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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Great Britain 1841 1d red imperfs (3), 1841/51 2d imperfs (4), 1854/57 1d (33), 2d (2), 1858/79 1d (2) & 2d (5) plus 1870 ½d (49) with various pla…
Sold $45
Great Britain 1841 to KEVII used duplicated in Lighthouse Stockbook. Looks impressive at first glance, but all the better items are colour cut outs…
Sold $60
Great Britain 1841-2002 range in stockbook & album. Odd QV & Kings F/U with vals to 5/- Seahorses & KGVI. 6d & 1/- embossed cut to shape used noted…
Sold $80
Great Britain 1858/79 1d red plate numbers arranged in plate no. order in stockbook. Very mixed cond with minority fine, some duplicated, but over …
Sold $60
Great Britain 1858-1879 1d reds duplicated range (no pl.77 or 225) in plate number order in Lighthouse stockbook . As usual, cond. varies from fine…
Sold $160
Great Britain 1859-1877 covers all with 1858/79 1d reds of various plates on covers showing duplex cancels of Canterbury, Paddington, Weymouth, Sud…
Great Britain 1887-1980 used collection on Windsor leaves in 2 springback binders in good cond. Incls QV Jubilee to 1/-, KEVII to 1/-, KGV to 10/- …
Sold $200
Great Britain 1924-1967 commems. No 1925 B.E.E., 1929 £1 PUC or 1948 £1 RSW, otherwise very comprehensive both MLH & used with heavy duplicated o…
Sold $65
Great Britain KGV specialised MUH, MLH & used collection on leaves. Incls inverted & sideways wmks on PUC low values, MUH/MLH blocks incl K29 contr…
Great Britain KGVI specialist MLH & used collection with covers, varieties, plate blocks, control numbers, etc. Noted 1948 £1 RSW x 4 MLH (incl on…
Great Britain Used range of KGVI & QEII Wildings & some commems in stockbook, largely commercially Used. Incls a few Wilding commercial covers. Pic…
Sold $20
Great Britain 1946 Peace & 1966-1980 commem range with pre-decimal Machins to 1/9d & decimal to 20p in MUH plate blocks plus few Wilding plate bloc…
Sold $50
Great Britain 1952-1970 mainly used in SG Senator album. Well written up with phosphors & graphite's, wmk changes & different printings of Castles.…
Sold $60
Great Britain 1963-1993 MUH & used with many in blocks. Also a few Netherlands 1970's-1990's used with sets & useful GB postage dues apparently sor…
Sold $100
Great Britain 1971-1992 Good to Fine used selection in 2 albums on Lidner, Hagner & hingeless pages. Many complete sets incl some Prestige booklet …
Sold $45
Great Britain 1978-1999 First Day Covers in 3 albums. Clean covers with neat typed addresses & Edinburgh pmks. Appears complete. (190+ covers)
Sold $95
Great Britain 1982-1986 Presentation Packs presented on 45 Hagners. Appears complete in commems. (no Machins). FV £44 ($65+) (45)
Sold $40
Great Britain 1990's MUH arranged on Hagners incl Machins & Greetings panes. Odd earlier decimals. FV £100+ ($150+)
Sold $100
Great Britain 1999-2001 Millennium FDCs complete incl the Dec. 1999 "Timekeeper" M/S cover. All with neat typed addresses. (26)
Sold $50
Great Britain Machin PO packs from pre-decimal set to 1/9d to decimals to £5 incl £1.60. Cat. £340 (9)
Sold $100
Great Britain Machins to £2 in quantity loose in small box. Clean commercially used to recent including over 100 x £1. (2000+)
Great Britain Regionals MUH, MLH & used stock in Lighthouse stockbook. Comprehensive pre-decimal & decimal values to 22p MUH (mostly x 5 each) plus…
Sold $50
Great Britain Sparse used range in Stanley Gibbons Windsor Album in very good cond. Value in binder & album.
Sold $20
Great Britain Used range with some duplication with QV to 10/- in mixed cond, KEVII to 5/- (incl 2/6d x7), KGV heavily duplicated to 5/- & smaller …
Sold $170
Greece Hermes Heads used collection on 2 Hagners comprising "large" (50) in very mixed cond, "small" imperf (27) & perf. (14). Mixed printings. Vla…
Guinea 1970's-1980's pictorials plus Guinea Bissau, Fujeira & Mauritania on over 50 Hagners in binder. Nothing scarce sighted, but should appeal to…
Sold $50
Hungary Packet of 2000 different used with mixture of large pictorials & earlier types. Strong thematic content.
Sold $25
Hungary Packet of 3000 different used. Plenty of "paintings" & other large pictorials with thematic content to 1970s (odd later) with quantity of d…
Sold $35
Hungary in 2 small stockbooks plus small stockbook of Spain (est. $15) & a range of countries in a 4th stockbook. Lots of stamps, so we might have …
Hungary 1916-1967 collection in SG Senator binder, plus similar period oddments in German stockbook. Strength in post-war used & CTO sets with a fe…
Hungary 1925-1980 in 2 large Minkus albums. Mixed MLH & used with 100s of sets in good cond. No M/S's (1000s)
Hungary MUH, MLH & used lightly duplicated collection on c180 Hagners in 3 binders. Noted 1934, 1938 (2 diff) & other M/S's MLH. Various MLH commem…
India In rough chronological order from back to front with nearly all oddments of "packet quality". Odd MLH but largely good to F/U to 2005 on appr…
Sold $55
Indonesia 1949-1966 largely MLH collection in stockbook with 1949 unissued Vienna printings, 1950 UN set used, 1954 Merapi Eruption MLH (minor toni…
Sold $30
Italy Pre-World War II MLH collection remnants on leaves Noted 19060/8 Victor Emmanuel oddments, 1910 Plebiscite Southern States (15¢ damaged), va…
Sold $100
Italy 1940'-1960's. Mainly used with nothing remotely approaching scarce! A beginner collection. (100s)
Italy Accumulation from earlies to 1983 in black stockbook. Mainly cheaper items in mixed cond. but odd better & worth a careful look at pre-1970. …
Sold $30
Jamaica 1880-1921 heavily duplicated MLH range incl Red Cross "biplane" label x 67 MLH, 1900 Llanduvery Falls bicolour (60+), monocolour (c20), KGV…
Sold $70
Japan Used in stockbook. Noted 1949 portraits part set (13 present), various defins of 1920's-1950's plus a few commems. Nothing significant sighte…
Sold $20
Japan 1945-1946 BCOF photos showing Australian & American soldiers, devastated buildings in Tokyo, Nagoya & Hiroshima, plus other scenes of the per…
Japan-Furusato (prefectural) issues used on Hagners. Basic range of over 200 different, plus several duplicated.
Sold $20
Laos Noted 1983 Fish, 1984 Ausipex & M/S, 1986 Snakes & Butterflies all MUH. However mainly CTO sets/part sets to 1996. Very little pre-1970. Odd d…
Sold $60
Latvia Modest MLH & used range in stockbook with some better incl 1932 imperf charity airs 5, 10, 15 values only, few 1920/21 ovpts MLH, defins in …
Sold $45
Lebanon MLH & used in stockbook with mostly oddments but noted 1930 Sericulture MLH (Cat. £75) & good range to 1960s with odd later & mostly used.…
Sold $65
Liechtenstein Mainly MLH on Hagners in binder. Noted 1930 Airs, 1950's sport sets MLH (4 diff sets), 1948 Pioneers of Flight, 1954 surcharges & man…
Sold $75
Monaco MLH & used selection in small stockbook. Noted 1885 1, 2, 5¢ MLH (gum faults, 5, 15, 25¢ good to F/U (Cat. £150), few 1891 to 50¢ incl 2…
Sold $40
Mongolia in large stockbook with nearly all CTO sets & part sets with strong thematic content. Also small range mainly 1960's-1980's Afghanistan, l…
Sold $30
Montserrat & BVI Former from 1937 with 1953/62 complete to $4.80 MUH/MLH & complete used, 1965 to $4.80 used, 1968 surcharges MUH, commems strong t…
Sold $140
Morocco Agencies & few other British PO's abroad MLH & used in Prinz stockbook. Nothing highly catalogued but a useful starter. (c190)
Sold $30
Netherlands 1852-1985 collection in DAVO standard album with mounts added. Nearly all used to 1974 then mainly MUH. Missing nearly all to 1937 but …
Sold $40


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