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Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History |
 1854 1/- pale brown swan imperf with large margins all round. Attractive fine used example. SG 4c, Cat. £325 $120 Sold $95 |
 1859 6d grey-black fine used with neat 15 bar 1 numeral cancel. Margins close to touching. SG 19, Cat. £550 $200 Sold $160 |
 1859 6d grey-black imperf swan with 4 clear margins plus part of adjoining impression to left. F/U. SG 19, Cat. £550 $250 Sold $250 |
 1860 2d orange-vermilion imperf. Unused without gum. 4 clear to close margins. A most attractive example with strong colour. SG 25, Cat. £150 $70 Sold $75 |
 1864 4d blue. Unused without gum. 3 margins & just cut into at base. Heavy hinge remainder. Strong vivid colour. SG 26, Cat. £350 $100 Sold $100 |
 1861 6d sage-green swan with 3 close but clear margins with the fourth just touching. Fine used. SG 28, Cat. £400 $120 Sold $120 |
 1860/64 6d sage green with roulette clear at base. Other margins clear but rouletting absent. Fine used with light BN "1" obliterator. Horiz ironed… $50 Sold $38 |
 1861 1/- yellow-green intermediate perf 14-16. MLH with "trimmed" perfs at right side & base. Strong colour. SG 37, Cat. £2000 $350 Archived |
 1861 2d blue, perf 14. Unused with part gum & some light toning. SG 39, Cat. £160 $30 Archived |
 1861 4d vermilion, perf 14, fine used with BN "8" obliterator. Attractive. SG 40, Cat. £180 $80 Sold $85 |
 1861 4d vermilion, perf 14. Unused without gum. Poorly centred which is typical of 1861 printings. Strong rich colour. SG 40, Cat. £475 $200 Archived |
 1861 1/- deep green very rough perf 14-16. Fine used with rich colour. SG 46, Cat. £375 $100 Sold $160 |
 1879 1d yellow-ochre, wmk crown CC perf 14, ovptd with "I.R." & a bar "Through Postage" in green (SG 70). Scarce postally used with GPO duplex cancel. $120 Sold $130 |
 1882 6d reddish-lilac. MH. SG 79, Cat. £140 & 1907 1/- olive-green, MLH. SG 116, Cat. £55 (2) $50 Sold $70 |
 1882/95 3d pale bright yellow swan imperforate plate proof pair on gummed WcrownA wmk paper from the De La Rue imprimatur sheets. Fresh MUH. $200 Sold $180 |
 1882/95 3d pale brown swan imperforate plate proof pair on gummed CA sideways wmk paper from the De La Rue imprimatur sheets. Fresh MUH. $200 Sold $180 |
 1885/93 ½d to 1/- swans set of 11 missing only ½d yellow- green. MUH/MVLH with good centering. SG 94/102, Cat. £300 (11) $80 Sold $80 |
 1893 15/- dull purple Internal Revenue with exceptional centring. Fine used with "Hay Street JA17 02 East Perth" cds. RPSV Cert. (2003). Rarely see… $900 Archived |
 1893 1d to 1/- Internal Revenues with CA/Crown wmk. (SG F1-5) plus unauthorised 2/6d & 3/- (rounded corner). All good to F/U with various Postal ca… $250 Sold $250 |
 1893-1897 Internal Revenue stamps all postally used incl 1d x 2, 3d x 2, 6d & 1/- plus rare used of the 5/- wide crown/CR wmk fine used with part P… $250 Sold $270 |
 1895 (30th July) 1d blue Swan Post Card addressed to Fremantle with arrival cds on reverse. Tied by Guildford duplex. Light staining but otherwise … $30 Archived |
 1898 1d carmine, Plate 2, C/WA wmk in complete pane of 60 from the top of sheet. All stamps MUH, hinged selvedge only. Selvedge of 2 stamps has com… $200 Sold $260 |
 1898 (7th Oct) ½d brown Swan Post Card (PC1) addressed locally to Woodbridge. Tied by Guildford duplex. $30 Archived |
 1898 (24th Nov) large OHMS cover front addressed to England with "DEPARTMENT OF LANDS & SURVEYS" frank stamp in violet & cancelled by bold complete… $150 Archived |
 1898 (12th Dec) & 1900 (27th Feb) Registered OHMS covers bearing fine strikes of Land Titles Department Frank Stamp, "UNCLAIMED" plus a variety of … $75 Archived |
1901 (12th Aug) Official mail. Geological Survey of West Australian env. with crest on flap. Addressed to Secretary of The Govt…..... India with … $80 Sold $360 |
 1902/11 5/- emerald-green QV. MLH with good centering. SG 126, Cat. £85 $70 Sold $70 |
 1902/11 10/- deep mauve QV perfined "OS". Good to fine used with 1905 oval registered cancel. SG 127, ACSC W65b, Cat. $250 $100 Archived |
 1902/11 £1 orange-brown fine used with neat part Kalgoorlie FE 04 cds. SG 128, Cat. £190 $100 Sold $140 |
1902 1d red pre-printed env (EN1) postally used from Hopetoun with 3b cancel to Ravensthorpe on 21 MY 10. Partial arrival b/s. A little toned but o… $50 Archived |
 1902/11 9d yellow-orange, single line perf 11 swan. MVLH SG 133, Cat. £180 $80 Archived |
1903/11 9d yellow-orange, single line perf 11 left selvedge example. Fresh MUH. SG 133, Cat. £180 $80 Sold $65 |
1902/11 2/- orange-yellow QV. MLH, centered top left. SG 134a, Cat. £425 $100 Archived |
1902 Two unused in tact "Reply Postcard" with RPC1 1d + 1d red in vg cond, hinge remainder on reverse reply half & RPC2 1½d + 1½d blue also in vg… $60 Sold $50 |
 1905 (17th Feb) "Fremantle Harbour - Wells Camel Warrior" postcard with message on front referring to the writer being on the Royal mail Ship, Oriz… $40 Sold $85 |
 1905/12 3d brown swan with Crown over double-lined A sideways & inverted wmk. Fresh MLH. Only a few examples recorded ACSC W28ACa, Cat. $750 $250 Archived |
 1905/12 9d orange-yellow perf. 11 perfined "OS" with Crown/double-Lined A wmk. F/U. ACSC 52A, Cat. $200; SG 157, Cat. £200 as normal. $75 Sold $110 |
 1907 (5th Feb) 1904 1d swan Post Card (PC 13) with variable Ship Mail Room cds & addressed to England & 1906/07 Indian picture postcards with clear… $40 Archived |
 1908 1d dull blue US Fleet Visit Postal Card correctly rated usage to England with Perth machine cancel dated MR 31 1909. Masonic message on revers… $400 Sold $350 |
 1908c "The Golden West" Rae Brothers set of 12 illustrated envelopes featuring scenes of Perth incl "Holidaying on the Swan River", "WA Blacks at B… $700 Archived |
 1912 3d brown Swan with Crown & double line A Wmk (sideways), perf 12½ on thin paper. Fine used & well centred. SG 170, Cat. £75 $40 Sold $40 |
 1913 (14th Apr) Registered OHMS cover with Land Titles enclosure locally addressed to Perth bearing 2d yellow swan Wmk Crown over double-lined A (s… $40 Sold $40 |
 1915 (16th July) OHMS long cover with 1d red, Die 1, KGV smooth paper x 4 perfined "OS" & Registered Perth. Addressed to Leederville WA with "UNADD… $75 Sold $130 |
 1915 WWI Military Mail. 2 x "On Active Service" postcards from Fred (Alfred Sutton) a soldier in the 1st division to Dowerin. One with "PASSED BY C… $300 Sold $300 |
 1920c "The Bank of Australasia" numbered large illust blank cheques specially printed for T Blakeley & Son with premises in Perth & Mandurah. These… $50 Sold $85 |
 1920c Commonwealth Bank of Australia x 3 blank cheques in 2 sizes. A small one plus a joined pair of large cheques with consecutive numbers. Each h… $30 Sold $42 |
 1923/24 1½d green KGV embossed env with postage (ACSC ES55) printed to private order for Vacuum Oil Company & postally used 24th Jan 1924 in fine … $50 Archived |
 1928 1/- Tombstone duty stamps x 3 on individual promissory note documents for £16.13.4 each. Total amount borrowed £50 payable in 3 equal amount… $30 Sold $42 |
 1930c intact page from a wages book with Financial Emergency Tax revenues. Incls 10 x 2d brown, 6 x 4d rose & 10 x 6d grey as well as 25 x 1½d vio… $40 Sold $40 |
 1930's Bank of New South Wales bank cheques x 4 with 2d rectangular impressed duty stamps (Dzelme type x4). Dzelme claimed the introduction date fo… $40 Sold $75 |