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Lot No Description Est.
Miscellaneous: Officials
1926 2d golden scarlet, Die III KGV perfined small OS. Fresh MUH block of 4. SG O104a
1926 3d ultramarine & 4½d violet KGV perfined small "OS" F/U (4½d small tear at top) plus 3d ultramarine Die II (SG 100b) & 1/- Lyrebird (SG…
Sold $20
1927-1930 perfined "OS" commems for Canberra, Sturt pair, WA Cent, 3d Kookaburra &3d Airmail. All fine MUH bar kookaburra which is MVLH. SG 0112/13…
Sold $90
1928 3d Kookaburra perfined "OS" block of 8 MUH. Perfs separating & lower left unit thinned with all units off centre & touching design at right…
Sold $50
1929 3d Air marginal block perfined "OS". Fresh MUH & not often seen in blocks. SG 0119
1931 2d & 3d Kingsford Smith ovptd "OS". Fresh MLH & reasonably well centred with good perfs. They appear to be genuine ovpts displaying the correc…
Sold $120
1932/33 5d orange brown KGV ovptd "OS" in horizontal pair with barely perceptible hinge mark at top. Well-centred. SG 0132
1932 6d chestnut kangaroo overprinted "OS" in complete sheet of 120. A little gum toning top left & right selvedges affecting only one stamp & 9 ot…
1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge pair with "OS" ovpt & 1931 6d brown Kingsford Smith "OS". All MUH & fresh. SG 139a & 0134/35
Sold $40
1929 3d green Airmail, type B, perfined "OS" strip of 3. Fresh MLH hinged on outer units. ACSC 135b Cat. $200
Sold $90
1930 3d Sturt perfined small "OS" CTO block of 4. Most attractive. ACSC 140wa
1932 OHMS Geological Survey of Victoria card addressed to Java with KGV 1d green perf "OS" pair tied by Melbourne 3 FEB 1932 machine cancel, "PREVE…
Australia: Pre-decimal
1911 (4th May) "Notification of a Case of Infectious Disease" OHMS pre-printed letter with 1½d brown KGV pmkd Melbourne. Completed in ink manuscri…
Sold $85
1911 1d black KGV lettercard with buff interior (ACSC LC12) with Glenelg Beach scene (No. 54) used by neat Harvey cds of NO 18 12 addressed to Pert…
Sold $40
1911 1d violet KGV full face "REPLY LETTER CARD" complete with reply portion still attached. Framed oval photo in purple on back showing "Giant Red…
Sold $65
1911 1d bright violet KGV lettercard on grey (toned, appearing buff-grey outside & off-white to grey interior) featuring scene 76 (Montezuma Falls)…
Sold $40
1913 1d kangaroo Die I lettercard in purple-black showing scene Mt Lofty Ranges (no sky shading - B4E) with Perth machine cancel of 25 SEP 13 & loc…
Sold $20
1913 1d bright pink, Die II kangaroo unused letter card with framed purple oval "Town Hall Sydney" photo. Stamp shows breaks in WA coast at lower l…
Sold $80
1913 1d chestnut brown, Die II kangaroo mint letter card with framed oval yellow-brown photo on reverse "Botanic Gardens, Portland, Vic". Sides wit…
Sold $50
1913 1d deep violet Die II kangaroo letter card with framed oval violet-purple photo showing "Botanic Gardens, Portland Vic" on reverse. Unused, wi…
Sold $50
1913 1d kangaroo Die I lettercard in purple-brown featuring scene 28B Cairns Railway Qld with Perth machine cancel for 4 AUG 1914. Locally address…
Sold $25
1913 1d light brown, Die II kangaroo mint letter card with framed oval chestnut/brown photo "Mosman Bay, Sydney-Harbour Ferry about to dock". Stamp…
Sold $40
1913 (4th July) Perth Registered (Red label type 1c) cover with block of 4 1d kangaroos with 2 strikes of the Reg Perth oval. Addressed to "Mr Davi…
Sold $210
1913 unused commercial envelope printed for Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corporation with Lighthouse illustration & sub-headings with pre-printed add…
Sold $55
1914 1d brown KGV letter card on buff-grey card with pink interior showing brown framed oval "Troops on board Transport". Penross JA 6 18 NSW cds &…
Sold $50
1914 1d green KGV letter card on buff-grey card with pink interior. Reverse showing ship "Off for the Seat of the War" in greenish blue. Stamp impr…
Sold $50
1914 6d claret Kookaburra, Plate 2, MUH pair. Centred to top with typical pinhole in selvedge & perfs separating at top on right hand unit. Free of…
Sold $180
1914 6d engraved kookaburra. MUH centred slightly up & to left. Very fresh. SG 19
Sold $40
1914 (26th April) "Notification of a Case of Infectious Disease" OHMS pre-printed letter with 1d red kangaroo pmkd Melbourne. Completed in ink manu…
Sold $40
1915 KGV 1d brown full face letter card unused with photo showing Pineapple Pickers, Queensland. Sides with full gum.
Sold $40
1915 KGV Australian Mutual Provident Society" long cover local Perth use plus a 1918 plain long cover addressed to Leederville with Perth "INVEST …
Sold $60
1917 black & white illust postcard, "First Overland Mail by Trans Continental" with 1d KGV affixed & addressed to soldier in France. Annotated in p…
Sold $50
1917 (31st May) cover to USA bearing 2d Kangaroo & ½d green KGV tied by Adelaide machine cancel with "PASSED" in violet over address. Neatly opene…
Sold $35
1917 (20th Oct) Cover with letter carried on the first mail on the Great Western Railway from Melbourne to Perth. 1d KGV pmkd Melbourne & "Per Rail…
Sold $100
1917 (15th Nov) cover addressed to USA with 2½d indigo pair tied by Sydney roller cancel. Clean & attractive double-rate usage.
Sold $120
1917 WWI "You can fight too - with your money. Subscribe to the Liberty Loan" cinderella showing soldier under the flag. Attractive.
Sold $20
1919 (26th Aug) ½d green & 4d orange KGV both perfined OS on OHMS Perth registered cover addressed to Jarnadup. "UNCLAIMED" s/l cachet plus D.L.O.…
1920's "RUSSELL STREET VICTORIA" x 2, "CHIEF PARCEL OFFICE MELBOURNE" x 2 large oval parcel cancels on brown paper pieces bearing 5/2d or 5/…
Sold $40
1923 "Souvenir of Ulverstone (Tasmania)" photo folder of 15 B&W scenes posted Hobart to N.Brighton (Vic) with 1d violet KGV tied by Hobart machine …
Sold $25
1924 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 1½d green KGV post card. Superb unused mint cond. ACSC P59 Cat. $750
1925 (7th Dec) 4½d KGV pre-printed registered env used with red STRATHFIELD NSW registration label. Good cond.
1926 (29th April) OHMS Perth Registered cover with red label & 1½d & 3d KGV perfined OS pmkd Registered Perth. Additional cachets incl "Office of …
Sold $60
1927 1½d Parliament House top left corner marginal block of 4. Full Plate No. 12 showing in margin. Minor faults. MUH/MLH. SG 105
1927 2/- Canberra booklet containing 16x 1½d stamps. Particularly fresh. SG SB22 Cat. £90
1928 (29th Oct) 3d Kookaburra tied to plain FDC by red Melbourne Exhibition pmk. SG 106
Sold $70
1928 Kookaburra Miniature Sheet from top of sheet. MLH in top & bottom selvedges. Light even gum toning as usual & a couple of shortish perfs at ri…
Sold $60
1928 Kookaburra Miniature Sheet. Lightly hinged in selvedges only & no perf separation. Fine & attractive. SG MS 106a Retails $175
Sold $75
1928 Kookaburra Miniature Sheet. Fine MUH with no perf separation. SG MS106a Retail $300
Sold $120
1929 3d green Airmail type A top left plate blocks 1 to 4. Fresh MUH. ACSC 134za/zd Cat. $400
Sold $180
1930 2d on 1½d red KGV Imprint & Plate number pairs & blocks of 4 & 6. Noted "sliced O in surcharge" variety (ACSC 101ze). All MUH. (40 stamps in …
Sold $40


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