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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Pre-decimal
1931 (26th May) "By Air Mail" Perth to Mundabullangana Station, Port Hedland addressed long cover with Perth machine cancel tying 1d green KGV (SM …
Sold $40
1931 2d & 3d Kingsford Smith ovptd "OS". MVLH verging on MUH. Drury Cert. (2020). SG O123/24, ACSC 141/2(OS), Retail $450 (2)
Sold $320
1931 2d & 3d as above. Fine MLH. Ceremuga Cert (2018) SG O123/24, ACSC 141/2(OS), Retail $450 (2)
Sold $260
1931 6d Kingsford Smith Airmail ovptd "OS" in John Ash imprint strip of 3. Superb MUH. ACSC 144(OS), Cat. $50 each + premium for imprint (Cat. $375…
Sold $80
1931 6d Kingsford Smith vert strip of 3 with "extra islands" variety in middle. MUH, fluffy perfs.ACSC143e,Cat. $150
Sold $40
1931 6d Kingsford Smith with "extra islands" variety. MUH with right selvedge. ACSC143e, Cat. $150
Sold $46
1931 2/- black on cream booklet with 2 panes each of 6 x 2d golden scarlet KGV, Die 3. VG cond. Pfeffer & Crum B46c, Cat. $750
Sold $400
1931 2/- black on green booklet ditto but with "Passbooks" advert IFC. VG cond. Pfeffer & Crum B48Ba, Cat. $750
Sold $300
1931 2/- black on green booklet with 2 panes each of 6 x 2d golden scarlet KGV, Die 3 with inverted wmks. "Accounts" advert IFC. VG cond. Pfeffer &…
Sold $320
1932 2d golden-scarlet KGV postal forgery, perf 11. Fine used with neat machine cancel. ACSC 103cc, Cat. $650
Sold $280
1932 2d Sydney Harbour Bridge scarlet postal forgery, perf. 11 on unwmkd paper. MLH. ACSC 149c, Cat. $2750
Sold $1900
1932/37 1/- lyrebird printer's sample defaced reproduction in bright red with comb perf 13 on unwmkd white wove paper. A MLH pristine example. ACSC…
Sold $360
1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge commercially used with light indistinct cds with neighbouring blue crayon mark suggesting regd usage. Postally used …
1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge commercially used with neat central indistinct cds. Postally used examples are much scarcer than CTO with most such …
Sold $240
1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge fine used & well centered with part cds cancel. Small thin & light staining on reverse but frontally most presentabl…
Sold $80
1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge. Fine used/CTO with gum & well centered. SG 143
Sold $120
1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge. Fresh MLH & well centered, a premium example. SG 143, ACSC 148, Cat. $550
Sold $240
1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge. MLH with odd fluffy perf & centered down. SG 143
Sold $130
1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge. Fresh MVLH & well centered, a premium example. SG 143, ACSC 148, Cat. $550
Sold $260
1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge set of 4 to 5/-. A MLH & well centered set. SG 141/44, Cat. £440
Sold $200
1932 (8th Nov) OHMS cover from Darwin by Airmail to Melbourne with Brisbane & Sydney transit cancels. Franking consists of 1d green KGV perfined "O…
Sold $160
1933 (28th June) "By Karachi to London Air Mail" annotated large cover. Folded once & slightly crumpled but away from adhesives). Franked with 9d, …
Sold $75
1933 (23rd Oct) OHMS small env from Govt Stores Dept with 1d green KGV (CofA wmk) ovptd "OS" tied by Perth machine cancel & addressed to Buckland H…
Sold $30
1934 3d Vic Cent, perf. 10½ John Ash imprint block of 8 (6 MUH, 2 MLH) showing "flag to right of tower" variety on lower pair of each block, all M…
Sold $60
1934 Vic Cent perf. 11½ set of 3. Fresh MUH. SG 147/49a, retail $125
Sold $30
1934 2d Macarthur Dark Hills in John Ash imprint block of 4. MUH & well centred. ACSC 158z, Cat. $325
Sold $90
1934 9d Macarthur in John Ash gutter pair. Very well centered & fresh MUH. SG 152 var, retail $140+
Sold $50
1934 Macarthur set of 4 with both 2d types in MUH blocks of 4. SG 150/52, retail $400
Sold $120
1934 (17th Nov) "6th AUST PHILATELIC EXHIBTN. MELB. VIC" dedicated regd red h/s on blue provisional R6 label on 2d KGV embossed env uprated with 3d…
Sold $42
1934 (28th Nov) Macarthur set of 3 on cover to England tied by Napoli "PAQUEBOT" & cds. Reverse with notation "newly out today Nov 1st 1934". Verti…
Sold $90
1935 (9th July) Commercial Airmail cover from Sydney to Porto Maurilio Italy with 2d & 3d SJ plus 1/6d Hermes x 2 tied by Sydney Air Mail cds's. Co…
1935 Anzac pair in matching John Ash imprint pairs. Fine MUH. SG 154/55
Sold $80
1935 1/- Anzac, perforated 13½ x 12½ unwatermarked plate proof. Fresh MUH. A wonderful opportunity to add this elusive stamp to your collection. …
Sold $1500
1935 2/- Silver Jubilee marginal block of 4 with Plate No. 1 at top right. MUH/MLH. ACSC 168za, Cat. $325
Sold $170
1935 Silver Jubilee set of 3 in John Ash imprint pairs. MLH with light gum staining on 2/- but frontally fresh. SG 156/58
Sold $30
1935/37 2/- KGV booklet with 2d red with inverted CofA wmks in 2 panes of 6. VG Cond. Sold in Linke auction Feb 2004 for $1100. Pfeffer & Crum B48A…
Sold $420
1936 (29th Feb) SA Centenary commem illust env with 5d KGV tied by Port Melbourne West cds with neighbouring single strike & another across blank (…
1936 (20th Mar) 3d Vic Cent pair on illust SA Centenary and 7th Australasian Philatelic Exhibition tied by "CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION SA" cds's with pr…
Sold $24
1936 2d SA Cent John Ash imprint block 4 with cliché R37 "Retouched sky below AU of Australia" variety. MUH/MLH. ACSC 171zb, Cat. $350
Sold $70
1936 (13th May) Sydney to Bremen, Germany via Athens Greece private env with 1/4d KGV & 2d & 3d Cable in vertical marginal pairs tied by Air Mail S…
Sold $110
1937 3d blue KGVI Die I "white wattles" in Ash imprint block of 4. Vertical fold through gutter & two minute surface paper faults on top 2 units bu…
Sold $150
1937 3d blue KGVI Die II John Ash imprint pair. MUH, light bend in selvedge. ACSC 193zb, Cat. $450 for block
Sold $40
1937 2/- black on green booklet with 12 x 2d red KGV, Die III with wmk inv & front & back cover advertisements reversed. Exc cond. ACSC B48Ab, Cat.…
Sold $400
1937/48 10/- Robes in John Ash imprint block of 4. MUH/MLH & well centred. ACSC 214z, Cat. $225
Sold $75
1937/48 £1 Robes on thin paper in horizontal pair. MUH & perfectly centred plus single centred slightly low/left. ACSC 217, Cat. $150 each (3)
Sold $180
1937/48 £1 Robes in John Ash imprint block of 4 on thick paper. MUH & well centred. ACSC 216z, Cat. $850
Sold $320
1937/48 Robes set of 3 with 5/- on thin paper & 10/- & £1 on thick. Fresh MUH. SG 176a, 177 & 178, Retail $150 (3)
Sold $50
1937/49 Robes set of 3 on thin paper. Well centred MUH with the 5/- on tinted paper. ACSC 213/17, Cat. $255 (3)
Sold $80
1938 (26th Oct) German addressed cover posted on board "T.S.S. Ascanius" with boxed "PAQUEBOT" cachet & KGV/KGVI mixed 8½d franking tied by Adelai…
1938 2d scarlet KGV1 Die 2 gutter block of 8 with top selvedge. Plate number 4 on top selvedge above gutter with 2 perf pips. Mint no gum. ACSC 188…


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