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Auction No. 21 - Categories - Full Lot List - Page Navigation 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | All
Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Miscellaneous: King George V 1/4d turquoise in Ash imprint block of 4. MLH. Fresh & bright. ACSC 131z Cat. $1000 (see plate 6) $300 Sold $300 | |||
Coins and Banknotes: World Canada 1976 Montreal Olympics sterling silver coin proof Series 1-7 with 4 coins in each presentation box. Complete with wooden stand. Exc cond. Ca… $300 Sold $460 | |||
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos 1929/30 Sm Mult wmk £1 grey. MLH, centred slightly low. Fresh colour & exc perfs.. ACSC 53a Cat. $1000 (see plate 3) $300 Sold $300 | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain 1851 "Prince Consort essays" lettered "FJ" in lower corners with both the black & red brown shades. These were produced by Henry Archer as samples … $300 Sold $300 | |||
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos 1929/30 Sm Mult wmk £2 grey & rose-crimson. Fine used with crisp Sydney GPO part cds. A few shortish perfs otherwise well centered & fresh. ACSC57… $300 Sold $400 | |||
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia 1927-1978 used collection on Seven Seas standard leaves with 1927 1½d Canberra CTO perfined "OS", ditto 1929 1½d swan, 3d Airmail (type B) & 1928… $300 Sold $260 | |||
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Commonwealth & Foreign New Zealand 1915 (9th Nov) cover bearing 1d Dominion tied by 3 ring Chatham Islands cds. Addressed to USA with 3 line "Passed by the Military Censo… $300 Archived | |||
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia Booklets Retired dealers stock listed using. Pfeffer & Crum catalogue numbers incl B55 (Cat. $90), B56c (Cat. $170), B57 (Cat. $20) x2, B60BT (Cat.… $300 Sold $420 | |||
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World Solomon Is 1908-1979 MLH & used on stockcards incl 1908 to 1/- MLH, 1913 & 1914/23 MCA to 2/6d MLH, 1/- (2 shades), 2/-, 5/- sheets used, 1922/31 t… $300 Sold $300 | |||
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World South Africa - Boer War 1901 censored fronts x 3 to Ahmednagar, India from POW to different addressees. Variety of censor markings franked with Nat… $300 Archived | |||
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World Turks & Caicos 1966-1988 accumulation. Majority MUH & fine used/CTO sets incl M/S's. Many in blocks of 4 with a high thematic content. Generally fi… $300 Sold $340 | |||
Miscellaneous: King George V 1d scarlet aniline (G18) pre-substitute clichés. Fine used, centred right. ACSC 71i(2)j Cat. $750 (see plate 4) $300 Archived | |||
Miscellaneous: King George V 1d pink (G28). MUH with good centering. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 71T Cat. $600 (see plate 5) $300 Sold $250 | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain O.W. Official ovpts on 1902/03 KEVII ½d, 1d, 2d & 2½d. All good to fine used. SG O36/09 Cat. £1485 (4) $300 Archived | |||
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia Varieties 1914-1975 annotated varieties on 8 Hagners noting £2 Arms with roller flaw, 1956 1/- Olympics with "short "I" in Australia, 1/6d galah &… $300 Sold $300 | |||
Miscellaneous: King George V 1d carmine rose (G30), plate 3, pane 6 irregular block of 29 from the top of the sheet with side selvedge. MUH but has tropicalised spotty gum. Uni… $300 Sold $250 | |||
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos 1913 1st wmk 4d orange top right marginal single MUH with slightly aged gum. ACSC 15A Cat. $850 (see plate 4) $300 Sold $380 | |||
Miscellaneous: King George V 1d carmine red (G31), plate 3, pane 6 complete with full selvedge & part Harrison imprint. MUH however 27 stamps have been affected by print being … $300 Sold $300 | |||
Miscellaneous: King George V 1d carmine aniline (G33), plate 3 & complete pane 5 with full selvedge & part Harrison imprint. One stamp with slight thin & three at base with lig… $300 Sold $270 | |||
Miscellaneous: King George V 1d rosine (G68) on rough paper. MLH. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 72I Cat. $700 (see plate 5) $300 Sold $250 | |||
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos 1913 1st wmk 2/- brown. MLH & well centred. A most attractive & fresh example. SG 12 Cat. £275 (see plate 2) $300 Sold $200 | |||
Miscellaneous: King George V 1d maroon (G77) on rough paper. MLH, centered low. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 72R Cat. $750 (see plate 5) $300 Sold $250 | |||
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos 1913 1st wmk 5/- grey & chrome. MLH with a little gum marking & centred right. Rich strong colour. ACSC 42a Cat. $900 (see plate 2) $300 Archived | |||
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia Norfolk Is 1947-1993 complete MUH in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Incls 1947/56 Ball Bay set of 14 plus all M/S's & defins to $5. Fresh MUH with alb… $300 Archived | |||
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos 1913 1st wmk 10/- grey & pink. Fine used with couple short perfs at top right. Well centered. ACSC 47a Cat. $1100 (see plate 2) $300 Sold $300 | |||
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia PNG 1992/93 booklets comprising 1992 K2.10 BOP x 14 (PNG 6A, cat. $280) & with imprint (PNG 6Aa, cat. $30) & with "Hanger" extension tabs without i… $300 Sold $270 | |||
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos 1915 2nd wmk 2d grey to 1/- emerald short set of 5. MLH with some gum aging & light gum bends but with better than average centring & frontally fre… $300 Sold $300 | |||
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos 1915 2nd wmk 6d ultramarine perfined "OS NSW". MLH with fluffy perfs. ACSC 18ba Cat. $750 (see plate 2) $300 Sold $300 | |||
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World World Pre-1930 Europe but the value in British Commonwealth with GB 1840 1d black with 4 margins & black M/C, KEVII & KGV to 5/- used, 1924/25 BEE … $300 Sold $300 | |||
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos 1915 2nd wmk 5/- deep grey & chrome perfined "OS" with wmk inverted. F/U with crisp Telegraph Office GPO Melbourne cds. Well centered & a lovely ex… $300 Archived | |||
Australia: Pre-decimal 1951 5/- Arms on thin paper in lower left Authority corner block of 4. Fresh MUH with normal for comparison. ACSC 268a Cat. $700 $300 Withdrawn | |||
Australia: Pre-decimal 1949/50 5/-, 10/- & £1 Arms in no imprint corner blocks of 4. First 2 blocks MVLH in selvedges only with £1 fresh MUH. A lovely trio. ACSC 268zb … $300 Sold $310 | |||
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos 1915 2nd wmk 5/- deep grey & yellow. MLH with slightly aged gum & fluffy perfs. Nice colour. ACSC 43a Cat. $1500 (see plate 2) $300 Sold $300 | |||
Australia: Pre-decimal 1949/50 Arms set of 4 to £2 in MUH Authority imprint pairs. SG 224a/d, ACSC cat. is $1775 for MUH imprint blocks of 4. $300 Sold $320 | |||
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos 1915/28 3rd wmk 2d grey with Cooke monogram (plate 1). MLH, light vertical crease. Fresh colour. ACSC 7(1)ze Cat. $900 (see plate 4) $300 Sold $300 | |||
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign Czechoslovakia 1934 National Anthem M/S pair with no gum as issued. 10mm tear at top right of 1k sheet. Also perf. 10 gummed pair from the large sh… $300 Sold $300 | |||
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World Canada 1935-1978 MLH range with Special Delivery issues placed with others according to date of issue. Basically complete (KGVI coils SG 389/93 per… $300 Sold $270 | |||
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia Kangaroos Varieties on Small multiple wmk examples incl 6d chestnut (4), 9d (6), 1/- (6) with broken "O" in "ONE" x 2 in both MUH & used, 2/- maroo… $300 Archived | |||
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World Denmark 1851-1999 MLH/used in Krause printed album noting 1864/70 16sk in both perfs (the perf. 12½ Cat. £1400 with ring "32" cancel of Kallundbu… $300 Sold $300 | |||
Miscellaneous: King George V 3d blue in type A+B pair. Fresh MUH top marginal pair. ACSC 107c Cat. $575 $280 Sold $300 | |||
Coins and Banknotes: Australia 1985-2003 plus 2005 Uncirculated Coin Sets all in RAM folders in exc cond. Retail at $900+ (20) $280 Sold $350 | |||
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos 1915/28 3rd wmk 10/- grey & pale aniline pink. MLH with rich, bright colour & good centering. ACSC 48e Cat. $750 (see plate 3) $280 Sold $370 | |||
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World Great Britain 1979-1999 Benham silk covers in their commem album incl 1990 "Gibbons Stamp Monthly 75th Anniversary" & "125th Anniversary Stanley Gi… $280 Archived | |||
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos 1929/30 Sm Mult wmk 2/- maroon showing "white flaw under second "l" of "shillings" variety. MLH with slightly shortish perfs along top. Well centre… $280 Archived | |||
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos 1929/30 Sm Mult wmk 2/- maroon with "colour spot off WA coast" variety. MLH, centred slightly to left with a couple shortish perfs at base. ACSC 39… $280 Archived | |||
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World Netherland Antilles 1949-1997 comprehensive used/CTO with some MUH incl M/S's & booklets in Davo standard album with mounts added. Noted 1950/79 de… $280 Archived | |||
Australia: Pre-decimal 1928 Kookaburra Exhibition Miniature Sheets in block of 4 in top part sheet with only top selvedge MVLH & lower panes MUH with usual minor gum bend… $280 Sold $220 | |||
Australia: Pre-decimal 1929 3d Airmail booklet pane of 4 with bottom left having "long wing to plane" variety. Slightly aged gum but MUH & frontally fresh. Accompanied by… $280 Sold $340 | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain 1902/10 £1 dull blue green KEVII with centrally struck upright Guernsey cds. Very attractive as well centered & lovely colour. SG 266 Cat. £825 $280 Sold $360 | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain 1911/13 2d grey green & bright carmine (SG 292), 4d bright orange, perf. 14 (SG 278), 5d dull reddish purple & bright blue (SG 293) 2d & 5d both in… $280 Sold $280 | |||
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