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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Netherlands 1852-1971 MLH/used in "Collecta" printed album. Very little missing with complete sets incl 1852 imperfs, 1864, 1867/71 & 1869/91 to 2g…
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1931-47 CofA 10/- dark grey & aniline pink. Fresh MLH verging on MVLH. Centred slightly high. Very good perfs. ACSC 50E Cat. $2750
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1876 £5 orange Telegraphs with two crisp 1877 Manchester York St cds's overstruck with "T.M.B./G.P.O." in rectangular frame. Superb & rarely offer…
Sold $1400
Australia: Decimal
2016 "Adelaide 2016" imprinted Counter Printed Stamps set of 6 kangaroo & koala design from the Adelaide machine used to cover the short supply in …
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1883/84 9d dull green QV on "Parcel Post" label on piece with complete crisp Leamington Spa NO 12 85 cds. Rich original colour & genuinely scarce. …
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Norway 1855-1991 with odd later in Davo standard album with slipcase. Mixed MLH & used with used listed unless stated otherwise. Early issues stron…
Sold $1200
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d deep red (G13), plate 2, pane 4 no monogram lower left corner block of 20 with 31-34, 37-40, 43-45, 49-52, & 55-58. Probably the lower half of t…
Sold $3300
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1913 1st wmk 1d red, Die I, with wmk sideways pointing to right . RPSL cert (1983). Purchased by vendor at Leski 2008 auction for $1450+BP. ACSC 2a…
Sold $960
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1882 Internal Revenue Swan master die proof for the pence values with blank value tablet in black on highly surfaced card (92x61mm) with "21 SEP 81…
Sold $2150
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
I.R. Official ovpt on £1 green with superb 1894 Aberdeen cds centrally applied. Lovely example of a rare stamp.SG O16 £2500
Sold $1350
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d carmine aniline (G33), plate 4, pane 7 complete with 60 stamps & full selvedge incl part Harrison imprint. Completely MUH with only minor creasi…
Sold $1200
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d violet, Die III in a complete sheet of 120, plate 3 with all pane 5 & 6 varieties except for "one" flaw. Some perf separation especially between…
Sold $1050
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915 2nd wmk 1/- bright blue green. MUH & well centred. ACSC 31B Cat. $2500 (see plate 2)
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
New Zealand 1913/25 2/-, 5/- & £1 Stamp Duty postal fiscals ovptd "OFFICIAL". All good to fine used, the 2/- with parcel cancel & the 5/- with cds…
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1913 1st wmk ½d green lower marginal block of 6 with all perforation rows double perforated both horizontally & vertically. Also has "white scratc…
Sold $1000
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d deep red (G13), plate 2, pane 3, no monogram lower left irregular corner block of 36 with full selvedge for 19-20, 25-28, & 31-60. All MUH with …
Sold $2900
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1878 (29th Nov) Rare proving cover tying the 9 bar 9 numeral obliterator to Serpentine. Addressed to Michael Sampson of Fremantle. One of 4 such pr…
Sold $2150
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
Board of Education ovpts with QV 5d & 1/- & KEVII ½d, 1d, 2½d used. All sound examples but only ½d is fine with others heavily used but sound wi…
Sold $800
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d deep salmon eosin (G27). Good to F/U with light cancel. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 71S Cat. $2500 (see plate 4)
Sold $1150
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
Austria 1946 Renner Government set of the four M/S's. All fresh MUH. A scarce group so fine. SG MS976 Cat. £2500
Sold $1000
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915 2nd wmk 9d pale violet. MUH, centred high with good perfs & smooth gum. ACSC 25B Cat. $2250 (see plate 2)
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Great Britain 1841-1986 in thick album with over half being general British Commonwealth. The GB starts with 1841 1d red imperfs (245) with barred …
Sold $1050
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915/28 3rd wmk £1 chestnut & blue. Good to fine used with 3 partial light cds strikes. Well centered with good perf. ACSC 52B Cat. $2250
Sold $1050
Miscellaneous: King George V
1/4d deep turquoise. CTO example of this scarce shade with Drury Cert. A couple of toned perfs reflected in conservative reserve. (2017) ACSC 129Cw…
Sold $960
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Malta 1860-1971 in "Collecta" printed album with some later to 1994 on Hagners. Noted 1860 ½d pale buff (no gum & perf faults), 1863/81 ½d perf. …
Sold $920
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1867/83 5/- rose (plate 1), 10/- greenish grey & £1 brown-lilac QV all used & with "HSB" private perfins. The 5/- is poorly centred with a BN "68"…
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
2001/02 Space themed & signed Benham commem covers. Incls Apollo 7 signed by Lunar Module Pilot, Walter Cunningham, Apollo 9 signed by Module Comma…
Sold $980
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
2012 London Olympics Gold Medal Winners Benham Silk FDC collection set of 30 each with the 1st Class Self Adhesive of that Olympian attached & pmkd…
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1913 1st wmk 2d grey CA monogram block of 8 from left pane with gutter at right. All units MUH with odd nibbled perf at left & minute tone spot but…
Sold $900
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos 1931/36 CofA wmkd 6d "OS", 9d (3), 2/- (19), 5/- (7) & 10/- (3, incl Specimen which is MH) all with ACSC listed varieties. All good to fi…
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d deep red, Die II, single line perf. Light diag crease (ironed out). Good to F/U. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 70B(1)i Cat. $5000
Sold $2100
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
KGV Impressive selection of flaws mounted in stockcards all annotated with ACSC numbers & cat. values which exceed $8000. Majority used with lots o…
Sold $1050
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1931-47 CofA 6d chestnut ovptd "OS" in MUH Ash imprint "n" over "a" block of 14 (8 to left of gutter) & right margin vertical block of 6 also MUH. …
Sold $800
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1928-1984 Seven Seas Hingeless album with MUH missing only 1928 M/S, 1931 Kingsford Smith "OS" ovpts, 5/- SHB & OS ovpts otherwise complete as per …
Sold $800
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
New Zealand 1855-1966 used in Davo Hingeless album with Chalon imperf 1d large star & no wmk, 2d blue wmkd, 6d brown wmk & no wmk, 1/- green no wmk…
Sold $1450
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d red salmon eosin. Good to F/U centered low left. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 71SA Cat. $2250 (see plate 4)
Sold $800
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d pink (G28) with JBC Monogram, pane 6. MLH & well centered. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 71T(3)ze Cat. $1500 (see plate 5)
Sold $820
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d rosine (G69) perfined "OS" top marginal block of 4. MUH with good centering. Exhibition quality. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 72Ib.b Cat. $1400 as si…
Sold $800
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d plum (G71) on rough paper. MUH with little gum irregularities but lovely colour. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 72L Cat. $2750
Australia: Pre-decimal
1938 2d scarlet KGVI Plate 4 block of 8 with clear "4" top centre. Fresh MUH. ACSC 188zc Cat. $2500 for MLH block of 4 so premium for MUH block of 8.
Sold $700
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1913 1st wmk 10/- grey & pink. MLH & fresh in appearance. A lovely example. ACSC 47a Cat. $2000 (see plate 2)
Sold $680
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1913 1st wmk 10/- grey & pink. MVLH with rich colour & good centering. ACSC 47a Cat. $2000 (see plate 2)
Sold $680
Miscellaneous: King George V
2d scarlet,Die III perfined "OS" totally imperforate at base with British Society of Australian Philately cert. (1990) & 2 pieces of corres support…
Sold $550
Postcards: World Postcards
WWI Lord Kitchener collection of 188 postcards featuring his portrait, his ancestral home & boarding HMS Hampshire with woven silk cards, cartoon m…
Sold $920
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1913-1958 retired dealer's accumulation of Hagners & old album pages with mainly pre-decimal MUH/MLH & used incl 1930's plate blocks, imprint pairs…
Sold $1250
Miscellaneous: King George V
2d golden scarlet in fine used block of 4 with the "reversed "C" in watermark" resulting in "ƆofA" variety on top left stamp. Pmkd Perth 12 JE 34.…
Sold $620
Western Australia: Collections
1861-1912 extensive range swans with some light duplication arranged on Hagner sheets. Vals to 5/- incl "OS" & "WA" perfins. Cond well above averag…
Sold $1900
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d scarlet red (G17) with "CNE" variety. F/U Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 71G(4)q Cat $1500 (see plate 4)
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
O.W. Official ovpts on 1896/02 QV ½d blue green, 1d lilac, 5d dull purple & blue, 10d dull purple & carmine. All sound with cds cancels. A couple …
Sold $650
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d carmine red (G31), plate 4. Complete pane 7 with 60 stamps & full selvedge with part Harrison imprint. 5 stamps affected by hingeing to reinforc…
Sold $750

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