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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Netherlands-Curacao & New Guinea 1873-1962 mint & used on printed leaves in Davo binder. Exc range of Curacao with 1873/89 to 2g50 in mixed good to…
Sold $640
New Zealand QV to 1960's mainly used from noting 6d green kiwi & vals to 2/- Milford (fiscal), 1926 3/- Admiral (parcel cancel), 1925 Dunedin set M…
Sold $140
New Zealand 1855-1998 MUH, MLH & used accumulation on Hagners, NZ Hingeless & standard albums plus a few covers in bag. Noted 1957 Health M/S (used…
Sold $450
New Zealand 1873/92 ½d Newspaper stamps to 1965 incl Life Insurance, Officials & 1907 Christchurch Exhibition labels (2x 2, 3, 4, 5) in usual mixe…
Sold $100
New Zealand 1898 London & 1900 local prints range on 8 covers & 25 stamps to 2/-. Noted squared circle strikes on 1898 mourning cover (2d), 1899 co…
Sold $260
New Zealand 1913 to 1995 on approx. 50 Hagners. A good starter lot, strong in 1980's CTO sets & M/S's, booklet panes & S/A's plus duplicates in sec…
Sold $90
New Zealand 1920-1967 mainly MLH in quality Lighthouse stockbook. Noted 1920 1/- Victory, 1935 6d Silver Jubilee F/U, 1940 Centennial MLH, 1960 to …
Sold $100
New Zealand 1931-1994 MUH & MLH collection on 44 Hagners in binder. Noted 1931 Airs, 1935 Silver Jubilee & 1954 to 10/- all MLH plus 1969 Cook with…
Sold $130
New Zealand 1935 Pictorials used accumulation with a few MUH & MLH incl 2½d duplicated plus official. (100s)
Sold $30
New Zealand 1935-1985 FDC's with earlies on a variety of different cachet makers covers. 1957 Export is cancelled Totara Homestead & 1959 Marlborou…
Sold $50
New Zealand & Dependencies 1945-1977 FDC's addressed to 1970 & then unaddressed. Noted 1968 Tonga Tin Can Mail with imperf set of 4 & NZ 1969 Cook …
Sold $45
New Zealand 1950-1962 FDC's & other covers incl 1955 "First NZ Helicopter Flight Western Springs to Auckland" & 1960 9d flag on Discovery II illust…
New Zealand 1957-2001 range incl M/S's MUH x 64 with some x 2 in black leaved quality Lighthouse stockbook. These are followed by Christmas & Healt…
Sold $100
New Zealand 1970's-1990's Booklets range with both commems incl S/A's & defins many with tab & non-tab versions plus FastPost issues. Noted "Stockh…
Sold $150
New Zealand 1981-2004 FDC collection in 7 albums & later loose with both commems & defins to $20 incl Ross Dep & Tokelau. Noted Framas & Lord of th…
Sold $170
New Zealand 1999-2001 (Vols 15 to 20) Limited Edition single issue books with the M/S's, colour separations, gutters & signed FDC's for "Scenic Wal…
New Zealand 2001-2002 (Vols 21 to 25) Limited Edition single issue books with the M/S's, colour separations, gutters & signed FDC's for "Aircraft",…
Sold $250
New Zealand 2003-2004 (Vols 26 to 30) Limited Edition single issue books with the M/S's, gutters, colour separations & signed FDC's for "Ballet", "…
New Zealand Postage Dues on cover & stamps on piece etc. Noted pre-1899 (NZ's first issued PD's in 1899) covers incoming from GB, India & local NZ …
Sold $430
Northern Rhodesia 1937-1963 KGVI & QEII issues complete on Hagners. The 1963 Arms set is MUH while others are fine MLH. SG 22/88 Cat. £500+ (70)
Sold $200
Pitcairn Is 1967-1990 FDC's with both defins & commems. Lovely thematic range incl M/S's. Majority in exc unaddressed cond. Cat. £320+ as fine use…
Sold $120
Pitcairn Is 1990-2007 FDC's with vals to $10 & M/S's. Attractive range of thematics with the latest issues rarely seen. SG cat. £700+ as fine used…
Sold $220
Poland Accumulation largely used in 7 large quality Lindner stockbooks with black leaves with additional sparse 2000-2004 range in small Chinese st…
Sold $90
Portugal 1856-1964 range incl 1866/67 5r unused with odd gum traces & 4 close margins (Cat. £170), 25r unused with 4 margins (Cat. £350) & 120r u…
Sold $350
Qatar 1957/64 range plus a few later sets noting 1957/59 to 10 Rupees Type I & II with latter MUH & others MLH, 1959 aerogrammes 30np & 40np on GB …
Sold $210
Rhodesia & Nyasaland A useful assortment noting B.S.A.C. £30 revenue (Barefoot No.8 Cat. £175), BCA "Arms" range to £1 & 1d & 1½d unused B.S.A.…
Sold $100
Rhodesia (BSAC), S.Rhodesia, OFS & Transvaal Odd better incl OFS KEVII to 5/- MLH (Cat. £275) & used with a wide range of VRI ovpts in singles & b…
Sold $200
Romania MLH & used accumulation in 7 large & 1 medium European quality stockbooks. Noted 1931 Scout Fund set MLH but very little else of over £2 c…
Sold $90
Russia Large accumulation in 5 large stockbooks (4 Lindner, 1 Lighthouse) plus 6 other European & one Chinese stockbook covering the period to 1972…
Sold $210
Saudi Arabia 1964-1980 MUH oddments noting 1964/72 9p olive green & carmine airmail (Cat. £120), 1968/75 10p camels (SG 901, Cat. £30), Holy Ka'a…
Sold $50
Singapore & a few Malaysia stamps MUH & used plus covers with strong 1980's & a few 1993-1994. Noted Singapore 1971 Festivals in MUH blocks, ditto …
Sold $360
Singapore 1948-1952 issues complete with both perfs of KGVI plus a few shades. Fine MLH. SG 1/36 Cat £720+ (47)
Sold $250
Singapore 1970's-1980's FDC's with over 120 different plus duplicates to x 3 of many mid 1970's issues. Noted 1971 Art set, defins to $10 & M/S's o…
Sold $230
South Africa (Pre-Union) MLH & good to F/U range with CGH perfd x 10 incl "G" ovpt Italic on 6d (Cat. £48) & large red upright "G" on 1/- (SG 9a, …
Sold $290
South Africa 1910-1970's duplicated range in black leaved stockbook. Majority common but does incl 1933 Voortrekker set of 4 pairs MLH & odd SWA on…
Sold $20
South Africa 1910-1992 collection in 7 binders. Considerable duplication starting with 1910 2½d mint (7 singles, 2 blocks of 4, one block of 6), u…
Sold $2000
South Africa 1975-1986 singles & blocks in 2 Senator albums incl M/S's, arrow blocks, minor varieties highlighted by "arrowcators", se-tenant CTO b…
South Africa-British Occ MLH & used patchy range in old stockbook. Better incl "B.A.Eritrea" ovpts MLH on 2/6d, 5/- & 10/- GB. The rest are mainly …
Sold $20
South Africa-OFS & Transvaal Duplicated & mainly used low vals with possible interest amongst the "orange trees" with a variety of shades & cancels…
Sold $95
South Africa-Transvaal 1877-1910 range written up on leaves from first British Occ to KEVII noting 1879/79 1d red/orange, 3d mauve/buff & on green …
Sold $95
Southern Rhodesia 1937-1953 range of covers incl 1937 Coronation set with 11 JUN 37 cds on Vacuum Oil Co cover to Beira, Mozambique. Various commem…
Sold $120
Switzerland 1845-1989 Used collection in standard Davo album noting 1845 2½r Basler-Taube thick paper imitation, 1850 2½r, 10r with "P.P." cancel…
Sold $600
Switzerland 1862-1998 used collection plus dupls. Noted 1867/78 15¢ lemon yellow used with crease (cat. £50), 1945 3f "Peace" (cat. £130) plus a…
Sold $50
Switzerland 1900-1965 MLH accumulation in variable cond on Hagners. Incls good range of ProJuventute sets & better singles but should be viewed as …
Sold $45
Switzerland 1912-1963 ProJuventute MLH 99% complete only missing one of 1912 "forerunner" set & 1937 & 1962 M/S's. Nearly all are very lightly hing…
Sold $120
Switzerland 1913-1967 MLH & used range incl useful Pro Patria & Pro Juventute sets & better vals. Odd "back of the book". Clean throughout. (264 pl…
Sold $65
Switzerland 1960's-1970's CTO blocks of 4 with many marginal on Hagners. Incls Pro Juventute & Pro Patria sets, publicity issues & defins to 10f. A…
Sold $60
Switzerland 1963-1981 FDC's neatly bundled by type & issue. Many Pro Patria & Pro Juventute sets x 2 ea., special 1960's flight covers & publicity …
Sold $65
Switzerland 1965-1992 large commercial covers, some with Pro Juventute, plus small covers & postcards with strength in 1950's-1990's. All neatly bu…
Sold $30
USA 1850's-1992 MLH & used in 3 binders with main value amongst the covers & cards (c50) which incls 1885 uprated 1¢ + 1¢ P/C to Bavaria, a 1902 …
Sold $180


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