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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Hong Kong 1973-2000 comprehensive MUH collection. Majority of issues in pairs 1980 onwards. Incls M/S's, booklets & sheetlets, se-tenant strips etc…
Sold $1200
Hong Kong 1979-2000 FDC collection virtually complete incl "Last Day" cover during hand-over. Majority 2 of each with extra on some M/S's. Noted va…
Hungary MUH, MLH & used lightly duplicated collection on c180 Hagners in 3 binders. Noted 1934, 1938 (2 diff) & other M/S's MLH. Various MLH commem…
Sold $100
Iceland 1902-1948 MLH & used collection on leaves in old ring binder. Some staining on a few but the following are fine. 1902 King Christian IX Ik …
Sold $120
Iceland 1907-2007 MLH & used on 18 Hagners in binder. Noted 1930 Millennary officials to 40a MLH, 1931 Falls (top values "tollur" cancels), 1944 to…
Sold $30
India 1882-2008 mainly used in 2 good stockbooks. Devoid of high cat. items & those present are mainly good used examples only. Lots of stamps, in …
Sold $55
India 1948-1951 covers (3 Registered) plus 1951 Asian Games FDC & 1952 letter from Bombay Philatelie Co. to a client who owed money. One roughly op…
Sold $25
India 1949-1952 Telegrams. Variety of cds's & cachets on KGVI side faces & commems. All official Indian Posts & Telegraphs Dept. forms. Unusual. (4)
Sold $20
India & States Large accumulation on Hagners in binder & on printed leaves (India) & stockbook plus States on Hagners in one binder & stockbook (wh…
Sold $210
Indochina MLH & used oddments in stockbook. Noted Yunnansen 1903/04 10¢ & 25¢ MLH, 15¢ used, Mongtze 5¢ used, 20¢ MLH, Hoi Hao & Kouang-Tcheou…
Sold $20
Indonesia 1948-2003 collection with light duplication. MLH & used on over 70 Hagners in binder. Missing big ticket items, but still worth a bid for…
Sold $85
Indonesia 1949-1981 MLH & used sets on leaves in "as new" SG Senator binder. Majority complete sets incl 1966 Flowers M/S MLH, defins to 500r & PD'…
Sold $30
Iran 1898-1994 MUH, MLH & used dupl range on 31 Hagners in binder. Noted 1939 Wedding MLH, but mainly only part sets & singles with the usual pre-…
Sold $30
Iraq MLH & used range with duplicated on 39 Hagners in binder. Noted ovpts on Turkey to 5R MLH, 1934 to ½d used, various official ovpts & odd set.…
Sold $65
Ireland 1922-2009 lightly duplicated in chronological order on black leaves & on 52 Hagners in binder. Noted ovpts on GB to 1/- & 9d, 1922 pictoria…
Sold $140
Israel "Minhelet Ha'am" (Jewish Postal Admin) forerunners MLH collection of 114 stamps, 2 covers & M/S together with typed notes about the postal a…
Sold $75
Israel 1948-1964 MLH collection in binder. No tabs, but still useful as contains 1948 Doar Ivri perf 11 set to 1000pr (latter with nibbled perf at…
Israel 1949-1975 flight covers incl 1960 Lydda-Paris Registered on Olympic Airways, 1964 Nazareth to Vatican Registered Nazareth, 1973 Resumption A…
Sold $35
Israel 1977-1978 Historic Events silk cover series of covers with various occasions commemorated with matching stamps & pmks. Exc cond. (18)
Sold $20
Italy 1861-2001 Used collection written up on leaves. Good general "budget" collection with odd MLH incl 1921 Dante & Propagation sets. Worth a loo…
Sold $80
Italy 1862-2003 lightly duplicated on over 150 Hagners in 4 binders. Chronological order breaks down in places. Noted 1948 100l & 200l St Catherine…
Sold $120
Jamaica 1860-1993 MLH & used range on c30 Hagners in binder. Noted 1905 5/- Arms used (pulled perf), KGV pictorials to 1/- MLH/used, KGVI to 5/- ML…
Sold $55
Japan 1880's to 2009 on approx. 100 Hagners in 2 binders. Largely used with lightly duplicated & few above "packet" quality, but close inspection m…
Sold $240
Japan 1957-1975 MUH (odd early MLH) in small stockbook with a few defins, national parks, art issues & other commems, some in pairs se-tenant, plus…
Sold $30
Japan Used collection in 3 quality stockbooks. Laid out in chronological order, but little of better than "packet" quality & with more gaps than st…
Sold $180
Kenya & KUT MLH & used lightly duplicated selection on 38 Hagners in binder. Noted good KGVI range of perfs, 10/- MLH, £1 MLH & used & 1¢ "retouc…
Sold $85
Kiribati Over 60 diff sets & M/S's plus a few CTO & blocks. Incls OKGS ovpts to $5. Not the most popular area philatelically, but strong thematic c…
Sold $65
Korea-South 1949-1994 mainly used range on 34 Hagners in binder with slipcase. Noted range of 1964/67 used M/S's (22), 1989 Fishes MUH but generall…
Sold $65
Leeward Island & St Lucia MLH & used in stockbook. Value in the Leewards incl KGVI £1 MLH (surface thin spot), 1954 defins MUH (top value blunt co…
Sold $40
Luxembourg 1860's Arms types to 2008. Mainly used on c30 Hagners in binder. Light duplicated & arranged in cat. order noting 1955 UN 10th Anniv set…
Sold $60
Macedonia 1992-1996 comprehensive collection incl perf & imperf M/S's with only a few issues absent (e.g. 1996 EUROPA). All written up on leaves wi…
Sold $65
Malawi/Nyasaland 1897-2000 collection on c35 Hagners in binder. Noted 1897 10/- black & olive Arms fiscally used, low vals to 1/- used, 1903 to 6d,…
Sold $165
Malta 1885-2009 MUH, MLH & used lightly duplicated range on Hagners in binders. Noted QV ½d, 1d, 4d, 1/- REVENUE ovpts, KEVII 4d "SPECIMEN", other…
Sold $100
Mauritius Coat of Arms types to 1998, largely used with duplicated in Lighthouse stockbook. A bit disorganised chronologically, but noted 1953 60¢…
Sold $60
Monaco MUH, MLH & used range to 2005 on 84 Hagners in 2 binders. Pickings throughout incl 5f 2nd sideface, 1924 vals to 10f, 1f50 Air ovpts, 1933 3…
Sold $150
Netherlands 1864-2009 MUH, MLH & used range in chronological order on c90 Hagners in 2 binders with reasonable 1867 50¢, but few pickings only to …
Sold $60
Netherlands Noted 1872/91 50¢ F/U, 1816 pre-stamp entire Amsterdam-Hezel, range 1930's-1970's MLH with light duplication, a few PD's & Netherlands…
Sold $40
Netherlands 1921-1969 MLH with most post 1950 MUH. Written up on leaves. Incls 1921 Airs, numerals, 1923 & most later charity sets (no 1928 Olympic…
Sold $200
Netherlands 1937-1981 range of FDC's, covers & Maxicards. Noted 1937 Jamboree on 2 covers with logo & special cachet, 1953 Red Cross on addressed p…
Sold $25
Netherlands Postwar booklets & panes range on returned circuit sheets. Some hinged on selvedge or one stamp. Odd se-tenant pair also. PTSA $136. (6…
Sold $55
Netherlands 1960's-1990's sets & oddments in random order in large stockbook. Strong in MUH commem sets plus few MLH & used. Netherlands Colonies a…
Sold $35
Netherlands 1965-1990 incomplete range of NVPH unaddressed FDC's on 2 strip Hagners in binder. Mainly in 1976-1990 period with some booklet panes &…
Sold $40
Netherlands 1970's-1980's duplicated range in stockbook with good range of commems & Queen Beatrix defins coils. High percentage F/U. (100s)
Sold $10
Netherlands Collection used in stockbook plus loose. Also approx. 100 MUH sets loose in box. (1000's)
Sold $50
Netherlands FDC's & First Flight covers arranged by airline after NVPH 190-218 complete unaddressed plus duplicated run 198-215. Also 6 Neth New Gu…
Sold $150
Netherlands Heavily duplicated used in thick stockbook. Thousands of stamps to 1970. Definitely quantity rather than quality with nothing cat over …
Sold $20
Netherlands & Colonies A sparse collection in 2 printed "peg" albums with pages to 1953 in one & to 1964 in the other. Noted 1952 ITEP Registered F…
Sold $50
Netherlands & Malta Main value in Netherlands 1980's-1990's F/U commems incl M/S with light duplication. Some Queen Beatrix defins to 10g & a range…
Sold $15
Netherlands & South Africa & Finland MLH & used plus odd cover. Main value in Netherlands from 1907 with 1913 Centenary to 5g used (ex 50¢), jump …
New Zealand 1873-2001 on Seven Seas leaves (mounts added) & Hagners housed in 3 binders plus boxed Millennium album. Sparse to 1935 then good cover…
Sold $250


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