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Lot No Description Est.
Box Lots
Covers, maxicards & PSE's from Australia. Mainly unaddressed 1970-1990 covers, but some pre-decimal WCS addressed/unaddressed & overseas to Austral…
Sold $80
Australia 1960's on paper & smaller box within, housing thousands off paper used of same period. Cds range didn't look too promising (W.A.) with ma…
Sold $35
Collectors spring clean with some better noted incl GB 1870 ½d plates 3-6, 10-15 (+ extra 15), 19-20 in average condition, 1960 Turkey Olympics sh…
Sold $65
Shoebox of 1940-1980's covers incl 2 censored. Various countries, plus on/off paper untidy accumulation in envelopes, G.B. 1d red mourning covers (…
Sold $150
World & Australia on paper originally from charity & appears unchecked, so potential. (1000s)
Sold $65
World odds & ends on/off paper, noting 1992 $1.05 Coral Sea used block of 15 on piece, lots of unused multi-coloured PPCs (some old). Mainly run-of…
Sold $12
Four stockbooks of mixed world mint & used, USA (MUH) in sheets, part sheets or blocks. Germany plus States, France & Europe on Hagners & circuit s…
Sold $55
Australia on paper in bags in carton. Largely 1940's to 1970's common, with smattering of overseas. Unchecked. (1000s)
Sold $30
Europe & World in 7 small/medium stockbooks of mainly cheaper but noting USA 1976 Bicentennial sheetlets set of 4 MUH & 1972 ESSO calendar where a …
Sold $50
World in stockbooks (18) in large zip bag. Mostly used with nothing scarce noted with usual mixed condition. Very heavy, so room bidders only. (1000s)
Sold $95
World in 8 stockbooks/files with Hagners noting Nyassa MLH with pictorials to 300r, "Provisiorio" ovpts, "Republica" ovpts to 300r & new currency s…
Sold $95
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Aden & South Arabia Good lot with 1937 Dhows to 2R, 1939/48 & 1951 to top values all MLH, 1953/63 all colours to 20/- MLH, 1964/65 block wmk set of…
Sold $220
Aland 1984-2004 mainly used on printed leaves. Noted 2001 WWF & 2003 Landscapes booklets MUH & 1991 P/C to South Australia with sports se-tenants t…
Sold $30
Algeria from ovpts on France (oddments) to 1987 incl nice MUH range of 1986-1987 & odd useful earlier e.g. 1949 UPU & 1950 Red Cross MLH. (c200)
Sold $40
Andorra-Spanish 1951-1997 MUH collection written up on leaves. Missing key 1972 EUROPA & c30 other stamps. Attractive lot, Cat. €300+ (158 + 3 M/…
Sold $75
Andorra-French 1961 New Currency to Sep. 1997 MUH collection well written up on leaves. Missing c45 stamp, of which most are Europa types. Incls M/…
Sold $260
Antigua & Barbuda Not in chronological order, but noted QV to 6d used, later part defin sets incl 1970 mixed MLH & used to $5, commem sets incl uni…
Sold $50
Argentina Duplicated pre-WWII in envelopes, on leaves, approval books & stockbook. Mainly defins with 1923 to 20p (2, Cat. £30 ea.) & odd variety …
Sold $40
Argentina MLH & used selection on over 50 Hagners in padded 4 ring binder. Haphazard & not many sets, but a clean lot with half of value in the Hag…
Sold $45
Ascension From KGVI incl 1d Green Mountain, but no 3d blue & black, to 2/6d with various perfs, later Birds & Flowers defins to £2 plus good range…
Sold $60
Austria MLH & used duplicated range of mainly 1920 without highly cat items, defins & dues to 1960's. A few commems 1946-1972 in mixed cond. (1000+)
Sold $35
Austria Plus a few nearby areas mounted in album. Hardly anything Cat. over £2, but lots of stamps in fair to fine cond from 1890's to 1960. (100s)
Sold $25
Austria 1880-1900 range MLH & used with some postmark interest. Odd better later incl Bosnia & Herzegovina pictorials MLH, Austrian Military Post v…
Sold $75
Austria MLH & used range on 34 Hagners with odd better incl Airs 1918 & 1922 MLH & 1935 10¢ used (Cat £110). Also noted 1949 Millocker (Cat. £26…
Sold $80
Bechuanaland & Botswana in Lighthouse stockbook. Mixed MUH, MLH & used to 1992. Incl approx. 50 commem sets to 1988 with odd defin high vals. Incls…
Sold $100
Belgium 1965-1990 MUH & MLH with odd used on Minkus leaves. Good range but no minisheets or charity issues. Cat. £700+ (650+)
Sold $100
Brazil on over 100 Hagners. Noted 1992 Ecology sheetlet of 25 (5 se-tenant strips) & other 1992 MUH. Mainly pre 1980 used with light duplication. S…
Sold $120
British Honduras/Belize Sparse MUH, MLH & used range in Lighthouse stockbook. Noted 1954 25¢ butterfly (2 MLH, 1 used), $5 Mountain Lion (SG 267) …
Sold $45
Bulgaria 1881-1953 collection fine MLH to 1920s & then largely MUH thereafter. Missing "heavyweight" items (see separate lots), but still an impres…
Sold $200
Bulgaria Odd early, but nearly all post war with some late 1970's-1980's commem sets MUH. Predominantly CTO sets, part sets & oddments. All on 80 "…
Sold $40
Burma 1948-1993 range in album incl Jap Occ 1943 2¢ to 2r MLH, 1993 5k & 10k statuettes (latter x 3) with mainly used oddments, but does incl 1948…
Sold $35
Burma KGV to early KGVI period accumulation of covers & PSEs all in individual protective glassines. Large percentage have adhesive placed on back …
Sold $1500
Canada QV to QEII general used range in stockbook with some Newfoundland & U.N. to finish the book. Considerable duplicated & average cond. Value i…
Sold $30
Canada 1851-1951 MLH & used collection in SG Devon album. Lots of shades in QV defins & despite many with faults, the following are good to fine; 1…
Sold $400
Canada-Newfoundland 1880-1941 MLH & used on 3 Hagners incl 1937 "Long" Coronation set & 1941 perf 12½ pictorials to 48c plus 1946 "TWO CENTS" surc…
Sold $40
Cayman Islands 1937-1973 MUH, MLH & used in springback with a few 1938 & 1962 (to 1/9d) defins used, 1948 10/- RSW MUH & comprehensive later commem…
Sold $45
Ceylon/Sri Lanka Light duplicated throughout from a few late QV & KEVII to KGV to 2R. Incls 1936 set used, KGVI incl some perf varieties, later set…
Sold $55
Chile Collection of "packet quality" on c30 Hagners in binder. Light duplication with only a few sets & stamps cat. over £1 hard to find. (100s)
Sold $55
China 1948/49 S.Y.S. & currency revaluation mint & used range written up on leaves. Fortunately, SG numbers are written below each stamp, allowing …
China-Taiwan Lightly duplicated in stockbook. Noted 1960 Art set (SG 358/61) MUH with rest mainly used oddments & a few "mainland" of little value.…
Sold $60
Columbia (74) & Costa Rica (72) MUH & MLH range of mainly post-war commems on 2 Hagners. Few "obligatory tax" & defins, but mostly pictorials. Usef…
Sold $30
Croatia 1941-1945 superb MUH collection in stockbook missing only 1945 Storm Division M/S. Postage Dues & Officials simplified only (no perf variet…
Cuba Predominantly 1960's-1990's part sets CTO with strong thematic appeal. Some of estimate put towards the approx. 100 Hagners. (100s)
Sold $60
Cyprus Used on Hagners from QV (4) to 1949 incl KGV values to 9pi, KGVI to 18pi. Average to fine used. (47)
Sold $30
Cyprus Various QV, KEVII & KGV low vals used. Noted 1928 18pi pictorial used, 1934 9pi (2 used), 1938/51 to 45p MLH (some both MLH & used), QEII de…
Sold $65
Cyprus (Greek) 1960-1995 & (Turkish) 1974-1991 An impressive dealers stock on labelled stock leaves with well balanced mint & used. Noted good earl…
Sold $100
Czechoslovakia MLH & used range to 1960's in old style album on card-thickness leaves. Missing all key items & obviously collected on a budget, but…
Sold $20
Czechoslovakia "Budget" collection on 20 Hagners in binder. Noted 1938 M/S CTO, 1943 cinderella M/S, few 1950s "blocked" values MLH & CTO incl 45h …
Sold $30
Czechoslovakia MUH, MLH & used on 100+ Hagners in 2 binders. Noted 1920 Airs perf (14k, 28k MLH) & imperf (14k used, 24k MLH), 1922 Airs x 3 sets (…
Sold $100
Dominica MUH & MLH noting KGV defins to 5/- & to $2.40 MLH, QEII oddments with strong thematic content incl 1987 Birds to $10 (couple toned) MUH, 1…
Sold $60


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