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Lot No Description Est.
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1913 1st wmk ½d green to 1/-emerald short set of 10. 4d & 1/- have light creases with centring generally fine. MVLH to MH but fresh. ACSC Cat. $18…
Sold $195
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d deep red (G13), plate 2, pane 4 top left corner selvedge block of 20 with 1-4, 7-10, 13-16, 19-22, & 25-28. Two with tone spot & 19 MUH. Identif…
Sold $280
Australia: Pre-decimal
1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge set of 4 to 5/-. Fresh MLH with good centering & perfs. SG 140/44 Retail $650+ (see plate 7)
Sold $280
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d scarlet aniline (G18) pre-substitute cliché. Fine to good used with 1917 cds. ACSC 71i(2)k Cat. $750 (see plate 4)
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Postal History 1885-1954 on Hagners in binder. Starts with 3 x WWI censored stampless O.A.S., long NSW "OS" ovptd 1d QV, 1916 KGV Lang Lang to Cran…
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d carmine rose (G30), Die II. Fine MLH. ACSC 71v(1)I Cat. $750 (see plate 5)
Sold $230
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
Switzerland1945 Peace set of 13 fine used. SG 447/57 Cat. £1200
Australia: Pre-decimal
1937/48 Robes set of 3 on thick paper in Ash imprint corner blocks of 4. All blocks well-centred fresh MUH/MLH with hingeing affecting only one sta…
Sold $230
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915 2nd wmk 2/- light brown x 3 F/U examples. One has light registered oval, others with cds's. ACSC 36 Cat. $350 each (3)
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
Curacao 1873/92 King William complete simplified set of 12 without gum as issued. Incls 60¢ olive yellow. Cat. £1200 with cheapest perf varieties…
Sold $210
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos N.W.P.I. range showing varieties on 2d "abc" MLH strip with middle stamp having ACSC 5(2)I, 2½d vertical block of 8 with top left stamp …
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915/28 3rd wmk 1/- dull blue green, Die IIB in gutter pair. MLH in gutter only. Well centred with excellent perfs. ACSC 33C Cat. $750+
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Germany 1980-2012 FDC's Comprehensive range in 2 shoeboxes & envelope box. No DDR but many Berlin issues included to 1990. No duplication with a hi…
Sold $200
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915/28 3rd wmk 5/- grey & pale yellow with duty plate "shading breaks in Bight" variety. MLH, centred slightly left. Fresh bright colour. ACSC 44d…
Sold $210
Commonwealth & Foreign: Papua
1932 Pictorials to £1 used with some CTO in the mid vals. The 9d with nibbled perfs at right. SG 130/45 Cat. £450
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
1969-1976 excls 1974 but 2 extra of each 1975 & 1976. All in red RAM folders. Cat. $840 (11)
Sold $270
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Gibraltar 1991-2008 MUH complete (excl 1991 £1.05 butterfly) incl all M/S's in quality Davo Hingeless binder with slipcase. Faultless. Total face …
Sold $360
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
1986-2003 Uncirculated Coin Sets all in RAM folders. 1992 without outer sleeve otherwise all in exc cond. Retail $800+ (18)
Sold $250
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1840 1d black Mulready envelope struck with neat, central Maltese Cross in black with red sealing wax on reverse. Contains the original 1886 letter…
Sold $250
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Great Britain 1980-1994 Benham silk FDC's for a range of issues with the majority having a single cover for each stamp in the set. Usual high quali…
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1840 1d black, plate 6. Cancelled by a clean red Maltese Cross. Lettered EJ with 4 close to huge margins showing adjoining stamp at top. SG 2 Cat. …
Sold $200
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1913-1965 MUH, MLH & used collection in Seven Seas Hingeless album with 1st wmk kangaroos to 9d (excl 6d) incl ½d & 3d CTO (ACSS 1wb cat. $30 & 12…
Sold $200
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1840 2d deep full blue. Superb used with an almost complete Maltese Cross in black. Close to huge margins, just touching at base. Lettered "AE". A …
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1840 2d pale blue with superb red Maltese Cross central cancel. 4 clear, even margins with fresh colour. Lettered "RG". A premium stamp. SG 6 Cat. …
Sold $250
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1913-1972 MUH, MLH & used in Seven Seas Hingeless album starting with First wmk to 1/- used (1d Die I MUH), 2nd to 1/-, 3rd to 5/- (ex 2/- brown), …
Sold $410
Coins and Banknotes: World
Great Britain 1558-1603 Elizabeth I Shilling F+
Sold $200
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1930-1959 range of outgoing covers incl some first flight with cachets. Destinations incl Papua/New Guinea, USA, England, New Zealand, Germany, Swi…
Sold $200
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1931-47 CofA 5/- grey & yellow. 9 used examples of which 1 is CTO, 2 have machine cancels & the rest are cds examples. All with ACSC listed varieti…
Sold $200
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1931-47 CofA 5/- grey & yellow-buff with duty plate "broken coast near Sydney" variety. MLH, centred low & left otherwise fine. ACSC 46c(D)da Cat. …
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1876 Telegraphs group of 10 incl 1d, 3d (plates 2 & 3), 4d, 6d, 1/- (plates 4, 5 & 9) green, brown orange (plate 11) & 3/-. All nicely cancelled wi…
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1931-47 CofA 10/- grey & pink with "ewe-faced kangaroo" variety. Fine used by Airmail Late Fee Sydney central cds. Well-centred with good perfs. AC…
Sold $200
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1880/83 2½d blue, plates 21 & 22. Both MLH with latter a deeper shade. Good centering & perfs on each. SG 157 Cat. £900
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
New Zealand 1873-1990 MUH, MLH & used stock in old Lighthouse stockbook. Good range of 1898 pictorials incl 3x 6d green used & 2/- perf. 11 no wmk …
Sold $460
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
1996 $20 Fraser & Evans last signature "DA 96" prefix. Unc R416cL Cat. $700
Sold $450
Western Australia: Collections
1889-1906 range of items incl Arthur River Telegraph Office ORS, IDA.H, Worsley, & Yundamindera cds's, block of 52 x 2d grey swans with Nullagine c…
Sold $450
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
1999 $100 Evans & McFarlane with "99" prefix in consecutive pair. Unc R618b Cat. $480 (2)
Sold $250
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1896/02 1d lilac in 2 shades both ovptd "O.W. Official". One MUH & other MLH. SG 033 Cat. £475 x 2 + premium for MUH
Coins and Banknotes: World
World "Banknotes from Around the World" Franklin Mint produced one country sets of "SPECIMEN" ovptd notes for Gibraltar, Ghana, Ireland (both BOI &…
Sold $800
Australia: Decimal
2017 (30th Mar-2nd Apr) "Rare Beauties" Gemstones Medallion & M/S set of 4 pmkd each day of the Melbourne Int Stamp Exhib. Limited to just 250 sets…
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Sudan 1895-1962 MLH & used on Hagners noting 1895 set MLH/used (5pi & 10pi MLH, Cat. £130), 1902/21 Postman to 10pi (£120 as mint) plus set F/U, …
Sold $330
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1929 £1 P.U.C. with neat 1936 registered oval cancel at upper left. Well centered. SG 438 Cat. £550
Sold $310
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1865 6d violet with wmk Crown CC sideways with Crown right of CC. Fine unused with no gum. SG 57bw but not priced. A stamp with wmk left of cc is c…
Sold $250
Western Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
South Africa 1980's-1990's MUH sets in corner blocks & singles from RSA, SWA, Namibia plus all four "Homelands" in 5 large stockbooks. Incls defins…
Sold $250
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
Army Official ovpts for 1896-1903 complete. QV 6d is MLH with others used. KEVII 6d x 2 (both heavily cancelled) incl ½d blue green & colour chang…
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign
Suriname 1873 2½¢ on 50¢, perf. 12½x12 with surcharge double. Mint without gum as issued. A scarce stamp. SG 54 Cat. £650
Sold $250
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1913 1st wmk 3d olive, Die II. MLH & well centred. One shortish perf at base. ACSC 12B Cat. $750 (see plate 2)
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1913 1st wmk 3d olive, Die II. MLH & well centred. VG perfs. ACSC 12B Cat. $750 (see plate 2)
Sold $250
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
O.W. Official ovpt on 1902/03 1d scarlet KEVII. Fine used & MUH examples. SG 037 Cat. £700 + premium for MUH (2)
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign
Austria 1933 50g ultramarine WIPA on granite paper. Fine MUH. SG 704 Cat. £450
Sold $250
Australia: Pre-decimal
1937 1/- dull green lyrebird in John Ash imprint (38mm) block of 6. MUH & well centred but selvedge at left poorly separated thus the low reserve. …

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