Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
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Lot No Description Est.
Miscellaneous: Literature and Publications
The Stanley Gibbons Book of Stamps & Stamp Collecting by James Watson. A philatelic classic which would be well used in any philatelic library whic…
Sold $5
Western Australia Pictorial Commemorative Postmarks 1921-2004 by Colleen Woolley & Janet Eury (2005). Soiled last index page, otherwise clean. 170p…
Western Australia The Stamps & Postal History by W.A.S.G. together with "The Postal Stationery to 1914" by Brian Pope & Phil Thomas. Both volumes h…
Sold $40
Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
DOUGLAS Ave - Perth suburban road sign in the original fluorescent yellow complete with fittings as removed from lamp post for replacement. Looking…
MORGAN St - Perth suburban road sign in the original fluorescent yellow complete with fittings as removed from the lamp post for replacement. As ab…
1930 Commonwealth Electoral Claim Form envelope. Unused with "POST FREE" top right & comprehensive instructions printed on reverse. Interesting. Ex…
1942 WWII Australian Identity card pmkd Rockhampton. Signed by holder, Grace Violet Stewart & witnessed accordingly. Various instructions printed …
Sold $20
1962 Nabisco "The British Empire and Commonwealth Games" souvenir card collection in "Vita-Brits" Nabisco book complete with all 25 cards with only…
Sold $40
1970's Nabisco "From Fable to Fact Conquest of the Air" project card collection in "Vita-Brits" Nabisco book complete with all 42 cards inserted wi…
Sold $25
1980 22c Animals reproduced on schoolbook S/A labels with the designs reproduced from the PSE issue. Ad at base of each offering free AP Stamp Bull…
British Telecom private commem £2 phonecards showing USAF Boeing B29, RAF Spitfire Mk. 5 & RAF B.25 Mitchell. All mint in unopened packets. (3)
Sold $5
Germany 1910 huge (340mm x 240mm) Cigarette Card album titled "Deutsche Kolonien" & with 46 pages of full colour picture cards (c250) from 12 colon…
Hutt River 1984 Visa complete with attached stamp cancelled by "VISA PERMIT Date Entered" cachet & signed by Prince Leonard. Accompanying info card…
Sold $20
WWII coloured Parcel label showing Merchant Navy ship with destroyer & fighter aircraft escort with words "ARRIVED SAFELY THANKS TO BRITISH CONVOYS…
Michael Schumacher Memorabilia & Model Collection. An impressive collection consisting of a 1/18 scale model collection totalling 68 different car…
Western Australia: Collections
Western Australia 1897-1912 covers & postcards all used with various PO cds's incl Vasse, Kalgoorlie & a Kanowna 3d on postcard. Mixed cond. (2 cov…
Sold $120
Western Australia 1898-1930's Revenues on documents with the earlier stamps used for revenue & later bi-colour Stamp Duty on receipts/invoices incl…
Sold $85
Western Australia 1900-1945 incoming mail. Incls 1924 "Registered Perth" A.R. card with pair of 1½d red KGV, 1915 1d KGV with machine cancel, GB…
Sold $160
Western Australia 1900-1961 incoming mail from NZ, Ireland, India, USA, Denmark & Australian colonies. All to a firm of solicitors in Perth. Cond …
Sold $50
Western Australia 1901-1904 incoming mail to firm of solicitors from NZ, SA (2) & NSW (3), one of the latter from J.C.Williamson, 83 Market St Sydn…
Sold $30
Western Australia 1902/12 set to £1 MLH incl 5/- & 10/- x2 with cheaper shades of 10/-. Some gum thins from hinge removal on 2d & 5/- vals. 5d is…
Western Australia 1929-1951 incoming mail with Australian adhesives starting with 2/6/29 "Air Mail Saves Time" machine slogan tying 3d Air & 2d KGV…
Sold $80
Western Australia 1930's incoming mail on commercially printed stationery from various firms including The Texas Company, Bank of NSW, NZ Perpetual…
Sold $130
Western Australia 1930's incoming registered letters with some formular 5d or 5d on 4½d & some ordinary with equivalent adhesives. Incl one Victor…
Sold $110
Western Australia 1932-1948 incoming mail from Great Britain to a firm of solicitors in Perth (17 items) plus a 1915 mourning cover to Perth & 1898…
Western Australia 1940-1966 Revenues to £5 plus extra £1 with 1966 values MLH (11) & used (9) to $2, Customs Duty (national) ½d x 2, ¾d & 3d. A…
Sold $60
Western Australia 1950's 1d revenues x 70 plus 2d x 8, 3d x 97, 6d & 1/- with odd decimal incl $20 & $50. Also a few Australia PD's & KGV/VI heads …
Sold $65
Western Australia 1960's Revenue Duty stamps on a selection of documents from a variety of local Perth Companies. Covers 1d to 3d & 1c to 3c with s…
Sold $40
Western Australia 1977-1995 range of address/unaddressed covers with variety of pictorial cancels. Some highly catalogued noted incl 1977 Duke Of E…
Western Australia 2001-2011 Swanpex commem stamps with tabs, WAPC Swan perfins on both Exhibition issues & other Australian decimals, covers with e…
Western Australia Swanpex & Stamp Show commem issues incl 1987 ovpt gutter strip of 3, 1992 pmkd PSE's, 1994 ovpt M/S, 1995 Swanpex ovpt on MUH & E…
Western Australia MLH & used duplicated range on 8 Hagners incl Spiro forgeries, perfins incl "WA" 8d, 9d, 10d, 2/6d & 5/- plus "OS" to 5/-, "IR" T…
Sold $340
Western Australia Massive accumulation in old leather briefcase of swans plus other States & odd kangaroo. It would appear unchecked as there are u…
Sold $320
Western Australia Commissariat punctures on 1/- Hillman imperf & on engraved types with vals 1d to 1/- (5 of latter) & on 5d surface print. Seldom …
Sold $660
Western Australia Duplicated used range with barred numeral pmk interest on swans to 1/- with low value duplicates plus some perfins incl "OS" & "V…
Sold $180
Western Australia Postmark collection on swans, KGV & a few decimal. Noted Goongarrie, Manmanning, Meckering, Coolgardie (ORS), Edjudina, Malcolm, …
Sold $190
Western Australia Swans accumulation in tin with wide range of colours, values & dates. Mixed cond but many F/U examples sighted. (1000+)
Sold $65
Western Australia Used surface printed perfined "WA" on leaves incl CrownCA, WCrA & V/Cr (to 10/-) plus national issues perfined "WA" x 40 incl 11 …
Sold $80
Western Australia Metro Buses Pty Ltd 9d, 1/- & 2/- Parcel Stamps, WA Govt State Ferries 6d Freight Docket, WA Govt Tramways 1d pair exchange ticke…
Sold $100
Western Australia Postmarks on a range of swans plus odd KGV & pre-decimal commems with 5 WA swan unused Postcards also noted for ½d x 2, 1½d on …
Sold $140
Western Australia Govt Railways Parcel label collection arranged by value complete with shades. Highlight is the ½d on 1d orange horiz pair with l…
Sold $2200
Western Australia Used duplicated range in stockbook & on leaves with some nice strikes on low val typos plus a few perf "OS" & odd earlier engrave…
Sold $75
Western Australia Accumulation on album pages, Hagners, etc with postmarks galore incl Numerals plus "WA" & "OS" perfins. Vals to 8d & odd Revenue.…
Sold $150
Western Australia Incoming registered letters from India (Gymkhana Club cds 1946), GB KEVII embossed "2d registration plus 1d postage" from Forest …
Sold $20
Western Australia Modest used range (39) on leaves from 2d orange imperf SPIRO FORGERY to 1861/90 engraved vals to 6d (2) incl 4d carmine & red bro…
Sold $60
Western Australia Used duplicated range with most items "flagged" with cat. numbers & prices. Noted "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d chrome with BN "15"…
Sold $60
Western Australia Range of used with "OS", "WA" perfin & Commissariat punctures. The "OS" incl 2/-, 2/6d, 5/- & 10/-, the "WA" similar (but no 10/-…
Sold $120
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
Western Australia Used surface printed perfined "OS" range incl V/Crown to 10/- & C/A to 5/-. Nearly all fine cds examples. (40)
Sold $130
Western Australia Revenues bicolour "long swan" range on leaves with many better incl 1904/21 15/-, 1906 perf. 11 £5 & £10, WCrA to 30/-, 1909 la…
Sold $330
Western Australia Postcards group of 5 with one unused, one with punched filing holes & others fine. Comprise of "Fishing Boats, Bunbury", untitled…


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