Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
AAT 1971-1980 accumulation of sets & part sets in blocks & multiples. Useful pickings. FV $400+
Sold $150
AAT & Nauru 1957-1984 range of packs, MUH, MLH & used on leaves in Premier binder. Clean lot with 90% complete for period. (100s)
Sold $30
Christmas Is. 2008 Christmas self adhesive sheetlets of 10 x 15 plus self adhesives booklets & other odd AAT. FV $100
Sold $80
Cocos Island 1963-2004 mainly MUH on Hagners in 4 ring binder. Not complete, but over 390 diff + many duplicates. Noted M/S's incl Jakarta 95 ovpt …
Sold $130
Nauru 1954-1983 on leaves in springback album. Appears MUH with high degree of completeness. FV $70+
Sold $50
Nauru 1965-1978 accumulation of part & full sheets in Lighthouse mint sheet folder. Noted 5d Anzac x 48, 15c Independence x 250, 1973 Co-op x 25, 1…
Sold $30
Nauru 1968-1996 Range of MUH with light duplicated on Hagners in binder. Reasonable 1988-1996 (FV $50) without dupl. & usual earlier with no Nauru …
Sold $50
New Guinea (N.W.P.I.) MLH & used range of second setting kangaroos (6) to 9d (3d MLH) & KGV (8) to 4d (½d & latter MLH, rest used). Mainly fine. C…
Sold $60
New Guinea 1931-1939 on leaves with few dated to 3d & undated to 6d birds MLH with odd used. Incls "OS" to 4d, 1939 Buldo Airs to 1/- used. STC £1…
Sold $50
New Guinea Yachts selection plus 4 pieces with kangaroos cancelled in New Guinea incl straight line Simpsonhafen Deutsch Neu-Guinea , two other pie…
Sold $75
Norfolk Is 1953-1965 MUH blocks & oddments on 5 Hagners. Incl 1960 10/- Tropic Bird imprint block of 4, 2/8d Local Gov't (9), 1962/63 Fish blocks o…
Sold $160
Norfolk Is 1966-1978 sets in multiples in Lighthouse Mint Sheet folder incl. 1966 Mission pair x 50, 1968 Lions x 100, 1968 Qantas x 50, 1967, 1968…
Sold $130
Norfolk Is 1981-1997 MUH selection on Hagners. Noted $10 Victory, Explorers to $5 & nearly all other issues from 1988-1997 plus earlier with duplic…
Sold $100
Papua New Guinea 1911-1934 MLH & used range on leaves with monocolours to 2½d, 1917 surcharges MLH, 1916/31 Lakatois MLH & used to 1/- incl nice …
Sold $50
Papua New Guinea Lakatois range on Hagner incl BNG ½d MLH, "Small Papua" 1d, 2d (2) all used, bicolours to 4d F/U & MLH, "OS" ovpt 5d (smudge) & 2…
Sold $55
Papua New Guinea 1952-1975 in stockbook with strength in 1966-1975 MUH incl some in blocks (7¢ Ross a full sheet). 1952-1965 mainly used odd value…
Sold $25
Papua New Guinea 1952-1991 in Seven Seas Hingeless album. F/U 1952 to 1964 then appears MUH to 1991. Incls Postage Dues MLH (Excl D1).Odd used & MU…
Sold $130
Papua New Guinea 1966-1979 accumulation of part & full sheets in 3 Lighthouse mint sheet folders. Many sets in full sheets with imprints. Vals to $…
Papua New Guinea 1984-1995 sets in blocks of 20 with majority in the 1990's. Noted 1993 Mammals, 1994 Artefacts to K5, Moths, Hong Kong Birds etc.…
Papua New Guinea 1986-1992 sets in multiples in Lighthouse Mint Sheet folder incl 1985 Birds of Prey x 21 sets, 1986 Orchids x 30 sets, 1989 Rhodod…
Papua New Guinea 1965-1997 Range of MUH issues with odd FDC arranged on Hagners. 1980's in pairs with 1990's in dingle sets incl M/S's. (Approx. 10…
Sold $50
Territories 1960's-1980's in 5 Lighthouse Mint sheet folders. Incls Christmas Is, Cocos, Norfolk, Nauru, Fiji & Samoa. Majority in blocks & multipl…
Sold $280
Territories 1971-2006 range of FDC's addressed/unaddressed incl AAT x 10 with some base-cancelled, Christmas Island (4), Cocos (6), Nauru (3) & spe…
Sold $20
Territories 1980's period in Hagners with majority being AAT defins in multiples. FV $80+
Sold $20
Territories 1980's period in Lighthouse Mint sheet folder. Many thematics in multiples. FV on Cocos, Christmas & Norfolk only to give a guide is $1…
Sold $300
Territories 1984-2009 First Day Covers incl AAT 1998 Transport with base cancels, CI Chinese New Year issues & 2 PNC covers. Useful pickings. (45)
Sold $55
Territories 1990-2009 Miniature Sheets incl AAT 2008 Polar Year x 13, 2009 Mag Pole x 17, Christmas Is 2008 Year of the Rat x 11, 2009 Year of Ox x…
Sold $130
Territories 2004 x 4, 2006, 2007 x 3 & 2008 x 13 AP Collections/folders in original packaging. High retail as "missing" from many collections. FV $…
Sold $260
Territories 2005-2009 Gutter blocks of 10 incl AAT 2005 Aircraft, 2008 Polar Year $1.10 x 32, 2009 Mag Pole x 13, Christmas Is 2009 Year of Ox x 10…
Sold $720
Territories 2006-2009 First Day Covers incl AAT x 40, Christmas Is x 55 & Cocos x 17. Useful duplication incl. M/S's. High retail in this "difficul…
Sold $130
Territories 2007-2009 range of issues with majority in blocks of 4 for AAT, Christmas Island & Cocos. Mainly the higher vals out of sets plus some …
Sold $370
Territories Covers & aerogrammes in album with addressed Christmas Island 1963 defins to $1, Cocos 1955 to Perth with 1/4½d franking & "Inaugurati…
Sold $35
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Thematic
1935 Silver Jubilee MLH collection in special album, complete except for Egypt. Fine except for couple of foxed perfs on Canada low values & South …
1937 Coronation Range of used sets & odd values with duplicated in alpha order in stockbook. About 30 diff sets with extra duplicated sets & odds. …
1946 Victory MLH & used with duplication. Many issues both mint & used incl Hong Kong x 2 sets each. Unchecked for varieties with cond fine through…
Sold $30
1974-2002 commem cover range with pictorial cachets. Mixed addressed/unaddressed. All states represented & should reward the pictorial cachet colle…
Sold $25
1978 25th Anniv. Coronation collection in 2 volumes. Issues from Aitutaki to Uganda. High degree of completeness incl M/S's, sheetlets, ovpt & book…
Aircraft/Airmails MLH & used. Not many sets, but wide range of countries represented with pickings e.g. Cameroons 500f used, Sudan 1950 set ovpts "…
Sold $120
Animals Largely CTO 1960s in 2 stockbooks. Noted 1965 Taiwan fishes MLH, Albania Birds of Prey CTO, dinosaurs, birds, butterflies. Many colourful &…
Sold $55
Army Royal Australian Armoured Corps Commem cover collection in binder. Attractive covers with variety of designs, pmks etc & all with written back…
Sold $30
Aviation Cinderellas incl 1947 Qantas 25th Anniv airmail etiquette strip of 5, 1936 ANA block & 4 singles, 1926 Int Philatelic Exhibition New York …
Sold $20
Aviation MUH collection with many 1993 RAF M/S's & sets from Commonwealth countries. Also noted 1929/32 MUH Mexico, 1973 Brazil Santos Dumont, Nort…
Sold $160
Birds 1995 & 1997 Cinderella "Wildlife Duck Stamps". 2 different press proofs of artwork along with the two issued stamps produced for the NZ Fish …
Coats of Arms 1890s to 2000 range of MUH, MLH & used issues noting 1982 Indonesia set MUH, Tonga 1953 £1 MLH, Mauritius 2000 Fish (Coat of Arms in…
Dinosaurs 2006 Kiribati, Nauru & Solomon Is. issues all in sheets of 20 MUH. Total SG Cat £550
Sold $90
Europa & related issues 1958-1979 MUH plus odd stuck down or MLH in stockbook Arranged in chronological order. Duplication to x 5. Over 600 sets wi…
Sold $160
Flowers & plants plus additional stockbook of Paintings/Art. Many sets with majority 1960s-1970s. MLH & CTO (some MUH) incl Japan 1964 set MLH, Pol…
Sold $30
Maritime Group incl stampless undated cover to Perth WA boxed "PAQUEBOT" cachet, 1936 US cover with "First Day of Commission" cachet & "U.S.S.Smith…
Sold $30
Minerals Collection written up on over 60 Hagners with mixed MUH & MLH. Noted Botswana to P2 on R2. Difficult to assess sets, as collection is arra…
Sold $95
Olympics 1924 French b/w Postcard unused, showing the Australian Team marching, titled "The defiling of the athletes". Lovely addition to a themati…


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