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Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1907 (27th Aug) Coolgardie to Broad Arrow postcard with 1d swan tied by Coolgardie A25T (3) with Broad Arrow arrival 3b-a (1-2) alongside. Attracti…
1907 (14th Oct) "Rapids above Serpentine Falls" (publisher unknown) colour postcard with 1d swan tied by full Serpentine 3b (1-2) cds. Addressed to…
Sold $25
1907 (9th Dec) "Aboriginals and White Man, N.Q." (Art series) colour postcard with 1d swan tied by Canning 3b cds (1). Addressed to Spain but taxed…
Sold $30
1907 (24th Dec) Postcard to Broad Arrow with Newcastle 3b (2) cds tying 1d swan with neighbouring Broad Arrow A28T cds. (2-3) Very good cond.
Sold $20
1907/08 bank cheques drawn on Boulder WA branch of The Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd with "paid" bank stamps & rubber stamps of "John W.Shackloc…
Sold $40
1908-1925 range of mastheads from country newspapers. Papers incl The Bunbury Herald, The Narrogin Observer, Geraldton Express & South West Times. …
Sold $25
1908 "The Commercial Bank of Australia Limited" bank cheques drawn on the Boulder branch, each with rubber stamp of "United Friendly Societies Inst…
1908 (15th Jan) Postcard with Dumb Obliterator D0-10 (1) tying 1d swan. Message indicating that the postcard was probably written in Kamballie but …
1908 (27th Jul) Postcard (romantic in colour) addressed to Broad Arrow with 1d swan tied by Nannine 3b-b cds. (2) Card with edge cut down but not o…
1908 (6th Aug) Floral coloured postcard addressed to Albany with Brownhill 3b index 3 tying 1d swan which has been folded around top right corner o…
Sold $20
1908 (17th Aug) "Wellington Street Looking East, Perth, WA" (Falk) coloured postcard with ½d & 1d swans tied by Perth Ship Room A27T-a cds's. (2-3…
Sold $20
1908 (10th Sept) WA visit of the American "Great White Fleet" 1d swan colour postcard (PC 16) addressed to Subiaco with light Subiaco 10 SEP 1908 c…
Sold $400
1908 (11th Nov) Art Series "Papa, Mama & the Baby" sepia postcard with 1d swan tied by two Hopetoun D27 cds's side by side. (3) Addressed to Kalgoo…
1908c "The Golden West" set of 12 illustrated envelopes featuring scenes of Perth incl "Holidaying on the Swan River", "WA Blacks at Breakfast", "W…
Sold $600
1909 "Messrs Burns, Philp & Co Lt Box 125 Post office, Fremantle" printed to private order 1d swan Postcard (PC17). Superb mint cond. A similar sol…
Sold $100
1909 (20th Feb) Floral postcard addressed to "Georgina Siding Walkaway Line via Geraldton" with 1d swan tied by M.O.O. Sandstone D26 MOO cds. (3) V…
Sold $35
1909 (7th June) 1d swan tied by Fremantle cds on front with handwritten "bookpost" & addressed to Constantinople. Very few such usages have survived.
1909 (15th June) "Agent General Western Australia" crowned cachet in mauve on cover with matching embossed flap. London Postage Paid hooded date st…
Sold $120
1909 (26th Aug) "Recreation Ground, boulder WA" (Falk) coloured postcard with ½d & 1d swans tied by Boulder A25T cds (3) addressed to France with …
1909 (14th Oct) Australian cattle scene (Regal Post Card Co.) postcard addressed to Claremont with 1d swan tied by Hopetoun 3b cds. (2-3) Good cond.
1910 (2nd Aug) Broome to Carnarvon cover with 2d swan tied by Broome 3b-b (2) with Carnarvon A25-a (4) b/s. A couple of small tears at the top othe…
1911 (4th July) 4d swan used on Sydney Reg cover to Birmingham, England. Registered Sydney NSW index B cds's tying both red & black label & stamp. …
Sold $30
1911 (15th Aug) "West Australia Aboriginal Women (No.2)" Falk coloured postcard with 1d swan tied by Fremantle A25T-c cds. (2-3) Addressed to Germa…
Sold $30
1912 (20th Jun) "South Perth from King's Park, WA" Falk coloured postcard with ½d & 1d swans tied by Geraldton B30T-a (3) on picture side & addres…
Sold $18
1912 (3rd Aug) "Sprengel & Hennig Importers, Exporters and Agents, Fremantle WA" printed env with 2½d swan tied by Fremantle cds & addressed to Ge…
Sold $20
1913 (27th Jan) "Phillimore Street, Fremantle WA" Falk b&w postcard with ½d & 1d swans tied by Fremantle cds on picture side. Addressed to New Cal…
1913 (30th Aug) Katanning Branch District Lands & Survey Office oval cachet with 1d kangaroo perfined OS tied by Katanning same dated cds on OHMS e…
Sold $50
1913 (22nd Nov) Grand Central Coffee Palace, Perth illust env addressed to Kalgoorlie with 1d red kangaroo plus 1941 Goldsborough Mortland & Co Ltd…
Sold $70
1915 (11th Dec) WWI Postcard by A.P. Zaki (Cairo) with " From Cairo to our friends at home" cartoon scene sent to East Fremantle by a member of the…
Sold $110
1915 Kalgoorlie Athletic Club "11th Grand Carnival" official program with pencilled notes on front & 1918 (1st April) Druid's Gala programme where …
Sold $50
1916 (10th May) Postmaster General's Dept, WA Telegram cancelled in red with Perth WA double outer ring strike not recorded in PMI Telegraph Sectio…
Sold $40
1917 (28th Mar) "On Active Service" in m/s at top of env addressed to Palmyra with "C.T.A. KALGOORLIE KANGAROO CARNIVAL MARCH 28th 1917" cachet in …
Sold $30
1917 (24th Oct) First Overland Mail covers x 5 with 2 types & a postcard posted in Perth. All "West to East" mail items, the used with Perth (2) & …
Sold $170
1919 (11th Jun) KGV 4½d Registered Letter (RE21) with Mundaring Weir red regd label. Mundaring Weir A28 (2) with Mundaring B27 transit cds (2-3) &…
Sold $50
1921 (12th July) OHMS Perth registered long env to a farmer in Nangeenan bearing a pair of 2d orange & 1d red KGV all perfined "OS". Marked "UNCLAI…
1927 (9th May) OHMS Perth registered long env to Northam bearing 1½d & 3d ultramarine KGV perfined "OS" with Northam 10 MAY 27 receival cds on rev…
1927 (8th Sept) Perth registered OHMS long cover addressed to Nungarin with 1½d & 3d ultramarine KGV perfined "OS". Nungarin b/s for 12 SE 27 & ma…
Sold $25
1930 (7th April) OHMS env with 1½d & 3d KGV perfined OS addressed to York tied by Registered Perth cds's. Perth R6 Reg label tied by "UNKNOWN BY L…
1930 (4th Nov) 4½d KGV Registered Env with additional ½d orange KGV tied by Katanning cds's with neighbouring R6 blue & black Regd label. Address…
Sold $160
1930 Hospital Fund Revenues. Complete set to £1 with additional shades for the 1½d, 3d, 4½d, 6d, 9d, 1/-, 2/- & 5/- vals. All good to F/U fiscal…
Sold $160
1931 (22nd Apr) 5d KGV Registered Env addressed to Melbourne tied by crisp Narrogin cds & accompanying R6 SS86 brown NARROGIN Regd label no. 692. P…
Sold $130
1931 Financial Emergency Tax Revenues range of all vals up to £1 fiscally used. Incls some shades & extras with £1 in an orange & orange-brown sh…
Sold $130
1932 (6th Dec) 5d KGV Registered Env with additional 3d KGV tied by BALLIDU cds's & neighbouring R6 black & blue regd label. Addressed to Perth wit…
Sold $130
1935 (12th Jan) range of Revenues tied to part of wages book & all fiscally cancelled with dated oval stamp. Incls 5 Financial Emergency Tax & 3 Ho…
1936-1961 Bairds Ltd Wages Book pages with large accumulation of revenues affixed. 1936 page is of "long swan" types (36) of which 19 are ovptd "TH…
Sold $280
1937 (19th June) 5d KGV tied to Perth addressed regd cover tied by complete YOUANMI cds with matching R6 blue regd label. Additional strike on reve…
Sold $80
1939 (29th June) 5d KGV perfined WA on Perth GPO registered OHMS Offices of Titles env addressed to Calingiri. Undelivered & returned with Calingir…
Sold $20
1939 (18th Sept) 5d KGV perfined WA on Perth GPO registered OHMS Offices of Titles env addressed to St Georges Tce but returned with "NOT KNOWN BY …
Sold $20
1940/42 Hospital Fund Revenues range incl 1½d x 5 with 2 on piece in combination, 3d x 2 with one in combination, 4½d (on piece), 6d x 2, 1/- & 2…
Sold $80
1942 (18th Aug) 2½d KGVI tied by Palgarup Mill A26 (2-3) on env addressed to England. Roughly opened but stamp & cancel unaffected.


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