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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Box Lots | |||
Suitcase from house clearance containing Aust used decimal in Chinese stockbooks with high vals noted incl $10 Wetlands x 4 & individual smaller ba… $50 Sold $300 | |||
Charity mix of Australia in huge plastic tub. Mainly 1990's & 2000's. Usual high percentage of domestic rate vals with some cds's & high vals sight… $75 Sold $190 | |||
World & Australia, majority used with some sets in files, stockbooks, folders, packets, etc plus Aust & Territories FDC's, PSE's & Lettercards (app… $50 Sold $400 | |||
Australian decimals with majority off paper in box file. A few modern sighted but largely pre-1990. (1000s) $20 Sold $20 | |||
Plastic storage tub with South African 1933-1971 FDC's incl 1933 Voortrekker, United Nations early 1950's MUH, FDC's later "flags" sheetlets MUH, v… $75 Sold $75 | |||
Australia off paper, largely letter rate, post-1990 to recent, Noted P&S's. (1000's) $20 Sold $55 | |||
Chinese stockbook of mainly used duplicated Australia 1956-1972, another of "I" - "M" countries not quite so untidy plus box with Aust decimal on p… $50 Sold $80 | |||
Enormous 12.8kgs of on/off paper Australian decimal letter rate material with odd high val noted. Usual "floor sweepings", a joy for those who have… $30 Sold $65 | |||
Stockbooks crammed with stamps, FDCs in album & box with more in binder. Mainly decimal but odd pre-decimal. Box of Aust States & large box "on pap… $50 Sold $290 | |||
Australia & Territories, Canada, GB & New Zealand MUH, used & covers in carton. Also incls Hagners with odd Channel Island to £5 Jersey, I.O.M. £… $150 Sold $230 | |||
World array in albums, on paper & loose in bags. Plenty of sorting for the optimist! (1000s) $30 Sold $55 | |||
Australian used decimal off paper. 1960's to 1990's with odd modern. Gap filling potential with time! (1000s) $20 Sold $45 | |||
Cherry box with Aust FDC's in tin, 1940's-1960's commercial mail with mainly machine cancels of Vic & NSW, WWII naval photos, 1936 2d SA Cent x c50… $30 Sold $45 | |||
World incl "Citation" album sparsely filled with pre-1970 common, Aust & NZ common in glassines, USA common used, stockbook with cut-outs, tax stam… $50 Sold $80 | |||
Great Britain & Aust FDC's (500+) in suitcase with world mint & used in stockbooks & old albums incl an Ampol. Used off paper in containers plus 3 … $40 Sold $140 | |||
Australia on paper via charity. 1980's to 2010's with majority the later 2000 onwards. Heavy duplication in local rate vals but odd high value & co… $50 Sold $80 | |||
Stockbooks, albums, album supplements (Seven Seas 1985-1990 hingeless), packs, FDC's, club auction lots, etc with most activity in Australia mid-19… $50 Sold $210 | |||
World in 12 stockbooks in box. Much Middle Eastern, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Dubai, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, Ryuryu Islands, etc.… $50 Sold $150 | |||
Colourful "packet material" & odd better items in stockbooks incl Netherlands 1956 Child Welfare FDC, Aust 5¢ PMs booklet stamps MUH, 5¢ & 6¢ F.… $30 Sold $35 | |||
Australia & World accumulation with used in variety of albums & packets. Late 1970's/early 1980's FDC's & PSE's, scattered 1980's MUH Territories, … $350 Sold $350 | |||
10 Stockbooks of World. Nothing of note, but thousands of stamps if you are looking for something to keep you busy until the next auction. (1000s) $30 Sold $100 | |||
Pandora's Box with 1000 1d kangaroos in lunchbox, large stockbook with used from kangaroos to early decimal, bags of 1930's-1960's on/off paper, 2 … $50 Sold $210 | |||
World & Australia accumulation incl 1980's FDC's & packs (FV $14), Solomon's Americas Cup collection, world used in stockbooks & sorted in bags. (1… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Suitcase with World & Australia used off paper in stockbooks, packets & Seven Seas album (Aust). 20+ stockbooks in varying sizes with majority Euro… $50 Sold $110 | |||
Australia duplicated in 7 stockbooks. Nearly all used commems from kangaroos to post-2000, with best being stockbook of kangaroos & KGV used. KGVI … $60 Sold $160 | |||
World odds & ends in plastic tub incl Malaysia 1980's FDC's (18), folders of early Russia, Bohemia, Moravia, Taiwan & Argentina. Small box with Aus… $50 Sold $110 | |||
Stockbooks with strength in USA, Liberty album with used range 1890-1976, Harris "Plate block album" well filled with MUH plate blocks 1964-1976. A… $50 Sold $200 | |||
Collectors summer clean-out with World in 6 albums, Paraguay on 13 Hagners, tin with on paper mix, old circuit sheets, UNO stamps in bag with wall … $30 Sold $90 | |||
Australia Pre-decimal & decimal duplicated used in stockbooks with useful pickings incl KGVI MLH & CTO 1990's. 1988 Expo pmk collection on full set… $120 Sold $430 | |||
Whitman's Chocolate Box with mainly pre-1960 items from GB or WA. Incls receipts, covers, aerogrammes, postcards/folders in very mixed cond. $30 Archived | |||
Archive box of two & three strip stockcards (100s) with common oddments plus in tin & on paper. A quick look suggests one for the "time rich" with … $50 Sold $120 | |||
Charity lot as donated with Vietnam 1951-1968 used range in album, World in 5 childhood albums, bags of USA, UK & NZ used, containers of Ceylon & A… $40 Sold $150 | |||
World selection of countries on odd Hagners & large pile of lined foolscap pages. Clean lot which appears to have been used as circuit pages or app… $100 Sold $220 | |||
Huge box of charity mix weighing 35+kgs. The vast majority Australian kiloware plus a couple of bags of common US used & a bag of GB Machins of pap… $50 Sold $95 | |||
Dealers stock of world priced on 2 strip stockcards with many sets but low retail prices & majority common. Could be useful for "club auction night… $50 Sold $260 | |||
Stockbooks & packets of Great Britain & Commonwealth, PNG 1986 Year Book, NZ imperf M/S, envelope of India KGVI defins & various covers . Also Newf… $40 Sold $90 | |||
Australia 1960 to post-2000 on paper. Huge quantity in open carton. Quick rummage revealed possible cancellation interest. Suit masochist. At 9kgs … $30 Sold $30 | |||
British Commonwealth & Australia stamps (some toning) in stockbooks, shoebox of commercial covers, FDC album with 1981-1985 APO FDCs, various Aust … $40 Sold $95 | |||
Australia 1960's-1990's commercial covers from all states, except WA, with majority decimal. Some have cds potential with bundle of QEII pre-decima… $20 Sold $20 | |||
Main value in this box lot is Australia, noting 1992 Yearbook, SHB pairs of 2d & 3d OS (aged gum), 1980's gutter strips MUH, large box of duplicate… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Empty albums with Collector de Luxe peg album near new & SG Senator Medium used. Also stockbook of Egypt, another Aust & Territories1970's MUH, one… $50 Sold $170 | |||
Various albums & stockbooks of World incl Hungary 1916-1967 with strength in post-war used & CTO sets with a few MLH as well. (over 100 complete se… $50 Sold $190 | |||
Commercially used Australia 2011-2013 envelopes all with cds postmarks. Majority are WA & as donated. This lot is been sold commission free with al… $50 Sold $110 | |||
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World | |||
Albania 1920's-1973 on c30 Hagners in binder. Noted 1927 AZ wreath ovpts to 5f MLH/used, 1939 ovpts set of 10 MLH (Cat. £25). Later range with man… $30 Sold $60 | |||
Argentina & Uruguay lightly duplicated mainly used in stockbook. Nothing past 1962, some with stained perfs. Nothing of high cat. sighted. (100s) $20 Archived | |||
Ascension Oddments on 11 Hagners with 1971 Space defins to £1 MUH, 6 commem sets & few commems of Nevis incl floral defins to $10 & scenic defins … $30 Sold $60 | |||
Austria 1858-1864 group of F/U comprising 1858/59 newspaper stamps (Cat. €1050), 1860/1 perf. 14 set of 5, 1861 light grey newspaper stamp (Cat. … $300 Sold $300 | |||
Austria Many MLH & used common defins. Noted odd Czech, Fr. Polynesia, etc also. Priced to clear. (100s) $20 Sold $45 | |||
Austria MLH & used range on Hagners in 3 binders. Noted 1850 set of 4 used, various F.J. types incl "soldi" currency & Levant usage. Basic later wi… $80 Sold $120 | |||
Bahamas Collection from 4d Chalons (2 shades) to 1999. Oddments to end KGV, then strong KGVI with 1st defins to 5/- MLH/used, 1948 Tercentenary MLH… $60 Sold $90 | |||
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