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Lot No Description Est.
Box Lots
Late lot…....quick look revealed Solomon Islands & Samoa on pages, 2007 McDonalds Coin/banknote cat, odd world banknotes, world booklets incl odd…
Sold $65
Late lot, hence unable to break down further. Majority is Australia & States on covers, loose, on Hagners & leaves pages torn from stockbooks. Cove…
Sold $840
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $45
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $65
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $65
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $45
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $120
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $80
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $50
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $50
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $50
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $55
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $50
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $40
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $50
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $50
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $20
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $30
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $30
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $50
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $40
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $40
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Aden 1907-1915 selection of picture postcards with 3 coloured & 47 b&w or sepia. Mixed unused/used, some with stamps & many with written messages. …
Aegean Is to China Uninspiring lot redeemed by China (to 1945) incl a few local posts but with a dubious page of large & small dragons & 1894 60th …
Sold $210
Austria 1850/1971 substantial MLH/used collection in Davo standard album. Comprehensive earlies used with 1850 to 9k (1k faults but 2k fine), 1851 …
Sold $1000
Austria 1850-1978 in Schaubek album with some fresh plain quadrille pages added. Average to 1918 incl Airs set of 3 MLH but missing most charity se…
Sold $120
Austria 1929-1971 range of MUH & MLH on stockcards, leaves & Hagners. Comprises 1932 Writers (Cat. £110 but toned), 1929/31 defins (Cat. £120) & …
Sold $60
Austria 1947-1953 Censored Covers. Mostly outwards with approx. 10% inwards during the British & Soviet occupation of eastern Austria but also note…
Austria 1949-1954 used group of commems & Airs on Hagner. Noted 1949 Millocker (2), 1950 10s Air (Cat. £75) & various famous men singles etc. Cat.…
Sold $25
Austria 1970's-1980's MUH & used lightly dupl with odd set & high value but majority low cat. items. (c400 diff plus extras)
Sold $20
Bermuda QV-1962 on leaves in mixed cond. Useful pickings in the MUH/MLH. STC £300+ (approx. 100)
Sold $60
Bosnia, Herzegovina, Serbia & 1918/41 Yugoslavia mainly fine used plus a stockbook of Argentina with largely duplicated 1950's MUH/MLH low vals plu…
Sold $110
Burma/Myanmar 1937-2004 collection on Britannia leaves plus extensive additional "peacock" & "interim govt" inverted ovpt forgeries with write-up. …
Canada 1859-1971 used in SG printed album noting 1859/64 12½¢, 17¢ (blunt corner), 1868/97 large 2¢ green, 1893 20¢ & 50¢, 1897/89 "four leav…
Canada 1868-1989 mainly used in "Collector de Luxe" peg album with QV "heads" range to 50¢, 1897 50¢ Jubilee F/U, 1908 20¢ Quebec, KGV to $1 inc…
Sold $100
Canada 1870-1950 accum on leaves, cards, in stockbook & PO folder. Main value in 1937-1950 MLH on printed leaves incl OHMS, "G" ovpts, Special Deli…
Sold $150
Canada 1893-1999 with heavy dupl of used incl $1 fisherman x 4 cds examples in 3 stockbooks. Some later 1990's MUH incl S/A's. All in catalogue ord…
Sold $100
Canada 1898-1987 MLH with post-1960 mainly MUH all in illustrated album. Gum cond varies pre QEII but impressive coverage with 1898 "two leaves" to…
Sold $450
Canada 1917-1970's MUH/MLH in Lighthouse stockbook. Noted 6¢ on 5¢ Ottawa Conference Airmail, 1934 10¢ Loyalists, 1927 Federation 12¢ & 1928/29…
Sold $25
Canada 1927-1970 odd MUH/MLH on stockcard (Cat. £140) (20) plus a collection of Morocco on leaves with modest pickings in £1 to £4 cat. range, m…
Sold $60
Canada 1935-1978 MLH range with Special Delivery issues placed with others according to date of issue. Basically complete (KGVI coils SG 389/93 per…
Sold $270
Canada 1976-1991 in Viscount springback binder. Lots of commercially used but value in MUH with Millennium sheetlets & good coverage to 2004. Many …
Sold $100
Canada-Newfoundland Range in small stockbook & loose with a few New Brunswick & Nova Scotia noted. 1860 3d triangular MLH block of 4, 1865 10¢ use…
Sold $360
China - Taiwan 1980/81, 1983 x 2 & 1985 Year Albums & 42 FDC's from 1974-1977 period plus a few MUH sets.
Sold $100
China 1980-1982 range of mint issues incl 1980 Operas Make-up, 1980 Scientists, 1980 Kites, 1981 Lushan Mountains & 1981 Jinling set of 12. Unfortu…
Sold $110
China to Ethiopia China from 1945 noting 1960 goldfish CTO (Cat. £70) & a few 1949-1955 postally used "original" printings. Reasonable Egypt with …
Sold $160
Cook Islands 1932-1986 almost complete fine used/CTO collection large stockbook. Comprises 697 stamps with 90 M/S's & 6 sheetlets of 12 all in exc …
Sold $260
Cyprus 1880-1996 MLH/used on printed Minkus leaves with duplicates on 2 Hagners. Noted 1880 1d pl. 218 MLH, 1882/86 6p olive grey & 1894 6p sepia &…
Sold $210
Denmark 1851-1999 MLH/used in Krause printed album noting 1864/70 16sk in both perfs (the perf. 12½ Cat. £1400 with ring "32" cancel of Kallundbu…
Sold $300
Egypt 1945-1976 range of both stamps & M/S's with majority MUH. Some useful duplication incl 1975 110m "Touristic Egypt" sheet of 6 x 11 sheets MUH…
Sold $220


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