Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign |
 China 1897 New currency surcharges with 1¢ MLH & used with small figures 3mm below characters, 2¢ on 3¢ mauve used, ½¢ on 3ca x 2 shades used,… $100 Sold $210 |
 China 1897 3¢ deep red Revenue ovptd "one cent" & Chinese characters for postal use. Odd nibbled perf at top. CTO with gum. SG 88 Cat. £250 $75 Sold $130 |
 China 1898 "Chinese Imperial Post" 20¢, 30¢, 50¢ carp & $1 bean goose. Fresh MLH with small hinge remainders & $1 value having a few nibbled per… $80 Sold $160 |
 China 1951 "Gate of Heavenly Peace" $30,000 green & $100,000 scarlet with pink network background, recess printed. Fine bold postal cancels. SG 149… $120 Sold $130 |
 China 1972 Sports/Physical Culture. 4 vals from set of 5 missing 8f ball games. MUH SG 2481/84 Cat. £160 (4) $40 Sold $55 |
 China 1999 80f International Year of the Elderly in right marginal block of 4 with a massive shift of perfs. A rare modern China error & spectacula… $40 Sold $45 |
 Chinese Imperial Post 1910 (7th July) 10c China Imperial Post used on "ON SERVICE" envelope (L59a) from Shanghai to London. Returned to Shanghai vi… $50 Sold $110 |
 China-Taiwan 1955 Kai-shek's Second Re-election M/S's x 2. One still with perforated outer selvedge. This with a couple of light tone spots & corne… $50 Sold $80 |
 Cook Island 1893/1900 1d brown, 1d blue, 2½d deep rose & 5d olive black Queen Maken perf. 11 & 1913/19 1½d deep mauve & 10d green perf. 14 x 15. … $40 Sold $40 |
 Curacao 1873/92 King William complete simplified set of 12 without gum as issued. Incls 60¢ olive yellow. Cat. £1200 with cheapest perf varieties… $280 Sold $210 |
 Curacao 1889 Numerals set of 5, MLH with 5¢ thinned & 2¢ no gum but frontally fresh. SG 37/41 & 1892/96 Queen set of 5 with gum but 15¢ thinned.… $60 Archived |
 Curacao 1901/02 "CURACAO" surcharges. MLH with the 1.50 with dull gum from removal of tropical interleaving. SG 51/53 Cat. £80. Also 1916 50¢, 1… $40 Archived |
 Curacao 1903/08 Queen Wilhelmina defins to 50¢. MUH/MLH. Also 1906 1½g mint without gum as issued. SG 54/68 Cat. £500 (15) $150 Archived |
 Curacao 1923 Silver Jubilee set of 7. MUH SG 98/104 Cat. £325 + premium for MUH plus 1927 unissued Marine Insurance Fund set of 7, MLH. SG 105/11 … $100 Archived |
 Curacao 1934 Tercentenary set of 17. Superb MLH. SG 137/53 Cat. £350 (17) $100 Sold $100 |
 Curacao 1936/39 Queen Wilhelmina set of 12 complete simplified. MLH to 1g50 with the 2g50 MUH SG 160/71a Cat. £80 + MUH prem $30 Archived |
 Curacao 1941 Prince Bernhard Fund Airs set of 8. F/U. SG 175/82 Cat. £325 (8) $100 Sold $80 |
 Curacao 1941 Prince Bernhard Fund Airs. MUH/MVLH set of 8. Fine except perf faults on 15¢. SG 175/82 Cat. £325 $90 Sold $90 |
Curacao 1941/42 Queen Wilhelmina defins complete set of 12. 15c with toned perfs otherwise fine MLH. SG 183/94 Cat. £180 (12) $50 Archived |
 Curacao 1946/47 Queen Wilhelmina high vals to 10g. CTO group of 4 with dubious cancels hence low reserve. SG 258/61 Cat. £700+ $150 Archived |
 Curacao 1946/47 Queen Wilhelmina high vals to 10g. Fresh MLH with 1½g MUH. SG 258/61 Cat. £500 $120 Sold $95 |
 Curacao 1947 1g50 to 25g Airs. Fresh MLH. SG 275/81 Cat. £650 (7) $150 Sold $120 |
 Czechoslovakia 1934 National Anthem M/S pair with no gum as issued. 10mm tear at top right of 1k sheet. Also perf. 10 gummed pair from the large sh… $300 Sold $300 |
 Czechoslovakia 1966 Paintings set of 5 in MUH sheetlets of 4. Mi 1668/72 Cat. €150 $40 Sold $40 |
 Egypt 1949 Agricultural & Ind Expo M/S pairs x 3. MUH. Also CiTEX illust PSE with additional 2m & 30m uncancelled with4 Exhib cinderellas on revers… $30 Archived |
Ethiopia 1894-1973 MLH & used on computer generated pages. Interesting lot with 1894 set MLH & various ovpts on same (Cat. £100+), later pictorial… $200 Sold $290 |
 Falkland Islands 1904/12 ½d to 1/- KEVII fine MLH. SG 43/48 Cat. £150+ (6) $60 Sold $55 |
 Falkland Islands 1912/20 1/- pale bistre-brown KGV. MLH SG 65a Cat. £95 $30 Archived |
 Falkland Islands 1933 Centenary set of 9 to 2/6d. Odd minor gum blemish where hinged otherwise MLH & frontally fresh. SG 127/35 Cat. £500 $150 Sold $150 |
 Falkland Is Deps 1957 (6th Jan) 1d, 2½d, 3d & 6d Ovptd "Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1955-1958 QEII ships issue on cover tied by "INTERNATIONAL GEOP… $20 Sold $30 |
 Fiji 1912/23 £1 purple & black on red, Die II. MVLH with lovely colour. SG 137a Cat. £250 (see plate 7) $100 Sold $110 |
 Fiji 1940's/50's "Fijian and Indian Constables, Fiji" coloured postcard. Unused in good cond. A popular thematic. $20 Archived |
 France 1943 50¢ & 2f Atlantic Front St Nazaire Chamber of Commerce pair. Without gum as issued. Slight hinge thin on 2f. (2) $75 Archived |
 French Southern & Antarctic Territories 1961 (1st Jan) 100f Terre Adelie penguins maxicard in black & white with 100f Terre Adelie penguins stamp t… $30 Sold $30 |
 Germany 1926/27 20pf Beethoven. Superb MUH with bottom margin. SG 407 $40 Sold $40 |
 Germany 1927 ILO with "I.A.A." ovpts. All fine MUH & with Schlegel expertise marks on reverse. SG 421/23 Cat. €240 $60 Sold $85 |
 Germany 1933 25pf Frederick the Great. Fine MUH. Mi 481 Cat. €320 $90 Sold $90 |
 Germany 1934 Officials set in blocks of 4. 12pf has "Han No 22848.41 in margin. Few minor paper bends otherwise fresh MUH. SG O526/37 Cat. £240 pl… $70 Sold $70 |
 Germany 1935 Saar Restoration set of 4. Fine & fresh MUH. SG 562/65 Cat. £130 $40 Sold $40 |
 Germany 1937 KA-BE private ovpt commemorating Stamp Day. MUH block comprising 2 different pairs. $20 Sold $20 |
 Germany 1938 Brown Ribbon Race with vertically ribbed gum plus normal stamp with horiz ribbed gum. Both F/U. SG 659/59a Cat. £500 $120 Sold $120 |
 Germany 1938 Winter Relief set of 9 in corner singles. Odd paper bends in a couple of the margins but all stamps fine MUH. SG 663/71 Cat. £110 $30 Sold $30 |
 Germany 1939 Postal Employees Fund set of 12. Fresh MUH. SG 690/701. Cat. £100 $30 Sold $60 |
 Germany 1944 12pf Hitler "Death Mask" propaganda imperf block of 4. MUH. These were part of the WWII USA Office of Strategic Services (OSS) “Ope… $50 Sold $50 |
 Germany 1920c. "Lost Colonies and Lands" MUH set of 19 with three of the "colonies" partially stuck. Unusual. (19) $30 Sold $65 |
 Germany - Berlin 1951/53 bells sets of 5 on annotated page. MLH. SG Cat. £350 as MUH (15) $50 Sold $40 |
 Germany - West 1949 Refugees Relief Fund set of 4 F/U. SG 1039/42 Cat. £200 $30 Archived |
 Germany - West 1949 Refugee Relief Fund set F/U. SG 1039/42 Cat. £200 $30 Archived |
 Germany - West 1950 Bach pair. MUH but grease on bottom perfs of 10pf. Also a pair on commem card with pictorial cachet 28.7.50 of Oberammergau. SG… $70 Sold $70 |
 Germany - West 1953 Relief Fund set of 4. Fine Used. Blunt corner on 4pf+2pf. SG 1099/1102 Cat. £120 $20 Archived |