Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Outerlying Territories: Norfolk Island |
1974 UPU set of 4 plus M/S x 2 sets. SG 158/61 & MS 162 Retail $80+ $20 Archived |
1977 Butterflies set of 17 to $2 x 9 sets. MUH SG 179/95 Retail $80+ $30 Sold $25 |
1980 Aircraft set of 16 to $5 x 6 sets. MUH SG 236/51 Retail $100+ $30 Sold $25 |
1990 (Feb-April) Southern Cross replica flights for Aust to Norfolk Is, Aust-NZ-Aust via Norfolk with Aust & NZ stamps & return with NZ 40c only, N… $25 Archived |
 2004 Powered Flight M/S overprinted & surcharged 85c in red for Hong Kong 2004 Exhib. MUH SG MS858a $50 Sold $45 |
 2006 (4th May) Sesquicentenary set on FDC signed by stamp designers, Sue Draper & Tracey Yager. $20 Archived |
Commonwealth & Foreign: Papua New Guinea |
 1907 2d small "Papua" ovpt on thin paper. Corner block (lower left) with wmk vertical. MUH but even tropicalisation, the lower stamps showing varie… $100 Archived |
 1952 Pictorials set of 15 to £1. Fresh MUH. SG 1/15 Cat. £85 $40 Sold $40 |
1968/69 Sea Shells set of 15 to $2 x 12 sets. MUH SG 137/51 Cat. £200 $50 Sold $50 |
 1985 Ceremonial Structures Trial stamps in MUH set of 4 with a normal set for comparison. These unissued stamps are smaller than the actual issue &… $250 Archived |
1994 10t on 35t Cassowary & Kiwi half sheet of 50 with Leigh Mardon imprint. SG 733. Cat. £500+ $100 Archived |
1995 Tourism set of 8 in MUH part sheets of 32 with the "65t" missing from surcharge on 65t on 60t"Tourists crossing river". MUH SG747/54 & 751b $50 Archived |
 1995 Birds of Paradise surcharges set of 8 with both types of ovpts. MUH SG 755/58 & 755d/58b Retail $200+ $70 Sold $120 |
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain |
1802 letter with Canterbury s/l & boxed "56" cachet plus 1813 local London letter with "10 O'CLOCK FE-24 1813 F.O." oval & "E 24FE24 1813" circle i… $20 Sold $20 |
1822-1845 Stampless entires of 1845 (Apr) with M/S "OHMS" but charged 1d (marking) in any case; 1822 (Apr) Glasgow with clear double lined "A.M.R. … $30 Sold $60 |
 1840 1d intense black. Cancelled by indistinct MC in red. Lettered LE, close to touching margins. SG1 Cat. £450 $90 Sold $90 |
 1840 1d intense black with red Maltese Cross. Attractive, 4 margin example lettered RA. SG 1 Cat. £525 $200 Archived |
 1840 1d intense black Plate 8 tied to entire by crisp full Maltese Cross in red with neighbouring Torquay cds for JA 26 1841. Addressed to Penzance… $400 Sold $300 |
 1840 1d black F/U with light Maltese Cross in red. Lettered RJ with 3 good/close margins & 1 touching. Attractive example. SG 2 Cat. £300 $50 Sold $70 |
 1840 1d black F/U with neat partial Maltese Cross in red. Light thin not apparent from front. Lettered RE with 4 good margins. SG 2 Cat. £300 $60 Sold $65 |
 1840 1d black with red Maltese Cross cancel. 3½ margins, touching lower left. Lettered RF. Lightly cancelled example. SG 2 Cat. £350 $60 Sold $60 |
 1840 1d black with red crisp Maltese Cross. Lettered BK. 3 margins, slightly cut into at left, tied to small piece. SG 2 Cat. £350 $60 Sold $50 |
 1840 1d black with red Maltese Cross cancel. 3½ margin example slightly cut into at lower left. Lettered JD. Attractive, clear strike. SG 2 Cat. … $70 Sold $40 |
 1840 1d black used with red Maltese Cross cancel in 1990 Penny Black Anniv booklet. Lettered NK with 2 clear margins, one touching & one close. SG … $75 Sold $55 |
 1840 1d black with crisp bold black MC. 3½ margin example, touching top left. Lettered RC. SG 2 Cat. £350 $80 Sold $50 |
 1840 1d black with neat red Maltese Cross. 4 clear margins, close in places. Lettered DC. SG 2 Cat. £350 $100 Archived |
 1840 1d black with crisp red Maltese Cross pmk. 4 close even margins, lettered EI. SG 2 Cat. £350 $150 Archived |
 1840 1d black with red MC. Lettered HH, 4 wide margins, especially at top. Attractive example. SG 2 Cat. £350 $150 Archived |
 1840 1d black with red Maltese Cross. Lettered NA with weak entry of "N". 4 good margins. Beautiful example. SG 2 Cat. £350 $150 Sold $120 |
 1840 1d black Plate 5 unused with 4 clear margins. Lettered MH with Brandon Cert. (2012) stating "thinned, stained & regummed" but genuine. Frontal… $3500 Archived |
 1840 1d black Plate 8 tied by orange M/C. 4 clear margins. Lettered RA. Red cds on reverse dated 29th Oct 1840. Letter content clear & ex Liverpool… $200 Sold $170 |
 1840 1d black Plate 8 tied to piece by red smudged Maltese Cross cancels. 3 margins, touching at left. Lettered DF. SG 2 Cat. £500 $100 Sold $60 |
 1840 1d black Plate 8 unused with 4 close to large margins. Lettered HF with Brandon Cert. (2012) stating "regummed" but genuine. Attractive exampl… $2700 Archived |
 1840 1d black Plate 9. Four margin example F/U with neat red Maltese Cross postmark. Lettered DB. Small thin reflected in est. SG 2 Cat. £600 $80 Sold $70 |
 1840 1d grey black (worn plate) with light red MC. 4 tight or touching margins, lettered FL. SG 2 Cat. £500 $75 Archived |
 1840 1d grey black (worn plate) with black Maltese Cross & 3½ margins, touching SW & NE corners. Lettered BH plus 1840 2d blue 1 margin example wi… $100 Sold $100 |
 1840 2d deep full blue good used with indistinct part black Maltese Cross. Lettered PD with good to large margins but just touching at top left. SG… $200 Archived |
 1840 2d blue with light black Maltese Cross cancel. 3 good to large margins but touching at left. SG 5 Cat. £850 $120 Sold $140 |
 1840 2d blue F/U by clear black almost complete MC. Lettered IH with close to good margins. SG 5 Cat. £700 $150 Sold $150 |
 1840 2d blue with almost complete red Maltese Cross cancel. 4 close to large clear margins. An attractive stamp. SG 5 Cat. £850 $280 Archived |
 1840 2d blue with black Maltese Cross. 4 clear margins. Lettered KK. White flaws after "TWO" & in curve of "C" of "PENCE". Light staining on revers… $300 Archived |
 1840 2d pale blue with black Maltese Cross Cancel. Small thin near top of stamp but remains attractive looking with 4 good margins. Lettered HF. SG… $200 Archived |
 1841 (26th Feb) Entire Plymouth to Bideford bearing 1d black pair plate 5, state 2, lettered AA-AB pair. Good margins touching top & left tied by b… $400 Sold $200 |
 1841 1d pale red brown. Mint with no gum. 4 clear margins, close at top. SG 9 Cat. £675 as MLH $60 Sold $60 |
 1841 2d blue horiz strip of 3 lettered EJ-EL. Clear margins bar small touch at left. Good used with "300" barred numeral cancels. Ivory head impres… $150 Archived |
 1841 2d blue fine used with full black Maltese Cross cancel & four close to large margins. An increasingly difficult stamp. SG 15e Cat. £225+ $75 Archived |
 1841/51 2d blue pair with margins all round & two clear "930" BN obliterators plus single in deep full blue shade with black Maltese Cross. 4 clear… $120 Archived |
 1855 1d red-brown with inverted wmk. F/U. Centred low with adjoining stamp showing. Strangely attractive. SG 22w Cat. £300 $75 Archived |
 1854/57 2d blue, wmk small crown, perf 14. Off centre. Good used with "545" BN over cds. SG 23a Cat. £350 $50 Sold $65 |
 1858/79 1d red plates 101 & 154 good used with Inverted watermarks. SG £60+ (2) $20 Archived |