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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Pre-decimal
1911/12 1d black KGV full-face showing "LAKE ST CLAIR TASMANIA" Lettercard. Fine unused. ACSC LC10(67A), Cat. $175
Sold $60
1911/12 1d grey-green KGV full-face Lettercard showing "ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUST." Fine unused. ACSC LC12(1), Cat. $175
Sold $90
1911/12 1d KGV full-face on grey surfaced Lettercard showing "CAIRNS RAILWAY, QUEENSLAND" framed oval in red-brown. Fine unused. ACSC LC 10(28A), C…
Sold $60
1911/12 1d red-brown KGV full-face Lettercard showing "THE GORGE. LAUNCESTON. TAS." Fine used. ACSC LC10(55C), Cat. $175
Sold $60
1911/12 1d sepia KGV full-face showing "MOSMAN'S BAY. SYDNEY. N.S.W." Lettercard. Small adhesion to inside gummed strip otherwise fine unused. ACSC…
Sold $36
1913 (17th Jan) 2/- kangaroo booklet complete with 1d x 18 & ½d x 12 1st wmk. Inside covers with red on blue-green with the bold headings sans ser…
Sold $2000
1913 1d KGV engraved with "re-entry down right side" variety single (ACSC 59(4)g) MVLH & "weak entry right of emu's head" (ACSC 59(4)o) in pair wit…
Sold $20
1913 1d greenish-black kangaroo Letter Card Embossed with "The Two Brothers Queensland" large rocks on reverse side. No stop after Australia in hea…
Sold $85
1913 1d grey-black kangaroo Letter Card showing "Central Railway Station, Brisbane" on reverse. Shows plate damage under left value tablet. Unused …
Sold $65
1913 (16th Dec) 1d carmine-red (a little oxidised) on commercial cover to tied by Albert Park, Vic cds. ACSC $300
1914/18 1d deep brown KGV Sideface lettercard showing "CIRCULAR QUAY, SYDNEY." with sky. Fine unused. ACSC LC18(34A), Cat. $175
Sold $60
1914/18 KGV Sideface 1d black KGV Sideface Lettercard, perf 10 & pink inside. Shows "MARCH through streets of MELBOURNE/of A.I.F.' (cropped). Fine …
Sold $60
1915 1d blue-black KGV Letter Card with "North Terrace Adelaide" on reverse. Unused in vg cond. ACSC LC 17 (93), Cat. $150
Sold $40
1915 1d, Die I KGV "Troops on board Transport" Military Views prestamped Letter Card. Interestingly the bow of ship has had "A140" deleted indicati…
1916 1d carmine KGV Military Envelope with "A.I.F., ABROAD" setting II with 27mm lines on buff laid bâtonné paper. Album tan lines on reverse oth…
Sold $55
1916 1d carmine KGV Pre-stamped Military Envelope with "AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE". Mint cond, odd small tone spot. ACSC ME1, Cat. $300
1916 2d violet KGV "Star" Embossed envelope CTO with Melbourne 23 cds & dated 3/7/1916. Note that the whole printing of this envelope was CTO for t…
Sold $24
1918 (2nd Apr) 4d orange Kangaroo pre-printed Registered long envelope uprated with 1d red KGV single wmk tied by Brisbane regd cds. Addressed to M…
Sold $100
1918 (4th Apr) cover to USA with "PASSED" h/s bearing 2½d kangaroo (short bottom left corner) showing "scratch extending from Cape Leeuwin" variet…
Sold $20
1918 (11th May) Prisoner of War Cover from Switzerland to Liverpool, NSW with "COMITE INTERNATIONAL DE LA CROIX ROUGE GENEVE AGENCE DES PRISONNIERS…
Sold $50
1918 (29th June) OHMS long cover with block of 4 x 1d red KGV Die I, single wmk on smooth paper & perfined "OS". "UNCLAIMED", "UNKNOWN BY LETTER CA…
Sold $80
1921 (11th Jan) 2d orange KGV Perf 12½ showing "GIBBERABONG CREEK N.S.W.' Lettercard uprated with ½dgreen KGV Single Wmk pair paying 2½d letter …
Sold $150
1921 (16th Sept) Registered OHMS cover with 1d red KGV single wmk on smooth paper, 2d orange KGV single Wmk & 6d pale blue kangaroo 3d Wmk tied by …
Sold $100
1922 (6th Oct) 4d blue to dull blue KGV on cover from Queensland to Germany tied by machine cancel. Some staining on front otherwise sound. ACSC 112C
Sold $30
1922/23 2d red KGV Letter Card with "Pineapples, Queensland" scene on reverse. Unused in vg cond. ACSC LC49 (102B), Cat. $250
Sold $50
1922/23 2d red KGV Lettercard showing "CARTING – FAR NORTH". Unused with tiny blemishes. ACSC LC49(29), Cat. $250
Sold $55
1922/23 2d red KGV Lettercard showing "G.P.O. HOBART". Fine unused. ACSC LC49(58A), Cat. $250
Sold $100
1923 (30th April) Perth registered long OHMS cover to West Perth with 5d bright chestnut KGV Die 1, single wmk on rough paper & perfined "OS". Incl…
Sold $230
1923 1½d red-brown KGV Pre-stamped Post Card ovptd "ONE PENNY". Mint in vg cond. ACSC P58, Cat. $500
1924 1d violet KGV Prestamped Post Card with "No top to crown" variety & 1½d emerald-green ovptd "ONE PENNY". Former with Penrith cds & latter use…
Sold $65
1924 1d green KGV Pre-stamped Post Card Die III with 1 mint & 1 used with Adelaide machine cancellation. Good cond. ACSC P61, Cat. $250
1924 1½d emerald-green KGV Pre-stamped Post Card ovptd "ONE PENNY" with "broken bottom right corner of embossed stamp" variety. Mint in vg cond. A…
1924 3d Airmail, type A set of 1-4 plate blocks of 4. MUH with light tan line on each. ACSC 134za zb,zc&zd, Cat. $700
Sold $100
1924 THREE HALFPENCE on 1d green KGV Sideface, Die I - Type 1 printed for Victorian Education Department with I.342/4.28-4232 imprint on reverse. F…
Sold $65
1927 1½d Parl House with double perforation at top. MLH with hinge remainder. ACSC 132bc, Cat. $150
Sold $90
1927 2/- Opening of Parl House, Canberra booklet with incomplete pane of 6. Cover in good cond. SG SB22
Sold $20
1927 2/- Opening of Parl House, Canberra booklet unusually with both panes of stamps cancelled at Perth 12 MY 27.
Sold $50
1928 2/3d green on pale green booklet with 18 x 1½d KGV with inverted wmks. Odd staple rust spot on cover otherwise fine. ACSC B39Aa, Cat. $600
Sold $230
1928 2/3d green on pale green booklet with 3 panes each of 6 x 1½d golden scarlet KGV Die 2, Small Mult wmk perf. 13½ with inverted wmk. VG Cond.…
Sold $280
1928 Kookaburra Exhibition Miniature Sheet. Fresh MLH with barely noticeable hinge mark. Wide margins from bottom right of sheet. SG MS 106a.
Sold $100
1928 Kookaburra Exhibition Miniature Sheet. Fine & fresh MUH from top of sheet. SG MS 106a
Sold $130
1928 Kookaburra Exhibition Miniature Sheet. Fresh MUH. SG MS 106a, retails $250.
Sold $40
1928 Kookaburra Exhibition sheetlet in block of 4 CTO with two red & two black Exhibition cancels on each block (29 OCT 28). Gum is tanned but undi…
Sold $850
1929 3d green Airmail, type A, Ash imprint block of 4. MUH with very light album tan line but frontally fresh & well centered. ACSC 134z Cat. $125
Sold $30
1930 2/- blue-green on pale green booklet with 12 x 2d KGV with CofA wmk inverted. Album tan lines on back cover otherwise good cond. ACSC B42, Cat…
Sold $270
1930 2/- green on pale green booklet with 12 x 2d KGV with CofA wmk inverted & "Parcel Rates" text on back cover. Very good cond. ACSC B43a, Cat. $800
Sold $480
1930 2/- green on pale green booklet with 12 x 2d KGV with SM wmk inverted & revised text. Album tan line on back cover otherwise good cond. ACSC B…
Sold $420
1930 3/- "AIR MAIL SAVES TIME" black on blue cover with 3 fresh panes of 4 MUH plus 2 panes of air mail etiquettes. VG cond with original staple. S…
Sold $725
1931 (1st-31st Jan) "Register of Parcels Posted" form bearing 31 very good strikes of the scarce "MAJURA F.C.T." cds for every day of January!
Sold $80
1931 (27th Mar) OHMS "Commonwealth Bureau of Census & Statistics" Canberra to Perth by Air Mail cover with 2d golden scarlet KGV (small mult wmk. P…
Sold $75


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