Auction Lots
Auction No. 13 - Categories - Full Lot List - Page Navigation 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | All
Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Commonwealth & Foreign | |||
Germany-French Zone 1949 Stamp Centenary issues for Baden, Rheinland Pfalz & Wurttenburg. All fine used. Mi Cat. €110 (6) $35 Sold $35 | |||
Gibraltar 1953/59 QEII defins to £1 plus shades to 2/-. Fine MVLH. SG 145/158 & "a" numbers Cat. £300 as MUH (26) $75 Archived | |||
Gibraltar 1960 QEII defins complete set of 14 to £1 MUH. SG 160/73 Cat. £80 $50 Archived | |||
Gilbert & Ellice 1911 ½d, 1d & 2d ovpts on piece tied by large BUTARITARI ISLAND 11 JAN 11 cds in violet. Attractive with stamps alone Cat. £90+ $30 Archived | |||
Gilbert & Ellice 1912/24 KGV Defins ½d to £1. Fresh MLH with 5/- being corner marginal. SG 12/24 Cat. £600 $200 Sold $200 | |||
Gold Coast 1956/62 QEII defins complete set of 12 to 10/- plus 2 extra shades of 5d (SG 69a). Fresh MUH. SG 64/75 & 69a Cat. £110 $50 Sold $50 | |||
Gold Coast 1948 KGVI defins set of 12 to 10/-. Fresh MUH. SG 135/46 Cat. £70 $30 Sold $25 | |||
Greece 1927 15d black & yellow green. MLH Aspiotis printing. SG 422 Cat. £225 $40 Archived | |||
Greece 1983 $5 Creation of the Animals/ Raphael M/S's x 70. Fresh MUH SG 1136a Cat. £85 $20 Sold $10 | |||
Hong Kong 1882/96 10c purple/red sound used with wmk reversed. SG 38 Cat. £160 $50 Archived | |||
Hong Kong 1937 Coronation set on registered FDC to Australia. Good cond. with rear flap tied by Hong Kong stamp dealer chop. Backstamps "REGISTERED… $25 Sold $25 | |||
Hong Kong 1941 KGVI Centenary pictorials set of 6. MUH. SG 163/68 Cat. £90 $50 Archived | |||
Hong Kong 1954/62 QEII defins complete (ex 65¢) to $10 MUH with MUH/MLH extra shades for 10c, 15c, 25c, 30c, 40c, $1.30, $2 & $10 (3 MUH). Both $1… $200 Sold $150 | |||
Hong Kong 1962 QEII defins set of 15 to $20 with wmk upright. Fresh MUH. SG 196/210 Cat. £190 (15) $120 Archived | |||
Hong Kong 1985 & 1990 Commem year packs. 10 sets in all MUH. $50 Archived | |||
Hungary 1925 Sports Association set of 8. Fresh MUH SG 45/49 Cat. £40+ $25 Archived | |||
Hungary 1949 2ft & 18ft Chain Bridge M/S. Fresh MUH. Mi. Bl.12 $60 Archived | |||
India 1952 SHELLUBRICATION reminder advertising postcard. Sent by Shell Service Station, New Queens Road, Bombay. Tick box system to indicate servi… $30 Archived | |||
Indonesia 1977 100r Tiger M/S x 5. 2 perf & 3 imperf. MUH & attractive thematic. SG MS1492 Cat. £50+ $20 Sold $20 | |||
Israel 1963 "Halbanon" sheetlet of 16 on unaddressed FDC. SG 260a Cat. £130, Bale $80 $30 Archived | |||
Italy 1901 Laureated Design set to 1L. Fresh MLH. But key 50¢ mauve with some pulled perfs at top & right. Others generally fine, but centering va… $250 Archived | |||
Italy 1910 10 lire sage green & pale rose. MUH with original gum. SG 85 Cat £95 + premium MUH (Sassone €250) $60 Sold $60 | |||
Italy 1924 One Lira surcharges on "Victory" design. MUH SG 161/64 Cat. £85 +premium for MUH (Sassone €175) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Italy 1924 "Crociera Italiana 1924" ovpts set. MLH with minor staining on 10¢, otherwise fine. SG 165/71 Cat. £130 $40 Archived | |||
Italy 1932 "March on Rome" postage set of 16. MUH, stain top of 2l.55 value, otherwise fine. SG 350/65 Cat. £150+ $60 Archived | |||
Italy 1936 Bimillenary of Horace set of 8. MUH with top value MVLH. SG 477/84 Cat. £130 +premium for MUH $50 Archived | |||
Italy 1945/48 30 Lire blue MLH. SG 667 Cat. £500 as MUH $70 Sold $70 | |||
Italy 1949 100 lire brown Cent of Roman Republic. SG 726 Cat. £140 & 50 lire x 3 of Biennial Art Exhibition, F/U. SG 724. Total Cat. £150 (4) $40 Archived | |||
Italy 1951 Verdi set of 3 MUH. SG 803/5 Cat. £80 $25 Sold $25 | |||
Italy-Parma 1859 Provisional Govt. Mint set with 3 shades of 5¢, 2 of 10¢ (plus SG 29a variety "figure 1 inverted"), 2 of 20¢ (plus "small A" va… $300 Sold $300 | |||
Italy-Sicily 1859 1g olive green imperf. Used with deferential cancel. SG 2b Cat. £180 $60 Archived | |||
Italian Colonies 1933 10th Anniversary of Fascist March on Rome set of 10. Fresh MLH SG 53/62 Cat. £95 $30 Archived | |||
Jamaica 1935 Silver jubilee set of with 1/- value having an unplated vertical line from "J" of Jamaica to the castle below. MUH SG 114/17 $50 Archived | |||
Jamaica 1952 2/- booklet, stapled at right, in pristine cond. SB 13 Cat. £25 $10 Sold $11 | |||
Japan 1941 Tsugitaka & Taroko National Parks M/S. Mint without gum. SG MS384 Cat. £100 $30 Sold $20 | |||
Korea (North) 1996 Birds M/S progressive colour proofs on 5 imperf sheets. Attractive thematic. Seen on Ebay at £95. SG MSN3610var. $25 Archived | |||
Korea (South) 1962 100w Bell of King Kyongdok. MUH SG 552 Cat. £70 $25 Archived | |||
Korea (South) 1966 60w vessel. MUH SG 648 Cat. £30 $10 Archived | |||
Korea (South) 1968 Korean Armed Forces strip of 5 MUH. SG 754/58 Cat. £40 $15 Sold $10 | |||
KUT 1954/59 QEII defins to £1 with 3 shades of 50¢, 2/- & £1. 2 of the latter are MUH with rest MLH. SG 167/80 incl "a" numbers. Cat. £260 as M… $60 Sold $70 | |||
Latvia 1933 10, 15, 25s Rign-Bathurst Flight ovptd "LATVIA-AFRIKA 1933". Fine MLH. SG 235/37 Cat. £195 $70 Archived | |||
Leeward Island 1938/51 KGVI defins set of 19 to £1. Fresh MUH. SG95/114b Cat. £200 $120 Sold $120 | |||
Liberia 1996 Kingfisher set of 5 in full sheet of 50 but in 2 panes of 25. MUH & lovely thematic. $25 Archived | |||
Libya 1924/31 Libyan Sibyl no wmk set (ex 40¢), perf 14 (16¢ & 2 lire the scarcer perf 11) plus 1924/40 perf 14 no wmk 5, 10, 30, 50¢, 1, 1.25 &… $50 Archived | |||
Liechtenstein 1930 Air set of 6 to 1f. MLH but light tone spots on 15r, 20r, 25r & 1f. Not visible from front. SG 110/15 Cat. £180 $30 Archived | |||
Liechtenstein 1947 2f Death of Princess Elsa. F/U block of 4. SG 258 Cat. £90 $30 Archived | |||
Malaya 1957 Malacca & Penang sets of 11 to $5. Fine MUH. SG 39/49 & 44/54 Cat. £115 $50 Sold $60 | |||
Malaya-Malacca 1954/57 complete set of 16 to $5, plus extra two shades of 4¢ & 10¢. SG 23/38 plus 25a & 29a. SG Cat. £100+ $50 Sold $50 | |||
Malta 1948 Self Government original set of 15 ovpts to 10/- MUH. SG 234/488 Cat. £80 $40 Sold $40 | |||
Malta 1956/58 QEII defins complete set of 17 to £1 MUH plus two extra shades of 2d. SG 266/82 Cat. £130 $70 Sold $70 | |||
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