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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
British Commonwealth 1937-1948 used collection written up on leaves noting Hong Kong defins to $10 good to F/U (1¢, 8¢ MLH) Cat. £250, Malta 193…
Sold $140
British Commonwealth MLH range in stockbook with quantity KGVI to QEII short defin sets, commems to 1970's, oddments QV to KGV. Noted Gambia 1898 1…
Sold $60
British Commonwealth Omnibus sets. Incls 1951 B.W.I. (ex Dominica & Jamaica), 1953 Coronation (complete), 1953/54 Royal Visits, 1958 Caribbean comp…
British Commonwealth MLH & used in stockbook. Noted Great Britain 1951 2/6d to 10/- MLH, Ascension KGVI to 2/6d (missing scarce 1d & 3d), South Ork…
Sold $50
British Commonwealth Omnibus collections. Incl 1937 Coronation complete MLH (202), 1946 Victory MUH/MLH (missing Cook Is & Tangier), 1947 Royal Vis…
Sold $120
British Commonwealth 1947-1954 MUH complete sheets & large blocks comprising Ceylon 1947 New Constitution (4 sheets of each value), Mauritius 1947 …
Sold $40
British Commonwealth Early QEII complete defin sets MLH, unless noted as MUH. Many incl "a" number shades & are fine throughout. Comprises first QE…
Sold $180
British Commonwealth QEII definitive sets in 3 quality stockbooks. Noted 1963 Cocos set with rest mainly from 1968 with best being B.I.O.T. 1968/70…
Sold $100
British Commonwealth Complete defin sets of early QEII period MLH in black leaved stockbook. Comprises first QEII sets from Dominica, Falklands (19…
Sold $100
British Commonwealth 1954-1962 QEII comp[lete definitive & pictorial sets in quality stockbook. Noted K.U.T. 1960, Leewards 1954 MUH, Mauritius 195…
Sold $150
British Commonwealth 1960's QEII complete definitive MUH sets. Incls Anguilla 1967 & ovpts, Antigua 1966, Bahamas 1966 surcharges, 1967 to $3, B.I.…
Sold $150
British Commonwealth 1961-1964 QEII complete defin sets in quality stockbook comprising Basutoland 1961/63 & 1964 new wmk, Bechuanaland 1961, Bermu…
Sold $140
British Commonwealth 1964-1964 QEII pictorial & defin sets from Bahamas (ovpts), Dominica, N & S Rhodesia, Nyasaland 1963 set MLH, 1964 set MUH, Pi…
Sold $80
British Commonwealth 1965-1979 Complete QEII defin sets MUH in quality stockbook. Noted Bahamas & Br. Solomon Island 1965 sets, Gilbert & Ellice 19…
Sold $100
British Commonwealth Arranged in alphabetical order & starting with Antigua 1976 to $10 MLH. Counted c50 countries with GB & Malayan states well re…
Sold $50
British Commonwealth Mint & used collection, mainly pre-1960 in "Meteor" album. Mainly common but occasional surprise e.g. Rhodesia 1892/94 4/- MLH…
Sold $90
British Commonwealth larger countries (& Malta) in "Meteor" album. We sought highlights to tempt the potential buyer, but totally without success! …
Sold $45
British Commonwealth Duplicated MLH & used range on 150 Hagners in 5 binders. Noted Dominica KGVI 2/6d x2 used, Malta Self Govt ovpts to 10/- used …
Sold $200
British West Indies KGVI complete definitive sets for 1938 Antigua to 5/-, 1948 Bahamas Tercentenary, 1950 Barbados 1943, Br Virgin Islands ordinar…
Sold $310
Europe (& Argentina) in "Meteor" album. Appears to have been assembled from pocket money & swaps, with no complete sets & very little past 1960's. …
Sold $30
Latin America range on c50 Hagners in binder. Comprises general MLH & used El Salvador (c500, incl 1949 UPU MLH), Bolivia (c250) & Mexico. Some fau…
Sold $60
Malayan Area Range of MUH, MLH & used with light duplicated on c150 Hagners in 3 binders. Some pickings incl Straits 1936 KGV $2 MLH, MPU 9¢ Due u…
Sold $200
Pacific Islands KGVI complete definitive sets for 1939/51 Br. Solomon's, 1947 Norfolk Island, 1940/51 Pitcairn Is, 1949 Cook Island,1952 Samoa & 19…
Sold $100
World & Australia Retired Dealers cover stock. Very little duplication & huge array of countries & thematics. Incls First Flight covers, better ear…
Sold $450
World 1870's to 1970's in expanded "Globe" loose leaf album over 5cm thick with most pages well covered. Mixture of used & mint (which would add $1…
Sold $460
World accumulation with GB & Singapore 2001-2011 used oddments & QEII Sarawak 1955 set to $2 F/U.
Sold $20
World in Lighthouse stockbook starting with used Australian States (odd better incl NSW 2d Laureate, Victoria 1/- "registered" imperf (mild thin), …
Sold $150
World From earlies to 1950 on plain foolscap leaves in folders plus duplicated on old Manilla stocksheets. Romania 1940's defins in complete sheets…
Sold $370
World 1887-1945 range of covers noting 1937 Flight cover Neth. Indies to Netherlands, 1945 Philippines "VICTORY" postcard with "UNCONDITIONAL SURRE…
World in large & two small stockbooks. Noted Mali, Central African Republic, Benin, Cambodia, Rwanda pictorials (mainly oddments, CTO sets) plus a …
Sold $20
World collection to 1920s in "Lincoln" album given as a present in 1883! Many damaged &/or pasted in, but cat. value is high & many better Australi…
Sold $160
World 1960's commercial airmail covers, mainly France, GB & Switzerland noting Mauritius Registered to USA with R5 & R10 birds, pair of R1 & 35 sin…
Sold $30
World on Hagner & in stockbook. Mostly cheaper, but did note Switzerland 1949 Pro Patria MLH & Colombia semi official air express (5 MLH). Countrie…
Sold $30
World incl aircraft & space on 25 Hagners. Mainly CTO with odd GB & Australia MUH. Also noted 1927-1965 Aust MUH/MLH blocks of low values (KGVI 1/4…
Sold $40
World covers to Australia, many post-2000, from Serbia, Spain, Thailand, GB, USA, France, Malaysia, Netherlands & Uruguay. Mostly airmail, some reg…
Sold $40
World 1983 Communications Year Official album with slipcase incl M/S's. Many thematics for aircraft, shipping & trains. All MUH with a high cat val…
Sold $50
World in springback binder with average ranges of PNG, Norfolk & Nauru to 1969, few B.W.I. to 1954, Ceylon, Gilbert & Ellice, Br. Solomon's, USA & …
World 2000 onwards balance of a consignment incl sheets, packs, FDC's etc from Canada, GB, USA, UNO & joint issues. Noted "2007 Int Polar Year" bo…
Sold $150
World Issues to 1970 incl "Strand" album with pickings plus oddments in stockbooks, bags & glassines in box. Some better Turkey MLH & used sighted,…
Sold $300
World on 45 Hagners in 4 binders comprising general lightly duplicated ranges of Vatican, Czech Republic, Djibouti (modern), Abu Dhabi with 1964 10…
Sold $80
World Austria 1860 to 1908 duplicated used range with nothing highly cat., GB pre-decimal regionals used , modest used range of Latin America incl …
Sold $20
World on leaves & Hagners. Useful pickings in British Commonwealth e.g. Gambia KGVI F/U to 5/- (ex 2/-), Southern Rhodesia 1964 £1 used, Rhodesia …
Sold $50
World A-Y countries collection in "Meteor" album. Over 80 countries (Asia, Latin America & Africa) with very little of value, but cat. vals on stic…
Sold $50
World Range in tiny stockbooks (2) & on stockcards with GB defins from 1858 to QEII. Mainly cheap oddments from wide range of countries to 1950's. …
Sold $25
World collection in enormous old ledger. Noted Jap. Occ. of Brunei 1942/44 $1 MLH (Cat. £55), Canada 1898 20¢ QV used, 1930 5¢ Air MLH, Ceylon v…
Sold $310
World 1880's-1960's range in 6 stockbooks. Noted USA, Australia KGV ½d to 2d duplicated used (100s) & KGVI to early QEII MUH incl. many imprint bl…
Sold $65
World covers, cards & stamps on stockcards. Fascinating & diverse lot incl Cape of Good Hope & O.F.S. Prisoner of War cards/covers (10), Australia …
Sold $120
World Few highlights but noted Bechuanaland 1955 to 2/6d MLH (ex 4d), ranges of Belgium incl some Railway stamps, Nigeria, Thailand & others. Mixed…
Sold $20
World in 4 stockbooks & in folders. Value in huge quantity of bright & thematic stamps. Starter range. (100s)
Sold $40
World 1880's-1920 collection in old album. Very mixed cond., but the following are good to F/U. Western Australia 8d, 9d, 10d & 1/- Swans, Tasmania…
Sold $160


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