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Western Australia: Postmarks |
 Northam Savings Bank Sbii with 2 strikes on 1d swan pair for JY 20 01. (1) $25 Sold $65 |
 Smiths Mill 3b in red ink with one full strike & one part strike on 1d swan on piece for AP 6 01. (1) $20 Sold $20 |
 Southern Cross DxPO duplex in nil on pair of swans on piece dated JA 30 08. Note: Nil Index not recorded in PMI. (1-2) $20 Archived |
 Southern Cross DxV duplex index B with complete strike on 2d grey swan on piece for MY 14 1896. $30 Sold $30 |
 Star of the East complete crisp upright strike on 1d carmine swan dated JY 6 01. The best example we have seen. $100 Sold $560 |
 Travelling Post Office TPO EG4 index 4 90% strike on 1d swan pair. Index 4 is not recorded in either PMI or PMC. $30 Sold $120 |
 Wilga D26-b in blue on "One Penny" surcharged swan. Rarely seen on swans & blue ink not recorded in PMI or PMC. $20 Sold $20 |
 Williams River 12 Bar 23 bold strike on 6d indigo-violet swan with crown CC wmk. SG 58 $20 Sold $20 |
 Wooramel 2c on 1d swan dated AP 25 03. Note: an early date with PMI recording earliest date as 25-07-13. $100 Sold $70 |
 York DxL 2-a duplex index 4. Light 75% strike on 1d red swans pair for JU 29 1903 but zero missing in year slug. (1) $20 Archived |
Western Australia Postcards group of b&w, colour tinted & colour photo types from early 1900's with scenic, gold digging, Christmas/Birthday greeti… $80 Sold $170 |
Western Australia 1930's-1950's Postcards & Souvenir folders with majority the colour souvenir folders from WA country towns with one from 1944 pas… $50 Sold $50 |
Western Australia: Postcards |
 Anchor Series "Mount's Bay Road from Perth Park, WA" in b&w with red text. Good unused cond. $25 Sold $25 |
 Art series "Trinity Church, Perth W.A." Name of addressee on back otherwise unused. Little wear at edges, good cond. $20 Sold $30 |
 Austral stores "Perth W.A. from Terrace, Kings Park." used with 1907 Kalgoorlie duplex & "Serpentine Falls, Darling Range. W.A." also with 1907 Kal… $30 Sold $25 |
 "1914-191 Roll of Honour Pinjarra A Slight Token of Our Love and Respect. Lest We Forget" WWI unused Kodak photographic depicting the Pinjarra Town… $50 Sold $85 |
 "Central Perth from Fire Brigade Tower", :Hay Street, Perth" & "City of Perth from King's Park" all in b&w with only the first postally used to NZ … $30 Sold $25 |
 "Fallen Soldiers' Memorial, Perth, WA" b&w & blue. Unused in fine cond. $30 Archived |
 "General View of Albany, WA". colour addressed to Kalgoorlie with 1d swan tied by Aberdeen St cds for 9 MR 10. VG cond. $20 Sold $15 |
 "General View of Bunbury, WA" colour card with 1d swan tied by Bunbury cds dated 30 MR 10. Very good cond. $20 Sold $15 |
 "Government and Church Offices, Cathedral Avenue, Perth". Undivided back with Adelaide 1904 cds & "Dogs Head Rock, Albany, WA". Used with stamp rem… $40 Sold $30 |
 "Mill Pond, South Perth W.A. from King's Park." in colour. Addressed to Albany Bell, High St, Fremantle with 1910 Perth cds. Minor corner wear top … $20 Archived |
 "On the King River, Albany W.A." Locally used with 1907 Kalgoorlie cds. Good cond. $20 Archived |
 "Osborne Steps, Cottesloe, W.A.", " In Government Gardens, Perth W.A." & "On the King River, Albany W.A." All colour used with 1907/08 cds's. Minor… $30 Sold $25 |
 "Perth W.A. from Lower Terrace, King's Park." in colour. Message on back. Fine. $20 Sold $15 |
 "Queen's Gardens, Perth, W.A." with card addressed to Kalgoorlie with Perth 19 DE 07 cds. Good cond. $20 Sold $15 |
 Barclay & Chisholm, Kalgoorlie "The Compliments of the Season from the Kalgoorlie Postmen 1905" with accompanying poem & illust showing postman car… $50 Sold $80 |
 Bon Marche Stores "Freshwater Bay, Claremont" with message on back, "St George's Terrace." with Burtville 1912 cds's on 1d swan & "Queen's Gardens"… $30 Sold $25 |
 "South Perth from King's Park.", "Mount Eliza, from William St. Jetty.", "The Zoo, South Perth." & "Perth from Terraces, National Park." All colour… $40 Sold $65 |
 Dix & Co. "Perth's Most Destructive Fire - Economic Corner, 13/1/21 Estimated Damage, £113,500." B&w card unused. Good cond with Art photo from th… $75 Sold $75 |
 Doctor Barnardo Homes (DBH) "The Highland Pipers from Dr. Barnardo's Homes" . Monocolour photographic card by Webb & Webb, Perth soliciting donatio… $40 Sold $80 |
 Empire "A mob of 200 camels at Port Headland" unused with message on back & "Bringing in Stone for Crushing" showing Afghan camel herders & loaded … $60 Sold $140 |
 "Albany Brass Band" b&w photographic card by "Mugg". C1910 in good unused cond. $30 Sold $55 |
 "Broom jettie" (sic) with "Japanese Spelling" added in m/s. "Per SS Sultan" on address side. 1908 postally used Broome to East Fremantle. Good cond. $50 Sold $110 |
 "Gaston & King's G.M. Burtville W.A." b&w photographic c1910 with message. Slight edge damage at right. A rare card. $60 Sold $110 |
 "Main shaft Gaston & King G.M., Burtville, W.A." b&w c 1910 in fine unused cond. A goldfields rarity. $80 Sold $160 |
 "Port Hedland North" b&w photo card showing the Sid Baumashe General Store & "P.O." in m/s shows the Post Office building behind. Addressed to Murr… $80 Sold $210 |
 American sailors marching into Albany with the "Great white fleet" in the background & "Australia Welcomes" banner. Message on back. 1908. A fine p… $100 Sold $210 |
 Brass band & crowd of onlookers near the railway station in Albany WA Untitled photographic b&w scene C1910 Fine unused $60 Sold $110 |
 Brass Band marching on Albany Jetty with large crowd following & obviously led by the "official party". "Hot Baths" pavilion visible in the backgro… $80 Sold $170 |
 Falk & Co. "A Timber Mill Waroona, W.A." further titled "Greetings from Western Australia". Colour with message on back. $30 Sold $25 |
 "A Timber Village, Newlands, W.A." Colour card sent from Bunbury to Kalgoorlie in 1908. Fine cond. $30 Sold $30 |
"Accommodation House, Yallingup Caves, WA" colour with message but no postal markings. Very good cond. $20 Sold $20 |
 "Albany from Mt. Clarence, W.A." with Burtville cds & addressed to Maylands, "........ in the Darling Ranges, W.A." also with light Burtville cds t… $40 Sold $60 |
 "Among the Blackboys Bush Road at Balingup, W.A." Colour with very light cds. Good cond. $20 Sold $40 |
 "Anglican Church, Kalgoorlie, WA" in colour. Exc mint cond. $30 Sold $55 |
 "Association Cricket Ground, Perth, W.A. (No. 1)." in colour sent from Perth to Burtville. Seldom seen. Popular collecting area $30 Sold $25 |
 "Avon River, York, WA" colour card addressed to East Fremantle with 1d swan pmkd Murrin Murrin 28 JY 09. VG cond. $20 Archived |
 "Avon River, York, WA" colour card addressed to Subiaco with 1d swan pmkd Subiaco 2 JE 11. Good cond. $20 Archived |
 "Beverley, WA" coloured card addressed to Fremantle with 1d swan tied by neat Beverley 15 MAR 09 cds with neighbouring strike. Light corner wear ot… $20 Sold $20 |