Lot No |
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Est. |
Australia: Pre-decimal |
 1911/12 1d black KGV full-face showing "LAKE ST CLAIR TASMANIA" Lettercard. Fine unused. ACSC LC10(67A), Cat. $175 $60 Sold $60 |
 1911/12 1d grey-green KGV full-face Lettercard showing "ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUST." Fine unused. ACSC LC12(1), Cat. $175 $60 Sold $90 |
 1911/12 1d KGV full-face on grey surfaced Lettercard showing "CAIRNS RAILWAY, QUEENSLAND" framed oval in red-brown. Fine unused. ACSC LC 10(28A), C… $60 Sold $60 |
 1911/12 1d red-brown KGV full-face Lettercard showing "THE GORGE. LAUNCESTON. TAS." Fine used. ACSC LC10(55C), Cat. $175 $60 Sold $60 |
 1911/12 1d sepia KGV full-face showing "MOSMAN'S BAY. SYDNEY. N.S.W." Lettercard. Small adhesion to inside gummed strip otherwise fine unused. ACSC… $40 Sold $36 |
 1913 (17th Jan) 2/- kangaroo booklet complete with 1d x 18 & ½d x 12 1st wmk. Inside covers with red on blue-green with the bold headings sans ser… $1200 Sold $2000 |
 1913 1d KGV engraved with "re-entry down right side" variety single (ACSC 59(4)g) MVLH & "weak entry right of emu's head" (ACSC 59(4)o) in pair wit… $40 Sold $20 |
 1913 1d greenish-black kangaroo Letter Card Embossed with "The Two Brothers Queensland" large rocks on reverse side. No stop after Australia in hea… $50 Sold $85 |
 1913 1d grey-black kangaroo Letter Card showing "Central Railway Station, Brisbane" on reverse. Shows plate damage under left value tablet. Unused … $40 Sold $65 |
1913 (16th Dec) 1d carmine-red (a little oxidised) on commercial cover to tied by Albert Park, Vic cds. ACSC $300 $80 Archived |
 1914/18 1d deep brown KGV Sideface lettercard showing "CIRCULAR QUAY, SYDNEY." with sky. Fine unused. ACSC LC18(34A), Cat. $175 $60 Sold $60 |
 1914/18 KGV Sideface 1d black KGV Sideface Lettercard, perf 10 & pink inside. Shows "MARCH through streets of MELBOURNE/of A.I.F.' (cropped). Fine … $60 Sold $60 |
 1915 1d blue-black KGV Letter Card with "North Terrace Adelaide" on reverse. Unused in vg cond. ACSC LC 17 (93), Cat. $150 $40 Sold $40 |
1915 1d, Die I KGV "Troops on board Transport" Military Views prestamped Letter Card. Interestingly the bow of ship has had "A140" deleted indicati… $150 Archived |
 1916 1d carmine KGV Military Envelope with "A.I.F., ABROAD" setting II with 27mm lines on buff laid bâtonné paper. Album tan lines on reverse oth… $75 Sold $55 |
 1916 1d carmine KGV Pre-stamped Military Envelope with "AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE". Mint cond, odd small tone spot. ACSC ME1, Cat. $300 $75 Archived |
 1916 2d violet KGV "Star" Embossed envelope CTO with Melbourne 23 cds & dated 3/7/1916. Note that the whole printing of this envelope was CTO for t… $30 Sold $24 |
 1918 (2nd Apr) 4d orange Kangaroo pre-printed Registered long envelope uprated with 1d red KGV single wmk tied by Brisbane regd cds. Addressed to M… $100 Sold $100 |
 1918 (4th Apr) cover to USA with "PASSED" h/s bearing 2½d kangaroo (short bottom left corner) showing "scratch extending from Cape Leeuwin" variet… $20 Sold $20 |
 1918 (11th May) Prisoner of War Cover from Switzerland to Liverpool, NSW with "COMITE INTERNATIONAL DE LA CROIX ROUGE GENEVE AGENCE DES PRISONNIERS… $50 Sold $50 |
 1918 (29th June) OHMS long cover with block of 4 x 1d red KGV Die I, single wmk on smooth paper & perfined "OS". "UNCLAIMED", "UNKNOWN BY LETTER CA… $50 Sold $80 |
 1921 (11th Jan) 2d orange KGV Perf 12½ showing "GIBBERABONG CREEK N.S.W.' Lettercard uprated with ½dgreen KGV Single Wmk pair paying 2½d letter … $120 Sold $150 |
 1921 (16th Sept) Registered OHMS cover with 1d red KGV single wmk on smooth paper, 2d orange KGV single Wmk & 6d pale blue kangaroo 3d Wmk tied by … $100 Sold $100 |
1922 (6th Oct) 4d blue to dull blue KGV on cover from Queensland to Germany tied by machine cancel. Some staining on front otherwise sound. ACSC 112C $30 Sold $30 |
 1922/23 2d red KGV Letter Card with "Pineapples, Queensland" scene on reverse. Unused in vg cond. ACSC LC49 (102B), Cat. $250 $60 Sold $50 |
 1922/23 2d red KGV Lettercard showing "CARTING – FAR NORTH". Unused with tiny blemishes. ACSC LC49(29), Cat. $250 $60 Sold $55 |
 1922/23 2d red KGV Lettercard showing "G.P.O. HOBART". Fine unused. ACSC LC49(58A), Cat. $250 $100 Sold $100 |
 1923 (30th April) Perth registered long OHMS cover to West Perth with 5d bright chestnut KGV Die 1, single wmk on rough paper & perfined "OS". Incl… $280 Sold $230 |
 1923 1½d red-brown KGV Pre-stamped Post Card ovptd "ONE PENNY". Mint in vg cond. ACSC P58, Cat. $500 $150 Archived |
 1924 1d violet KGV Prestamped Post Card with "No top to crown" variety & 1½d emerald-green ovptd "ONE PENNY". Former with Penrith cds & latter use… $80 Sold $65 |
 1924 1d green KGV Pre-stamped Post Card Die III with 1 mint & 1 used with Adelaide machine cancellation. Good cond. ACSC P61, Cat. $250 $60 Archived |
 1924 1½d emerald-green KGV Pre-stamped Post Card ovptd "ONE PENNY" with "broken bottom right corner of embossed stamp" variety. Mint in vg cond. A… $150 Archived |
 1924 3d Airmail, type A set of 1-4 plate blocks of 4. MUH with light tan line on each. ACSC 134za zb,zc&zd, Cat. $700 $100 Sold $100 |
 1924 THREE HALFPENCE on 1d green KGV Sideface, Die I - Type 1 printed for Victorian Education Department with I.342/4.28-4232 imprint on reverse. F… $70 Sold $65 |
 1927 1½d Parl House with double perforation at top. MLH with hinge remainder. ACSC 132bc, Cat. $150 $50 Sold $90 |
 1927 2/- Opening of Parl House, Canberra booklet with incomplete pane of 6. Cover in good cond. SG SB22 $20 Sold $20 |
 1927 2/- Opening of Parl House, Canberra booklet unusually with both panes of stamps cancelled at Perth 12 MY 27. $50 Sold $50 |
 1928 2/3d green on pale green booklet with 18 x 1½d KGV with inverted wmks. Odd staple rust spot on cover otherwise fine. ACSC B39Aa, Cat. $600 $180 Sold $230 |
 1928 2/3d green on pale green booklet with 3 panes each of 6 x 1½d golden scarlet KGV Die 2, Small Mult wmk perf. 13½ with inverted wmk. VG Cond.… $180 Sold $280 |
 1928 Kookaburra Exhibition Miniature Sheet. Fresh MLH with barely noticeable hinge mark. Wide margins from bottom right of sheet. SG MS 106a. $100 Sold $100 |
 1928 Kookaburra Exhibition Miniature Sheet. Fine & fresh MUH from top of sheet. SG MS 106a $100 Sold $130 |
 1928 Kookaburra Exhibition Miniature Sheet. Fresh MUH. SG MS 106a, retails $250. $100 Sold $40 |
 1928 Kookaburra Exhibition sheetlet in block of 4 CTO with two red & two black Exhibition cancels on each block (29 OCT 28). Gum is tanned but undi… $300 Sold $850 |
 1929 3d green Airmail, type A, Ash imprint block of 4. MUH with very light album tan line but frontally fresh & well centered. ACSC 134z Cat. $125 $30 Sold $30 |
 1930 2/- blue-green on pale green booklet with 12 x 2d KGV with CofA wmk inverted. Album tan lines on back cover otherwise good cond. ACSC B42, Cat… $150 Sold $270 |
 1930 2/- green on pale green booklet with 12 x 2d KGV with CofA wmk inverted & "Parcel Rates" text on back cover. Very good cond. ACSC B43a, Cat. $800 $240 Sold $480 |
 1930 2/- green on pale green booklet with 12 x 2d KGV with SM wmk inverted & revised text. Album tan line on back cover otherwise good cond. ACSC B… $180 Sold $420 |
 1930 3/- "AIR MAIL SAVES TIME" black on blue cover with 3 fresh panes of 4 MUH plus 2 panes of air mail etiquettes. VG cond with original staple. S… $600 Sold $725 |
 1931 (1st-31st Jan) "Register of Parcels Posted" form bearing 31 very good strikes of the scarce "MAJURA F.C.T." cds for every day of January! $80 Sold $80 |
 1931 (27th Mar) OHMS "Commonwealth Bureau of Census & Statistics" Canberra to Perth by Air Mail cover with 2d golden scarlet KGV (small mult wmk. P… $75 Sold $75 |