 & 1941 Censored covers, the former to USA & taxed 4¢ bearing KGVI 1½d with mark applied in New York, reverse with 4 line misdirectio…
Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
Canada 1942 War Effort complete to $1, 1946 Peace to $1 (no 7¢ Air) in MLH pairs. All fresh but with hinges straddling both stamps in every case. …

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