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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Netherlands Noted 1872/91 50¢ F/U, 1816 pre-stamp entire Amsterdam-Hezel, range 1930's-1970's MLH with light duplication, a few PD's & Neth Indie…
Netherlands 1899-1980's mint range in stockbook. Some with toning but the following are clean. 1926/32 10 diff to 30¢, 1951 Castles MLH, 1953/71 Q…
Sold $85
Netherlands 1921-1969 MLH collection with most post 1950 MUH. Written up neatly on leaves. Incls 1921 Airs, numerals, 1923 & most later charity set…
Netherlands MLH, used & CTO oddments in large stockbook. Noted few Wurttemberg, 1923 Inflation, DDR, Bohemia & Moravia, Saur, post-war zones etc. B…
Sold $30
Netherlands 1926-2001 on Hagners in binder. Main value in MUH blocks of 4 from c1969 with defins to 5g, some singles to 6g50, booklets (c20), M/S &…
Sold $90
Netherlands 1937-1981 range of FDC's, covers & Maxicards. Noted 1937 Jamboree on 2 covers with logo & special cachet, 1953 Red Cross on addressed p…
Netherlands 1960 onwards untidy duplicated range in 2 stockbooks. Pretty ordinary, commercially used range. Good for packets etc (100s)
Sold $15
Netherlands 1960s-1990s sets & oddments in random order in large stockbook. Strong in MUH commem sets plus few MLH & used. Netherlands Colonies at …
Netherlands 1965-1990 incomplete range of NVPH unaddressed FDC's on 2 strip Hagners in binder. Mainly in 1976-1990 period with some booklet panes &…
Netherlands 1970's-1980's duplicated range in stockbook with good range of commems & Queen Beatrix defins coils. High percentage F/U. (100s)
Netherlands Untidy duplicated range in 3 stockbooks. Main value in MUH 1970-1980's, but largely used in mixed cond. to 2001. Priced to sell. (100s)
Netherlands & Malta Main value in Netherlands 1980's-1990's F/U commems incl M/S with light duplication. Some Queen Beatrix defins to 10g & a range…
Netherlands Heavily duplicated used in thick stockbook. Thousands of stamps to 1970. Definitely quantity rather than quality with nothing cat over …
Netherlands Used duplicated range on 36 Hagners in Malvern cover album. Reserve reflects value of binders & Hagners as stamps of packet value with …
Sold $20
Netherlands FDC's & First Flight covers arranged by airline after NVPH 190-218 complete unaddressed plus duplicated run 198-215. Also 6 Neth New Gu…
Netherlands & Colonies Oddments & cheaper sets MLH & used in stockbook. Odd fault. (150+)
Sold $20
Netherlands & Colonies A sparse collection in 2 printed "peg" albums with pages to 1953 in one & to 1964 in the other. Noted 1952 ITEP reg'd FDC (C…
Netherlands-Colonies Modest lot in black leaved stockbook. Noted Suriname 1953/54 set to 25¢ MLH, 1959 Juleana to 5g MLH, later to 10g used incl 5…
Sold $35
Netherlands-Colonies MUH, MLH & used range neatly laid out on 27 Hagners in binder. Noted Netherlands Indies 2g50 ovpt on Netherlands Wilhelmina, s…
Sold $70
New Caledonia plus few other French Colonies & Czech Republic on 36 Hagners. Main value in N.C. from 1891 with most 1928 pictorials to 20f MLH/used…
Sold $60
New Zealand 1873-1980 collection on Seven Seas leaves used to 1940 then mostly MUH. Good basic lot to build on, with nothing highly catalogued pres…
Sold $40
New Zealand 1874-1971 in SG illustrated standard album with mainly used. Also a few 1898 pictorials to 2/- (latter fiscal), later pretty basic with…
Sold $30
New Zealand 1878-1967 basic used range noting KGV 1/- official KGVI 1½d purple brown ovptd "Official", 1960 £1 geyser & 1967 2½d Gov't Life. Fai…
Sold $35
New Zealand 1920-1965 sparse MUH range in black leaved Lighthouse stockbook. Noted few low value KGV, 1931 7d Air, 1936 Commerce, 2/- Cook, KGVI de…
Sold $120
New Zealand 1935-1980 "Starter collection" in "Invicta" album with odd pickings. Mixed MUH/MLH & used. Cond. varies. (100s)
Sold $30
New Zealand Duplicated mainly used from second side face issue to 1950. Noted 1935 6d air x 4, KGVI 1½d purple brown x 4 used, mint KGV 2d violet …
Sold $50
New Zealand 1940-1966 addressed FDC's some x 4 or 5, but worthwhile lot noting 1940 Centennial 1d/1½d, 5d/7d & 4d/6d, 1954 Officials & 1963 2½d t…
Sold $65
New Zealand 1947-1980's incl MUH range of Christmas 1960-1983, odd Postage Due, Healths 1930 (stained), "Pathway", "Key" & most later to 1983 plus …
Sold $140
New Zealand 1967-1988 mostly unaddressed FDC range with duplicates. Noted $1 "Round Kiwi", Birds to $5, Christmas, Health & commem issues plus 1991…
Sold $30
New Zealand 1975-1990 First Day Covers in Hagners. Noted vals to $10 although mainly commems. Exc unaddressed cond. (80)
Sold $50
New Zealand 1984-2006 Yearbooks complete with stamps inserted. Exc cond. Huge retail with a FV of NZ$1300+ (Aust$1000+) (23)
New Zealand coloured postcard collection in photo album. About 90% unused, featuring Maori culture, scenery (lots of mountains), rural activity, st…
Sold $150
New Zealand & Dependencies on Hagners incl 1961-1972 NZ covers with 1961 & 1965 Health Camp cancels, Niue & Ross Dep similar period covers. Also Sa…
Sold $30
New Zealand & Dependencies on 20 Hagners. Haphazard range, but did note early Penryhn ovpts to 1/- (pictorials & KGV) MLH, Samoa 1946 Victory block…
Sold $70
Nigeria on Hagners in 4 ring binder. Noted KGVI to 2/6d MLH incl 4d orange, 1961 to £1 (latter MUH), 1965 to 1/- MLH & high vals used. Patchy late…
Sold $50
Norway 1867 to 2008 range of largely good to F/U. Strong 1950-1970 with reasonable later. Many minor pickings e.g. 1953 North Cape F/U. Light dupl.…
Sold $40
Norway Range from skilling values to 1971, mainly good to F/U in stockbook. Nothing scarce, but still a useful lot. Also lesser quantities of Finla…
Sold $45
Pakistan on Hagners in two 3 ring binders. Noted Bahawalpur UPU & Official ovpt sets imperforate MLH, 1945 ½ Weir official MLH, 1947 Pakistan ovp…
Sold $40
Papua New Guinea 1952-1987 First Day Cover & Postal Stationary collection. High degree of completeness incl vals to £1 & K5. Many registered in ea…
Sold $180
Pitcairn Is 1973-1991 MUH sets, M/S's & odd vals on 27 Hagners. Some x 2 incl gutter pairs, but 1990's singles only & 2 ships booklet panes Face va…
Sold $130
Pitcairn Island 1977-1989 range in quality stockbook with numerous gutters & imprint pairs & blocks. Vals to $5 with many thematics. FV $190+. Cat.…
Sold $130
Poland 1806-1872 selection of entires to Western Europe (14) incl Warsaw to Belgium (1806) with two line "PRUSSE PAR MAA SEYCK", 1860 envelope to P…
Poland 1852-1917 stampless postal history collection written up on leaves with variety of postal markings & some items with WIEN arrival marks. Als…
Poland 1918-1967 collection in SG Senator binder. Noted 1941 Gov't in Exile set MLH, but strength in post-1950 CTO with many complete sets of thema…
Sold $30
Poland 1960s-1970s MUH sets duplicated up to 4 of each. Strong thematic contact & clean throughout. (c180 sets)
Sold $40
Poland 1978-1981 MUH & used sets, singles & M/S's in springback binder. Noted 1979 Pope M/S gold MUH (2 & CTO), silver CTO (Cat. €35). Many other…
Sold $75
Poland 2 small stockbooks plus small stockbook of 1960's CTO Burundi with thematic appeal. Noted a few 1919/20 ovpts on Germania Heads with some lo…
Sold $20
Portuguese Colonies on c40 Hagners in 4 ring binder. Occasional better e.g. Port India 1946 set (MLH), Azores ovpts to 36¢ Ceres MLH, Guinea 1963 …
Sold $40
Russia Tsarist issues to 1960's defins MLH & used duplicated in stockbook with flagged Michel numbers. Hundreds of singles, a few strips & large bl…
Sold $110
Russia 1938 with odd earlier, to 1963 used or CTO collection on black leaves in 2 SG Senator binders. Good basic range with many complete sets, som…
Sold $85


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