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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Gibraltar 1953-1971 range with mainly MUH in small stockbook noting 1960, 1967 & 1971 defins to £1 (latter x 2 sets in se-tenant pairs) & 1965-196…
Sold $55
Gibraltar 1971-1996 specialised collection appearing complete in mainly MUH condition & written up on leaves in 2 volumes. Incls shades, extras in …
Sold $160
Gibraltar 1971-2016 MUH collection in Senator album. No defins or sheetlets but commems & M/S's are complete (excl 2 singles) with attractive thema…
Sold $290
Gibraltar 1994-1999 MUH range with high degree of completeness all on Hagners. Noted 1999 to £3, commem sets & M/S's plus £5 booklets. Cat. c£80…
Sold $50
Gibraltar, Cuba, Grenada & Grenadines & Hong Kong in quality Lighthouse Grande albums (retailing at $250+ alone) with the Gibraltar containing 1990…
Sold $120
Gilbert & Ellice Is 1911 Pines, KGV to 5/-, Silver Jubilee, KGVI to 5/- MLH & 1948 RSW MUH (tone spot) plus 1956 to 10/- MUH with later comprehensi…
Sold $120
Gilbert & Ellice Is 1911-1970 MUH/MLH in stockbook complete (excl £1) plus Gilbert Islands to 1978 MUH incl wmk changes. Exc cond throughout excep…
Sold $200
Gilbert & Ellice Is MUH from 1964 2d block of 4 plus commems & defin sets to 1977 Gilbert Islands. Also "canoes" M/S (CTO) & KGVI to 2/- MUH/MLH. (…
Sold $30
Great Britain 1803, 1828, 1832, 1835, 1837, 1843 & 1841 pre-stamp covers & entires plus stamped from 1866 to 1938 (latter Australia) incl 1911 FMS …
Sold $70
Great Britain 1815-1866 free fronts & autographs etc in old folder, ex Robson Lowe auction of many years ago. The "autographs" are cut-outs from co…
Sold $85
Great Britain 1827-1917 group of covers, entires & wrappers all in individual protector sleeves & written up on page for very item. Pre-stamp part-…
Sold $80
Great Britain QV 1d red imperfs & perfd "stars in upper corners" used range on leaves & stockcards plus loose in glassine & envelope. There are 100…
Sold $320
Great Britain QV postal fiscals mounted on 2 album leaves & Hagner. Presentable used 1853 1d Die I & II, 1856 white paper, 1857 blue paper Receipt …
Sold $30
Great Britain QV-QEII Range on Hagners, album pages & stockcards with common QV but noted Jubilee to 6d F/U & KEVII vals to 5/- but heavy cancels. …
Sold $55
Great Britain QV-QEII wide ranging collection of stamps, FDI & commercial covers, slogans on piece, aerogrammes & more in 5 binders all in display …
Sold $240
Great Britain 1840-1951 dupl used on Hagners. QV in very mixed cond incl 1883 2/6d (2) & 5/- (torn corner), 1887 10d x 3 F/U, KEVII to 5/- incl som…
Sold $50
Great Britain 1840-1951 used collection on leaves in protector sleeves. Incls 1840 1d black (red M/C) & 2d blue each with 2-3 margins, 1841 1d (8) …
Sold $1200
Great Britain 1840-1988 collection in Davo album noting 1840 2d blue with black Maltese Cross (1½ margins) plus a few other recess printed & range…
Sold $100
Great Britain 1840-1993 used range in SG album with 1840 1d black (2 margins) with red MC cancel, 5/- QV rose x 3 with heavyish cancels but sound, …
Sold $240
Great Britain 1840-2009 collection on leaves in 2 peg binders. Nearly all used or mint without gum. Starts with common QV but incls 2 margin 1d bla…
Great Britain 1840-2011 MLH & used in 5 matching Davo Hingeless albums with slipcases. Noted 1840 1d & 2d 3-3½ margins with M/C in black, 1847 6d …
Sold $675
Great Britain 1841 1d red brown QV used with examples from plates 12-43 (except 40 & 42) & plates 46-58. Mounted on pages with some minor varieties…
Sold $250
Great Britain 1841-1994 in 2 SG Windsor albums. Patchy QV used range with many 1d reds, surface printed to 1/- incl 8d x 2, 1883 2/6d (2), 5/- & li…
Sold $125
Great Britain 1841-1995 mainly used ex-dealer accumulation on over 200 Hagners in catalogue order in 5 quality Lighthouse blue binders with gold tr…
Sold $150
Great Britain 1850's-1880's fiscals written up on pages. Begins with 1853 1d QY Type L11 & L12 with inverted wmks, 1855 1d on blue paper x 2, 1856 …
Sold $675
Great Britain 1854-1970 on "Lighthouse" leaves mainly used. Pre-WWII with a few QV 1d red "stars" but no 1858/79 before useful surface printed with…
Sold $200
Great Britain 1858/79 QV Penny Reds. A massive accum in plate number order mounted on leaves in lever arch file. Different corner letter combinatio…
Sold $500
Great Britain 1864/79 1d red plate numbers arranged on printed leaves. All different missing only 77 & 180. Plate 225 has missing corner at top lef…
Sold $170
Great Britain 1897-1973 fine used or CTO range in spring back album . Many complete sets incl all QEII phosphor commems & most of the graphite & ph…
Sold $120
Great Britain 1912/24 KGV MLH range to 1/- with duplication incl the 1½d "PENCF" variety (SG 369a, Cat. £125), 1d control singles x 4, shades inc…
Sold $180
Great Britain KGV "Seahorses" study on leaves in SG cat. order comprising 2/6d x 51 used & B.W. 1918/25 MLH (1), 5/- x 57 & 10/- x 4. A comprehensi…
Sold $300
Great Britain KGV extensive collection on leaves starting with MLH (23) & used (34) Downey Heads set out by shade & wmk before 1912/22 script cyphe…
Sold $800
Great Britain KGV MUH/MLH incl 1924/26 simplified (incl SG 426 & 426a) to 1/-, 1924 & 1925 BEE & 1934 photogravure set to 1/- (10d perf fault). Tot…
Sold $50
Great Britain "Royal Correspondence" comprising entire from Queen Mary, wife of KGV, written by lady-in-waiting thanking sender for a gift, 1914 mo…
Sold $200
Great Britain KGV & KGVI MUH/MLH collection of inverted & sideways wmks comprising 1924/26 block cypher ½d to 2d sideways wmk MUH, inverted wmk ½…
Sold $240
Great Britain KGV to QEII MUH selection on Hagners incl KGV 8d & 9d script cypher, 1934 photogravure set, 1936 1d KEVII with inverted wmk & QEII de…
Sold $65
Great Britain 1924-1970 MUH, MLH & used written up in large album. Commems incl 1924/25 BEE MLH, 1963-1965 phosphor blocks of Cable, 1/3d FFH, Natu…
Great Britain 1924-2000 Majority MLH but noting 1948 £1 RSW MUH before KGVI Festival high vals also MUH. QEII 1990's Castles mint without gum, sel…
Great Britain 1926-2002 MUH, MLH & used in Devon album. Largely commercially used commems with odd better defin incl 1939/48 set to £1 & 1948 £1 …
Sold $110
Great Britain 1936-1970 KEVIII to QEII end of pre-decimal MUH/MLH & good to F/U range presented on album leaves. Incls 1937/47 to 1/- KGVI MUH/MLH,…
Sold $60
Great Britain 1952-2008 used on printed leaves in protector sleeves with SG numbers shown below each stamp. QEII Wildings are complete (excl invert…
Sold $150
Great Britain 1955-1989 loose & on leaves in SG "Utile" binder. A few Wildings incl graphite set MUH, mixture of commems & pre-decimal Machins MUH/…
Sold $45
Great Britain 1960-1973 illustrated & commercial covers all addressed to the late philatelist Dr Derek Pocock written up on leaves & housed in prot…
Sold $100
Great Britain 1962-1966 all phosphor commems complete to Battle of Hastings. Fresh MUH. Cat. £195 (83)
Sold $60
Great Britain 1962-1967 complete phosphor commemorative sets fresh MUH in Hagner album. Cat. £210+ (90)
Sold $80
Great Britain 1963-1966 phosphor commems incl NPY with extra 1/3d in block of 4, FFH, Paris Conference x 3, Lifeboat, Red Cross, Cable (x 3), Shake…
Sold $60
Great Britain 1969-1976 MUH blocks of 4 with over 40 commem sets x 4 & Machins to £1 x 4 plus booklets from 1969 incl 2/- x 8, 10p x 10, £1 "Stam…
Sold $70
Great Britain 1971-1974 range of stitched booklets identified by SG no. & 2 x 60p "Royal Mail Stamps" & 2 x 30p small stamp boxes all diff plus 199…
Sold $20
Great Britain 1971-1974 stitched booklet collection complete with all dates plus 1972 Wedgewood (trimmed ½p). All fresh MUH in quality album. Rare…
Sold $70
Great Britain 1973-2003 FDC's in small & large cover albums. The "small" has c60 mostly addressed from 1973 to 1981 while the "large" covers 1999to…
Sold $50


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