Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign |
 Germany - West 1954/60 50pf & 60pf Heuss defins. Fine MLH. SG 1115/16 Cat. £300 as MUH $30 Archived |
 Germany-Occupation Issues 1914/18 "6F.25 Cent" on 5m surcharge with "B" of "Belgien" under "F". MUH. Mi 25II Cat. €300 $90 Archived |
 Germany-Occupation of Sudentenland Lowlands1938 set of 3 imperfs showing "swastika on map" design on piece tied by Gothic script Rumburg "Heil Hitl… $50 Sold $50 |
 Germany-Occupation of Sudentenland Lowlands 1938 Reichenberg-Maffersdorf "Wir Sind Frei" ovpt on Czech newspaper stamps for 2h, 7h & 9h vals. MUH s… $30 Sold $40 |
 Germany-Occupation of Serbia 1942/43 duplicated sets. Monasteries (SG G58/68), Officials SG GO78, Postage Dues. SG G82/88. All x 10 used or CTO. Ca… $20 Sold $20 |
 Germany-Saar 1948 Flood Relief M/S of 4 imperf. With 3 MUH examples with light gum disturbance from adherence to tissue interleaving. One also with… $100 Sold $80 |
 Gibraltar 1872/73 GB 6d buff, plate 11, with bold, clear "A26" numeral cancel. In addition to being a wing margin example, it is a lovely F/U strik… $50 Archived |
 Gibraltar 1993 WWII original artwork for the HMAS Sydney submitted for one of the Gibraltar 24p warship designs. It shows the battleship in front o… $400 Archived |
 Gilbert & Ellice Is 1934 10c Cocoanut Plantations Ltd complete sheetlet of 4 local issue. No right hand selvedge but stamps fresh MUH. $120 Archived |
 Gilbert & Ellice Is 1939/55 5/- KGVI on "C. & E.I.C. CANTON ISLAND" registered cover to Sydney tied by double circle cds with Suva & Sydney b/s's. … $50 Archived |
 Gilbert & Ellice Is 1940 Postage Dues set of 8 to 1/6d. Fine MUH. SG D1/8 Cat. £180 $80 Sold $80 |
 Gilbert & Ellice Is 1946 1d x 2 & 3d KGVI Coronation on Registered FDC addressed to Sydney. Unusual a hand drawn blue "R" reg label completed in m/… $40 Archived |
 Gilbert & Ellice Is 1956 (1st Aug) QEII Pictorial defins to 10/- on long FDC with Ocean Island cds's tying all 12 stamps. Addressed to Police HQ, O… $25 Archived |
 Gold Coast 1939-1941 censored covers with Passed by Censor handstamp of numbers 5 & 7 with 2 of each & 11. One to Cape Town, one to Birmingham by s… $150 Archived |
 Gold Coast 1940-1952 KGVI covers comprising 1940 Reg'd Kumasi to California bearing 6d tied by oval reg "Kumasi Gold Camp", 1952 Axim to USA with 2… $80 Archived |
 Grenada 1953/59 QEII defins set of 13 to $2.50. Fresh MUH. SG 192/204 Cat. £60 $25 Sold $25 |
 Guyana 1966/67 $1 Bird ovpts in part sheet of 50. Odd minor bend in margin otherwise fine MUH. SG 396 Cat. £450 $60 Archived |
 Hong Kong 1903 1¢, 4¢, 12¢, 20¢, 50¢ & $1 KEVII, single crown CA wmk. Fresh MLH with good perfs & well centred. SG 62, 64, 68/49 & 71/72 Cat. … $120 Sold $120 |
 Hong Kong 1903 $2 slate & scarlet KEVII, single crown CA wmk. Exc well centred MLH example. SG 73 Cat. £375 $150 Sold $190 |
 Hong Kong 1903 $3 slate & dull blue KEVII, single crown CA wmk. Fresh MLH. Superb, well centred example. SG 74 Cat. £450 $200 Sold $230 |
 Hong Kong 1938/47 Postage Dues on ordinary paper set excl 20c. MLH. SG D6/10, D12. Cat. £130 as MUH. $25 Sold $25 |
 Hong Kong 1954/62 QEII defins to $10 (excl $1.30) plus SG listed shades for 30c, 40c & $2. Fine MLH with vals to $1 MUH. SG 178/87 & 189/91 Cat. £… $50 Archived |
 Hong Kong 1962/73 $5 QEII on glazed paper with inverted wmk. Fine MUH. SG 208cw Cat. £70 $25 Sold $35 |
 India 1897 (Jan) Unstamped commercial env to Muttra taxed with "Postage Due One Anna" cachet passing through Lucknow & Lahore DLOS (no return addre… $50 Archived |
India 1905 Bank of Bengal "General Power" signed by executant bearing 5R KEVII "SPECIAL ADHESIVE" signed & Straits Settlements $2 KEVII tied by Sin… $30 Sold $30 |
 India 1924 (6th Aug) Mount Everest Expedition led by General CG Bruce. A pictorial postcard showing Mt Everest from the base camp in the Rongbuk Va… $75 Sold $150 |
 India 1933 Channapatna to Leeds Registered opened out cloth cover bearing KGV 2R x3 & 3 KGV defins complete with Registered label & Parcel Post Cus… $30 Sold $30 |
 India 1941 (Sept) Cover from India to Sydney bearing 5R7as in franking & with 2 wax seals imprinted MICINSP (Mica Inspection) can be read. "Passed … $50 Archived |
 Iran 1935 Defins to 1½R, each with hinge remnant & top value adherence. SG 729/37 Cat. £90 $25 Sold $45 |
 Japan 1952 National Parks M/S's in PO folders with both sets plus 1953 Shikotsu & Unzen sets & 1954 Jo-Shin-Etsu Kogan National Park (latter with s… $100 Archived |
 Japan 1871 200mm vermilion, plate 1, on horizontally laid native paper. 4 clear margins & lightly used. SG 5 Cat. £325 $80 Archived |
 Japan - PO's in China 1900/08 Imperial Crest mint examples x 10 incl 1 yen & used x 6. 25s is thinned with others good to fine. Total cat. (excl 25… $100 Sold $80 |
 Kenya, Uganda & Tanganyika 1912/21 25¢ & 75¢ KGV, MCA wmk, ovptd "SPECIMEN" with 2 different papers for each. Not often seen MUH. SG 50as, 50bs, … $100 Sold $80 |
 Latvia 1830 official document in Gothic script written in German & dated at Riga 24 March 1830. Postal marking in Cyrillic with wax seal. $30 Archived |
 Luxembourg 1859/63 12½c imperf with four clear margins. F/U. SG 11 Cat. £250 $40 Sold $40 |
 Luxembourg 1874/79 4c green imperf with four good to large margins. Superb F/U with neat 1875 cds. SG39a Cat £225 $50 Sold $50 |
 Luxembourg 1878/80 1c rouletted Official. Well centered & F/U. SG O100 Cat. £275 $50 Sold $50 |
 Luxembourg 1952 Centilux Exhib Airs set of 5. Fresh MUH SH 552a/e Cat/ £150 $40 Archived |
 Malaya - Kedah 1959/62 Pictorials excl 10c brown but incls both $5 perfs. Fine MUH. SG 104/08, 109a/14a Cat. £100 (12) $40 Sold $45 |
 Malaya - Kelantan 1961/63 Pictorials set of 7 in MUH blocks of 4. SG 96/102 Cat. £150+ $50 Sold $65 |
 Malaya - Kelantan 1963 10c maroon Tiger part sheet of 30 fresh MUH with DLR imprint at base. SG 89 Cat. £600 $80 Sold $130 |
 Malaya - Pahang 1954/57 QEII defins incl 4c shade. Fresh MUH. SG 28/43 Cat. £85 (17) $30 Sold $45 |
 Malaya - Pahang 1957/62 Pictorials incl 50c, $2 & $5 in both perfs with additional $5 shade. Varied centering but otherwise fine MUH. SG 75/86b Cat… $50 Sold $65 |
 Malaya - Perak 1957/61 $5 Weaving, perf. 12½ in MUH marginal block of 4. SG 161 Cat. £76 $25 Sold $30 |
 Malaya - Selangor 1957/61 Pictorials with both perfs for 50c & $5. Fresh MUH. SG 116/27a Cat. £75 (14) $30 Sold $45 |
 Malaysia-Trengganu 1921/41 $3 green & red on emerald, mult crown CA, in lower left marginal single with hinge remnant in selvedge. Stamp MUH but li… $50 Sold $55 |
 Malaysia-Trengganu 1957/63 Pictorials incl 2c shade & 50c perf & shade & $5 in two perfs. Fine MUH. SG 89/99a Cat. £150 (16) $60 Sold $70 |
 Malaysia 1957/61 10c maroon Tiger in sheet of 50. Some light paper bends in margin but stamps well centered & fresh MUH. SG 122 Cat. £800 $100 Archived |
 Malaysia 1957/61 Pictorials to 20c (excl 10c) in part sheets of 40 with DLR imprints & plate numbers. Odd paper bend in margins but stamps fine MUH… $120 Sold $120 |
Malaysia 1994 C/wealth Games gutter pair, Expressway Opening, Putra pair, National Library, Sultan Agong & Electricity plus 1995 X-rays & Fungi set… $40 Archived |