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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos 1918 3rd wmk vals for 2d (15), 2½ (8), 3d (10) & 6d ultramarine (3) all with annotated varieties incl inverted wmk 2d (2) & 6d & inverte…
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915/28 3rd wmk 5/- grey & pale yellow. Centred high but excellent perfs & fine MUH. ACSC 44D Cat. $2000 (see plate 2)
Commonwealth & Foreign: Papua
1985 Ceremonial Structures Trial stamps in MUH blocks of 4 with a normal set of blocks for comparison. These unissued stamps are smaller than the a…
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
2000 $1 Mule coin with the obverse having been minted using the Australian 10 cent obverse die by mistake. With just a 1.4 millimetre difference in…
Sold $1100
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1929/30 Sm Mult wmk 10/- grey & pale pink with "muzzled kangaroo" variety". Fine MLH example. ACSC 49(V)r Cat. $2000 (see plate 3)
Sold $600
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1929/30 Sm Mult wmk 10/- grey & pale pink with "weeping kangaroo" variety. Superb MVLH with VG centering. ACSC 49(V)l Cat. $2000 (plate 3)
Sold $600
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
Netherlands 1872 5¢ to 2g50 King William III with 25¢, 1g & 2g50MLH & or 5¢, 7½¢, 10¢, 12½¢, 22½¢ & 25¢ MUH (rounded top right corner on…
Sold $550
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
Netherlands Indies 1868 10¢ carmine, perf. 12½ x 12. MUH, centred to right with excellent perfs. SG 2 Cat. £2000 + premium MUH (see plate 7)
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
New Zealand 1899 Postage Dues to 2/-. MLH with hingeing & centring varying as usual with this issue. Retail $1100 (11)
Sold $700
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d salmon eosin (G27). Good to fine used with neat but full 1917 machine cancel. Accompanied by Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Society of Gre…
Sold $700
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d carmine pink (G101) from 1918 Cooke printing in MH/MLH block of 4. Centered right with some two tone gum stripping however remains frontally fre…
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915 2nd wmk 5/- deep grey & chrome with inverted wmk. MVLH. Superb stamp with strong colour & well centered. ACSC 43Ba Cat. $2000
Sold $720
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915/28 3rd wmk 2½d deep blue perfined "OS" in top marginal block of 4 to left of gutter. MUH & superb in all respects.ACSC 11(B)b Cat. $1400
Sold $700
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
1995-2006 $50 note range with Fraser & Evans "95" prefix, 1998 with "AA 98" prefix, 2003 Macfarlane & Henry "03" prefix in consecutive pair, 2004 w…
Sold $540
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
1996 $100 Fraser & Evans with "96" prefix x 5 with 2 lots of consecutive pairs. Unc R616 Cat. $1750 (5)
Sold $560
Coins and Banknotes: Commonwealth & Foreign
New Zealand 2003 $1.50 Lord of the Rings - Gandalf with top sheetlet selvedge massively mis-perforated with part perfs through centre & base of sta…
Australia: Pre-decimal
1949/50 Arms set of 4 to £2 in bottom marginal blocks. All fresh MUH. ACSC 268/71 Cat. $1900
Sold $650
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Finland 1856-1971 in standard Davo printed album. Valuable first page with 1856 imperfs (MLH) "as is" & postal stationery cut outs used, simplified…
Sold $650
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915/28 3rd wmk £1 light brown & pale blue with duty plate "short Spencer's Gulf" variety. Good to fine used with neat double "Registered Elizabet…
Sold $600
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Great Britain 1840-1970 MUH, MLH & used collection in three SG "Oriel" albums with faced interleaves & slipcases. Noted 1840 1d black x 3 good to f…
Sold $1000
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
KGV Single & Large Multiple watermarks arranged on Hagner sheets with many better noting Single wmk: ½d green (7), ½d orange (5), 1d red (1), 1d …
Sold $500
Australia: Decimal
2008 Sydney World Youth Day/Pope sheetlets of 10 x 120. All MUH & one of the "difficult" issues. Retail at $65 each reflecting their genuine scarci…
Sold $620
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
I.R. Official ovpts on QV & KEVII to 1/- (latter excls 6d). All used in usual mixed cond with 1882 ½d damaged but others sound. Good to fine used …
Sold $600
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1913 1st wmk 6d ultramarine with "retouched second E of Pence" variety. Used example with the postmark clear of variety. ACSC 17(1)h Cat. $1500 (se…
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
Austria 1956 as above but showing the profile of Mozart & in olive, blue, black & claret die proofs also on cards each signed by G. Wimmer. Minor s…
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d carmine rose (G74), Die I on rough paper with substitute cliché. MLH, centered high right. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 72Q(2)ka Cat. $1500 (see pla…
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1913 1st wmk 5/- grey & chrome with "bottom frame damaged under ES" variety. MLH & well centred. One nibbled perf at right does not detract from th…
Sold $480
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915 2nd wmk 2½d indigo top marginal pair perfined "WA" with horizontal & vertical perfs both double. Stamps MUH with only selvedge MLH. ACSC 10b …
Sold $600
Western Australia: Postmarks
Individual display cards in alphabetical town order. Each with each cancel on a separate card classified as per PMI listings & rated as per PMC rat…
Sold $480
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915/28 3rd wmk 9d pale violet with Cooke monogram. Fine used example with a few shortish perfs at left. A scarce stamp unpriced for used. ACSC 26b…
Sold $820
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Great Britain 1984-2004 Royal Mail Yearbooks complete. Exc cond. Cat. £1500+ with a total FV £350+ ($580). Opening at this figure. (21)
Sold $460
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915/28 3rd wmk 6d ultramarine, Die IIA with substituted cliché. Good used with slightly smudged cds but clear of the characteristic break in left…
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Germany (Occupation of Czechoslovakia) 1938 (Sept-Oct) range of ovpts on Czech stamps all on piece tied by cancellations in black, blue or violet. …
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Great Britain 1840-1970 MUH/MLH/used collection in three SG "Facile Oriel" albums with faced interleaves & slipcases. Noted 1840 1d black good/F/U …
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1913 1d KGV engraved specialist collection on 2 annotated pages & 3 Hagner sheets incl 3x blocks of 10, block of 9, block of 8, 11 x blocks of 6, 4…
Sold $1000
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Commonwealth & Foreign
Netherlands 1852 5¢, 10¢ & 15¢ King William imperfs all with 4 margins & bright colours. Mint with small adherence on 15¢. An attractive group.…
Sold $400
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Commonwealth & Foreign
Netherlands Indies 1941 Queen Wilhelmina complete set of 16 to 25g. MVLH with 15¢ & 17½¢ MUH. A fresh set. SG 429/44 Cat. £1500
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1931-47 CofA £1 grey ovptd "SPECIMEN" Type D in block of 4. Small part perf separation at base with a short perf & a grease spot on another perf f…
Sold $500
Australia: Decimal
2016 Jewel Beetles set of Day 1 to 5 Miniature Sheets issued specially for the China International Exhibition with each postmarked on the respectiv…
Sold $560
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d bright red (G11), plate 3, pane 6. No monogram lower right selvedge block of 24 from 37-60. 13 units unused with no gum & 11 units part gum from…
Sold $1150
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
Russia 1949 Lenin Mausoleum M/S perf & imperforate x 3 of each without gum. Two of the imperf have marginal damage. MS 1463a Cat. £550 & 1463b Cat…
Sold $400
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Zimbabwe 1980-1997 range of 37 different commem sets in complete sheets with 2 sheets of each & all vals making 100 set for each issue or 60 of 198…
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d salmon eosin (G27). F/U by "NEW ANGLEDOOL" cds for MR 8 1918. A few clipped perfs top left reflected in conservative reserve. This is the second…
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1893 (27th Feb) Perth to Guildford cover with "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 3d brown pair (SG 107). Guildford duplex arrival b/s. An extremely elusive s…
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d brown-red (G32), plate 4, pane 8. Top half without selvedge with stamps 1-30 ovptd "N.W. PACIFIC ISLANDS." with numerous varieties incl scarce "…
Sold $425
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d carmine rose (G74) block of 6 on rough paper perfined "OS". Fresh with top three MLH & bottom MUH. Useful exhibition multiple. Drury Cert. (2017…
Sold $500
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1913 1st wmk 2/- brown with top selvedge with m/s inscription. Fine MUH, centred top left but balanced by selvedge. ACSC 35A Cat. $2500
Sold $500
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1935 (20th Mar) 1d KGV x 2 tied by Perth Air Mail slogan cancel on env addressed to "Miss Edna Boocock c/o Mr H Troughton Weat Murray via Pinjarra"…
Sold $2450
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915 2nd wmk 2/- light brown. MVLH with superb centering & appearance. ACSC 36 Cat. $1500 (see plate 2)
Sold $500
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d carmine pink (G101) from 1918 Cooke printing with "5-30 damaged lower right frame" variety. MVLH with good centering. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 73…
Sold $500

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