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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World | |||
Ireland Duplicated lot with mostly commercially used standard, missing high cat items chronologically set out to "Euro" currency Birds defins then … $40 Sold $30 | |||
Ireland, British Regionals & PO's Abroad A modest used lot with mainly Ireland (224) incl ovpts to 2/6d used in mixed cond. Others total approx. 15… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Israel "Forerunners", 1960's locals, sheetlets of Nahariya Emergency Mail & Emergency Post, 1971 British Postal Strike "Airmail to Israel" roulette… $150 Sold $150 | |||
Israel 1948-1962 MUH range in Lindner stockbook with some toning (items turned over to simplify viewing) but many early full tabs e.g. 1948 Doar Iv… $150 Sold $150 | |||
Israel 1948-1970 nearly complete MUH full tab collection in Schaubek hingeless album bar TABUL M/S , tête-bêche pairs, blank tab PD's of 1948 & 1… $3800 Archived | |||
Israel 1948-2009 range missing highly cat items & nearly all without tabs in mixed MUH, MLH & used cond. Does incl 1966 Archaeological Treasurers M… $75 Sold $55 | |||
Israel 1948-2011 FDC & special cachet collection in 6 bulging FDC albums. Earlies incl 16th May 1948 coins set to 50p without tabs, 1950 500p camel… $400 Archived | |||
Israel 1949-1978 Plate number & date, upper right corner blocks collection in KA-BE stockbook. Clean lot with about half the issues present x 2. Ex… $60 Archived | |||
Israel 1950-1985 FDC's Range of plain & illustrated in 3 small FDC albums. Mixed addressed/unaddressed with most appearing to have been selected fo… $70 Sold $55 | |||
Israel 1950's-1960's defins on FDI covers from a variety of post offices many cancelled with range of meter marks. Specialist material seldom offer… $80 Archived | |||
Israel 1950's-1970's MUH diverse range noting 1960 TAVIV M/S (cat. £46), 1963 Halbanon sheetlet (cat. £140), 1953 Jewish New Year set of 3 sheetl… $120 Sold $180 | |||
Israel 1950's-1980's Postal stationery noting 1953 & 1954 aerogrammes CTO, range of postcards with some duplicated either CTO or unused & all unadd… $30 Sold $20 | |||
Israel 1960-1975 range of registered "Arkia" (Israel Internal Air Services) FFC's with many different places of registration & Airmail etiquettes. … $50 Sold $50 | |||
Israel 1960-1978 MUH collection in large Lighthouse hingeless album. Very close to complete, odd stamp with short tab, but incl 1960 TAVIV & 1963 H… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Israel 1960's-1970's range of MUH multiples still in new issue bags plus matching FDC's. Other later 1980's MUH on Hagners with odd used throughout… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Israel 1960's-1980's modest duplicated range of used in 2 small stockbooks & MUH in a third. Common stamps in good cond useful for space-filling. (… $30 Archived | |||
Israel 1960's-1980's MUH issues all with tabs in 3 quality stockbooks. Single sets in early period then duplication increasing with late 1980's up … $70 Sold $85 | |||
Israel 1963-1982 MUH lightly duplicated in stockbook noting 1963 FFH tête-bêche pairs x 2, 1963 £1 Shalom (5 with full tabs, cat. £70), 1964 Na… $75 Sold $75 | |||
Israel 1970-1985 lightly duplicated MUH full tab range in Lindner stockbook with some CTO incl 1978 Memorial Day M/S. Good range with only a few ga… $60 Sold $60 | |||
Israel 1970's issues in MUH corner blocks of 4 in 2 Lighthouse "block" albums. Mainly fine with over 200 blocks plus 20 full sheets & odd M/S. $70 Archived | |||
Israel 1970's-1980's MUH in partially filled stockbook. Many issues in blocks or strips with tabs plus a few M/S's. (100s) $75 Archived | |||
Israel 1971-1985 MUH nearly complete collection in Schaubek hingeless album plus Lindner album for 1970-1979 issues which are approx. 50% complete. $80 Archived | |||
Israel 1978-2000 definitive series in blocks or strips MUH in large Prinz stockbook. A few earlier blocks incl 1952 PD's set plus tab singles of 19… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Israel 1988-1999 Souvenir/Maxicards x 3 of each (approx. 90) plus sheetlets & booklets for mainly 1990-2011. Also an album with 1949-1966 mostly un… $70 Sold $70 | |||
Israel 1990-1997 MUH range incl M/S's with nearly all diff in stockbook. Virtually complete & a "good period" with nearly all cat. between £1-£4 … $100 Sold $100 | |||
Israel 1990-1998 Lindner hingeless album for various defins & Machine labels. Patchy but useful pickings within an attractive album. $40 Sold $40 | |||
Israel 1993-2011 Machine labels. A comprehensive range with duplication up to 4 each in quality black leaved Lindner stockbook. Good opportunity to… $150 Sold $150 | |||
Israel 1998-2008 MUH stock in Lindner stockbook with duplication of up to 20 of each. Lesser quantity of sheetlets with generally 4 of each. Al… $180 Sold $200 | |||
Israel 2001-2004 issues apparently complete in blocks of 4 & tab strips of 5 for every issue plus 6 of each M/S. All in large Lindner black-leaved … $400 Sold $400 | |||
Israel 2004-2008 MUH stock up to x 20 of each in thick Lindner stockbook. Incls booklets, strips, blocks & sheetlets. An excellent stock for a diff… $200 Sold $200 | |||
Israel 2006-2012 accumulation mostly in original glassines as supplied by new issue service. At least 20 booklets incl Prestige & lots of recent M… $250 Sold $270 | |||
Israel 2009-2010 MUH stock in Lighthouse stockbook with duplication of up to 20 of each. Mixture of singles, strips, blocks, S/A sheetlets, etc. P.… $120 Sold $150 | |||
Israel 2010 MUH stock on first few pages of "as new" Prinz stockbook worth about the same as the stamps which incl "Bible Stories" set x2 8 & 5 M/S… $70 Sold $70 | |||
Israel 2010-2011 issues in MUH blocks plus (at front) Aust International Post used singles, MUH blocks (5¢ val), a few platypus (Tas.) & reprint b… $100 Sold $140 | |||
Israel 2011 issues & M/S's MUH in stockbook duplicated to 10 of each with M/S's x 8. Some PO info sheets incl. Clean lot with high FV. $75 Sold $75 | |||
Israel FDC's, card packs, souvenir cards, maxicards, S/A cards, Prestige booklets, etc. Mainly post-2000 but occasional earlier commercially used i… $75 Sold $75 | |||
Italy 1860's to 1960's MLH & used with minor duplication. Nothing major & cond varies but incls PD's to 10 lire, Venezia Gratia ovpts & odd better … $50 Sold $50 | |||
Italy 1862-1964 semi-organised collection on 50+ Hagners in binder. Mixed MLH & used with light duplication. Earlies are poor to average but pickin… $400 Sold $400 | |||
Italy 1862-1978 used collection in binder. Good pickings incl 1863/77 2 lire, 1901 types to 10 lire, 1910 Garibaldi 5¢, Plebiscite pair (MLH), 192… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Italian States Abroad/Colonies. Noted Somalia PD's 1906 5¢, 1909 5¢ & 10¢ MLH, 1923 10b used, 1926/30 7½¢ MLH (cat. £40), 1Lire75 used (cat. … $70 Sold $70 | |||
Italy & Colonies Mainly used haphazard range but with some good pickings noting 1952 60l Milan Fair MUH (cat. £90), Stamp Cent pair MLH, interesti… $90 Sold $90 | |||
Italy & States Mainly MUH & MLH on Hagners & stockcards. Noted Sicily 5g vermilion used, Tuscany (3 used), Italy 1879 30c brown (cat. £190) & 2lir… $200 Sold $200 | |||
Jamaica 1860-2008 Range starting 3d with pineapple wmk in 2 shades, 6d, 1/- used plus 1d blue in 3 shades. Also 2d red & range of other QV to 2/- w… $80 Sold $130 | |||
Japan 1871-2010 MLH & used issues on 100+ Hagners in 3 large padded binders. Noted 1871 48m brown used (genuine, laid paper), 1872 2s red & 30s gre… $250 Sold $360 | |||
Japan - Prefectures Issues Approx. 450 different used with essential SG cat. numbers, year of issue & prefecture shown which will save a lot of tim… $30 Sold $95 | |||
Japan, China, Macau & Singapore MUH & used on 30 Hagners in black binder with slipcase. Mainly used cheap oddments plus a few Taiwan & Macau lower … $30 Sold $50 | |||
Japan & South Vietnam Mainly used with some better 1890's-1930's amongst the Japan incl few PO's in China to 25s. Few with stains that should clean… $50 Sold $55 | |||
Japan & USA Heavily duplicated mainly used accumulation in large stockbook. Very little better than "packet material" but does incl 1954 USA defin … $40 Sold $20 | |||
Jordan 1967 Preparation for Olympics short set to 4f x5 & 1974 Dead Sea short set to 6f x41 plus other low vals all MUH. $20 Sold $15 | |||
Kampuchea 1983-1988 range on 19 Hagners with thematic interest in CTO sets & oddments incl some MUH. (320) $25 Sold $35 | |||
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