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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
New Zealand 1874-2001 Used collection on album leaves in lever arch file. Modest pre-decimal range with odd MLH, strong decimal but generally comme…
Sold $110
New Zealand 1938-1982 Exhibition covers & special cachets in Davo FDC album. Noted "MOBILE PO SAVINGS BANK WELLINGTON" (1956), "AVONSIDE" cds on co…
Sold $90
New Zealand 1953-1970 range with 1953/54 defins to 10/- MLH (SG 723/36), 1960 pictorials MLH (SG 781/802) & 1967/70 Defins SG 870/79 MLH. Useful.
New Zealand 1968-1973 plate flaws & watermark varieties on pairs & blocks from 4 to 10. MUH on Hagners in display book. Have magnifier at the ready…
Sold $150
New Zealand 1970's & 1980's First Day Covers (80+) plus Australian from same period but with 1990's to $10 Gardens (150+). Majority fine & unaddres…
Sold $55
New Zealand 1970's to 2000's duplicates in Lighthouse stockbook. Untidy lot in random order, largely commercially used commems & defins. Lots of so…
Sold $45
New Zealand 1977-1992 FDC selection incl M/S's, Framas & booklet panes. Useful 1990's issues with no duplication. Exc unaddressed cond. (50+)
Sold $40
New Zealand 1985-1996 MUH collection arranged on Hagners in complete sets incl M/S's & self adhesives. High retail value. FV NZ$770 ($620)
Sold $300
New Zealand 1990-2002 MUH & used on 80 Hagners in binder. Appears over 95% complete with MUH Face Value from 1996 alone being NZ$630+ (A$400) A goo…
Sold $300
New Zealand 2003-2007 MUH issues on 34 Hagners in binder plus 4 Hagners with used P&S low values & cinderella sheetlet. Many of the MUH have a used…
Sold $270
New Zealand 2005 FDC's. Issues incl Café Culture, King Kong film set & M/S, Stamps Anniv & Ross Dep Through the Lens. Also Explorer, Auckland & Ta…
Sold $30
New Zealand 2008-2009 MUH issues on 16 Hagners in binder with slipcase plus a few used from 1980-2009. MUH FV (A$150)
Sold $110
New Zealand MUH, MLH & used range to 1989 on c50 Hagners in binder. A bit out of order in places, but lots of value, noting M/S's, booklets, comple…
Sold $220
New Zealand Retired dealer's stock. Mainly MUH or MLH priced on Hagners. Noted 1931 Smiling Boys (toned MLH), 1920 Victory set MLH plus extra 6d & …
Sold $350
New Zealand-Ross Dependency 1957-2009 with 20 MUH & MLH sets on Hagners plus some "stray" NZ. More Hagners with NZ Christmas & Health issues MUH/ML…
Sold $70
New Zealand-Tokelau Is MUH to 1990 with pages to 1995 in large KA-BE hingeless album. Incls some extras in blocks used & singles, comb & line perf.…
Sold $60
Niue Range on 23 Hagners incl 1983 Whales MUH & Nauru on 8 Hagners (oddments incl 1998 $2 Samaranch). Mostly the over-abundant 1960's-1970's issues…
Sold $50
Northern Rhodesia/Zambia MLH & used on Hagners in binder starting with KGV to 1/-, KGVI to 5/- MLH (incl 1½d carmine red & 2d yellow brown) & 10/-…
Sold $70
Norway 1893-1976 MUH & MLH collection remainders. Noted 1922/24 Lions MUH, 1927/28 30ö on 45ö MUH, 1928 Ibsen MUH, 1929 PD's ovptd MLH, 1935 Nan…
Sold $150
Panama & Canal Zone plus Tunisia, Mayotte & Moheli in another. Not the best lots you've ever seen but large volume. Priced to sell. (100s)
Sold $45
Pitcairn Island 1940-2012 MLH collection mounted in binder. Missing only QE II 70th Birthday (SG 493/96). All fresh MLH. Finishes with 2012 Diamon…
Sold $350
Pitcairn Mainly MUH & MLH on 31 Hagners incl 1940/51 sets (2) mixed cond one 4d showing wavy line Paquebot in large letters, 1949 UPU (toned), 1957…
Sold $65
Poland 1915-1954 Used range in two binders with some "Russisch Polen" ovpts (ex 15pf violet) & ovpts on Austria (16 stamps, Cat. £100). Later miss…
Sold $80
Poland 1918-1948 selection incl 1925 Port Golansk ovpts to 40gr MUH (Cat. €325), Gen. Gouvernement "Deutsche Post OSTEN" ovpts to 2z F/U, later p…
Poland 1918-2007 on over 150 Hagners in 4 binders incl 1918 set of 4 ovpts of Warsaw MLH (no Germans, ovpts on Austria or Hungary, 1923 3000mk "KON…
Sold $140
Portugal incl odd colonial item. MLH & used on c70 Hagners in 3 binders, with some early "Kings" in mixed cond to 120r, 1892 500r lilac (2, with bl…
Sold $70
Rhodesia & Nyasaland plus Montserrat MUH, MLH & used pickings on Hagners in binder. Pre-1954 very ordinary, some useful R&N commems x 2 (only 1 set…
Sold $70
Romania 1920's onwards, lightly duplicated on approx. 150 Hagners in 3 binders. Noted 1930 Airs MLH, 1935 Scouting (5 of 7 values), 1936 Costumes M…
Sold $80
Russia Collection on over 300 Hagners in 8 binders plus stockbook with mainly CTO M/S's. Ranges from Tsarist issues in very rough cat. order throug…
Sold $490
Saarland 1947-1959 MLH with many items also used on facing tissue interleaving incl 1947 surcharges (ex 4f). Other used of note incl 1948 to 200f (…
Samoa MUH, MLH & used. Sets present to 2000. Incls cheap range of pre-war MLH & used with better coverage 1960's-1980's & few later MUH sets. About…
Sold $40
San Marino 1877-1981 MUH & MLH with odd used on 24 Hagners in binder. Sparse to 1950 then some better incl 1953 Flowers, 1956 Winter Olympics to 20…
Sold $30
San Marino 1918-1967 MUH & MLH on leaves incl 1918 ovpts (ex 45¢), 1924 surcharges, 1928 Parcel Post, 1927 War Memorial, 1928 St Francis MLH, 1946…
San Marino 1952 range of issues with Columbus set of 13, Trieste fair set of 8 & Stamp Day set of 6. Fresh MLH on album leaves. SG 425/451 Cat. £500+
Serbia 1866-1918 MLH & used collection on Hagners in binder. Many items Cat. over £20 each, incl 1866 1p yellow olive & rose MLH (Cat. £85), 1867…
Serbia Useful range incl 1866 Newspaper stamp (MLH), 20p rose perf. 9½ MLH creased (Cat. £110), 1867/68 1p & 2p perf. 9½ Newspaper stamps MLH (C…
Seychelles Useful MUH, MLH & used lightly duplicated on 28 Hagners in binder. Noted good range of 1938/49 to 2R25 MLH incl 12¢, both 20¢ colours,…
Sold $100
Singapore 1948-2009 Lightly comprehensive MUH, MLH & used range on over 60 Hagners in 2 binders. Missing high cat items, but worth a bid at above t…
Sold $80
Slovenia 1995-1997 MUH range (98 + 2 M/S's) & Slovakia 1993-1997 MUH (98 + 8 M/S's) on leaves. Attractive lot with useful thematics. (200+)
Sold $45
Solomon Islands 1908-1985 MUH, MLH & used lightly duplicated range in stockbook. Incls 1939/51 defins to 10/- MLH, extras of most incl 4½d plus ot…
Sold $40
Solomon Islands 1908-2009 MLH collection missing only Chinese New Year (MS1043) & Pope John Paul II (MS1152) M/S's after KGV. Sparse pre-1935 but i…
Sold $250
South Africa MUH, MLH & used lightly duplicated range on c80 Hagners in binder. Noted issues to 2007 in haphazard order with some better incl 1930/…
Sold $80
South Africa from a few "Provinces" to 2007. Few complete sets with majority used. Cond very mixed. (100s)
Sold $20
South Africa-Homelands MUH on Hagners. A few dups & CTO noted in the count of 100 complete sets. (c400)
Sold $40
Southern Rhodesia/Zambia Range on c50 Hagners in padded binder. Missing key early items, but KGVI defins are complete to 5/- MLH & used, 1953 to 10…
Sold $90
Spain 1856-1968 MUH & MLH collection written up on leaves. Noted 1873 Allegoricals 5¢ to 50¢ (ex 40¢), 1874 10¢ brown, 1936 US Constitution 1p …
Spain Duplicated MLH & used on c100 Hagners in 2 binders & stockbook. Noted 1928 Catacombs MLH range to 4p, 1930 Goyn to 10p, Columbus to 10p MLH, …
Sold $60
Spanish Colonies Mainly MLH on Hagners with good early Puerto Rico & Fernando Poo & post-war pictorials from all Colonies. Odd fault & a few duplic…
Sold $180
St Vincent/Grenadines Colourful range of MUH, MLH & used in stockbook plus Togo, Tonga & Gambia on 27 Hagners in binder. Most value in latter with …
Sold $60
Swaziland MUH, MLH & used range on 21 Hagners in binder. Best items incl 1956 defins to £1 MLH plus extra 5/-, 10/- used, R1 type II ovpts MUH, R2…
Sold $70


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