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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
World Pre-WWII MLH & used range on cards & pages. Cat. value is very high, but many items are faulty so viewing is advised. Noted Azores 2e40 Ceres…
Sold $50
Postcards Old postcard album starting with 1900-1910 Tuck's in very fine cond with colour cards from the "Oilette" series incl "Picturesque Countie…
Sold $300
Postcards World accumulation in 2 shoe boxes with majority unused & mostly fine. Mixed themes & places, mainly Europe, from 1960's to 1990's. (Appr…
Sold $100
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos Accumulation off paper on 2 small stockbooks one with 1d reds perf large & small "OS", "OS/NSW" or "T". No annotations so careful inspect…
Sold $160
Kangaroos 1d red used range of annotated varieties. Some stamps have damaged perfs or unattractive machine cancels but varieties are clear & includ…
Sold $310
Kangaroos Mounted range on leaves sorted by SG number with 5/- CofA A x 23 & good quantity of most other 3rd wmk & S Mult wmk values. No 1st wmk it…
Sold $230
Kangaroos Range incl 2d & 2/- perf OS (latter badly centred), 3d, 6d, 9d, 1/- & 2/- maroon all with 3rd wmk, 6d perf OS, 9d, 1/- & 2/- (latter roun…
Sold $85
Kangaroos Accumulation to 2/- with parcel cancels predominating plus a small range of PD's to 5/- used. (100s)
Sold $100
Kangaroos on/off paper accumulation in tin with vals to 2/- sighted but preponderance of 1d reds. Mixed cond but many fine used & probably unsorted…
Sold $230
Kangaroos plus NWPI noting nice used strip of 5d kangaroo (3), 9d 3rd wmk block with Minnipa (SA) cds of 1919, Qld Chalons to £1 fiscally used or …
Sold $110
Kangaroos Used off paper accumulation sorted by face value & wmk on Hagners. Incls 1st wmk to 2/- (no 5d but 4d x 74), 2nd wmk 2d, 6d & 9d, 3rd wmk…
Sold $330
Kangaroos Used range in bags & stockcards in small tin in mixed cond incl KGV 4d blue & 1/4d CofA & 1936 1/- SA (2). Main val in 100s of 1d kangaro…
Sold $360
Kangaroos MLH & used range on Seven Seas & other leaves incl 1st wmk to 1/- MLH (excl. 5d & 9d) plus 2/- F/U & 5/- good used. 2nd wmk to 2/- used (…
Sold $800
Kangaroos & KGV plus odd WA swans & revenues & Aust pre-decimals on/off paper in small box. Noted KGV 5d OS on piece with neat Registered Perth ova…
Sold $140
KGV 1d reds mounted on old annotated album leaves presented by shade. Appears to be picked over maybe something for the specialist. (Approx. 170)
Sold $50
KGV 1½d off paper in various colours in Monopole cigar box. Mixed cds & machine cancels with odd "OS" perf. Appears checked over but a clean lo…
Sold $45
KGV 1½d & 2d reds, the former sorted into envelopes by alpha order of WA postmarks (Perth & South West - nothing scarce) & a few inverted wmk of p…
Sold $160
KGV used & MLH range on 9 stockcards, all stamps with "flags" detailing ACSC cat numbers. Noted 1½d scarlet single wmk block of 4 MUH, pair 1d gre…
Sold $120
KGV 1d reds & greens & violets plus other vals to 5d off paper. Has probably been checked, but worth reserve & noted some NSW pmks e.g. Hoskin's To…
Sold $120
KGV used range to 5d plus 1935 ANZAC & Silver Jubilee sets good to fine used. Also 1934 Macarthur & Victoria in both perfs, 1937/48 Robes all good …
Sold $50
KGV accumulation, mainly off paper incl bundles of 1d green, lots of 1d reds, a few 4d pale orange & various others to 5d. Clean lot with many fine…
Sold $150
KGV used range mostly with annotated varieties plus some good used incl 4½d Die II CTO, 1949/50 Arms to £1 MLH & few kangaroos to 5/- used. Neatl…
Sold $150
KGV used range on Hagners sorted by wmk & perf. Incls a few minor varieties annotated. Noted 1/4d x 10 plus few other vals with "OS" perfins. Gener…
Sold $80
KGV range on 6 Hagner pages in binder. Used lot in mixed cond with some WA, Tas & other cds examples with vals ½d to 1/4d (2). Stated to be "unche…
Sold $40
KGV heavily duplicated in large Lindner stockbook with 1d greens (c700) plus odd singles to 1/4d. Also WA 1d red & 2d yellow swans type heavily dup…
Sold $100
KGV used selection with ½d to 5d noted incl 1d reds x 500 in packets. (1300+)
Sold $180
KGV used varieties on leaves in "Devon" album. All annotated in pencil incl inverted wmks, wattle line, notch flaws, retouches, "runN", dots, "N-Y …
Sold $100
KGV MUH collection on Seven Seas hingeless leaves. Missing 1d red Dies I & II, otherwise complete for all wmks, dies & perfs incl "OS" ovpts, surch…
Sold $1900
KGV MUH & MLH varieties in stockbook with annotations inserted. Incls marginal plate (dot) examples, pairs & blocks. Strong in 1½d reds, with seve…
Sold $120
1891-1965 diverse range of covers & postal stationery that must be viewed to appreciate. Incls flight covers, mourning covers, postcards, PSE's (Vi…
Sold $130
1913-1936 collection in small "Simplex" binder with kangaroos to £1 grey, KGV to 1/4d (2), 1930's commems (no 5/-) all in very mixed cond. Also a …
Sold $150
1913-1936 Kangaroos & KGV defins used incl perfined "OS" simplified range on Seven Seas. Noted 4d orange with Reg cancel but nibbled perfs at base,…
Sold $80
1913-1936 Starts with odd kangaroos incl 5/- CofA x 2 CTO, 10/- good used & "SPECIMEN", damaged 10/- x 3 & 3rd wmk £1 "SPECIMEN" plus odd mint e.g…
Sold $820
1913-1940's disorganised range in stockbook with a few kangaroos & commems to 1/- plus odd KGV. Also leaves/Hagners with WA cheaper stamps with som…
Sold $50
1913-1956 used accumulation range incl kangaroos to 1/-, KGV to 1/4d, 3d kookaburra perf "OS" (tiny thin), 1949/50 Arms & various commems to 2/-. C…
Sold $40
1913-1965 collection starting with 20 kangaroos used to 5/- (latter 3rd wmk, blunt corner), then KGV range to 5d incl some perf "OS", 1937 with Rob…
Sold $160
1913-1965 mainly used collection in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Noted nice 5d kangaroo with others to 5/- plus SPECIMEN ovptd 10/- & £1 CofA MUH. …
Sold $210
1913-1965 MLH & used collection in Schaubek hingeless album. Incls a few kangaroos to 2/-, KGV to 1/4d & "OS" ovpts selection. Noted £1 grey 3rd w…
Sold $240
1913-1965 MUH, MLH & used collection on Hagners noting 1st wmk kangaroos to 1/- with MUH to 3d, then used incl 5d, 2nd wmk to 1/- (excl 6d) used, 3…
Sold $1000
1913-1965 range in Seven Seas hingeless album. No Kangaroos but useful KGV heads (30) to 4½d all MUH, odd 5/- & 1/4d used with commems 1927 onward…
Sold $320
1913-1965 range on Hagners with 11 diff kangaroos to 5/- (latter 3rd wmk) used, range of KGV to 1/4d mainly used plus 1930's commems MLH & used tho…
Sold $160
1913-1965 simplified collection complete on Seven Seas hingeless leaves in Seven Seas album. Kangaroos are good to fine used to 5/-, KGV (22) to 1/…
Sold $700
1913-1965 simplified used collection in "Victoria" peg-fitting album but did note 1914 6d Kookaburra MUH. Starts with Kangaroos in all colours & va…
Sold $150
1913-1965 used accumulation with odd mint on leaves in binder plus duplicates in stockbook & a sparse States range in another. Very mixed cond thro…
Sold $55
1913-1965 Used collection on Seven Seas pages. Kangaroos to 5/- 1st wmk (2/- CTO), ditto 2nd wmk (average), 3rd wmk to 10/- (latter stained), S.Mul…
Sold $500
1913-1974 diverse ranger on Hagners noting KGV "OS" ovpts (7) to 5d MUH/MLH (odd one stained), 1935 2/- SJ MUH, others with faults, KGV blocks MUH/…
Sold $960
1913-1979 range in 3 albums with largely common duplicated used but noted KGV to 5d incl OS, 1/- lyre ovptd "OS" x 8 used, mostly fair to good & va…
Sold $120
1913-1979 used accumulation off paper sorted by catalogue order into envelopes. Value in 1d kangaroos & KGV with separate envelopes for "OS" from 1…
Sold $260
1913-1980 Seven Seas hingeless leaves & few Hagners with mainly MUH. Some used incl a range of kangaroos to 5/- (incl 4d, 5d perf "OS"), …
Sold $900
1913-1981 Used collection in Scott specialty album. Incls kangaroos in all wmks to 1/- & poor 5/- Small Mult & CofA wmks, KGV almost complete incl …
Sold $200


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