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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1913-1988 MLH & used collection on Seven Seas hingeless pages. Various kangaroos to 2/- used with 5d fine but needs soaking. Pages present for perf…
Sold $160
1913-1990's KGV & kangaroos used duplicated range incl some perfins plus a good range of PD's incl monocolours to 5/- used (plus "blank at base 6d …
Sold $380
1913-2000 collection in 3 Seven Seas hingeless albums with decimal period over 90% complete MUH. Pre-1940 largely used with some better incl 1914 6…
Sold $500
1914-1985 MUH & MLH collection in black-leaved Lighthouse stockbook. Incls pre-decimal (176 stamps, STC £220) & decimal (518 stamps with a FV of $…
Sold $120
1914-1990's in quality stockbooks with useful used incl 1914 6d Kookaburra, "OS" ovptd Kingsford Smith pair plus 6d, 1/- Lyre (perf faults …
Sold $800
1914-1996 collection on approx. 90 Hagners. No kangaroos or KGV heads but very good 1930's MUH/MLH duplicated range incl 1928-1932 perf "OS" & ovp…
Sold $400
1914-1996 MUH & MLH collection (no kangaroos or KGV heads) on leaves in Senator binder with AAT 1957-1996 at back. A well presented, clean lot with…
Sold $500
1927-1965 MUH & MLH collection on Davo hingeless pages. No Officials or PD's but does incl 1928 M/S (even toning) MUH & 1932 5/- SHB MLH with all o…
Sold $750
1927-1980 duplicated used in chronological order in 2 stockbooks. Noted 1929 3d air (20), 1931 6d brown Air, 1934 1/- Vic Cent, 1936 1/- S.A. Ce…
Sold $50
1927-1990's Incl AAT. MUH & used from pre-decimal on Vario sheets & Hagners in zip-up "Tudor Organiser". Untidy pre-2007 used then odd 1927-1955 MU…
Sold $80
1930's KGV 2d embossed PSE's x 17 & a KGVI all locally used to Perth addressee with various dates, cds's, slogans etc. Some roughly opened. (18)
1930-1995 MLH & used accumulation in 3 stockbooks. One with 1966-1978 duplicated used plus GB modest range of used commems & defins to 1995, the ot…
Sold $75
1936-1938 covers in no particular order with a valuable & diverse range of WCS, Wide World, plain, APO, Excelsior, Royal & others with FDI cancels …
Sold $180
1936-1979 range of covers with special Exhib & event pmks. Unaddressed/addressed & registered with no dupl. Good to fine cond. APM Cat. $680+ (16)
1937-1965 MUH accumulation on Hagners in binder. Noted 1937/49 1d maroon coil pairs (3) & larger strips (10 of 4 or more) plus other coils incl 195…
Sold $90
1945-1965 MUH/MLH range of blocks on leaves in springback binder. Incls imprints pre-1950 plus later 2/- & 2/3d commems, Flower defins & Bird defin…
Sold $110
1955-1960 range of fronts with various Perth slogan cancels, loose Aust & foreign items on/off paper in envelope noting KGV 1/4d turquoise on F/U p…
1959-1979 MUH range on Lighthouse leaves comprising 1959/62 zoologicals, flowers, QEII & 5/- cattle. Decimal range from 1972 with face value of $50…
Sold $50
"Birds and Tropical Fish" 7c, 8c & 10c Fish & 9d, 1/6d, 2/5d & 2/6d pre-decimal birds all in blocks of 4 with B&W photos showing primary design for…
Sold $50
"Exploration by Sea" Set of 6 Navigators in blocks of 4 (discoloured due to glue used) with photos of the 5d (original intended face value) from pr…
Sold $50
"Famous Australians" 2/3d Anzac, 5c Paterson, 5d Hargrave, 5d Melba, 5d Monash, 5d Mawson, 5c Namatjira & 8d Kingsford Smith in blocks of 4 (discol…
Sold $50
"State Floral Emblems" Set of 6 in blocks of 4 accompanied by photos of the original 30c Waratah colour sketch plus the "key drawing" & "Separation…
Sold $50
"Australian in Antarctica" 1966 set of 11 to $1 Mock Sun in blocks of 4 with four actual colour proof separation blocks of 4 for 10v value along wi…
Sold $210
1966-1973 Basic MUH (odd MLH) & used collection on Hagners in zip-up "Tudor Organiser". Virtually complete simplified but no 1971 XMAS pane of 25 &…
Sold $40
1966-1973 blocks of 4, 6 & 8 on leaves in binder. Clean & fresh lot with each block mounted on one stamp only. No 1971 Xmas but many better incl 19…
Sold $60
1966-1980's MUH accumulation of singles, pairs, blocks & strips in 2 large Lighthouse stockbooks. Total face value over $2000. (100s)
Sold $1050
1966-1985 Used in Seven Seas hingeless album. No M/Ss but basic stamps to $10 close to complete with mostly cds examples. (100s)
Sold $40
1966-1986 MUH collection incl 1971 Xmas pane of 25, block of 7, 1970 ANPEX M/S & all perf varieties incl $1 Flinders plus AAT collection complete w…
Sold $150
1966-1986 Used collection on Seven Seas leaves in binder. Missing odd perf variety, 1970 Cook M/S & 1971 pane of 25 but incls 1970 ANPEX M/S MUH & …
Sold $50
1966-1988 complete MUH decimal collection in Seven Seas Hingeless album with M/S's, gutters etc. Noted 1968 soil/medical unfolded G/P, ANPEX M/S, 1…
Sold $250
1966-1989 MUH in Seven Seas hingeless leaves in two binders. Approximately 85-90% complete with a FV $280+
Sold $180
1966-1995 MUH in 2 Seven Seas hingeless albums. No booklet panes or perf varieties but otherwise appears complete as per the standard leaves. 1971 …
Sold $280
1966-1995 MUH in 2 Seven Seas hingeless albums. No booklet panes or perf varieties, but appears otherwise high degree of completeness with 1970 Coo…
Sold $280
1966-2008 used range in 2 large stockbooks. Appears over 90% complete but most letter rate items have machine cancels nevertheless useful pickings…
1970-1990 Used collection in superb KABE printed album. Stamps are in mixed cond & worth less than the album itself! (100s)
1972-1985 MUH in M/S's (loose) & PO packs with heavy duplication in M/S's but noted 1971 Primary Ind pack, AAT 1973 defins x 2, etc. FV …
Sold $200
1972-2005 FDC's, PSE's, M/S's & special cachets plus some mixed world incl GB, DDR, Samoa, Cook Is, Christmas Is, Fiji & Pitcairn & NZ largely 197…
Sold $80
1973-1985 MUH issues largely complete incl defins to $10 plus some used on Hagners. Also 20 odd FDC's & PSE's of the period. Total FV $140+ (100s)
Sold $70
1977-1985 range of unaddressed covers & PSE's with FDI cancels plus 1984 Lloyd's List mini omnibus of 14 covers with set on each & odd covers of Tu…
Sold $20
1977-2008 Range of issues in 4 Prinz stockbooks with majority useful 2006 onwards incl Int Post, gutter pairs & some AAT. Values to $10 with he…
Sold $1750
1985-1992 MUH issues largely complete incl paintings to $20 plus some used & CTO on Hagners. Also noted 13 diff FDC's & booklet stamps. Total FV $2…
Sold $140
1987-1999 complete plus odd later on Seven Seas & Davo hingeless leaves. Mostly F/U but late 1990's incl some MUH M/S's, gutter pairs, Framas & oth…
Sold $80
1987-2012 MUH & S/A's random accumulation noting Kokoda & Colonial Heritage M/S's, Emergency Services commem gutter block, Cup-pex double ovpt gutt…
Sold $100
1993-1998 MUH & used issues with high degree of completeness all on Hagners. Incls AFL sheetlet & few others on FDC's. A clean with a total FV $390…
Sold $180
1994-2011 International Post & commems in full sheets all neatly CTO by Melbourne cds's. Noted 2008 "Living Green", Working Dogs, Films & Heavy …
1999-2006 MUH, used & CTO issues largely complete in Hagners in zip-up "Tudor Organiser". Incls 19 diff FDC's & 3 booklets plus sheetlets & blocks.…
Sold $180
2000-2006 International Post & a few other unused maxicards plus a 2007 Sydney Harbour Bridge PNC cover. Odd duplicate. (80 cards & a few used stamps)
Sold $40
2000-2008 used or CTO collection on Seven Seas leaves. Incls se-tenant gutter blocks & strips, S/A's, sheetlets & M/S's (some MUH). Complete as per…
Sold $120
2006-2010 Int Post blocks of 10 CTO in 30 diff designs with vals to $4.00 Geikie Gorge. Noted $1.40 Russell Falls was second koala reprint plus odd…
2007-2011 CTO range of International Post, sheetlets, reprints, gutters & se-tenant strips. Incls AAT & Christmas Is. High cat. value & huge origin…
Sold $110


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